I am attempting to upgrade a scoring system in excel 2003 which I use to rank wins in a sports results grid and i have to amend a formula based on a new version. The current formula in the attached part-completed worksheet Draw9 of 1 to 9, which I wish to amend, is in cells AM42:53 one of which is:
I have now added an extra column of data in cell AN44:53 under “LSD” and I would like to use this to improve the accuracy of the original ranking. In other words I wish to Rank teams using the “Wins” in column AL42:53 plus the “LSD” data in columns AN44:53 and this will ensure that where teams are tied on the same number of wins then the numbers in the “LSD” column will enable a clear ranking i.e. say 3 teams on 3 wins ranked 6th = will now be ranked 6th,7th & 8th.
I am making a 'sports day' spreadsheet for a project and i have one problem, the spread sheet is meant to have the possiblitlity of mistakes reduced to a minimum.
I have 6 teams in the sports day and under each i put 1st, 2nd,3rd,4th,5th,6th.
basically i need the rows to only accept 1st 2nd 3rd..... only once. I need something like an error message to come up if a value is entered twice on a row.
I have a speadsheet that has a table containing scores of audits, in the last 3 columns of the tabe I have the two totals (columns AC and AD)
In Column "AF" I wish to show where they will rank based on the results, first I need to rank via the result of column AD and if that is the same as another result use column AC to determine where they rank.
I have a conditional format which uses this format MAX($N$84:$N$94) to colour the cell containing the number but I now wish to amend this formula so that if an identical number also appears further down in the column only the first of the cells containing the identical number(s) will be coloured but none of the others,
This formula calculates the average mailing return rate of all the mailings added together. J15 is currently white text to hide it from the end user.
Everytime I add a new row of data I need the formula to update itself automatically. So for example, the next time I add a row of data the above formula has to change to
Or if I were to add three rows of data the formula would have been
I have a range that has formulas that are based on other fcells outside the range.
What I want to do is, if the cell has a value to remove the formula and paste the results. If the filed is blank (no results from the formula) to leave the formula in place.
There could be a marco to run when this process is needed.
Ranking values and ranking duplicates the same rank I'm looking to rank a group of numbers that will possibly have duplicate numbers that I want to show as a tie but have no break in the rankings.
I am trying to create formula that will show overtime worked in a given day. The code I am using is a simple one ([ cell - 8], for hours worked). The problem is when the time cells are blank/not used it shows a -8 in the cell. what I need to do to create a code that will eliminate the -8 from showing. The cell its self is taking the result from another cell with a formula and then subtracting 8 from the result of the formula in the other cell.
I need to rank sales with Nation, Area and Division. I figure how to calculate National rank, Area but have a bit of an issue with Divisional Rank. I need to re-calculate division rank by looking at Area rank and if this individual already .....
I have a table of data where i want to rank scores. I know the general formula for this would be =RANK(B2,$B$2:$B$7) as an example however the range of data is not next to each other and I have tried this formula =RANK(B2,B2,B4,B6) but this comes up with an error.
I am wanting to rank mulitple groups of data and as i do this daily and the size of the groups are constantly changing there is a lot of manual moving cell sizes around to get what i need. i am hopeing there is a simpler way...
An example is say a horse race info i have
race tab score 2 1 10 2 2 6 2 3 8 2 4 12 2 5 9
3 1 7 3 2 12 3 3 8 3 4 15
i have been using =rank($C2,$C$2:$C6) so i am trying to rank the scores...... ETC and i know this locks sells but if i take dollar signs away the next row doesnt rank A3 from A2:A6 and i also want to be able to drag down so the formula will then do race 3 etc....
is there a way i can do a lookup + rank so my formula ranks all numbers relating to race 2 then goes on to rank numbers relating to race 3 ?
I will also have to add the track name i guess as each individual track has race 1, 2, 3 etc
Would someone be so kind as to look at the attcahed sheet. There are boxes with data entered. Depending on the achievement the 3 parties are automatically ranked 1,2 or 3 as you can see.
All except for cells j23:j25, although I've used exactly the same formula as the other boxes, the ranking doesn't seem to work for some reason I cannoot fathom.
I know there is an issue with merging, but all the others work and are merged (to get them to work I created the formula before merging).
I have a column labeled W-L, In each cell there is a W or an L .How can I total up all the W's and L's and have the total count show a 21-13 (21 wins 13 losses). Also the scores of the games are listed as 5-4, 3-7, for each game.how can I add up all the runs for and runs against to give a total xx-xx
I have 6 categories that need to be ranked 1-6 in order of highest number of occurances. My ranking formula is showing 1-7, missing number 3. I have attached a sample worksheet further showing what I am trying to explain. I need cell A3 to show a ranking of "3". Currently it shows "4". What am I doing wrong??
I have many spreadsheets with sports stats. I pulled the information from the web. So on one page I have the stats. The next page I want to be able to type the teams name and have excel pull out all the stats I want. Makes it easy to compare teams stats that are playing each other. Is this possible I tried to use most of the lookup functions but I just cant figure this out.
I have not found a complete excelsheet that works to my wishes... so I thought maybe you guys could help me.. This is quite a big request. What I want is to add an sheet with a automatic league table to my spredsheed. I already have all the fixtures and the reports will be filled in as the season goes on.
(so what i want is that when i fill in the results of the fixtures there will be an table that automaticlly updated. The +/- statistics isnt essential. I was regarding to +/- in total sets...)
I attached the spreadsheet.
The games will be played as a best of three stets so there will be no draws.
I am facing some problem with ranking formulae. Attached is a file illustrating them.
Problem 1: Ranking without zero I have a set of data for products. They have a number next to it. Some of the products have a ZERO value next to them. I want to rank the data in an ascending order while ignoring the products with ZERO value next to them.
Problem 2: Ranking on multiple factors I have a set of data for 50 products. There are 5 factors based on which I want to pick the best and the worst. Each factor has a value which can be a negative number, zero or positive number.
This is what I am doing presently: Ranking the products on each factor in a separate column. Points are assigned based on the ranking, i.e. if the ranking of "product A" on Factor 1 is 32, then it gets 32 points It is assumed that equal importance [weight] is given to each factor, thus average points is calculated based on ranking of each product on each factor. Average points are again ranked in descending order The top & bottom 10 are picked from this ranking.
Number of products and number of factors can be different for each analysis. Presently I am giving equal importance to the rankings for each of the factors, what if I have to give varied importance [weight] to the factors.
I had tried ranking formula to rank employees on some cirteria it was working, but if there is any tie between two employees then the next rank is not displaying for example in Ach Rank : rank 5 is missing because there is tie is between two employees is rank 4. Request your suggestion and help on this for overcoming the issue.
Formula used for ranking : =IF(B2>=75%,RANK(B2,$B$2:$B$41,1)-COUNTIF($B$2:$B$41,"
How I can use a formula for inputting a persons position in a race for the scores appear automatically in the adjacent column. E.g 1st place 10 pts, 2nd 8pts etc?
I have been working on a spreadsheet to manage my players in a virtual sports game. I have worked out that the optimum skill scores for all the positions and want a way to compare a player to the optimum.
For example:
1st2nd3rd4th5th6th7th Position 147.1737.6742.0533.8313.6711.3317.33
These are the averages for Position 1
How do I find the player who closest matches this optimum. Players have scores in the same 7 skill areas.
I have the following code kindly supplied to me by someone else and I'd like to know if anyone can suggest any ways to speed up the running of it. It currently takes about 4 minutes to run (there are about 5000 cells to loop through)
Basically it looks for a value in Col C - works out the number of rows to fill up by searching a range in Col D - then copies value in Col C up by that number of rows.
I have found and adapted a macro (below) that searches all worksheets for a specific value (entered by the user in a specfic cell) then displays a list of hyperlinks to the matching cell locations.
I now have a couple of sheets I don't want to be included in this macro ("Master List" and "Pivot Table") but I'm really struggling to find a way of amending the macro to exclude these. I've searched and tried a couple of ways but I get errors and I think I'm not knowledgable enough to know where to put each bit of code.
I have a daily log for work that keeps track of purchases and returns among other items and I was wondering if there was a way I could have all this information get put into a log that will amend everything for each week, month and year.