Copy Rows From One Book To Multiple Books And Sheets
Nov 16, 2009
I'm trying to copy rows from one workbook that is exported from access to multiple worksheets in multiple workbooks. I used a macro I found here from JBeaucaire that will copy the data for me but it over writes the information I have in rows 1-3 and also the rows below, 28-35.
Is there a way to copy the data without loosing the information in the first three rows and the rows below where the data goes?
I have eight sheets that have lists of questions in, which I want to copy across to a results sheet if the answer to a question is 'Yes'. Each question takes up rows B:H inclusive, and I would want to copy them to rows B:H in the results sheet. The "Yes" value will be found in column F of each row.
How can I set up a macro to copy the entire rows (without formatting) into a results sheet properly? I've tried every solution I can find but always hit a roadblock somewhere.
Ideally I would like to have a 'populate' button on the results sheet that would find every question that was answered 'yes' across the eight survey sheets and import them into results sheet.
I have a workbook with a single worksheet that has about 2000 rows, columns A, B, C, D, E & F Cells in colums A, B, C, E & F all have very different information in them, nothing is similar in any of those columns that I can base a criteria on. Cells in column D however will have 1 of about 18 possibilities in them
What I want to do is have another workbook with 18 worksheets, each worksheet named 1 of the 18 possibilities, and somehow magically pull the data from the first workbook and insert it into the correct worksheet in the second workbook, leaving the data in the first workbook intact.
I update the first workbook several times a day, adding and deleting from it so would need to update as it goes, or be able to run the update as and when needed.
My skills are limited to simple formulas inserted into cells and dragging them down!
Ive put some sheet code together that i need copied to 12 sheets (jan to December) in 24 workbooks (each workbook has trhe same sheet names). I dont want to alter the actual content of the Excel sheets, I just need to copy VB code from a template (in VB editor) to the 12 sheets in each of the workbooks. Is this possible to do with VB or do i need some other utility since Im using the VB editor....
I'm transferring data from one workbook to another. The first workbook ('Request Form') will always have a different file name depending on which user is saving it. However, the worksheet within that book will always have the same name ('Tab A'). Workbook and worksheet 2 ('PTS' and '2008' respectively) will remain the same.
Basically I want the macro to open 'Request Form' (whatever the name, wherever it's saved) and stay open as the rest of the macro runs. I need that file name to be a sort of wildcard, since the file path and file name will never be the same. How can I do this?
Dim TabA As Worksheets Application.GetOpenFilename Application.ScreenUpdating = False Set wbOpen = Workbooks.Open("Request Form.xls") --THIS NEEDS TO BE A WILDCARD 'Declares the ClientName Sheets("TabA").Select
I have 6 spreadsheets all within the same folder, these are pretty much identical (rows, colums, sheets within them) apart from the names of the files.
I then have a master spreadsheet within the same folder where I want to combine all the data, from all the sheets within each book (if that makes sense!) apart from the data on the last sheet within each book as this is the reference data, onto one sheet within this master file. If possible I only want to copy rows accross which have complete data too.
So: (names not correct) From book1.xls copy all data on sheets (sheet1, sheet2 etc) except last sheet From book2.xls copy all data on sheets (sheet1, sheet2 etc) except last sheet combine onto masterfile.xls on sheet1.
I have searched on here and can only find how to do it with the first sheet in each workbook, not looping through all the sheets in each book. Please see below.
I made the following code to merge 2 workbooks together.
The code is to be executed when the user has Workbook A opened. (All sheets in workbook KPISWD are supposed to be moved after all worksheets in workbook KPICustomers).
I keep getting a debug error on the code that is supposed to do the actual move and loop until it is finished with all of the sheets in Workbook B.
Code: Dim KPICustomers, KPISWD As String KPICustomers = ActiveWorkbook.Name
Workbooks.Open Filename:= _ "W:FacturatieKPI per periode SWD.xls"
the code below was created by: JoeMo I'm trying to adapt, but I need to say which worksheet you were to NOT be copied
Code: Sub MergeSheets()'Author: JoeMo '
I have a workbook called summary with a sheet called "detail" I have 4 workbooks Called week 1, week 2, week 3 and week 4. All the week workbooks have a sheet called Summary. I need to import the summary sheets from each week workbook into the the detail sheet. All workbooks are in the same folder. I need to only copy columns A,D,F,G.
If someone can post code or point me towards a thread I can figure what changes need to be made. I am getting better but slowly!
I've seen a few threads on here about this issue but none of them do quite what I am looking for. I'd like for a single page "report" to be created when a user presses a button (which runs a macro, of course) The macro should be able to run through certain named sheets (even if hidden) and if a cell in any row is red within a sheet then the entire row or rows that meet the criteria should be copied and pasted into the Report sheet.
On the report sheet, for each sheet that has had rows that were copied, I'd like to have the name of the sheet as the header above the pasted rows so that the user knows which sheet the data came from. Any sheet that doesn't have red cells would be excluded from the report. I've attached a sample file but had to limit the number of sheets because of Orgrid's file size limit. Hopefully, you'll see what I am getting at here.
I would like to know if there is a way to copy a spreadsheet and paste it into a new tab on another spreadsheet. We currently download 2 lots of spreadsheets from SAP and would like to create another spreadsheet to act as a 'central' preadsheet. What I would like to happen is that the data from the 2 downloaded spreadsheets will be automatically pasted into 2 new tabs on the central spreadsheet, then run some formatting macros (which I can do fine).
I have a workbook that updates from external source and creates sheets depending on a cell range.
I have put tab 1 and tab 0 on either end of where the new sheets will be inputted, will never know how many sheets
What i need to happen is if someone fills in "complete" in A7 in my "summary" sheet then the values in row 6 in all the other sheets get hardcoded. This needs to happen from A7 down to A26, so A8 = complete then copy row 7 etc This is what i have so far
I get compile error here ........Sheets(ArrSh(1)).Activate
Also need it to work for all the other rows.
Sub hardcode() ' 'Sheets("Summary"). Select If Range("a7") = "complete" Then ' Sheets(Array("1", "0")).Select Sheets(ArrSh(1)).Activate
I have a workbook with 26 sheets, labelled A to Z. Column A in all the sheets have names from rows A6:A35.
I need a macro or a code to extract all the names from each of the 26 sheets and paste it to a new sheet 'Names' under column A, such that names starting with 'B' paste under all the names 'A' and so forth till 'Z'.
got work book that has about 20 sheets in it.....there are links throught the workbook. sheet in particular when i go to it, it freezes up...and i get the dreaded "Send Error Report to Microsoft" window"...and we all know what happens next.....excel shuts right down.
I can open the workbook and click on ANY sheet....but when i click on this one particular sheet in the book i get the error message
This work book is a template....its the estimating work book i use at work...and whenever i get a new job to estimate i open up this template.....put in my data and save the workbook as the job basically i have about 50 of these workbooks......and it doenst matter which one i open.......whenever i go to this one same sheet in any workbook i get the freeze
and the freaky thing about this is it does it randomly....I make save this template (as a new work book) when i get a new job to estimate.....and i never have any problems.......but today for some crazy reason its doing what i mentioned did this about a month ago too.......same exact problem.
when it happened the first time i tried all kinds of stuff, and the only thing that worked was i had to go to windows all the files to a memory chip.......go to a different pc with my version of windows (XP) each file it.......go back to my pc...reload it
spread sheet training matrix. The subjects to be trained on are plentiful so I have broken these down into different sheets. I produced this to my boss and the first thing he asked was "can we link the sheets so I can get information about one single employee" in other words I have a list of employees in the first column and this list is the same on each sheet, the headings on the sheets are different but instead of having a set of columns about forty headings wide I have split them down to ten headings on four sheets. The big question! Is it possible to print one sheet with one employee but all of the headings? When I say headings I mean the columns under the headings as well.
i want to do a macro, that will copy and transfer Selected worksheets to a new Workbook? so guessing, you select the sheets, then click the button and it copies then opens new blank workbook and puts them in?
I'm having an issue with a macro that copies sheets from one workbook into a new workbook. The issue is it doesn't copy all the sheets. It only copies the first 10 and doesn't capture the the remaining 15. I've checked the range of the translation table and the issue doesn't appear to be there.
Sub SBGFiles() Application.Calculation = xlCalculationManual Application.DisplayAlerts = False Application.ScreenUpdating = False Dim a As Worksheet Set a = Sheets("Input") Dim Fpath As String Fpath = ThisWorkbook.Path & "" Dim SBG As Range Dim RU As Range Run ("UnPro") For Each SBG In a.Range("B44:D44") Workbooks.Add newbook = Workbooks.Count Workbooks.Item(newbook - 1).Activate On Error Resume Next
I want to create a form and use VBA to make a combo box list all the sheets in a book. Is it possible to select multiple entries like in HTML? I would like the user to be able to select the sheets they do not want to delete before a macro runs.
I have a workbook that I would like the same operation on all sheets except the first sheet in the book every time I update it (which is once a week).
I get data (currency format) for all of my employees on a weekly basis. Unfortunately this data is shown as a negative number and I need to invert these values. (So I use the formula below)... but I have to do this manually for about 35 sheets and I figure I could automate this somehow with a macro. Here's what I do usually and what I would like the macro to do automatically:
I want to insert a column after column G. I would like to enter the following formula into H2:
I've got several worksheets that all have the exact same layout that a user will enter unique information in to each worksheet. Then I've got a final worksheet that I want to have a button that the user can click and when they do, it will look to each worksheet and do the exact same process for each worksheet as follows:
It first looks to see if the worksheet is visible. If it is, I want it to copy the range A5 to K5 down until it gets to the last non-blank cell in column C. The first non blank cell that will be referenced will be C7. Then I want it to paste this information into the range A5:K5 on the final sheet named Sheet8 with the same values and keep cell formatting such as width and height, font. If the worksheet is not visible, it skips the sheet.
I want it to do this for each visible worksheet, placing the next visible worksheet info under the previous visible worksheet info. My current code as shown doesn't do that. It requires that something be inSheet8 A6 before it will even paste, then it pastes the info from A5:K5 but it doesn't do just the values nor does it keep the formatting. What I mean about not doing just the values is some of the info that needs to be copied comes from a drop down they can choose from and it copies the actual drop down menu. Also, it seems to copy all of the ranges from each sheet and paste it into just A5:K5 on Sheet8 and overwrites each other instead of pasting Sheet2 just below the information from Sheet1. So the only information shown after the entire process is completed is the information from the last visible sheet.
If Worksheets("Sheet1").Visible = True Then Sheets("Sheet1").Range(Sheets("Sheet1").Range("A5:K5"), Sheets("Sheet1").Range("C7").End(xlDown)).Copy Sheets("Sheet8").Range("A5").End(xlDown) End If
I Have been working on a spreadsheet for attendance recording. I will be keeping a new one for each month. I need to be able to take accumulated data from one book and put it in the new one. I have the Following
This is the error i get by doing> edit> move or copy sheet
A formula or sheet you want to move or copy contains the name 'HTML', which already exists on the detination worksheet. Do you want to use this version of the name?
I want to do is copy a sheet into the same book. If I click yes, two more errors pop up.
I am having trouble with IF, ELSE and END IF statements. In Column H I am trying to copy over rows to sheets based on value according to ranges. I am trying to use the code below but everything seems to get copied in to the first sheet "0-500". d= worksheet name.
Code: Sub MM1() Dim lr As Long, lr2 As Long, r As Long, ws As Worksheet Application.ScreenUpdating = False Sheets.Add ActiveSheet.Name = "NewSheet" For Each ws In Worksheets lr2 = Sheets("NewSheet").Cells(Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).Row
edit to copy rows? 100rows each sheet or 200rows etc.