Converting Formulas To Values While Copying / Pasting Columns Between Worksheets (VBA)
Feb 6, 2014
I have code that "mostly" works great. I'm copying columns from one sheet to another sheet, but in different columns. I have unique code for each copy/paste. The source is mostly raw data. However, there are a few columns that are formula-based, and I'm having a problem. I've attached my code, and it works, but it takes 20 minutes to complete.
I'm very new to macros, but I think(?) I know enough that a data source with 2,000 rows and 30 columns shouldn't take 20 minutes to complete the macro calculations. All of the columns (copy and paste) in the code are pure data. The only exception is the column labeled "AI". Is there are shortcut, other than creating new columns in the source data sheet and pasting these results as values? I put the specific pieces of code that I'm referencing in bold.
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Feb 12, 2010
I have attached the file. The row being copied is row "X" for both buttons. I have 2 buttons in the same worksheet to copy a row and insert the copied row below it. I have this macro running for 2 different rows in the worksheet, assigned to the respective 2 buttons. See my code below.
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Jan 24, 2012
I was wondering if there was a way to create patterns when copying and pasting formulas?
For example, here is what I want to do right now:
In other words, have a pattern in the formula?
Or something like this, but filling out cells horizontally.
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Jan 16, 2007
I'm writing code which will copy multiple sheets of information in a workbook (from a report) and trying to paste it onto one sheet in another document where I can further manipulate the data. Here's my code, I've made some mistakes, and I've just been banging my head against the screen try to fix it. I'm erroring at ActiveCell. Offset(1, 0).Range("A1").Select. I'm trying to paste it all in one sheet at the next blank cell in the sheet and then close the document after it's all been pasted.
Sub OpenDataSheet()
'Opens CSS Report
Workbooks.Open Filename:="C:Documents and SettingseichornjDesktopTest and Destroy est and destroy CSS.xls"
'Delete first two sheets of CSS report
Application.DisplayAlerts = False
Worksheets( Array(1, 2)).Delete
Dim mySheet As Worksheet
For Each mySheet In Worksheets
'Delete unneeded rows of CSS report
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Jul 10, 2014
So, I have a document 25 pages long. It has 26 sections (1-26) and each section has up to 10 (.1 - .10) sub sections which contain 16 (a-p) sub-sub-sections. There are 6 columns of varying widths. Some cells, in a row, merge into adjacent cells.
I would like to break this document into 26 documents - one for each section - so that I may recombine and regroup them in the future incorporating a few modifications. Whenever I copy and paste to a new Workbook, I loose the formatting of column widths. Resetting these alone takes lots of time.
I have come up with is to duplicate the entire document and delete everything above and below the section I would like to save. Then repeat for next section. There's got to be a better way?
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Jun 21, 2014
I am trying to copy several columns into another sheet within the same workbook.
I want to copy Columns 1,2, 15, 19, 23, 40.
I don't know how to work with arrays.
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Mar 31, 2014
I have a sheet made into a form with some check boxes included. If I select all the relevant columns, create a new sheet, and paste into cell A1 - all of the information carries over just fine. You can still select cells and check the boxes in the new sheet.
However, when I record this action as a macro, using the macro produces a picture of the selected columns instead of actually copy/pasting the information. I can't click on the cells or check boxes. I can only move the picture around within the new sheet.
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Jul 10, 2014
I am trying to copy data from an employee worksheet into a database that tracks the history of that data when they click submit. Everything is working well, except I can't figure out how to change the code to copy and paste values instead of the formulas.
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Dec 17, 2012
I need to take a list of about 1,500 rows of data (single column) and convert it into columns of 9 entries. I know that I can select nine rows and then paste using transpose... But any way of "automating" the process?
becomes 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 etc....
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Oct 19, 2007
I was kindly provided with a formula from this forum a few months ago (in the attached workbook) to calculate the area under the curve of strings of data of varying length (i.e. different number of rows) these strings of data are aligned with a timeline (providing the Y and X axis for the curve respectively). The formula is able to calculate the area under these curves without the need for adjustment to the number of rows of the dataset.
However I have now tried to copy this formula to a new datasheet with a different total number of rows and a timeline fixed (of different intervals) in column A (rather than moving for each string of data) and I am receiving a #N/A error. I am sure that I have copied the formula correctly. Can anyone help fix my formula so that it calculates area under the curve again? I would like it to calculate the area under the curve for the data in the same column but using the fixed timeline in column A.
The working formula is on the sheet ‘original formula layout’ and the formula containing the error is on the sheet ‘new formula layout’.
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Nov 8, 2013
I recently received an .xls book which I then saved as .xlsx (I'm using 2010). There are just under 8,000 rows and 20 columns. File Size 1MB.
The only formulas in the sheet are the ones in a column which I inserted and copied down for all 8,000 rows. Nothing too complicated: no arrays or anything. The sheet calculates fine.
I am simply trying to copy and paste these formulas as values (into the same cells), though at every attempt Excel crashes. I tried on smaller sets of the column and just got it to work for a few hundred rows, though it struggles with any more than that.
I opened a different workbook of mine, and tried the same operation on twice as many cells containing complicated, lengthy array formulas and the action completed instantly.
There is no Conditional Formatting in the book, no code, no 'last cell' issue, no Named Ranges, no external links.
I have even copied the data to a new workbook, then copied the text of just one of the formulas over into this book, added an equals sign, copied down and recalculated, then tried to paste as values again. Still crashes.
=IF(AND(N3>1,ROWS($1:1)<>MATCH(M3,$M$3:$M$7979,0)),"Exact Duplicate","")
is far more resource-hungry than I thought, though if that were the case, wouldn't the issue be during calculation (which, as I said, is fine) and not during a paste attempt? No, it can't be this.
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Feb 24, 2009
I'm trying to copy and paste this formula to multiple cells and am having difficulty doing so without everything in the formula changing.. SUMIF(Bankroll!Q14:Q6000,U143,Bankroll!Y14:Y6000)
I only want the U143 to change to U144, U145, etc. Yet when I copy and paste down the sheet it changes the Q14:Q6000 and the Y14:Y6000 values as well. I've been having to go through and paste the formula one line at a time and then manually change the U143 to the current U cell that I want it to represent in order to keep the rest of the values the same. Is there a faster way than this?
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Mar 19, 2013
How to copy and paste conditional formatting with our changing the cell values. My first row of data starts in row 4 and here is what I have in D4
If D4 is less than or equal to AA4, AW4, BS4, CO4 then it will highlight D4
Now I want to copy that format and paste it for all rows in column D. The problem I'm having though is when I paste the formula it doesn't change to match the row I'm on. For example, when I paste it in D5 this is what I get
If D5 is less than or equal to AA4, AW4, BS4, CO4 then it will highlight D5
How do I paste it so that it will update to show AA5, AW5, BS5, and CO5. I want to be able to do this for 500 rows.
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Feb 7, 2007
I have a pretty slick macro that once ran will save the spreadsheet and copy the input to a master sheet, so far it is very functional. I borrowed most of the code from within this forum, as VBA is not my strong point. My problem being that when the script runs and posts the output to the master sheet, it is pasting formulas. I need it to strictly paste the values in, otherwise my master sheet is referencing hundreds of other worksheets.
Sub Finished()
Dim iReply As Integer
Dim countColumn As Integer
Dim MyFullName As String
MyFullName = ThisWorkbook. Name
iReply = MsgBox(Prompt:="This will upload your tracker and exit, Are you sure?", _
Buttons:=vbYesNo, Title:="")
If iReply = vbYes Then
'If Yes Do This
Application.DisplayAlerts = False...................
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Mar 4, 2014
I have a series of formulas in Row 1 across the columns in worksheet A. I would like to copy these formulas to a single column and down rows in worksheet B while retaining the references to worksheet A. I know that I can manually enter the references in worksheet B but that would take a long time to do.
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Nov 13, 2006
If I have formulas in A1, A5, A19, and A36, highlight them with goto, how do I move them into B1, B5, B19, and B36? Copying and pasting puts them in B1, B2, B3, and B4.
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Dec 31, 2012
I have a spreadsheet with a lot of financial information going down a column (about 500 rows down). Most of the cells are just typed in, but certain rows have sum formulas in them. Is it possible to copy values from another workbook, paste the values in, but somehow keep the formulas that are running through?
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Jun 20, 2006
i want to copy data from one excel workbook to other (or ever between diff sheet wud do ) on basis of search on a complete column by picking data one by one from other column & on finding the exact match copy 4 columns form one workbook(or sheet) to other. this has to be done 4 a bulk of data (1000+) so manually is next to impossible.
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May 15, 2014
I want to copy the current region on sheet 3 and paste that into sheet2 starting with cell E4. But I don't want to actually use the copy method. I believe there is a way to do this. I was thinking the following:
[Code] ......
The idea I had was to simply state that cell E4 would be assigned the value of CurrentRegion on sheet 3. Is there a way to bypass the copy method?
If not, how to copy, then paste?
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May 28, 2014
I am trying to come up with a macro that selects values from one sheet and inserts them into another sheet. The number of values will change each time based on the user's entry, as well as the number of times that each entry should be pasted.
For example:
Entry: X | Y | Z
Number of Times to be Inserted to New Sheet 3 | 2 | 1
I have spent a while trying to figure it out, however the best I can come up with is using an array, but I can only get one value from the array to paste multiple times:
(*Note: In my testing, I didn't insert into new sheet or set up the array to handle different values, I was just trying to get the basic idea to work)
Dim A(1, 3) As Variant
A(1, 1) = Range("C3").Value
A(1, 2) = Range("D3").Value
A(1, 3) = Range("E3").Value
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Aug 3, 2009
i have about 100 worksheets in my workbook ..i need to combine them into one worksheet ...all my 100 worksheet has many formulas in some of the cells.
i want to combine all the worksheets one below the other with a gap of 5 blank rows after each worksheet contents....i just want the values in each worksheet to be pasted and no formulas...
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Dec 15, 2008
I've found a few macros that will automate changing cell references from absolute to relative and they work great. However, when I run the macros on formulas that have references to another worksheet or workbook, the macro will not work correctly.
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Dec 14, 2012
I am trying to optimize my code below. It works but it is soo slow, it seems to slow down on the array copy and paste special areas. I believe this is because its doing a cell to cell paste method. These sheets have data as well as graphs that i want to retain on the new sheet, but i could select ranges for each each if that would speed up this procedure.
Sub CreateDataSheet()
Dim ws As Worksheet
Dim sDataOutputName As String
With Application
.Cursor = xlWait
.StatusBar = "Saving DataSheet..."
.ScreenUpdating = False
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Feb 9, 2010
For simplicity sake if I wanted to paste the letter A in to a cell that already had the letter B in it to make the cell read AB how could I achieve this?
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May 13, 2014
I need to list only the unique values in a range found in multiple columns. Some cells are blank. I need to list all the unique values in numeric and/or alphanumeric order in another column within the same worksheet. I would prefer non-array formulas, if possible. See the attached file.
In the attached table, I have 5 columns and 5 rows of values in the range B2:F6. The unique values, in order, are 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. This looks simple and can be done manually if the file is small but I have 150 columns and 150 rows, thus the need for automation.
List of unique values in multiple columns 2.xlsx
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Dec 15, 2008
I have the following code which copies and pastes from one row to another
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Dec 1, 2007
I've got cells which change after I use Solver to do simulations, These cells after the calculation is run I'd lke to paste into a seperate sheet and row for example (in preparating of charting them for example)..
I would like to paste it as folllows for example... .. but problem is, let's say the below list are in column A of the new sheet, than column B would be the first output of the calculation in the other sheet, column C would be the second output from the calculation in the other sheet. and so on..
I don't know the first thing on scripting, but I'd like to click on button where the calculations are made which when clicked on ,will paste to the other sheet in this sort of manner below.
Each calculation will use another column.. so the script must recognise there is other columns to the left already filled, ie. B, C, D, E F, coresponding to the results of calculations already performed.
Gross income
Net Tax
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Jul 28, 2013
I'm making a Excel list for trading cards (MTG) and I've divided it into different worksheets in order to sort it by the color of the cards (not really important I guess).
The issue I have is that I want it to copy certain columns (in this case C3:C1000, F3:F1000, G3:1000 ) from almost all of the worksheets into a new worksheet where it should paste them into column A, B and C.
In two of the worksheets it's also different (C3:C1000 , G3:G:1000, H3:H1000).
I've seen many where you copy one range from multiple worksheets, and that would've been okay I guess if not those two worksheets were different. I'd prefer not to change them, and I'd also prefer if I could've gotten just the information I needed also. Is this possible to do?
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Feb 16, 2009
I have a graph, that I would like to be able to copy from one sheet and paste into another, is there away of doing this without dropping the data i.e. every time I copy and paste the graph clears, I don't want to copy the spreadsheet data as well as the graph is purely for a visual
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May 11, 2012
I have a folder with files in it. I want to copy the file names and past them into my Excel spreadsheet. This seems like it should be a simple task.
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