Copy And Paste Range Of Cells Using Flexible Ranges?

May 16, 2014

I am trying to Copy Cell from one sheet to another sheet starting on A7 and then going to V ? i have a formula that figures that out for me just need another formula or VBA to copy it to the new sheet. i will attach the a test of the file.

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Flexible Range Formula: Return The Minimum Value From A Column Range

Feb 9, 2010

I need a formula that will return the minimum value from a column range that flexs without having to manually go in an change row references. There is a blank row between each section of data in order to separate info. As an example:....

Need to formula to flex to include rows 5 thru 7 in the first section but expand to include rows 9 thru 13 in the second section. =MIN(A5.A7) works but how do I get next section to flex to =MIN(A9.A13) without manually changing the cell references? There is always a blank row in between the sections to separate.

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Copy Data In Non-blank Cells Within Range And Paste Into Cells On Another Worksheet

Jan 19, 2012

I have data in some of the cells within range A26:A39

These cells are populated via an IF function on another worksheet. Even though the cells appear blank (as in the value returned is ""), there is a formula in these cells. I think it's called formula blank?

I am looking for a way to copy the data from the cells within the range which are not blank (ie: not = "") and paste this data elsewhere on the sheet in a list with no blank spaces in between.

I anticipate that there will be 4 non blank cells within this range.

Ideally I would have data from the nonblank cells copied and pasted to cells

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VBA - Copy And Paste Various Cells NOT In Same Range

Dec 17, 2011

Proficient in Excel, very new to VBA. Up against a deadline on a project that entails consolidating data from 30 + workbooks (each of which has 3-5 worksheets; layout is the same in all worksheets) into one consolidated "rollup" workbook. The inefficient way would be to move all the worksheets into one master workbook, and then link each cell to each worksheet, one-by-one. I found a few threads online with some vba code that has me "close" to what I need to accomplish, but not close enough. The code below will take each worksheet in the workbook and bring back the data in a range of rows and columns. That is not what I need. I only need to bring back SELECT cells of data (i.e. cells E5, H12, J19, etc.) - not everything in that range.

Sub CopyRangeFromMultiWorksheets()
Dim sh As Worksheet
Dim DestSh As Worksheet


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Copy Paste To All Cells In Range

May 8, 2013

How can I copy cell B13 and paste it to all the cells in range H13:Q34?

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VBA - Copy / Paste Range Of Cells Every Nth Column?

Oct 26, 2013

I am trying to create a macro that will reformat my data from A2:QB24 into 9 columns starting in N28:V28 with the data from every 9 columns pasted underneath each other.

Basically, I need to start with copying Range A2:I24 and pasting it into cell N29, then copy Range J2:R24 and paste it into cell N53, etc.

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Copy Range Of Cells And Paste Into Email

Jan 14, 2009

I have a table in excel that I would like to copy into an email and send to my co-workers on a regular basis. Somewhere on the net I have find a piece of code (I've omitted a bunch of stuff here):

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Copy / Paste Dynamic Range Of Cells With Data From One Day

May 28, 2014

I have a range of cells with data from one day. This range is "C36:K63"

Each day, the prior day's range needs to be copied and pasted into a new range that begins two rows below where the prior day's range ends.

Thus, day two should copy "C36:K63" into a new range: "C65:K92"

As you can tell, the rows will change each day, but the columns will always remain the same.

How can I create a macro that allows a user to copy data from the most recent range and paste it into a new range?

i.e. if there is no data in C65:K92, the macro should copy the data from C36:K63 and paste it into C65:K92. Then, the next day, the macro would copy the data from C65:K92 and paste into C94:K121.

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Copy Non Blank Cells & Paste As Values To Another Range

Aug 30, 2008

I'm trying to copy the non blank cells in an area ("B120:K239"). and special paste (values only) to the next blank row of the actual work area (3 pages) within the worksheet. The area that this needs to paste to is between("B10:K29, B44:K63, B78:K97"). Problem is that if there are more rows to be copied and pasted then there are open rows on the first sheet it gives an error due to the rows outside those areas having different formats (merged cells and that)

Question: Is there anyway to special paste between ranges? I've tried to hide the inbetween rows and that still doesn't work. Could it be possible to add something to this code to ignore hidden rows or to only paste to visible rows?

Sub Special_Paste ()
Application. ScreenUpdating = False
With Range("B119")
. AutoFilter Field:=2, Criteria1:="<>"
With Range("B120:K239")
Application.CutCopyMode = False
With Range("30:43")
.EntireRow.Hidden = True
With Range("64:77")
.EntireRow.Hidden = True
Dim NextRow As Range
Set NextRow = Range("B97").End(xlUp).Offset(1, 0)...............

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VBA - Copy Range Of Cells And Paste If Offset Cell Not Blank

May 23, 2012

What can I add to the macro I already have in place (below) to accomplish what I'm looking for (2 parts)? ...

1) I need to copy everything (formulas) that is in C7:F7 and paste it down to all "active" rows - I'm defining an active row by any row where column A is not blank.

2) I need to copy everything (formulas) that is in Q7:AF7 and paste it down to all "active" rows - I'm defining an active row by any row where column P is not blank. (You'll notice by the screenshot that there will be blank cells in column P mixed in with non-blank cells.)

Sub AdminTool()
' CreateAdminTool Macro

ActiveWindow.Zoom = 90
Selection.Insert Shift:=xlDown, CopyOrigin:=xlFormatFromLeftOrAbove

[Code] ...........

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Excel 2010 :: Copy And Paste Cells Within Date Range

Mar 27, 2014

I have on sheet "Charts" in cell "B20" a "date from" and in cell "C20" a "date to" (these will be input manually).

What I need is to check Column "F" on sheet "Report" for any cells within those dates, I then want to copy the entire row(s) that contain these dates and paste them into sheet "Weekly" starting at cell "A2".

Using excel 2010

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Copy Specific Range Of Cells On Change Event Then Paste To New Row In Another Sheet

May 28, 2013

Essentially I need to copy the first 8 cells in a row in one sheet (for example: A3:I3) when the word "Actuals" is entered into A3 from a drop down list. Then the copied data needs to be pasted to a another existing worksheet in the same workbook in the next available row. The data includes mostly values, but there is a formula in column H that creates a hyperlink out of the content in column G, friendly name in column I.

I am not stuck on the idea of having "Actuals" entered in column A as the trigger or change event and there will be times when a new copy/paste of the same data will need to be done more than once at a later date.

For further information, column B contains a serial number/productID number.

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Copy And Paste Range Of Cells Based On Number Of Cell Values In Column A

Mar 17, 2014

Please see attached sample worksheet. Column A will be generated by the user manually.

I'm looking for a way in VBA to have A1:D20 in Sheet2 copied and pasted in the "Bank Reconciliation" Sheet based on how many "Markets" there are in Column A. Then, once that's complete to have A22:D30 (the smaller box in Sheet2) copied and pasted directly below those results.

I have what the macro would hopefully generate to the right in "Bank Reconciliation" (B6:E54) as an example. So if there's a market in A1, copy and paste the box to B6. If there's a market in A2, copy and paste the box directly below the first (B26) etc. etc. until it's done, then paste the smaller box directly below whatever the macro generates.


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VBA Copy And Paste On Multiple Ranges

Oct 28, 2011

I am trying to write a basic VBA code to effectively remove the formulas from a workbook to reduce the size. I want to save the formulas in one hidden row above the data and have the macro select this row, copy the formulas down to the data, calculate the sheet, and then copy and paste the new calculated info and paste as values

Issues making this more difficult:
1) The number of rows of data is not constant, therefore I believe I need to make vba count the rows of data and therefore know how many rows to paste

2) The formulas are not in every column (E.g. A:C, E:R, AA:AD have formulas)

Here is a basic example:

1 FORMULAS (Hidden)
3 [Inv. Typ] [Material #] [Batch] [Qty] [$]
4 [FG] [545] [555A] [5000] [$250000]
5 [WIP] [984] [659A] [200] [$650000]

In this example I would like the macro to:
1) Copy the hidden formulas in (A1:B1, D1:E1)
2) Paste these formulas into the range (A4:B5, D4:E5) (*The height of this range is not constant)
3) Calculate the Worksheet
4) Copy and paste values to the range (A4:B5, D4:E5) (*The height of this range is not constant)

* I would like column C to be left alone.

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Copy And Paste Ranges Between Worksheets

Dec 18, 2006

I'm trying to copy range from one worksheet to another. I'm guessing there must be something wrong with my syntax here:

For Count = 2 To 50
If Sheets("sheet1").Range("H" & (Count)) < 0.1 Then
Sheets("sheet3").Range("A" & (next_place), "K" & (next_place)) = Sheets("sheet1").Range("A" & (Count), "K" & (Count))
next_place = next_place + 1
End If
Next Count

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Copy And Paste Multiple Ranges Between Workbooks

Dec 7, 2008

I want to be able to prompt a user to select a sheet to import to another file. The ranges are as follows.

Sub Importtimesheet()...

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Copy/Paste Ranges From Files In Folder

Oct 5, 2006

I need a Excel VB Macro which copies specific ranges from all available Excel workbooks in a Folder and pastes the values in a target Excel workbook in different columns. In other words it would copy Cells F4-F15 from all excel files (say 20) in a folder and paste them in the target Excel file in 20 columns.

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Copy Paste 2 Ranges To The Next Available Cell In Column

Apr 10, 2008

I am using Excel 2007. I have a worksheet called January and I have a range of formatted cells in 'January' between B15:18 and BA15:18. Some contain formulas, others are just formated to size and or color. I want to copy and paste this range of cells (B15:18:BA15:18) to the next available unformatted or blank cell of the column of the same worksheet by pressing a button. I also need the newly pasted range to reset to their original formatting assuming data was entered before the button was pressed.

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Copy And Paste Special Values For Non Contiguous Ranges?

Mar 18, 2014

I use to have a macro that could copy formulas from non contiguous ranges and paste the values in the same cells. So for example, I could select a non contiguous range like B5:B10, E10:F12, and G1:G10. The macro would then copy and paste the values in those 3 ranges, so those 3 ranges would be values instead of formulas.

I think it worked by storing each range and then looping through each range to copy and paste special values.

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Copy Paste Special Values Of Named Ranges

Dec 20, 2007

Been playing with this for some time and can't quite figure it out. I'm trying to copy a named range and paste special value to another named range of the same size. I recorded a Macro that does what I need, and I'll use if necessary, but thought I'd try to consolidate the code a bit and can't get it to work. The recorded macro is as follows:

Sub PasteRanges()
Application.Goto Reference:="DataCopy30Yr"
Application.Goto Reference:="DataPaste30Yr"
ActiveSheet.PasteSpecial Format:=3, Link:=1, DisplayAsIcon:=False, _
End Sub

My attempt to consolidate was this:

Sub PasteRanges()
Range("DataCopy30Yr").Copy Destination: Range("DataPaste30Yr").PasteSpecial (xlPasteValues)
End Sub

I get the Run-time error 1004 Copy method of Range class failed when I try to run this. Again, I can use the longer version with no problem, but in the interest of learning and since I have spent some time not being able to come up with the solution, I thought I'd ask the experts opinions before I gave up on it.

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VBA To Open Multiple Spreadheets And Copy/paste Cell Ranges

Feb 19, 2009

In my consolidating spreadsheet there are 6 columns that show the file path, the worksheet name, and cell range to copy. There can be an unlimited number of rows (each row represents another path). I would like the VBA to copy/paste values from each range specified in each row and copy them into the consolidating worksheet named "copied".

Each time the VBA copies/paste values from the cell range specified in each row it needs to copy below the previous copied and pasted information in the worksheet named copied.

In the worksheet with the file paths etc shown below (named "list"), I would like the VBA to show the Date and Time each piece was copied and pasted. For each path I would like to show in the last column if the copy and paste operation was successful ("yes" or "no"), this is more or less the error handeling....

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Macro-Copy&amp;Paste Fixed Data Ranges Into Last Empty Cell Of Specific Column

Apr 27, 2009

I have rather large Excel file that spans around 245 columns & has multiple users responsible for certain columns. Columns are chunked to provide data about a specific group. Every 72 hours, I need to provide to managers what’s currently on this file in a specific summary format.

I’ve recorded a macro that gets me half way there. Here’s where I’m clueless. After my macro deletes unnecessary columns, what remains are the columns for “Main Data” group + each of the 5 “Business” groups (Investors, Lawyers, Credit, Finance, and Support) which would have identical column headings.

(1) Name (2) Address (3) ID# (4) Control#

Furthermore, for each of the 5 “Business” groups, there are 9 slots (ie- a user can enter up to 9 unique entries for a particular group.)

Example- The Investor group contains 9 slots. Each slot will contain the 4 columns mentioned above. So there are 46 slots in total – 1 for Main Data, 45 (5 groups x 9 slots) for Business groups.

MAIN DATA (columns A-D)
Investor1 (columns E-H)… Investor2 (columns I-L)… Investor9 (columns AK-AN)
Lawyer1… Lawyer9
Compliance1… Compliance9
Finance1… Finance9
Support1… Support9

MY PROBLEM: I need a macro to now cut & paste all data from each of the 45 Business groups slots & then paste at the bottom of the MAIN DATA slot.

The final file would be 4 columns (as listed above) wide. Data from each of the 45 business group slots would be one below the other- all of it underneath the data in the Main Data group.

I attempted to record a macro where I’m copying a section’s data range starting from row2 to row4000 (I know there will never be 4000 entries. I did this just to ensure that all future data would be captured) then pasting that after the last entry in the Main Data.

Example- I’d copy data from Investor1 slot(starting at column E2-H2) & go about 4000 rows down. Then I’d press CTRL+Down Arrow key in column A & then click the down arrow one time to take me into 1st empty cell where I would paste my copied data. I was going to repeat this process for the remaining 44 slots.

I’ve added some extra entries to test the macro & the problem is that the recorded macro is pasting data in specific cell location in column A instead for looking for the 1st empty cell in column A & then pasting the copied data.

So far I've gone thought the net & tried to paste in a few VBA posts/tips that I thought would work. Here's what I have so far from tinkering around. I need someone to tell me what to replace the xxxxxxx line with. This would be the language to tell Excel to paste copied data range into the first blank cell in column A. I've gone thought the net & tried to paste in a few VBA posts/tips that I thought would work.

Here's what I have so far from tinkering around. I need someone to tell me what to replace the xxxxxxx line with. This would be the language to tell Excel to paste copied data range into the first blank cell in column A.

Sub transposedata()
End Sub

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Copy / Paste Certain Cells Then Paste 3 Sheets Into New Workbook - VBA 1044 Error?

Feb 3, 2012

This macro works fine on my machine but not with other users:

This should copy/paste certain cells then paste 3 sheets into a new work book.

ON other computers it seems to paste in a picture? works OK for me?

Sub ValidationTests()
' ValidationTests Macro
' Macro recorded 21/12/2011 by '
Sheets("Score Sheet").Select

[Code] ..........

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Copy Same Range To X Non-Continuous Ranges

Oct 10, 2007

I want to select a range of cell relative to A2 then copy and paste that range 12 times.

See my coding below. I have been getting a Warning box titled "Microsoft Visual Basic"
(X) 400.

Sub mycopytry()

Dim check As Integer

For check = 1 To 12
Range(ActiveCell.Offset(29, 0)).Select
ActiveCell.Offset(1, 0).Select
check = check + 1

End Sub

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Sheet1 Row Range Copy To Sheet2 Firs Blank Row In Same Range Paste As Text?

Mar 16, 2013

Trying to assign code to comm. button on User form to copy lets say:

(sheet1, rangeB2:B21) to (sheet2, first blank row rangeB2:B21) and paste it as text value one more question: what to be aware in case of sheets format (merged cells, hidden rows...)

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Application.inputbox: Range To Copy And Paste The Range's Link And Format To A Different Sheet

Oct 7, 2009

Need a code using application.inputbox to get a range, then use that range to copy and paste the range's link and format to a different sheet? The specifics don't matter, I just can't figure out the syntax. Here is what I have currently:

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Copy Multiple Ranges From Multiple Sheets And Paste In Order Via VBA

Apr 21, 2013

I've got several worksheets that all have the exact same layout that a user will enter unique information in to each worksheet. Then I've got a final worksheet that I want to have a button that the user can click and when they do, it will look to each worksheet and do the exact same process for each worksheet as follows:

It first looks to see if the worksheet is visible. If it is, I want it to copy the range A5 to K5 down until it gets to the last non-blank cell in column C. The first non blank cell that will be referenced will be C7. Then I want it to paste this information into the range A5:K5 on the final sheet named Sheet8 with the same values and keep cell formatting such as width and height, font. If the worksheet is not visible, it skips the sheet.

I want it to do this for each visible worksheet, placing the next visible worksheet info under the previous visible worksheet info. My current code as shown doesn't do that. It requires that something be inSheet8 A6 before it will even paste, then it pastes the info from A5:K5 but it doesn't do just the values nor does it keep the formatting. What I mean about not doing just the values is some of the info that needs to be copied comes from a drop down they can choose from and it copies the actual drop down menu. Also, it seems to copy all of the ranges from each sheet and paste it into just A5:K5 on Sheet8 and overwrites each other instead of pasting Sheet2 just below the information from Sheet1. So the only information shown after the entire process is completed is the information from the last visible sheet.

If Worksheets("Sheet1").Visible = True Then
End If


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Copy/Paste Range(s) Without Activating/selecting Range(s)

Oct 2, 2008

To initialize some cells/ranges, I am copying a given range and pasting it to another given range using the. Copy and .PaseSpecial methods. However, it would seem that both methods actually select the range(s) for the operations, i.e. the given ranges(s) are activated/selected thus changing the focus on the spreadsheet. I would like to perform both operations without actually selecting the given ranges.

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Copy Immediate Range, Paste To Another Sheet & Name Pasted Range

Feb 19, 2008

I have been struggling for a while to copy data from one worksheet to another and reset the target range.

The copy bit is cool, the range resetting bit is not. I have tried various methods, but none seem to work.

For example, the below code generates an error: "Compile error: Argument not optional"

I have stuck the particular command button script below to let you see what I am trying to do:

Private Sub cmbFilter_Click()

Dim sCriteria As String

On Error Resume Next

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Copy/Paste Range To Different Size/Shape Range

Mar 3, 2008

I have the following code that let's the user choose and " import" data to an existing sheet. It works well up until now. The problem is that the three ranges that I am trying to copy the data from on workbook to another has changed size. In previous version of my workbooks the range was two columns by 10 rows. Now, it is 1 column by 10 rows. So, when I run this macro it doesn't work because the two ranges are different. Is there any way to:
1) Only copy over one of the rows of a range thus making the macro run?

2) Do not run that part of the macro if there is an error?

Thanks so much for reading this long-winded description but the error is a big problem

Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()


Run "UnProtectAll"

Set b = Selection
ad = b.Address

' Local Variables
Dim wkbDataFile As Workbook

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