Copy Selected/Chosen Worksheets Into 1
May 21, 2008
I am setting up a macro where the user opens their chosen file & their chosen worksheet which gets renamed & entered into my workbook. I can get them to open a workbook but I am having problems with the user being able to choose a worksheet and copy it over.
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Mar 21, 2009
I am carrying out some sensitivity testing on a model, and would like to greatly increase the speed of the process by being able to call in from a user defined cell a named range, which is then pasted to the right of the cell.
The attached file steps through the process I have in mind.
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May 7, 2008
I have a master spreadsheet that contains 3 different tabs (A, B & C) for 5 countries (UK, USA, IRE, JAP & ARG) - so 15 tabs in total.
Every month, I need to create 5 separate spreadsheets from this master spreadsheet - one for each country. Each separate spreadsheet must contain tabs A, B & C for each country.
I have written a macro that performs this perfectly, but I now need to be able to chose which of the tabs (A, B & C) are included in the separate spreadsheets - as they will not all be needed every month (some months I might only need tabs A and B by country, other months - just C, other months - all three)
I would like to include a form containing a tick-box list so the user can tick which of the tabs A, B & C are copied each month.
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Nov 27, 2007
I have different excel files in a specific folder. All the files have only two sheets with same kind of data, formatting etc. Now I want to merge selective files on need basis (only the first sheet data) into a new different worksheet in which I will be running the code. Provide me a macro which will ask me to select the files I want to merge. Also the data range of the files ( needs to be merged) will vary time to time, so the macro needs to take care of that as well.
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Nov 6, 2013
I am trying to work out how to copy all data from worksheets that begin with the name 'Sheet' and paste that information onto the next available blank cell in a workbook called 'Results'. I have found how to copy information from all worksheets to 'Results' but not from selected worksheets that begin with the name 'Sheet'.
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Jun 22, 2008
I have a workbook with 30 some sheets. I would like to have a macro that if i select multiple sheets, will paste the values and formats of those sheets into a new workbook. I would like this to keep the names of the worksheets when transfered to the new workbook.
Thus far, I have been using this code, which does nearly everything i want, but instead of pasting the values, it gives me #VALUE! for nearly all the cells. Most of the cells are using Vlookup and/or Indirect functions to reference other sheets- not sure if this is relevant. The few cells that do paste accurately are either text or simply reference another cell on a different worksheet without a function.
Here's my code.
Sub PasteShtVal()
Dim w As Worksheet
For Each w In ActiveWorkbook.Sheets
With w.UsedRange
.Value = .Value
End With
Next w
End Sub
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Feb 26, 2014
I am hoping to create a drop down list of months in one sheet, and when I select a certain month, columns in about 10 other worksheets in the same workbook will either hide or unhide columns...
The spreadsheet is laid out with columns (C-N) for each month in the year, for actuals, then columns for budget and budget variance (O-P), then YTD Actual, YTD Budget and YTD Variance. When I select September, for example, I want October-December to hide, and leave Jan-Sep unhidden, while keeping the budget, YTD and variance columns.
Is there a VBA code that can achieve this?
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Jul 19, 2007
I've created drop down box using VBA code. Data for drop down box is on the Sheet2 and drop down box created on Sheet1. Need code I have to use to copy selected value from box to any cell on Sheet1 (i.e. Sheet1.A5). Here is my
Private Sub Workbook_Open()
End Sub
Sub CreateMyBox()
Dim MyBox As Excel.Shape
With ActiveSheet
Set MyBox = .Shapes.AddFormControl(xlDropDown, 5, 17, 175, 15)
End With
With MyBox
.Name = "MyBox"
.Fill.ForeColor.RGB = RGB(255, 0, 0)..................
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Dec 10, 2006
I am trying to copy rows from sheet1, In which the column A is a date column. When the sheet2 is selected I want an input box to pop up and take 2 dates as input. All the rows between those 2 dates should be copied in sheet2.
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Feb 28, 2008
I am using the following code to copy all rows that have a cell with a background color to another worksheet. In my first workbook this works just fine. In my new workbook, however; it is not working correctly. There are 111 rows that have a cell with a background color (all the same color). When I run the macro it is only copying the last row that has a colored cell. I have been trying to figure out the reason for the last 3 hours and I give up.
Sub CopyColor2()
Dim rReply As Range, rCell As Range
Dim lCol As Long
Set rReply = Application.InputBox _
(Prompt:="Selct a single cell that has the background color you wish to copy", Type:=8)
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Mar 8, 2008
I have two tables "Table A" and "Table B" with records in rows (typically). On one Worksheet I have a report with 10 empty "slots" ("Slots A") waiting records from Table A, and 10 empty slots ("Slots B") waiting Records from Table B. In those slots, fields are arranged one below another.
PROBLEM 1. I need to find a way how to automatically copy chosen records from table A to slots A, and from table B to slots B. There is no rule how many records, and which records are to be copied. Some slots can stay empty.
PROBLEM 2. Slot B has the same number of fields as the Table B, plus one more field, let's call it "extra cell". In the "Extra cell" goes a result of a function, which arguments come form that Slot B, but from ONE Slot A as well. So, I need to "link" every Slot A with one or more "Slot B"s.
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Feb 12, 2009
I have sheets named exactly the same as the entries of a listbox. Now I want excel to copy the value located in e35 in the worksheet previously chosen.
I tried th efollowing, but this doesn't seem to work. I simply recorded a macro doing what I wanted it to do (orange) but replaced the reference to the sheet with what I thought would be the choice the user made (green)
Do While continue = vbYes
Cells(16, 4) = UserFormware.ListBox1.Text
Cells(18, 4) = UserFormware.TextBox1.Value
If UserFormware.ListBox1.ListIndex = -1 Then
MsgBox "You must select an item"
End If
Unload UserFormware
continue = MsgBox("Do you want to add another warehouse?", 4)
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Feb 21, 2009
I am a trainee dermatologist. We undertake allergy patch tests. There is a long list of different patch tests which are selected based on the patients history. I have put each of the types of patch testing on a master sheet. What I would like to be able to do is to have a control button next to each set, and when clicked would add that particular set to a "new patient" worksheet tab. And with every set having its own button, more than one set could be added to a new sheet. In the new patient worksheet id like the sets added with a single row gap between them.
I had tried, and managed to get a single series to work, but then it wouldnt allow me to add the next set, saying that sheet already exists. Ideally finally, id like there to be some way, or message to make sure after printing the new patient worksheet gets deleted.
I hope that all makes sense ! Even if I had a code for a single button that added to a master sheet at the next available row +1 I think I could manipulate the code to suit.
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May 4, 2008
I'd like to know if it is possible to run a macro in a workbook that will open another workbook (of the users choice) extract data from it, such as columns from its sheets then paste that data into the workbook the macro is running from. The file to be opened will change, so i've found some code that enables the user to select the file to open then open it.
Dim strFile As String
strFile = Application. GetOpenFilename
If strFile <> "False" Then Workbooks.Open strFile
This brings up the standard windows choose file to open box, then opens the selected file. Am I correct in thinking that the Dim here will store the file name I select in the open file box? If so, I'd like to know how to select the workbook using the dim so I can manipulate it from the workbook I'm running the macro in. Incidentally, once the the data has been copied, I'd like the workbook opened with the macro to be closed.
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May 23, 2009
I've attached a workbook which contains two sheets:
Data is updated on DEVICE_PAYM each day with the figures I need located in column "AN". I need to be able to copy the data from "AN" and paste it into a column on the PAYM sheet. The destination column on the PAYM sheet needs to be specified by inputting a specific date - ideally, I would like to use the calendar Add-In as part of this process. I've already input some code for the calendar but am unable to develop this further so that it finds the correct date column and pastes the data across from the other sheet.
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Jul 15, 2009
I have a workbook, see attached example, which has multiple columns. I want to extract the data for a certain criteria, in this example column E "product".
I then want to take all of the data in columns A to L for the chosen criteria e.g. product 1696 and place it in a new worksheet. I want to do this for every unique product. The example I have given only shows 2 products and limited rows, in reality I could have 50-60 products with hundreds of rows per product.
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Sep 3, 2009
I have a workbook containing a number of spreadsheets. Some of the spreadsheets are user inputs. The results of the user inputs drive a number of final reports. The final reports (i.e. spreadsheets) are hidden from the user (I don't want the user to be overwhelmed with so many tabs when they open the excel spreadsheet).
I created on the main input tab spreadsheet the following:
1. Check boxes - so that user can select after making his/her inputs the reports that he/she wants to view or print.
Say there are 4 reports (call them Sheet1, Sheet2, Sheet3, Sheet4 - therefore, 4 check boxes. Through the Format Control, the checkboxes have cell links that yield TRUE (if selected) or FALSE if not selected - linked to cells A1, A2, A3, A4 respectively.
2. Option buttons - one for view and another one for print. Through the Format Control, the View and Print option buttons have cell links to cell A5 yielding 1 for View and 2 for Print.
3. Command button - that will clear the check boxes
I would like to know if there is a way to code in VBA to:
1. Unhide the spreadsheets corresponding to the check boxes if selected;
2. Print the spreadsheets corresponding to the check boxes if selected for printing; and
3. Clear the checked boxes to unchecked if the Command button is clicked.
I'm struggling with coding to perform the above tasks.
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Aug 4, 2006
How can I count the number of selected worksheets in VBA? I've been looking in the Excel object model, but with no avail. Perhaps I'm overlooking something simple.
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Jan 8, 2007
I would like to do is to sort only selected sheets. Can someone give me this additional code that can be incorporated in the code below. (If I just select the sheets I want sorted and run the code below, it sorts all worksheets irrespective of whether it is active or not).
Sub SortWorksheets()
Dim N As Integer
Dim M As Integer
Dim FirstWSToSort As Integer
Dim LastWSToSort As Integer
Dim SortDescending As Boolean
SortDescending = False
If ActiveWindow.SelectedSheets.Count = 1 Then
FirstWSToSort = 1
LastWSToSort = Worksheets.Count
With ActiveWindow.SelectedSheets
For N = 2 To .Count ................
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Nov 29, 2013
I have an excel file with over 20 worksheets and each of them have around 1200 rows. The first column in each worksheet contains the variable names and then the data associated to it is present horizontally.
I only want to keep around 80 rows from those 1200 rows. They are not in sequence (means they are not in continuous order) so I manually selected those rows by deleting the non required rows step by step.
I did it manually on 2 worksheets but I don't want to do that manually over 20 worksheets. Is there any method that can speedup the whole process.
I am attaching the snapshots of the worksheets..
This one is before I deleted the unwanted rows.
This one is after the deletion of unwanted rows.
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Jun 25, 2014
To this point I have been able to successfully write code that will save a constant set of worksheets as a pdf. However, I would now like to alter it to be able to dynamically select the desired worksheets from a list box (I have been able to populate my list box) and then save as a pdf. The last step is where I am have issues. This is what I have thus far..
Dim relativePath As String
Dim Selected As Long
For Selected = 0 To ListBox1.ListCount - 1
If ListBox1.Selected(Selected) = True Then
Sheets("Summary").Range("Q65536").End(xlUp)(2, 1) = ListBox1.List(Selected)
ListBox1.Selected(Selected) = False
[Code] ..........
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Aug 9, 2007
I have a macro that changes user selection from formulas to values:
Dim vCol As Variant
vCol = Application.InputBox("Select Column", Type:=2)
If vCol = False Or vCol = "" Then Exit Sub
Set UserRange = Range(vCol & "9:" & vCol & "35")
UserRange.Value = UserRange.Value
End Sub
I have several workbooks that use this macro, and the workbooks can include several sheets.
Is there's an easy way to change the macro so the user selection is changed in all sheets in the workbook. E.g. if the user selection is column H, the formula is changed to values in all sheets in the workbook.
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Jun 22, 2014
I have a workbook with over 70 tabs whose position shouldn't be changed. Some of these tabs are colored in yellow (sorting by tab color is not allowed). I need to select these yellow tabs first and loop through them (only yellow tabs) and hide empty rows in the range of A1: G 50 on each of them. Grouping sheets wwon't work because each tab has different last row with data within that range.
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Feb 6, 2008
The following code inserts a row below the selected row, and copies the formula of the row above into it.
Dim Rw As Integer
Rw = ActiveCell.Row
Selection.Insert Shift:=xlDown
Rows("" & Rw - 1 & ":" & Rw - 1 & "").Copy
Rows("" & Rw & ":" & Rw & "").Paste
However, I need to alter this to work for inserting more than one row at a time. ie. the user selects 'x' number of rows and 'x' rows are inserted below (in the same way 'Insert Row' works in Excel) and the row above the selection is copied down.
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Jul 7, 2014
Let's say I have a workbook with 7 worksheets named, for example, "Instruction", "Begin", "Worksheet 1", "Worksheet 2", "Worksheet 3", "End", and "Data". (in that order)
What I want to do is run a macro to go to whatever worksheet that is in between "Begin" and "End" and copy, for example, cells $C$1:$D$10; then paste as formula into worksheet "Data" starting from cell C1 and then down a list (i.e., copied cells from "Worksheet 1" get pasted as formula into "Data" cells C1:D10; then copied cells from "Worksheet 2" get pasted as formula into "Data" cells C11:D20, and so on and so forth).
But if I were to add more worksheets (e.g., "Recipe" and "ToDo") positioned in between "Begin" and "End" and run the macro again, it'll either 1) re-copy all the formulas from the included worksheets back into "Data" including the formulas from the newly added/placed worksheets or 2) it'll add the formulas from the newly added/placed worksheets and paste into "Data" at the end of the list.
Can create the macro to run based on the position of worksheet, and not based on the name of worksheet, since ultimately there will probably be over 10 worksheets between "Begin" and "End".
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Feb 6, 2013
I have a workbook with a series of worksheets with stock lists and pricing that I would like a user to be able to select items on (say, with a checkbox) that would then automatically populate a separate master Order Form sheet. The Order Form sheet is currently blank, with headers, and I would like only those items selected on the various stock sheets to be displayed on the Order Form.
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Dec 18, 2008
I use the command ActiveWindow.SelectedSheets.Copy to copy selected sheets into a new workbook. As a result of this line is a new workbook created and a the selected sheets are pasted into the new workbook. Is it possible to paste only values by using a single line like this?
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Feb 10, 2006
I have two sheets.
sheet 1 has a list of invoices.
on sheet 2 I just want to list certain invoices.
so sheet 1 may be like this:
001 rmb $25.00 1356
002 ght $35.02 4568
003 ght $45.23 5689
004 rmb $12.25 4568
005 bnj $1.25 4568
006 sdr $12.54 4568
007 rmb $65.25 4568
009 bnj $56.54 4568
On sheet 2 I need it to pull out all the rmb lines.
001 rmb $25.00 1356
004 rmb $12.25 4568
007 rmb $65.25 4568
I could make sheet 2 in to a list and sort it that way. but what I
need to do is pull the information into sheet 2, it's no good being
able to sort it on sheet 1.
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Oct 23, 2009
what is wrong in this code, it does not paste.
HTML Range("A65536").End(xlUp).Offset(0, 0).Select
ActiveCell.Offset(-1, 7).Select
ActiveCell.Copy Destination:=ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = "=(R[1])"
I am trying to copy from the selected cell and paste one cell below(next row) in same column.
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Jul 23, 2013
Basically what I want to do is to create a button which when pressed opens a file picker (I think its called this way) and the user should find and select a pdf file. And when he does that he clicks "OK" and this file is copied to specified folder.
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