Converting Rankings To Scores For Sports Spreadsheet
Jul 4, 2014How I can use a formula for inputting a persons position in a race for the scores appear automatically in the adjacent column. E.g 1st place 10 pts, 2nd 8pts etc?
View 3 RepliesHow I can use a formula for inputting a persons position in a race for the scores appear automatically in the adjacent column. E.g 1st place 10 pts, 2nd 8pts etc?
View 3 RepliesI have been struggling to convert an array of weekly data rankings into monthly rankings using the closest date to month end and cant seem to find a way. see below
spx indexspgsci Indexief us equityspx indexspgsci Indexief us equity
How do I convert them to a monthly rank18/11/2011132using the closest to month end date
I am making a 'sports day' spreadsheet for a project and i have one problem, the spread sheet is meant to have the possiblitlity of mistakes reduced to a minimum.
I have 6 teams in the sports day and under each i put 1st, 2nd,3rd,4th,5th,6th.
basically i need the rows to only accept 1st 2nd 3rd..... only once. I need something like an error message to come up if a value is entered twice on a row.
I have been working on a spreadsheet to manage my players in a virtual sports game. I have worked out that the optimum skill scores for all the positions and want a way to compare a player to the optimum.
For example:
Position 147.1737.6742.0533.8313.6711.3317.33
These are the averages for Position 1
How do I find the player who closest matches this optimum. Players have scores in the same 7 skill areas.
and im copying and pasting data from a website ( football scores )
and when i get what should be 1-1 it returns 01-jan and this i dont want
i have tried formatting all cells to text beforehand but that makes no difference and i cant put an apostrophe before each one as that would take ages
wondered if anyone could work out some syntax to use as a macro button?
claymation had a go but it doesnt work.
There are scores in B1:B10 (10 scores). I want to take the top 8 scores. So I used this formula which works just fine.
=SUM(LARGE(B1:B10,1),LARGE(B1:B10,2),LARGE(B1:B10,3),LARGE(B1:B10,4),LARGE(B1:B10,5),LARGE(B1:B10,6) ,LARGE(B1:B10,7),LARGE(B1:B10,8))
But I'm trying to make the formula a bit more dynamic. Is there anyway to have a set of data in B1:B50 (50 scores will probably be the most) and take the top x scores? X will be set in a separate cell (lets just say A1)?
I have a raw score for each case. I need to map those raw scores to scale scores. For example, a raw score of 0 to 0.49 maps to a scale score of 120, a raw score of 0.5 to 0.99 maps to a scaled score of 110, etc. There are a total of 13 possible scaled scores (120, 110, 100, ... 20, 10, 0). Is there a way to do this in Excel2003? (Note, if anyone on the list is 'bilingual' (Excel and SPSS), I'm looking for the Excel equivalent of the SPSS command RECODE raw (lo thur .49=120), (.5 thru .99=110), etc. INTO scale.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI have a column labeled W-L, In each cell there is a W or an L .How can I total up all the W's and L's and have the total count show a 21-13 (21 wins 13 losses). Also the scores of the games are listed as 5-4, 3-7, for each can I add up all the runs for and runs against to give a total xx-xx
View 9 Replies View RelatedI have many spreadsheets with sports stats. I pulled the information from the web. So on one page I have the stats. The next page I want to be able to type the teams name and have excel pull out all the stats I want. Makes it easy to compare teams stats that are playing each other. Is this possible I tried to use most of the lookup functions but I just cant figure this out.
I will attach the sheets.
I have not found a complete excelsheet that works to my wishes... so I thought maybe you guys could help me.. This is quite a big request. What I want is to add an sheet with a automatic league table to my spredsheed. I already have all the fixtures and the reports will be filled in as the season goes on.
(so what i want is that when i fill in the results of the fixtures there will be an table that automaticlly updated. The +/- statistics isnt essential. I was regarding to +/- in total sets...)
I attached the spreadsheet.
The games will be played as a best of three stets so there will be no draws.
i want columns T,U,V,W to continuously count wins and lost for the teams..if i
change the teams names i want T,U,V,W to read "0".
Any team can play any one.
also this is kinda a part 2 (really small part)
I'm trying to use Today function but cant get it to count every other day..
so for example tomorrow will also read "January 7th 2010"
Team 1VSTeam 2W/L Count
LostWinTeam 1Team 2
7 .......................
I have more issues with this spreadsheet, which is beginning to drive me bonkers. Its a rank issue, with a few problems, questions:
Looking at the second table on the page, I want to rank the data for all colums except for column I in a descending fashion. IE - Highest to lowest. But column I needs to be ranked lowest to highest. I think I did this correctly, but I could be wrong.
Is it possable for the rankings to record equals? IE, the TO column has that, but in REB there should be another tie (9th and 10th) but there is not.
Further to this, the third table should have I28, and E35 listed as Ties. How do I do this for the entire table?
I am attempting to upgrade a scoring system in excel 2003 which I use to rank wins in a sports results grid and i have to amend a formula based on a new version. The current formula in the attached part-completed worksheet Draw9 of 1 to 9, which I wish to amend, is in cells AM42:53 one of which is:
=IF(AL44="","",RANK(AL44,AL44:AL53)&CHOOSE(AND(RANK(AL44,AL44:AL53)<>{11,12,13})*MIN(4,MOD(RANK(AL44 ,AL44:AL53),10))+1,"th","st","nd","rd","th"))
I have now added an extra column of data in cell AN44:53 under “LSD” and I would like to use this to improve the accuracy of the original ranking. In other words I wish to Rank teams using the “Wins” in column AL42:53 plus the “LSD” data in columns AN44:53 and this will ensure that where teams are tied on the same number of wins then the numbers in the “LSD” column will enable a clear ranking i.e. say 3 teams on 3 wins ranked 6th = will now be ranked 6th,7th & 8th.
i have a list of names in column A and a corresponding score for each name in column S.
on a stats sheet B10:B15 was trying to make a top 5 list using =LARGE(Week1!S15:S46,1) ... with Large i am able to get my top 5 from the week1 sheet but how can i assign the corresponding top5 persons from column A15:A45 in week1 to the stats sheet in column A10:A15
I have ranked the times of races for 30 participants. The results are in a
column. I want to display the points given in the next column. The only
points given are for 1st through 6th place. 1st=6pts, 2nd=5pts, 3rd=4pts,
4th=3pts, 5th=2pts, 6th=1pt, 7th place through 30th place =0. Times,
therefore ranks, will change with each race, so this information needs to be
in every cell in that column.
Joe 12.05 2 5
Mary 13.00 3 4
Sue 10.57 1 6
Sam 15.04 8 0
I figured out the rank formula, but I can't figure out how to assign the
I have a worksheet set up as a draw sheet for a tournament. I have a set of rankings showing all points collated from last tournament. What i want to do is set up a formula/macro so that a cell containing a player eg. the winner will be found on the ranking list and the points won will be added to the next cell on the ranking list.
View 14 Replies View RelatedSuppose I have a table with a collection of "Top Ten" rankings for something. For example, suppose I have rankings from five "sources" for the Top Ten Ethnic Cooking. For simplicity, I'll show the top 5 here:
Source A
Source B
Source C
I'd like a way to calculate some sort of average ranking. I have two problems: (1) I don't know what the formula should be and (2) I don't know how to implement it in Excel.
Need to rank by score1 in descending order and Serial # in ascending order. My biggest problem is to get the rank number to be consecutive. I have listed the rank I would like to see.
Serial #
[Code] .....
I am building a country ranking model which ranks several different macroeconomic indicators and applies a weighting to each of the indicators. I have an overall ranking column which is an average of all the ranks. The problem is whenever I change any of the individual indicator's weighting it obviously affects the country's overall ranking. Is there a way that the model can automatically "re-sort" the overall rankings without me having to manually click on the sort by smallest to largest filter each time?
PS I'm using Excel 2007.
1. I would like to be able to select a month from a drop down ( cell C4), and for Column B ('Cumulative Performance') to reflect the sum for each name between Jan and the month selected.
2. In Column D I would like to rank the relative position of the sum total; such that if I selected 'Dec', John would display '13' in D7, Anne '3' etc.
3. In Column E I would like to show by way of a coloured arrow (or even a smilie icon) the relative change in ranking of the sum totals evaluated for my chosen month with those calculated up until the previous month (e.g. for Anne, if I select June, the Jan to June total is 36 (rank 2 in the June total's), the May to Jan total for Anne is 32 (rank 1), therefore her relative rank movement between the June and May cumulatives moves down and cell E8 would show a red-down arrow (amber horizontal for no change and green up-arrow for an improvement in rank).
Is it possible to make a top 5 scores section?
Ive been reading up on Arrays and how to use Arrays etc so i believe that it could be done with an array but i could be complete wrong.
what i have is players names in A4 and there averages in H4. i have 22 players listed but i want to take the top 5 scores from h4 and display them in a different section with there as so: NAME(A4): AVERAGE(h4) repeated 5 times and updates Automatically.
What is the best way to look up and return the 10 best performers out of a list of say, 40. I have columns representing people's names, their school's name, their age and their total score. The following formula is to add up the 4 highest scores for each school: SUM(LARGE(($A$2:$A$499=Y2)*($C$2:$C$499),{1,2,3,4})) (entered as an array) Now I want to display the 10 best performing schools (who will be determined by calculating their 4 best scores).
View 4 Replies View RelatedI am trying to do the following:
901 > 0 pts
851 - 900 gets 1 pts
LOWEST 3 scores gets 2 pts
Example of what i have for the top three
I have tried to change it but cant get it to work for the bottom 3 scores.
I need a formula to analyze the attached sheet.
I need to know
1-Number of students that passed with 70% and above in English, Maths and Biology
2- Number of students that passed with 50%-69% and above in English, Maths and Biology
3- Number of students that scored below 50% in English, Maths and Biology
4-Number of student that where absent for each of the subjects (English, Maths, biology)
Note: Total of all the columns per subject must be equal to the total number of students in the sheet.
Hey there needs some help in creating a formula that will list the top 5 men & women scores onto my master sheet.
Work Sheets go from: P1 to P64
Person name are listed in Cell: C1
Person *** in Listed in Cell: T10
Scores listed in Cell: E3
I have a table of data where i want to rank scores. I know the general formula for this would be =RANK(B2,$B$2:$B$7) as an example however the range of data is not next to each other and I have tried this formula =RANK(B2,B2,B4,B6) but this comes up with an error.
View 3 Replies View RelatedThis is for a forestry contest. Students compete in 6 different categories (columns B through G). Teams can have up to four members and the top three member scores are taken to determine a team score. Teams are then ranked. Here is where I need help. I would like to be able to find the high individual score for each category in the contest. (sawlog, pulpwood, tree ID, etc) If there is a tie in the category it is broken using the category in the column to the right. Example – sawlog 1st tie breaker is pulpwood, the 2nd tiebreaker is thinning. The last column, Compass, uses sawlog as 1st tie breaker and pulpwood as 2nd tiebreaker.
Will on the RHS team had a score of 112 in Tree ID and a score of 48 in thinning.
Michael on the WHS team also had a 112 score in Tree ID and a score of 44 in Thinning.
So Will is the high individual in that event –
How can I create a formula that will bring the winners name down to row 66-71 and also bring the score down to row 66-71 to show who won each event? example spreadsheet attached.
Just wondering the better way to 'get' a score for some data.
For example, I have a data set where there are a number of records are interrogated for validity across X rules. The returned count of errors of course could include one record for all X tests.....
what is the better way of weighting these to get one score
Please see attached example : XL4M.xlsx‎
some of the functions in this file, and the problem is that I have one bug I can't fix.
There are four sheets. The first two sheets contain different types of scores.
The fourth sheet ranks each of the different types of scores on both first sheets. The third sheet reports out on the bottom five scores in each category. If one of the scores is missing, the whole thing gets screwed up.
I have attached the file and removed a some of the scores to illustrate.
Needed for a golf league where the average of the best three of five games is needed - so, low score is better but score must be greater than zero. Each row is a player, column A is the players name, B-F 5 different games and the average will be in column G. I tried this formula but if someone didn't play at least 3 games SMALL returns the #NUM! error value. If I enter 0 for games not played then SMALL picks up the 0 as the lowest score. =(SMALL(B3:F3,1)+SMALL(B3:F3,2)+SMALL(B3:F3,3))/3. How to nest the different functions (if>0, small, and avg would be good too)
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