Copying Conditional Formatting Formulas To Multiple Cells?
Jul 9, 2013
I have applied conditional formatting to a cell using formulas and i want to copy that formatting to a new cell using similar formula but pointing to different cells. Is it possible to do so? I have tried to copy and paste special>formats, but that just copies the conditional formatting with the same formulas.
Sample: =IF($C$5/$C$295>$R$5,TRUE,FALSE)
I want to copy to $D$5/$D$295>$R$5,TRUE,FALSE) without having to paste the new formula in each time.
Can you have IF and AND statements in Conditional formatting formulas?
I put this and I get an error: =IF(AND($G5=""($H5=<>"")) I was testing the water for adding and OR statment also. I really want if cell G5 is blank and cell H5 or I5 has text, then G5 should be red.
I need to apply conditional formatting to cells in a column that contain formulas, or more accurately cells that do not. I have a spreadsheet with default values in a column based on a lookup function. I need to know if the user overwrites the default and cannot use UDF's or VBA. I don't think it's possible so my alternative is to include a hidden column that does the same lookup and do the conditional format off of a comparison.
I have a workbook containing two worksheets of staff training records.
The first work sheet contains a list of names and the dates they completed various training courses. I have used some simple date based formulas and conditional formatting to colour-code their name depending on whether their earliest retraining due date has passed, is coming up in the next few weeks, or is a long way off. The data is set out alphabetically, one person per row of data.
The second sheet contains the same list of names, but each person's data is split across two consecutive rows. The cells in column A which contain the staff names are merged in pairs so that the name heads both rows of data.
I want the colour coding of the merged name cells in sheet 2 to automatically copy the colour coding applied to the single name cell in sheet 1, but don't know how.
Is it possible to use conditional formatting to highlight cells that use formulas, as opposed to having constants?
I have a sheet that uses formulas to provide a default value, but you can type in a number if you want to replace the default. I want to be able to easily identify which ones use the default formula.
If I use functions like FIND, they look at the result of a formula, and not the formula itself.
I know I can write a UDF that will figure it out but I was wondering if there is some built-in way.
I'm a 2007 user. I am trying to conditional format a range of F1:J10, where F1 will be conditionally formatted relationally to A1. G1 is relational to B1. H2 relational to C2, etc., all the way down to J10 relational to E10. My conditional format formula in cell F1 is >A1*2 (will format F1 as orange). I want to be able to copy the conditional formatting over so the formula in J10 for example would be: >E10*2 (will format it orange).
I omit the "$" in the conditional format formula in an attempt to prevent it from being absolute. But every time I copy the conditional formatting over to the other cells, the formula within those cells remains identical to the formula in the original cell.
I am having a problem setting conditional formatting for multiple cells. The first condition of the conditional formatting works for the cells but the second condition does not. There is probably an easy fix for this but I can't seem to find it.
I use the conditional formatting of duplicates within a column quite often. Now I am trying to highlight duplicates based on multiple cells in the same row. I can't seem to get a formula to make that work. I have four cells in separate columns but the same row, for example H2:K2, H3:K3, H4:K4, etc. I would like to highlight the four cells in that row if there is a duplicate of all four cells in another row. So if one, two or three cells are duplicates in the same column I do not want to highlight any of the cells, it should only highlight the group of four cells if all four cells are identical in another row. Pretty much the same way the default highlight duplicates works, just the value is spread across four cells.
If you have a range of cells with values in them (Q2:AZ2), you can use conditional formatting to identify the top x% of the group and it would essentially treat each cell in comparison to the group. I need to identify if a cell in the group is greater than 3*Stdev(Q2:AZ2). Do I have to create conditional formatting for each individual cell or is there a way to apply a function to the group that would recognize each cell the same way that the canned conditional formatting rules work?
I have twelve sheets that each have a total score on cell G10 that I want to have copied to a thirteenth sheet in a specific column (F5-16). What would I have to do to make that happen? The G10 cell is an auto-summed cell, if that makes a difference.
is it possible, after inserting new sheet rows, to automate the copying of formulas and cell formatting into the newly created space, instead of manually copying the formulas and formatting down into each column?
I need for coloring "Expected Delivery Date" column corresponding with "Control Date" and "Control Result. But I want to correspond with the cells' last content of "Control Date" and "Control Result" But first of all I want "Control Date" should be flashed 10 days ago of it's date... (it's already done on my excel file)
Then I want "Expected Delivery Date" as green when - "Expected Delivery Date" =< "Control Date" and "Control Result" =Y (Means Control is Ok on due time)
I want "Expected Delivery Date" as red when - "Expected Delivery Date" > "Control Date" and "Control Result" =Y (Means control is ok not on due time)
- "Expected Delivery Date" > "Control Date" and "Control Result" =N (Means control ok is not given, delayed...)
I'm using 2007 and want to add conditional formatting to multiple cells.
Say I have 3 columns and 10 rows of data (A1:10 ; B1:10 ; C1:10). I want to add an icon set to everything in columns B and C based on a comparison with the figure on their immeidate left. So B1 is compared to A1, C1 to B1 etc.
When I do it though it compares everything to A1 (formula in the Conditional Formating is =$A$1 and it won't let me remove the $'s). It looks to me like I can't do it and have to add the formatting to every cell indiviually (which is quite a lot).
I have designed a live calendar and am trying to highlight selected dates from a column in the calendar. I am able to select single cell in the column and highlight the date in the calendar, But am unable to select multiple dates in the column and highlight multiple dates in the calendar using conditional formatting.
Eg: calender dates are from B5:H9 and multiple dates are in column J10:J13
I am having trouble copying conditional formatting down my spreadsheet. When i copy it the number dont change. the formula i have in the conditional formatting is =O3
Cell (A1) is formatted differently from the other cells of the same column. I added to it a conditional formatting (based on a formula) which I want to copy [alone] to the rest of the cells, without getting the other different formatting of cell (A1) copyed as well.
I am trying to get a row of cells to highlight a percentage based on a date range
Below is an example of what my spreadsheet will look like, very simple for managers to read and understand but I am stuck on how i can get this to display the right way.
In the example i would need the Jan column to colour for a certain percent for 21 days and continue to feb for 26 days. Im not sure if this makes sense but this is what they are asking for. Colour bars to simple show the percent of days off each month.
Name Start Date End Date Jan Feb Mar
Dale 11/01/14 26/02/14 21 days 26 days
I have attached the spreadsheet for an example : Book1.xlsx
I have a set of values on Sheet1. These 'original' values will never change.
I then have a set of values on Sheet2. The 'updated' values get updated every month.
On Sheet3 I want to show the updated values again, pretty much a copy of Sheet2, but where a value is higher than that on Sheet1 or lower than a value on Sheet1 I want to use conditional formatting to show this.
Is there a simple way to use conditional formatting in such a way? I have a long list of values so don't want to individually create a rule for each cell.
I'm using Excel 2007. I would prefer to stay away from the scripting side of the house if possible. This is basically a 3 day forcast weather chart. The top is the actual weather data, the bottom portion is a color coded reflection of how the weather affects various things.
This product is created in excel, but will be embedded into a powerpoint. It will be updated daily. Here is what I would like. I want the color chart at the bottom to update automatically based on the data I enter above. I have a grasp that I can update the color through conditional formatting, although im not exactly sure what that will look like with all of those cells.
I also figured out that I can insert the letters in those lower cells with something similar to " =IF(C6>90, "T", "") " which would put in a 'T' for Temperature when the temperature got above a certain degree.
I run into a problem when I have multiple factors affecting a single cell. For instance on the example in day 2 of my image. Personnel are affected by Temperate AND UV Index. How would I set up that cell to pull that information from both of those cells and display it accordingly? I would prefer the letters to stay separated by the comma, but I could live without that. The default cell color will be green, with the potential to be yellow or red. I left a few examples of possible situations on day 2 and 3.
In my workbook I have several column with dates, these are benchmarks that I need to follow and have my patient's follow. They concern the dates of treatments and of lab work. My last column is Contact Needed and does not contain any formulas or code. Is there a way to change the color of the row to adjust for how close we are to the treatment date or the lab draw date.
I was thinking if I were +/- 7 days from each blood draw the row would be yellow, so I could contact the patient and remind them to get the labs done. If it was over 7 days past scheduled blood draw, the row would be light red, as the urgency to get labs and continue treatment has increased as they are past due. In like manner, if treatment are within 14 days, the row would be yellow so i could call them and set the appointment. If past the treatment date, the row goes red and I have 14 days to get them in or we have to start treatment s all over again.
I'm currently trying to set up a spreadsheet on excel, when certain documents need updating. Basically I have a column with the dates in that each document was last updated, I want the cells to turn red (fill colour) if the document has not been updated within the last 6 months and orange (fill colour) if the document has not been updated in the last 4 months. How do I do this?
I am currently using Excel 2002 and am on a Windows XP computer.
Lets say I have a block of cells (lets say A1:E5) that all reference the value in the upper left hand cell (A1). Could be a formula by itself or one embedded within a conditional format. I reproduced the formula and formats in the A1:E5 block by using the absolute cell reference $A$1.
I now want to reproduce that entire block (including the referenced cell A1) multiple times on the sheet, but the catch is that each new block must reference the cell in IT'S OWN upper left hand corner. (e.g. a block located at F10:J15 must use as it's reference F10, not A1).
How can I quickly reproduce those blocks? I have done a search and replace to eliminate the $ symbols within the formulas to make them relative, but that doesn't seem to work within conditional formats.
The issue right now is I am trying to apply conditional formats to a sheet I already constructed. I don't want to overight the formulas in the UL corner, so I am trying to copy and paste the conditional formatting only. Can't seem to figure out how.
Conditional Formatting 1 cell with 3 different formulas
I am monitoring tank levels using a program called "PI". I need to know if the tank is rising, lowering or staying the same.
I am using conditional formatting to turn red if high, blueif low and yellow if stays the same. Column B, F and J are tank volumns, Column C is in feet and D is in inches.
A B C D E F G H I J K L 1 TIME LEVEL FT IN TIME LEVEL FT IN TIME LEVEL FT IN 2 7:00 3628 18 11 9:00 3456 18 0 11:00 3321 17 3
AB AC AD 1305 5600 3600 LOW HIGH CURRENT
I started using formals =$B$2=$AD$2 COLOR YELLOW =$B$2>$AC$2 COLOR RED =$B$2
Is it possible to record a macro or write VBA to apply conditional formatting to certain columns of cells where there are exceptions/conditions for the different types of conditional formatting? If possible, can those exceptions/conditions be based on a specific type of formula?
See my DATA EXAMPLE picture linked below. On that example, Columns K-Q need conditional formatting but manager wants row 38 to be blue based on the fact that it is using a =SUM() formula. This represents one "part" out of 75 that could be on a given sheet, each "part" has a different number of sub-parts that are used. So I can't just highlight columns K-Q because of the occasional SUM row that needs to be blue.
The conditional formatting that I am currently using in Columns K-Q only apply to K3:Q37 and not to row 38 at all. I currently have conditional formatting on columns K-N, P-Q where when '=ISNUMBER(xx)' returns TRUE is white and when it returns FALSE is light orange. Column O uses '=ISTEXT(xx)' for the same colors. Manager doesn't want to copy paste that formatting and wants it setup as a Macro/VBA.
Columns K-Q need conditional formattingColumn K - Formula pasted in only on lines that require the Sales Price to show, will return a number value or error
(=VLOOKUP(B38,'SaleWS'!C:G,5,0).Column L - Formula pasted in every cell in column except L38 is '=IF(Hxx="G",IF(Exx"Description EX",VLOOKUP($Dxx&$Gxx,'PriceWS'!$D:$F,3,0),""),"")'.
L38 has a sum of all above valuesColumn M - Formula pasted in every cell in column except M38 is '=IF(ISNUMBER(Lxx),Ixx*Lxx,"")'.
M38 has a sum of all above valuesColumn N - Formula pasted in every cell in column except N38 is '=IF(Exx="Description EX",VLOOKUP(Dxx,'Material'!A:O,15,0),"")'.
N38 has a sum of all above valuesColumn O - No formulas here, just manual entryColumn P - Formula pasted in every cell in column except P38 is '=IF(H38="P",VLOOKUP($Dxx&$Oxx,'PressWS'!$A:$L,12,0),"")'.
P38 has a sum of all above valuesColumn Q - Formula pasted in every cell in column except Q38 is '=IF(H37="W",VLOOKUP($Dxx,'WeldWS'!$A:$F,6,0),IF(Hxx="T",VLOOKUP($Dxx,'WeldWS'!$A:$F,6,0),""))'.
Q38 has a sum of all above values.Rows where they are using SUM for all the rows above for that part need to be blue
How to copy and paste conditional formatting with our changing the cell values. My first row of data starts in row 4 and here is what I have in D4
If D4 is less than or equal to AA4, AW4, BS4, CO4 then it will highlight D4
Now I want to copy that format and paste it for all rows in column D. The problem I'm having though is when I paste the formula it doesn't change to match the row I'm on. For example, when I paste it in D5 this is what I get
If D5 is less than or equal to AA4, AW4, BS4, CO4 then it will highlight D5
How do I paste it so that it will update to show AA5, AW5, BS5, and CO5. I want to be able to do this for 500 rows.