Conditional Formatting - Colouring Percentage Of Multiple Cells Based On Date Range
Mar 12, 2014
I am trying to get a row of cells to highlight a percentage based on a date range
Below is an example of what my spreadsheet will look like, very simple for managers to read and understand but I am stuck on how i can get this to display the right way.
In the example i would need the Jan column to colour for a certain percent for 21 days and continue to feb for 26 days. Im not sure if this makes sense but this is what they are asking for. Colour bars to simple show the percent of days off each month.
Name Start Date End Date Jan Feb Mar
Dale 11/01/14 26/02/14 21 days 26 days
I have attached the spreadsheet for an example : Book1.xlsx
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Apr 3, 2013
I have a workbook that I've built for a project. I've attached a sample workbook. What I'm trying to do, for the entire sheet or workbook if possible, is turn any Cell with a percentage of 30% to 49% yellow and any cell with a percentage of 50% or more Red. I would also like to move the ID's of the variable cells, for example Id number 9922, to the cells beside the description of the rows, Affected would be an example, if the information contained in the same row as the ID meets with a set of variables.
For example I only want the ID's moved if they correspond with IDsub 1-25. One more thing, the people who will be using this spreadsheet will be copying data from a website when it is imported it does not insert the values as numbers. I would like to format the cells, in example workbook they would be any of the cells labeled ID IDsub Variable or Number, so that anything put in that cell will automatically be converted to a number.
I should also probably add that the formatting will be done on approximately 80 rows a sheet with 47 sheets.
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Feb 28, 2014
I am currently using a piece of code (within a bigger piece) that colours the dates in two columns based on how close it is to the current date. It works fine but sometimes the sheet it is looking in has over 3500 rows so it is taking for ever (well over 6 mins)
The code is
HTML Code:
Sub ColDate() 'date case opened
application.ScreenUpdating = False
Dim MyRg As Range
Dim F As Range
Dim DateDiff As Long
Set MyRg = Range("g1:h" & Range("H" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row)
For Each F In MyRg
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Aug 2, 2006
I have a gone through quite a few topics in this forum.....but couldnt find answer to my question....may be because its too basic. I have a worksheet with 10 columns. I am trying fill colour in the rows that have "text" in column J (in other words.....their column J is not blank). I figured out how to fill the colour in the cells in column J when they are empty, but cant figure out how to colour the entire row from A:J.
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Oct 5, 2013
I need a conditioning format formula. If cell A2 is less than 50% of cell A1, then highlight red.
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Sep 6, 2008
I looked through the format link: Conditional formatting page on Ozgrid and was unable to figure out what I want to do.
What I want to do is check a range of cells which have dates in them, and then if they are between such and such dates, they will turn a certain background color. But by "such and such" I mean, between the dates entered in two different cells.
So in the range of A1:A10, if any of those cells are between b1 and b2 then apply color1. If any of them are between b2+1 and b3, then apply color2.
If it's not possible tell me but I think it should be as I can do it with conditional formatting. I need to have 16 conditions though. What it is is a chart with projects in rows and dates in columns. The dates often change and I want to rearrange the entire schedule visually just by changing the date in another place. (I change the date in the target cell, what I call b1 above, and b2-10 are calculated based on that date). Hope that's enough information.
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Apr 3, 2009
Using conditional formatting i am trying to write a formula that changes colour on the percentage difference of another cell.
An example would be if cell A1 contained a target of 5% in cell A2 would be an actual. If cell A2 is equal to A1 or better then it would be green. If cell A2 was within 10% less of A1 (i.e 4.5%-4.99%) then amber and red for the target minus 10% (i.e <4.49%)
I want to do this as a conditional formatting formula as the target figure will change but 10% difference will remain the same.
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Feb 10, 2009
I need for coloring "Expected Delivery Date" column corresponding with "Control Date" and "Control Result. But I want to correspond with the cells' last content of "Control Date" and "Control Result" But first of all I want "Control Date" should be flashed 10 days ago of it's date... (it's already done on my excel file)
I want "Expected Delivery Date" as green when
- "Expected Delivery Date" =< "Control Date" and "Control Result" =Y (Means Control is Ok on due time)
I want "Expected Delivery Date" as red when
- "Expected Delivery Date" > "Control Date" and "Control Result" =Y (Means control is ok not on due time)
- "Expected Delivery Date" > "Control Date" and "Control Result" =N (Means control ok is not given, delayed...)
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Sep 29, 2011
I need to have a conditional format that will adjust based on percentage ranges.
1% to 25% would be shaded red
26% to 50% would be shaded Orange
51% to 100% would be shaded Green
I was hoping to reference another cell and have the formatted cell reflect the conditional format. I dont think that's possible, so I can include a percentage in another cell and have that highlighted.
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Jul 22, 2008
I have a spreadsheet with 'due date' for returns in column L and 'received date' for returns, in the adjacent column M.
I would like to get the due date to turn red when it is overdue, ie. the date in the cell has arrived and no return was submitted. By trawlling the forum, I managed to accomplish this with the following in conditional formatting:
Cell value is less than or equal to =TODAY()
All's great.....but - I would like the date to turn back to black if I enter a date in the adjacent received column, column M.
In other words, I want to flag a problem if the due date has passed, but once I receive the return and enter the date I receive it, i would like the due date entry to revert back to the original formatting ie. black. So only the outstanding returns are highlighted.
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Oct 22, 2013
what i would like to do is change the fill colour of D68 if the word Air appears with in D5:D65?
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May 31, 2013
I'm using Excel 2007. I would prefer to stay away from the scripting side of the house if possible. This is basically a 3 day forcast weather chart. The top is the actual weather data, the bottom portion is a color coded reflection of how the weather affects various things.
This product is created in excel, but will be embedded into a powerpoint. It will be updated daily. Here is what I would like. I want the color chart at the bottom to update automatically based on the data I enter above. I have a grasp that I can update the color through conditional formatting, although im not exactly sure what that will look like with all of those cells.
I also figured out that I can insert the letters in those lower cells with something similar to " =IF(C6>90, "T", "") " which would put in a 'T' for Temperature when the temperature got above a certain degree.
I run into a problem when I have multiple factors affecting a single cell. For instance on the example in day 2 of my image. Personnel are affected by Temperate AND UV Index. How would I set up that cell to pull that information from both of those cells and display it accordingly? I would prefer the letters to stay separated by the comma, but I could live without that. The default cell color will be green, with the potential to be yellow or red. I left a few examples of possible situations on day 2 and 3.
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Oct 19, 2006
I have two conditions setup in Options>View - Zero Values.", "style="background: #FFFFFF;padding: 2px;font-size: 10px;width: 550px;"");' onmouseout='GAL_hidepopup();'>formatting.htm" target="_blank">conditional formatting. The first is setup for alternate row coloring with this formula inside Conditional Formatting:
Formula is = MOD(ROW(),2)
My Second Condition is
Cell Value is between $P$10 and $Q$10. This sets the font bold and a different color. The two cell values are two dates. I want to change the cells font color and bolding as long as the value is within that date range. It works fine, but for cells that are on the row that is colored the second condition doesn't apply for some reason.
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Nov 20, 2013
I have a sheet (example is attached) that lists multiple jobs and their related tasks. I want to know if it's possible to create a conditional formatting that says if the percentage complete under the "task" is under 100% and within X number of days of the target date, it's red/yellow/green.
So, if a target date is 70-100 days out; 0%-10% - RED, 11%-45% - YELLOW, 46%-100% - GREEN
If a target date is 40-69 days out; 0%-45% - RED, 46%-75% - YELLOW, 75%-100% - GREEN
If a target date is 20-40 days out; 0%-60% - RED, 61-90% - YELLOW, 91%-100% - GREEN
If a target date is 0-20 days out; 0%-85% - RED, 86%-95% - YELLOW, 96-100% - GREEN
If a target date has passed, Anything under 100% is RED.
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Sep 6, 2013
I have a date in a cell that when it is less than today() (so yesterday's date) would turn red and the 5 cells to its immediate right would also turn red, if the date is still current then it would be green and so would the right hand cells.
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Feb 5, 2013
how to apply conditional formatting via VBA to a range of cells based on input from another range of cells. Obviously this would be easy in Excel 2010, but I'm still using 2003 at the office and it needs to stay in this format to be readable by other users:
For cells M8:EK8, my conditional formatting
condition 2: Formula Is =AND($E$8>=M2,(($E$8-$D$8)>=(N2-$M$2))), color index is 40
condition 3: Formula Is =AND($F$8<=M2,$G$8>=M2), color index is 39
I want to add:
condition 4: Formula Is =AND($H$8<=M2,$I$8>=M2), color index is 40
condition 5: Formula Is =AND($J$8<=M2,$K$8>=M2), color index is 39
and so on
The cells in the range M8:EK8 are blank, they only get colored based on input added to D8 to K8. If there is no input, then the cells should be uncolored.
resource tracking ex.jpg
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Sep 16, 2013
A little background on what i am doing. I have a spreadsheet that tracks when i have blown the dust out of our computers. I have set up conditional formatting so that the text turns red after 300 days and the cell turns yellow after 600 days. However, some computers are in high dust environments. I would like the spreadsheet to tell me to blow the dust out of these sooner. see the attached sheet.
dust 1.xlsx
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Mar 31, 2014
Despite 'Google is my Friend' and lot of test, I got a bug in my formula. I'd like to colorize date between (Today + 30) and (Today + 60) The line with the xlsBetween operator, fail...
[Code] ......
Existing solution : I know how to bypass this issue, but it's really an awfull solution : fill all column with orange, and then the Conditional formating will overrun the orange color when nedeed. Works but I don't like it ...
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Feb 12, 2008
I am trying to use conditional formatting to highlight items that are either past due or coming due soon. The data to be evualuated is in a report that I extract from another system and run bi-weekly or monthly. The dates included in the report represent the date in which something was last updated, certified, tested, etc. All dates expire one-year from when they were last completed. The colors that I want are as follows:
If something is past due (date shown is more than 1 year old) or due within 30 days = RED.
If something is due within 31-60 days = YELLOW
If something is due within 61-90 days = GREEN
So, if an item on a report is showing it was "LAST UPDATED" on 2/21/2007 it should show up RED because it is due within the next 30 days.
If an item is not expired (less than 1-year old) and falls outside of the defined 90 day window then it should just remain as is with no formatting.
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Feb 26, 2014
I have a column of dates in column M, and in A1 I have the formula =TODAY() for today's date. I would like to conditionally format all of column M (up to row 198) so that it turns orange if the date in M is before today and after or equal to 3 working days before the date in M.
I have this
But it doesn't appear to be working because it's highlighting dates after todays date.
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Mar 7, 2012
I have a column of cells containing dates. I need to change the colour of any cell which is 7 days older than todays date. I would like to leave the header and any blank cells unchanged. Every formula I've tried has changed the enire column, or if I selected a range, the entire range.
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Jul 31, 2012
I feel like this is a pretty simple question to answer but I cant find an answer to it anywhere or I'm just not skilled enough to understand it. I have two columns D and E that have dates in them. Column D is the purchase date of a computer and column E is how many years months and days its been since it was purchased. I want both columns to be the same color. If the computer is 2 years old or less I want it green, 3-4 yrs old yellow and 4+ red. I have it working for column D but I can't figure out how to apply it to column E.
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Feb 19, 2013
I'm working on a fairly complex spreadsheet where I want to pull conditional formatting into an entire row. I have a column in tab1 where I have a bunch of beer styles listed. On tab2, I have a 2 columns: a complete list of styles with a 'yes' or 'no' in the next column based on certain criteria. What I'd like to do is have the column in tab1 highlight if that style in tab2 has a 'no' in the column next to it.
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Jun 16, 2014
I am looking for the best way to use conditional formatting in a Gantt chart. I want the cells to turn blue if they fall between two dates.
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Jan 26, 2014
Using conditional formatting to make all the cells that contain numbers and are formatted to percentage format make display in red color? let's say I want to set this conditional formatting rule initially after just opening the excel book and afterwards when I type in values/text etc. into the cells I want the cells where I have input numbers and chose the percentage format to come out in red color? and all the rest stay in black color?
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Jan 10, 2014
I have created a speadsheet for a tournament that lists the team names down column A (leaving a heading row). I have a formula in the top row which copies each row heading to a column heading 2 columns wide (to be able to record a result)
This way it will be possible to keep the results of the tournament on a grid. I would like to put in conditional formatting that meets 3 criteria...
1, it must fill every second row but only fill cells that have column and row headings (ie. rows that will have content in them which will be determined by the number of entrants). eg. if i have 10 teams then every odd row from row 1 to 11 will be filled. If 40 teams register then every odd row from 1 to 41 will be filled. 2, the fill needs to only fill cells that have column and row headings eg. if 10 teams register then every odd row from column 1 to 21 will be filled. Then 3, If the row heading and column heading are equal then it need to gray out or fill a different colour (or lock cell contents to empty if possible) but again, only fill cells that have column and row headings.
I have 2 rules.
It needs to only fill cells that have a column and row heading which it doesn't, it fills the correct cells untill there is no column heading then fills every other cell in columns beyond the last column with a heading.
Rule 2: so far this works:
but when i try to restrict it to cells with row and column headings it doesn't work. This is what I had:
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Oct 16, 2013
how the scrolling date bar in the attached is achieved. I am not asking for a step by step with code I am just after the basics of how this was achieved and i will research the rest. Most importantly is how to associate the dates with the rest of the cells in the column, as I imagine this is how I am going to fill the cell...The purpose is to add this scrolling date bar to my workbook, also attached.
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Mar 1, 2014
I'm trying to set up conditional formatting in a spreadsheet where there are 3 possible correct letters that can be entered into a range of cells and if one of these letters is not entered then I would like the cell to be highlighted.
To be more precise, it's an accommodation spreadsheet and in each cell if someone needs a room for that particular night (each night is represented by a separate column) then a letter is used to indicate what type of room they require i.e. "k" is a king room, "s" is a Suite and "t" is a twin. I don't want to force people to have to select from a list which would be the obvious solution to this as it is simply too cumbersome for the amount of data entry we do.
However i want to ensure that if someone accidentally enters anything other than t,k or s then the cell is highlighted. We work in large spreadsheets covering months of dates so to manually have to find any errors is hugely time consuming.
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Sep 19, 2013
Basically I have a list of companies each with five corresponding check boxes in different cells. I want the cell with the company name in (or just a symbol in the cell) to appear Green, Amber, Red when 5, 3-4, 1-2 of the boxes are checked respectively.
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Jan 28, 2014
I need to conditional format a cell based on it's current value and a value in another cell.
For example:
Each person would have a different target. So if Steve has a figure of over 20 his highlights green, Paul 12 etc.
However each person would not appear in the same row each day.
The Conditional Forumla of =(A1="Steve.Smith")+(C1>="20") works, but then applying to all cells messes it up a bit.
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