Copying Multiple Columns From Multiple Worksheets To Summary Worksheet

Jul 28, 2013

I'm making a Excel list for trading cards (MTG) and I've divided it into different worksheets in order to sort it by the color of the cards (not really important I guess).

The issue I have is that I want it to copy certain columns (in this case C3:C1000, F3:F1000, G3:1000 ) from almost all of the worksheets into a new worksheet where it should paste them into column A, B and C.

In two of the worksheets it's also different (C3:C1000 , G3:G:1000, H3:H1000).

I've seen many where you copy one range from multiple worksheets, and that would've been okay I guess if not those two worksheets were different. I'd prefer not to change them, and I'd also prefer if I could've gotten just the information I needed also. Is this possible to do?

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Copying A Set Of Cells From Multiple Worksheets To New Row On Summary Sheet

Oct 6, 2009

I have a workbook that tracks pollutant emissions. The workbook could end up having up to 180 worksheets, one for each pollutant and the emission total. I have VBA to create a new sheet for each pollutant (attached) using a hidden template sheet.

The summary sheet in position 1 needs to list each pollutant worksheet on a new row, and the same 4 cells from each worksheet (id, name, value, value). I have been typing out the cell references in the summary sheet, and it gets boring [=Sheet!Cell id], [=Sheet!Cell name], etc.

Is there a way for me to copy those cells to the summary sheet when the new sheet is created?

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Find The Total Rows In Multiple Worksheets And Paste It To A Summary Worksheet

Aug 22, 2009

I am trying to find the total rows in multiple worksheets and to copy the row count to a summary sheet.

For Each ws In Workbooks("HR.xls").Worksheets
With ws
If ws.Name "Summary" Then
If ws.Name "Pivot" Then

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Copying Data From Multiple Worksheets To A Master Worksheet

Jun 22, 2009

I have a workbook with multiple worksheets. Each worksheet is a set o data from a certain year. I want to create a macro that automatically copies the data from these worksheets into a master worksheet that can easily be used to make a pivot table.

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Copying Data From Multiple Worksheets To Multiple Worksheets In Another Workbook VBA

May 14, 2012

I have 2 nearly identical workbooks and I need to update historical data from the old workbook into the newer one.

My current Coding Snippets that I want to use look like the following:

Sub UpdateWorkbook()
Dim ws As Worksheet
Dim r1 As String
Dim r2 As String
Dim r3 As String
Dim r4 As String
Dim r5 As String
Dim r6 As String


Now, this code isn't working I suspect because the Copy and PasteSpecial Functions don't work the way I wish to.

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Copy Columns From Multiple Worksheets To Single Worksheet

Apr 8, 2014

I have Folder with almost 21 or 22 Excel files depending on the working days in a month,

All I am trying to do is to run a Macro so that Column C and D from Sheet Name "Resource Count" from all Workbooks of Different Names from all the files from that folder to be copied and pasted to a new Workbook one after the other in new workbook.

To clarify, Each workbook in that folder will have a sheet named "Resource Count" and I want to copy Column C and Column D from all the workbooks from the folder and paste one after other in a new work book.

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Combine Multiple Worksheets Into New Worksheet Without Duplicating Columns

Feb 15, 2013

I wanted to see if it were possible to combine multiple worksheets into one new worksheet, but without duplicating columns with the same heading, enabling the data to fall into the correct column if it's shared in multiple worksheets, and adding columns if their unique. Furthermore, if there are a few "leading" columns, i.e. ones that are shared in every sheet and never move from where they are, to include those as the leading columns in the new sheet. I'm unable to post an attachment, but I'll try to paint a picture. This is on a much smaller scale than intended, but I want to combine Sheet 1 and Sheet 2 to form Sheet 3 (which I've manually copied to look how I would want it to look if the formula/code works properly). Columns A, B, and C are the "leading" columns I was referencing, whereas any of the following columns may or may not be shared in the various worksheets, but should still be included and combined if they're the same. There also might be a different number of columns depending on the sheet. I consider myself somewhat of an intermediate user, and I am familiar with using VBA codes for formulas should that be the proper remedy.

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Automate Copying From Multiple Spreadsheets Into One Summary In Same Workbook?

Apr 3, 2013

My problem is automating a process that takes information from a single column with a range of D7:D77 in 22 spreadsheets and places this information in a summary spreadsheet as rows corresponding to the names of each spreadsheet. This is within the same workbook.

For example say spreadsheet A1 has a column from D7:D77 I would like this information in a summary spreadsheet with the row titled A1 and D1:D77 transposed. This would then be repeated for the remaining spreadsheets

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Summary Of Data From Multiple Worksheets

Jan 11, 2010

I have 9 sheets of sales data, some with over 50,000 records. I need a way to present this information in another worksheet so I can bring up just the data based on individual brands. I understand a pivot table is needed however I cannot see how to gather data from multiple worksheets.

For example:

I need to look at all the different sales for Product A, which appears in multiple worksheets. Product A is broken down to store-level, with records for number of sales in each store, one record for units and one for value (for the same store and product). Is there a way I can get the data for all of Product A in one worksheet so I can then easily add the totals across all stores by both units and value?

Store 1 - Product A - 10 units
Store 1 - Product A - £20
Store 2 - Product A - 7 units
Store 2 - Product A - £14

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Macro For Summary Of Multiple Worksheets?

Feb 6, 2014

I am trying to create one Excel file for accounting purposes. Within this file I want to create a worksheet for each customer I have in my store. On this sheet I want to list my costs and their payments. I would like to then create a summary sheet which adds all of the individual customer sheets together. Now this is easy to do manually, but what I need to create is an automation (Macro I assume) that does the following:

I add a new sheet and name it after the new customer. The Macro automatically adds that sheet into the formula for the summary sheet. This way may secretary only needs to activate the macro, which will copy a sheet and automatically update the summary page to include this newly copied sheet and all its information. Now the process for automating projected costs and profits is very easy and requires nothing more but to activate the macro.

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Conditional Summary From Multiple Worksheets

Feb 12, 2008

In the attached WB I'm looking for some formula (for cells A6:C6 in the brown table) to summaries cells A2, in the different sheets, as per a criteria, located in cells A5:C5 in the brown table.

The criterias (A, B, and C) should check cells A1 of each sheet.

I would also like to know how to handle sheets named A, B, C, D, E instead of Numbers in such formulas.

So far for my question.

In addition - I tried some " Array Formulas" in order to understand the concept of solving such a problem - and came up with some "weird" results as you will see in the attached WB. Any additional word will be superfluous...

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Lookup Across Multiple Worksheets (summary Sheet)

Feb 2, 2005

I want to create a summary sheet that will lookup a particular cells value on
multiple sheets (averaging 58 sheets) in a workbook (e.g. $J$19) based upon a
cell next to it ($I$19) that will match the criteria on the summary sheet
(e.g. w1, w2, w3).

I have tried VLOOKAllSheets but when there are other similar workbooks open,
it doesn't work right.

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Combine Multiple Worksheets Into One Summary Sheet?

Jan 30, 2014

I have one workbook with 6 worksheets, each sheet has a table with the same headings, different data, each sheet is named south, east,erie central south & west, how can i pull them all into one summary sheet? and have it constantly update? using the = and referencing each sheet won't work as they will grow and overlap each other?

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Create Summary By Returning Two Cells From Multiple Worksheets

Apr 17, 2013

I am using Multiple worksheets ( 30 to 35 ) of same format to calculate Individual scores of an event. Each sheet contains Participant Name in C4 and Score in E 21.

Macro to provide a summary sheet which returns C4 & E21 in all the sheets..

The score in E21 is calculated thru another macro done with excel recording feature..

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Copy Same Range From Multiple Worksheets Onto Summary Sheet

Mar 12, 2009

I have searched for my answer but because I am new to all this I am stuggling to manipulate some of the other code that is close to what I am after..

I am trying to find a quick way of summarising data from multiple detail sheets onto a summary sheet (all within the same workbook) with the number of worksheets varying (ie: I may add or delete worksheets).

I basically want a concise summary of the other detailed sheets.

My Workbook is setup as follows:

Multiple sheets detailing each individual trade (with a summary at the bottom with the basic info I need on the summary sheet).

A summary sheet totalling the profit/ loss from all trades, costs of all trades etc (I am ok with this).

A summary sheet summarising all trades - ie each of the summaries contained on the individual trade sheets consolidated onto one sheet for quick reference:

Trade #TradePositionProfit LossHold Time

What I am struggling to get onto the summary sheet is all the individual summaries on the detail sheets. The reason for this is that each trade can have up to 3 positions: the Initial trade, Pyramid 1 & Pyramid 2. (This range is in the same location of each sheet but could be 1, 2 or 3 lines) and the number of trades I enter during the month can vary (ie the worksheet number can vary).

I don’t want to have to manually update a range, of a consolidation for example, each time I add a new trade (new worksheet) & want to view a summary.

I thought it would be easier to summaries each trade at the bottom of each trade sheet so I can pick the information up from the same spot already in the format I want it in for the summary page.

Does anyone have any suggestions on how I can get the summary to search each sheet, no matter if there is 1 trade or 50 trades & pull the summary information which is located in the same spot onto the one sheet for a quick view?

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Copy Values From Multiple Worksheets To Summary Sheet

May 9, 2009

I have attempted to use a table of contents macro and then Hlookups to pull corresponding data from each worksheet, but haven't had success

Issue: Excel workbook contains 50+ worksheets formatted the same, with data located in the same cells. Worksheets are constantly added to the workbook so the formula needs to scan the entire workbook

How the data is organized: Subject headings are as follows: Cell A1 is "Loan ID"; A2 is labeled "Deal Name"; A3 is "Property Name"; A6 is "Loan Amount"; and E4 is "Asset Manager". Cells B1,B2, B3, B6, and F4 contain the corresponding data.

Goal: I would like to automatically pull all of this information onto a summary page (much like a table of contents, but with the subject headings running across the top of the page) and the text data running down the page. I would also like to be able to click on the property name and have it direct me to the corresponding tab<br> <br>

I have attached an example of what I am looking for, see "summary" tab for end result and other tabs as make-up of the data.

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Copy Same Range From Multiple Worksheets To Summary Sheet

Aug 12, 2009

I have an excel workbook containing 123 worksheets. Sheet1 I have titled "Summary" and I wish to copy data from the remaining sheets (2-123) into it. Each sheet is formatted in the same way, and I wish to take the data in cells E66:G130 from each worksheet and paste it into the Summary sheet (so, Sheet2's 3 columns would be pasted in cell A1, Sheet3's in D1, and so on).

I gave a couple of codes a go (this one is from a thread "Copy Data From Multiple Worksheets & Append To Single Worksheet", I tried to alter accordingly):

Sub SummurizeSheets()
Dim ws As Worksheet

Application. Screenupdating = False

For Each ws In Worksheets
If ws. Name <> "Summary" Then
ActiveSheet.Paste Range("A65536").End(xlUp).Offset(1, 0)
End If
Next ws
End Sub

However, I don't understand what "ActiveSheet.Paste Range("A65536").End(xlUp).Offset(1, 0)" refers to - I am told there is an error with this line ("compile error expected =").

I also tried the Consolidate function, but had problems as well.

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Copy Column And Transpose To Row - Multiple Worksheets To Summary Sheet

Jul 21, 2014

I have over 200 worksheets - separate participants data. On each sheet there is a summary column of data at the moment. I now want those columns of data copied to a summary sheet but transposed to rows.

I have attached an example with 3 worksheets and the sort of summary sheet I am after.

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Move Multiple Columns From Multiple Worksheets Into 1 Column

Aug 18, 2007

I have an excel workbook with 8 worksheets. Each worksheet has vertical columns (approx 250 columns per sheet) of numeric data. Is there a function or macro that will combine all of this data into one vertical column without having to individually cut and paste each one into the new column?

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To Find Summary On 2 Columns Multiple Data

May 22, 2014

I've a table and in the first column titled 'VALUES' (A1) I've entered values ranging from 1 to 100 (A2:A10). In the second column titled 'STATUS' (B1), 'closed' or 'NA' is entered (B2:B10). Now I need to find how many cells are there in the table with 'closed' status in the range 0-25, 26-50, 51-75 and 76-100.

34 Closed
56 NA
44 Closed
98 Closed
18 NA
82 NA
23 Closed
40 NA
63 Closed
71 Closed

Closed Status Count
0 - 25 :
26 - 50 :
51 - 75 :
76 - 100 :

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Extracting Columns From Multiple Workbooks Into 1 Summary

Aug 14, 2009

I have a set of workbooks, with multiple sheets within each which I receive each month from field units. The formats are identical.

What I want to do is to extract data from one column on one specific sheet within each workbook to a summary sheet on a new workbook. In the snapshot below, I would like to collect data from the "Actual" column (in yellow) and then paste it on a summary sheet.

Monthly reportingEntity 13. Risk reportingJanuaryMarket Risks - LoansJanuaryTargetActualVarNumber of competitors 110%Market share 1%1%0%Ranking in market 110%Concentration of portfolio – region-wise (number)1%1%0%Concentration of portfolio – region-wise (value)1%1%0%Market growth rate 1%1%0%Inflation rate 1%1%0%

This would appear in a new summary worksheet as below: (the cell labelled "Entity 1" would then appear as the column header in the summary sheet.)

Monthly reporting - summary sheet3. Risk reportingTarget rangeEntity 1Entity 2Entity 3Market Risks - LoansActualActualActualNumber of competitors 1Market share 1%Ranking in market 1Concentration of portfolio – region-wise (number)1%Concentration of portfolio – region-wise (value)1%Market growth rate 1%Inflation rate 1%

The steps I imagine are:
1. Open all workbooks in a specified folder (folder name upon prompt)
2. Search each workbook for a sheet titled "Risk Reporting"
3. Copy the specified cell (for the column header) and the specified column into a new sheet in a new workbook
4. Move on to fill up the next column, and so on ...

Also is there a way to order the copying so that the columns always line up in a specified order? (e.g. Entity 1, followed by 2, followed by 3 ...). One way I guess is to fix the column headers in my summary sheet, and then fetch the data from the corresponding worksheet, by matching the names.

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Consolidate Multiple Columns In Multiple Worksheets

Aug 10, 2007

I am trying to consolidate information from multiple (atleast two or more) worksheets (in the same workbook) into a single sheet.

The worksheets have identical column headings. There are 4 columns in each worksheet. The first three columns are text strings (and some cell in these columns may be blank). The fourth column is an integer. The number of rows in each worksheet is most likely to vary. Within a worksheet the rows are unique. However, some rows may be duplicated across worksheets.

To reiterate, here's what I am trying to do.

Step 1. Create a summary sheet.

Step 2. When there is a unique row (identified by the first three cells in that row) across worksheets then I have that row as is in my summary sheet.

Step 3. When there are duplicate rows (identified by the first three cells in that row) across worksheets, I want to add up the cell in the fourth column associated with those row in my summary sheet

I have tried union (works only within a sheet), consolidate (works only with a single column). I don't need the sophistication of a pivot table but simply an aggregation of data

I am trying to do this using macros (within an add-in)

I have enclosed a sample workbook with the expected output. I created this workbook by hand in an attempt to clarify my problem statement.

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Copy Columns From Multiple Sheets To One Summary Sheet

Aug 21, 2013

Here's what I have:

A workbook with 40 sheets, each sheet has data in A:B with varying numbers of rows. A and B have headers in each sheet.

What I want to do:

Have a summary sheet in the same workbook of all the sheets in A:B

After some searching and my limited VB skills, I found a way to copy each column into the summary but to the right of the next column. I need it to be continuous in A:B

Sub Create_Summary()
Application.DisplayAlerts = False
On Error Resume Next
Application.DisplayAlerts = True
n = Application.Worksheets.Count


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Copy & Append Multiple Columns To A Summary Column

Aug 2, 2008

I have one worksheet with a series of columns (version 1, version 2, version 3). Each column contains one or more number values.

I would like to:

1. copy the data from each of the columns to a single summary column on another sheet.
2. update (append new data to) the summary column each time I add a new column to the first sheet.

Having trouble attaching file, so here is sample data with three columns.

Ver. 1 Ver. 2 Ver. 3

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Copying Through Multiple Worksheets That Are Dependent

Dec 12, 2012

I want to be able to copy a formula to multiple worksheets that are dependent on previous worksheet.

For example:

WorkSheet 2(named week 2) the forumula in cell F7 is =VLOOKUP(E7,'Week 1'!E7:F279,2,0)

I want cell F7 in sheet 3 to be =VLOOKUP(E7,'Week 2'!E7:F279,2,0)

and so on for 53 weeks. Is there a way to do this.

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Merging Data From Multiple Non-standardized Workbooks Into One Summary Worksheet

Jun 11, 2014

I am attempting to write code for a macro that can cycle through about 30 excel workbooks and merge the data. getting the raw data on one sheet is not a problem, but I also need to sort similar data into corresponding columns while merging such that all data from the workbooks with a certain column heading will be in a single column with a single heading on the summary sheet. The problem is that the column headings on the source workbooks are not always standardized, i.e. "F high", "high F". Each sheet has several columns that look like the one below, with a header at the top and a series of numbers. (please ignore the dashes, I just used them to line up the columns in this post, in excel each value is in a different cell)

F Low---F High---V Low

My vba skills are very basic, so I have been approaching this problem with a mountain of if..else and InStr commands, which doesn't seem like the best method and isn't working.

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Copy Multiple Columns In Multiple Workbooks Into Separate Worksheet?

Feb 27, 2014

The following code won't let me copy from the first workbook. I get a run time 1004 error stating "That command cannot be used on multiple selections".

I would rather not have to copy this by column for each of the 4 workbooks


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VBA - Copying Multiple Worksheets Into New Workbook As Values

Dec 14, 2012

I am trying to optimize my code below. It works but it is soo slow, it seems to slow down on the array copy and paste special areas. I believe this is because its doing a cell to cell paste method. These sheets have data as well as graphs that i want to retain on the new sheet, but i could select ranges for each each if that would speed up this procedure.


Sub CreateDataSheet()
Dim ws As Worksheet
Dim sDataOutputName As String
With Application
.Cursor = xlWait
.StatusBar = "Saving DataSheet..."
.ScreenUpdating = False


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Copying And Pasting Multiple Worksheets Into One Sheet

Jan 16, 2007

I'm writing code which will copy multiple sheets of information in a workbook (from a report) and trying to paste it onto one sheet in another document where I can further manipulate the data. Here's my code, I've made some mistakes, and I've just been banging my head against the screen try to fix it. I'm erroring at ActiveCell. Offset(1, 0).Range("A1").Select. I'm trying to paste it all in one sheet at the next blank cell in the sheet and then close the document after it's all been pasted.

Sub OpenDataSheet()
'Opens CSS Report
Workbooks.Open Filename:="C:Documents and SettingseichornjDesktopTest and Destroy est and destroy CSS.xls"
'Delete first two sheets of CSS report
Application.DisplayAlerts = False
Worksheets( Array(1, 2)).Delete
Dim mySheet As Worksheet
For Each mySheet In Worksheets
'Delete unneeded rows of CSS report

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Highlighting And Copying Specific Text In Multiple Worksheets

Jul 3, 2008

I want to link him on all the spreadsheets, but his cell location is always changing because new doctors are being added every year. Is there anyway to link the specialty column with his name so that whenever his name comes up on the other worksheets, the specialty will be automatically filled in with the correct specialty value? I want to be able to do that with all the doctors.

Also, I want to highlight certain doctors in all the seperate sheets, I have Excel 2007 on my home PC, but on my work PC I have Excel 2002. To do this in Excel 07 I would just conditionally format the workbook to highlight certain names, but I cant seem to find a way to do this in Excel 02.

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