I've attached a Screen Shot of the of 2 Workbook, named Installation Tailgate 2007v1.xlsm and new workbook and i've also attached the excel program itseff in zip.
Installation Tailgate 2007v1 workbook, have a 13 column and nth number of rows ( and will keep growing)
columns D & E are hidden
columns G, I, K, M are checkboxes
if the user clicks on the command button it will copy and paste the selected cells on new workbook
unchecked cells on Installation Tailgate 2007v1 workbook should have a "0.00" on Child workbook.
then compute the Sum of Columns C, D, E, F, G, the total should be on last of their row
I've been having a hard time with this i need a formula which will compute a value based on a multiple cell.
I have a cell (AQ) it contains the number of days a patient is in a center i need to countif the cell value is >=90 if it is it will then calculate the values in cell (AV) which is >- 1.4 and get the average of cells in AV.
I have 2 workbooks. 1 is where data is entered called wksPB, the other is like a database workbook. The wksPB has data to be feed from column B to F and there is a dropdown.
what im looking to do is, if the combobox value is selected as Decline then it should display a messagebox that reference value in cell B is denied. if combobox value is Agreed then the macro should search the database workbook for the text entered in column b of wksPB and then copy data of C:E of wksPB to H:J of database sheet where that text is found and also the approver name in wksPB C24 to the approver cell of where that text was found. I've reached till finding the text but what I get my head twiting on is how to copy the text from wksPB column B:F to database sheet column H:K. Im attaching the sample workbooks and the code where ive reached till.
[Code] .....
Attached Files Replacement Records - 2014.xlsx forum file.xlsm
On one workbook I have "column A" that lists serial #'s, one serial number per cell. What I need is to be able to take all the non blank data from that column and copy it to another workbook with all those serial #'s in 1 cell numerically sorted and separated by commas.
I need to create an automated process to copy data from book1 and book2 and paste it in another workbook called book3. I want vba code to do this task whenever I open my book3
Book1 Location: G:FUTOMS-phases - eTD and TDReference Infoook1.xls Data to be copied: Entire Rows 6 to 12 Paste: Book3> Sheet1
Book2 location: H:OptionsInfoook2.xls Data to be copied:: Entire Rows 1 to 5 & rows 10 to 15 Paste: Book3>Sheet2
I'd like to know how I go about to key a formula to compute the due date 30days after the invoice date and How to key a formula to determine hours worked.
I'm trying to copy a cell from one workbook and paste it into another workbook. Both workbooks are open so that is not the problem. The problem I'm running into is that in the first workbook where I'm getting the information the cell is tied to another. And the cell it gets the information from is running a COUNT function. So the problem I run into is that when I go to copy the cell and paste it into the new workbook I'm getting 0 instead of the correct number found on workboook1.
What I have is a collection of about 500 .xls files that I want to import into a single worksheet in a new workbook, but I only want to bring in specific cells from the source sheets which are unfortunately not always in the same row numbers.
I have found this link on loops:
Which looks like it will do the work of digging through each workbook in a certain folder, but do I need to further specify a sheet within the workbook once it's opened in that loop code? Even if there's only one sheet in each source workbook? The sheets are named differently in each workbook, so that may be a problem.
Now the really complicated bit (I think) is the conditional stuff. Each source sheet is three columns (A, B and C) and I want to import the string (some will be numbers, some will be text) from the C column to a single row of the destination sheet, but only if the string in the source's B column matches what I'm looking for. There will actually be a few dozen of these conditional searches based on different strings from the B column, but if someone could just show me how to do it for a single string, I can expand that to all the other searches I need to do.
Let's say the search term is 'Application ID,' how do I look through the source worksheet for that string in column B and if I find it bring the string from column C on the same row into my destination sheet?
I need to write a formula that will look at a number in a cell and compute an amount at 1% up to 55,000. Then anything above the 55,000 compute an amount at 3.25%. Then add the two together.
So a baseline of 55,000 at 1%. Then above the baseline 3.25%.
I have a workbook 'logsheet' were i enter data like 'coil, supplier, thickness, width' and 'lot'. This happens 7 times on one logsheet. When the logsheet is filled, a new copy is created (from a hidden empty logsheet).
I want this data to copied to a seperate sheet - eg called data - in same workbook so that it can be used in other workbooks as external data.
I want to enter a formula on the logsheet worksheets and not on the data logsheet because the amount of logsheets (and coils) is unkown and can vary each lot. Is this possible with formulas eg copyto? (if that formula exists ><) Is it possible to add data from worksheets that still have to be created from the empty logsheet
Each sheet contains also: State - D1 Role - D2 Staff ID - D3 Date - D4
Activity group name in column A (starting from row 8) Activity type in column B (merged with C and D) (starting from row 8) Activity time in columns E:GV (starting from row 8). Usually, there is none or only one value in whole range (e.g. E8:GV8). But sometimes there are two values.
Customer ID in row 6 (value appears only if time was reported in E:GV range) CC Number in row 7 (value appears only if time was reported in E:GV range)
It's all about transferring values from all daily sheets in all files (.xls) sitting in folder C:WADFinal to one simple table (WAD_Consolidation_file.xls, sheet "Consolidated") consisted of 9 columns: Staff ID, Role, State, Date, Activity Group, Activity Type, Minutes, Customer ID, CC Number.
Public preValue As Variant 'Declares a variable to be used in both macros 'This is the first line for a macro that runs when a cell is changed. Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range) If Target.Count > 1 Then Exit Sub 'Limits the change to 1 cell only If Intersect(Target, Range("$A$1:$M$42")) Is Nothing Then Exit Sub Target.ClearComments 'Clears any existing comment Target.AddComment.Text Text:="Previous Value was " & preValue & Chr(10) & "Revised " & Format( Date, "mm-dd-yyyy") & Chr(10) & "By " & Environ("UserName") 'Adds a new comment with the text. CHR(10) is a return. End Sub
'This code sets the variable preValue when a cell is selected Private Sub Worksheet_SelectionChange(ByVal Target As Range) If Target.Count > 1 Then Exit Sub 'Limits code to 1 cell If Intersect(Target, Range("$A$1:$M$42")) Is Nothing Then Exit Sub preValue = Target.Value 'Set the variable preValue to the selected cell's value End Sub
How do I take the changes made from the first work book and insert them in a cell on the second work book. Where in the code above do I Put this command.
I have a VBA-coded macro in an Excel workbook that is to open another existing workbook -- a .xls file, not .csv -- copy data from it, paste that into the original workbook where the macro resides, then close the source workbook.
If I use the debugger to step through the macro -- putting a breakpoint at its first executable line, run the macro, then F8 step through it, it works fine. (With delays at the open, close statements.) Free running, it doesn't. I suspect it's a timing issue, that the macro runs full tilt even though the new workbook isn't yet open -- but I don't know how to remedy that.
Here is the situation and the simplified code (the actual macro does a lot more, of course):
Main workbook: Two sheets, "Parameters" that has the fully-qualified filename for the desired source .xls in A1; and "Data", into which I want to paste data from that source.
Source workbook: Single sheet, "Sheet1"
Macro code. For simplicity, it is trying to copy/paste all of the source worksheet's content:
Sub Go() ' ' Go Macro ' Test of getting data from another spreadsheet ' ' Keyboard Shortcut: Ctrl+Shift+G ' Dim SourceFile As String Dim HomeBook As String Dim OtherBook As String Sheets("Parameters").Select SourceFile = Range("A1").Value HomeBook = ActiveWorkbook.Name
right after the open, hoping that might cause a dwell for the open to complete.
When I step through it, the Locals view has all the parameters, getting set properly. If I try to simply run it, it stalls at the opened source workbook, the Locals view is empty, no data has been transferred into the initiating workbook.
If I place the breakpoint after the open, it is not reached. (I have the VBA open.) Hitting F8 then yields a VB error window, "Compile Error" "Expected: To"
I type all the information into the Workbook called 'Form' in ' Sheet 1' and i need it to also transfer into the workbook named 'Master' in sheet 'August 08'
For Instance. It needs to copy Cell C4 from Sheet1 in Form and paste into the next empty cell in column A in August 08 in Master.
All comments/improvements would be much appreciated as the macro I attempted to create solely didnt work at all.
I'm trying to make a macro that match table in sheet "Vocabulary" to the second table (columns Q,R,S,T) in sheet "Overview" and compute correct values in column U using weights from column F, sheet Vocabulary on values from a corresponding cell at column M, sheet Overview. The entries for every ISIN in the sheet Vocabulary are in no particular order and some positions from sheet Overview don't have to exist in Vocabulary at all (but I still need them to display in the table on the right to be able to make charts from summing these categories).
How should the end result look like is displayed on the last sheet.
i m making a very small calculator. It's a little hard to describe, but I need to look like the following Let's say the individual got here on 1 Jan
Phase 1 is for days 1-14 last for 14 days Phase 2 is for Day 15-35 last for 21 days Phase 3 is day 36+
This is what I need it to look like: All the phase information will compute automatically after inputting the date arrived. In addition I would also like to be able to change one of the phase dates and the remainder of the phases compensate according to the newly entered date.
Date Arrived = 01 Jan 09 Phase 1 = 01jan09 Phase 2 = 04Feb09 Phase 3 = 05 Feb09
I have some question regarding elapse time using excel formula.. Just want to compute for the total hours consume by a person per task assign base on 5 days,8 hours per day working schedule(Saturday and sunday is not included since it is the restday of the agent. Working hours is 8am to 5pm. 12pm -1pm is the time agents take there lunch.
See below example and expected Result:
AGENTSStart timeEnd timeExpected Result(hour)RemarksCHARICE5/14/12 8:00 AM5/14/12 3:00 PM6.00Result subracted by 1 1hr breakALICE5/15/12 8:00 AM5/17/12 3:00 PM22.00Result subracted by 3 1hr breakJAKE5/16/12 8:00 AM5/21/12 3:00 PM30.00Result subracted by 3 1hr break(Saturday and Sunday is not included(may19-20))JOHNNY5/14/12 8:00 AM5/17/12 3:00 PM30.00Result minus 4 1hr break
Is it possible to show "0" zero in the total average column without inputing zeros in the blank cells in row B3:E3 & B4:E4? There are months we receive no boat & RV orders, so those months wll be zero most of the time. Instead of having #DIV/0! it show 0, without having to input zero in cells to compute the average.
I use an excel time sheet for my employees and I am wanting to use a command button to copy data in a cell from worksheet1 to worksheet2. The cell that will be copied from worksheet1 will always be "S14". I want to copy that data to another worksheet and have it paste the data in the correct cell. The code needs to find the employees name in worksheet2 and paste the data in the next blank cell. Currently the command button I have works perfectly but I have to use the specific range, I would rather have the code seek out the employees name on worksheet2 so that I don't have to worry about specific row/column ranges. Is it possible? I'm sure it is. I have attached what worksheet2 looks like.
Rather than having to use .Range("A4:AA4") I would prefer to have the code find the employees name.