Flexible Range Formula: Return The Minimum Value From A Column Range
Feb 9, 2010
I need a formula that will return the minimum value from a column range that flexs without having to manually go in an change row references. There is a blank row between each section of data in order to separate info. As an example:....
Need to formula to flex to include rows 5 thru 7 in the first section but expand to include rows 9 thru 13 in the second section. =MIN(A5.A7) works but how do I get next section to flex to =MIN(A9.A13) without manually changing the cell references? There is always a blank row in between the sections to separate.
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Dec 30, 2011
I am trying to return the Min of a range of dates. The issue I have is a single date is repeated many times. Here is some sample data:
Sheet 1
Column A / Column B
1/11/11 / 15
1/11/11 / 20
1/11/11 / 5
1/15/11 / 30
1/15/11 / 35
Say on Sheet 2 I have a list of dates and Cell A1 has 1/11/11. In Sheet2!B1 I want a formula that uses the value in cell Sheet2!A1 and looks at the array on Sheet 1 that would return a result of 5 for the date showing (in this case 1/11/11).
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May 16, 2014
I am trying to Copy Cell from one sheet to another sheet starting on A7 and then going to V ? i have a formula that figures that out for me just need another formula or VBA to copy it to the new sheet. i will attach the a test of the file.
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Mar 5, 2008
I have a 10x10 array that represents different cities that a travelling saleperson can travel to. Rows are cities designated as i values, columns are the same cities and represented by j values. I need to use a For, Next loop to determine the shortest distance (lowest value) in a given column. The i (row) that contained the lowest value is the first city to be visted and a boolean is entered for that j=i column, showing that the city has been visited. When pulling the minimum values from the column I need to ignore 0 values where the distance is between a city and itself. I'm having trouble coming up with a loop that takes identifies the i row with the lowest value that also ignores previously visited cities and takes the boolean into account. Maybe my Excel spreadhseet will clear up what I'm trying to do, The distances were generated using RANDBETWEEN(1,100).
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Mar 25, 2009
I was just recently forced to create my first UDF and after how well it worked I now am very interested in learning more. I am trying to create a function to sort a range by the values in a specific column and return the range. I know this should be really simple but for some reason my code dies whenever it gets to my inner-most loop. I need to use this in a larger function but for now this is my only question. I did find that Excel 2007 has built in Functions for this but my company still uses 2003.
Public Function SortRange(rngToSort As Range, valCol As Integer)
Dim Swapper As Variant
Dim i As Integer, _
j As Integer, _
k As Integer
For i = 1 To rngToSort.Rows.Count
For j = 1 To rngToSort.Rows.Count - i
If rngToSort(j + 1, valCol) < rngToSort(j, valCol) Then
For k = 1 To rngToSort.Columns.Count
Swapper = rngToSort(j, k)
rngToSort(j, k) = rngToSort(j + 1, k)
rngToSort(j + 1, k) = Swapper
Next k
End If
Next j
Next i
SortRange = rngToSort
End Function
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Dec 4, 2008
I have columns of data as per below and if the data in Column A meets a certain condition I want it to return the minimum in Column B.
Column A Column B
BU1 5.45%
BU1 7.00%
BU2 10.00%
BU1 4.67%
BU2 3.50%
So, if Column A contains BU1 I want to know the minimum of the BU1 %'s.
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Jun 3, 2014
I am trying to find out how many weeks our current inventory will support our sales. I am trying to research formulas that will do this, and coming back with things like OFFSET, MATCH, INDEX but am not certain the best way to put them together to get what I need. I use excel daily, but this is a bit mroe advanced than I am used to
Starting in cell B4, I would like to count how many weeks of Demand can be covered by the specific Available On Hands in row 3 for that week, put the number of "Weeks Covered" into cell B2, and then fill over to the right in row 2. Right now, the values in row 2 are from my own manual calculations, but I would like a dynamic formula that will sum up the values in row 4 up to (but not greater than) the value in B3, give the count of cells that reached that sum (or even better with decimals to show the percentage covered), which I will copy over into B3:B13. Not sure if that makes sense, or if I can explain in a better way. The yellow cells are what I am trying to create a formula for and am currently stuck.
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Jan 23, 2007
I have a sum field in excel which contains the formula to compute sum of certain cells. For eg. Cell C1 has value (C2+C4).
I have written a vba code to find cells whose value are to be included in the sum field (variables Lrow1,Lrow2 and Lcolumn1,Lcolumn2 contains the row and column number respectively). These cells may differ each time vba code runs. Can I write formula in the sum field based on Lrow and Lcolumn variables.
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Feb 19, 2009
I'm creating a macro that creates a co-ocurrence matrix from variables that are adjacent to each other.
In order to proceed, I need to know how to return the column number of the first (leftmost) column in a range that the user selects.
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Mar 6, 2008
i have a combobox that uses a named range as the rowsource. does anyone know how I can limit the return list to only the third column of the range? My partial code below is to be used to pick the number of days associated with a particular project type. The range"Project_Durationlbx" has three columns in it. THe first is the Project type and the third is the number of days. can the rowsource of a combobox be written to hold a formula?
If Me.cbxProjType.Value "Non Sourcing Activity" Then
Me.cbxNSAWorkDays.RowSource = "Project_Durationlbx"
I have seen a few entries where the rowsource is made dynamic but was unable to adapt the reasoning myself.
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Apr 26, 2008
I have exported data that will possibly have duplicate row entries of any number. I sort the data ascending by 'Agent Name' and then by 'Login Time'. Since vlookup returns the very first occurence grabbing the first in time is easy, but I'm having trouble grabbing the last logout time.
This array formula was my latest attempt:
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Apr 5, 2013
I keep tabs on my league's standings and I would love to make a formula to keep track of record over the last 10 games. However, the part that's stumping me is that the right end of the range consistently increases (the last cell with a value will go from J4 to K4 to L4 and so on). How to create a formula that will auto-update (something like 10 cells from the last entered value) as I add more information to the worksheet? The two values in the cells are "W" and "L". I only need a formula to return the "W" values within the last 10 filled cells from the last filled cell of the row.
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Apr 29, 2008
Assume A1:A10 filled with the characters A to J.
I'm looking for a way to return the letter "C" when 3 serves as the index_num BUT I do not want to present all 10 characters in the formula.
I would like to use the range A1:A10 =Choose(3,A1:A10) or, if applicable, to name the range as DATA and then use: =Choose(3,DATA)
I tried all I know, including INDIRECT - but found no solution [is there any ?]
As I'm familiar with all workarounds - I will appreciate replies that use CHOOSE.
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Oct 9, 2012
In Q3 I have a formula which determines the "next" date from today. In P3 I need to enter a formula which will return the value of the range (P6:P37) which is in the same row but different column as the value calculated in Q3.
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Nov 28, 2006
Range A1:A10 contains no formulas, only constants.
Only one constant value at most would ever be in that range, sometimes nothing in that range.
The value might be text like "Tom", or it might be a number like "1234".
The value could be in any of the 10 cells.
So far, and this is where the "missing something obvious" part comes in, I have only seen array solutions such as
My question is, can this result be achieved with a non array / non sumproduct formula.
I need to do this for 6000 cells in a project, that's the design and that's the way it is. I don't want that many arrays in the workbook. I already did this with VBA so I am not asking for a VBA or UDF solution, just hoping to know from the formula wizards what a non-array formula could be that returns the first found (and in this case only-existing) constant value in a range.
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Jul 31, 2009
I am looking to create a formula to determine the minimum value within the top 80% of a range, but relative to certain values in other columns.
Column A Country
Column B New Customer
Column C Revenue
I need to determine what the minimum value is for the top 80% of revenue in column C, but only including Country=UK in column A and New Customer=Yes in column B. This will tell me that the top 80% generate at least £x in revenue
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Jul 10, 2007
I searched and found a couple things dealing with zeroes or other errors, but not the #N/A errors.
I have a range of numbers in A1:a100. To make this range linegraph-friendly, I have all blank or zero entries defaulted to appear as #N/A. Now the problem is that I would like to find the minimum number in the range, but the #N/A entries are messing things up.
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Jul 10, 2014
I have attached a file to make this easier. Basically I would like to search "Points Scored" (B2:W9) for the highest score (which I already have done) and when it is found return the team's name that is associated with it. Then do this for the second, third, etc. as it can be seen in the "Main" sheet. I'm thinking an index/find approach, but I just keep getting "N/A".
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May 27, 2008
I have a chart:
I need a formula to find the maximum value in C1:E9 and return the corresponding number in column A. In this instance, the answer would be 12. I've been trying to make it work with a combination of Offset and Max formulas, but since the maximum could be in any one of three columns, I don't know how to make it work.
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Oct 21, 2009
I've got numerical data in columns A through AF, starting in row 4. I need a formula, starting in AG4 that I can drag down. I need the formula to look back across the row until it gets to the last posistive number, then return the column header of that column (the column headers are in row 3)
so for example
Header row
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug
0 3 0 0 8 0 0 0
the formula would return May in this example as 8 is the las positive value and the column header for that column is 8. There are no blank cells in the data.
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Jun 12, 2014
I'm looking for a formula to do the following:
I'm building a table (see attached) where I could have a value in cells D6 to P6 that ranges from 0 upwards. In the respective cell beneath each 'value' cell (D7 to P7) I need a formula that will return a figure of 10 if the value in the cell above is 0.4 or below reducing to 0 if the value in the cell above is 1.0 or above.
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Aug 5, 2014
I am trying to create a formula that will do the following:
If A1 is between 95 and 99 then populate with 2
If A1 is between 90 and 94 then populate with 3
If A1 is between 85 and 89 then populate with 4
If A1 is between 80 and 84 then populate with 5
If A1 is below 80 then populate with 6
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May 19, 2009
I have a named range which refers to: =MATCH(LARGE($G$5:$G$68,ROW(G5)-4),G$5:G$68,0)+4. It is supposed to find the largest figure in the adjacent column, list its row in cell H5, then the second largest for cell H6 and so on until the end of the data. The data in column G is dynamic and some cells will contain "0" with certain sections of data thus why I need a formula and cannot just use sort each time.
My problem is that when I use the formula as a named range I get "#N/A" and when I evaluate the formula I will get the answer but in array brackets (e.g.{17}) before the final step turns it to "#N/A". The formula will work fine if inputted directly into the cell but as the same formula will be used over three columns and numerous rows I would much prefer to use a named range.
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Dec 15, 2006
I want to find the minimum time value within a range of cells, excluding 0:00. Currently,
returns 0:00 if it exists in any of the cells.
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Oct 30, 2013
I need to highlight the minimum value amount in a range. For example I need to highlight the minimum value for the values in column A, C, and E. I want to do this for lot of rows. Is it possible to use the conditional format for all the rows at once or do I have to do it one by one.
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Dec 15, 2006
I want to find the minimum time value within a range of cells, excluding 0:00. Currently, =MIN(BL5:CP5). returns 0:00 if it exists in any of the cells.
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Jan 4, 2013
I have a Training Matrix with "Main", "Leavers" and "Reports" sheets. (can email it but can't upload it here; it's 534kb and I can't make it smaller)
In the "Reports" sheet I need to fill "Site Procedural Training" - "Number of people trained in period".
The periods are :
25/12/11 - 31/03/12
01/04/12 - 30/06/12
01/07/12 - 29/09/12
30/09/12 - 29/12/12
The source of data will be the "Main" and "Leavers". The data are dates in these sheets; each date = 1
The formula needs to look in to "Main" and "Leavers" and if it finds a date which fits in the required period in "Reports" then return it as 1. If it finds 300 dates then returns 300.
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Feb 8, 2014
Assume I have a simple date array
I want Excel to see where today's date falls and return how many work days it is from the date boundaries.For example, today is 2/8, which falls between 1/13/2014 and 2/12/2014
Cell I19
=LOOKUP(TODAY(),B2:Q2)- yields 1/13/2014
=NETWORKDAYS(I19,TODAY()) yields 20 workdays
But I want to also grab the 2/12/2014 date and get the number of workdays from that- all in one equation.If not one equation then 2 but not separated for each border date like I have above
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Apr 6, 2012
I am looking for a formula that will enable me to determine which one out of five thresholds a percentage falls within and the retuns a specific value for the corresponding threshold. Here is an example of the data (only showing three thresholds):
1 ___0.0%_____50%_____$5.00
2 ___51%______75%_____$15.00
3 ___76%_____100% ____$25.00
Where the values in A1 and B1 are the low and high ends of one range. I would like the formula to determine which range the value falls within and return the value in collumn C (C1 for the A1:B1 range).
I can do this using multiple 'if' statements, but am looking for a much more streamlined way to determine the proper value in column C.
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May 17, 2014
I have used max and min function to display minimum and maximum time value; however, it is not displaying the correct time value from the list. I think there is a better formula to achieve this. From the sample data displayed below, minimum time value should be 11:30PM and maximum time value should be 6:30AM
See sample data below:
4/1/2013 11:45 PM
4/1/2013 11:30 PM
4/2/2013 6:30 AM
4/2/2013 6:15 AM
4/2/2013 6:00 AM
4/2/2013 5:45 AM
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