Copying Data From Different Workbooks In A Dynamic Way
Dec 19, 2008
I have a spreadsheet that requires data from different workbooks.But the names of the workbooks are to be received as user input and used dynamically to copy data from that workbook to original workbook.
To make it easier,let me use this example.
I have a workbook named original.xls.It has a command button or any other control.When i click that control it will ask for a workbook name of the project which is in the second column of the "original.xls" workbook.As soon as i enter the workbook name it will copy data from that workbook to the rest of the columns in my "original.xls" workbook.Then it has to ask to ask for second workbook name and do the same procedure till it encounters a blank row.
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Mar 6, 2009
Look in folder and find workbooks with date in name:
Date format is MMDDYYYY
Workbooks have multipule sheets
Look at columns in worksheet E and G.
If E >=10 and G is "ENABLE" copy A:G and
the tab name and paste in the workbook that has
this VB code.
What I am going to do is create a workbook
with a button on Sheet1 and put your code
behind the button that will tackle this great
feet that I do manually that takes about
3 days to do.
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Jul 11, 2014
I am working on a project that requires me to copy columns from multiple workbooks to a main one. I am a new comer to VBA what I could come up with gives me an error. Here's where I am right now:
Sub Import_Click()
Dim MainFile As Workbook
Dim ComFile As Workbook
Dim RDFile As Workbook
Dim UTIFile As Workbook
MainFile = Dir("C:ModelingProcess FilesMain File.xlsm")
ComFile = Dir("C:ModelingProcess FilesModeling - Commercial.xlsx")
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Jun 14, 2007
I've got a variable row length list of data, 24 columns wide with column headers in row 7 and file descriptions on the above rows, that I need to split up into seperate Workbooks dependant upon values in the last column, all rows with the same value in column X form the same new Workbook, which I can then SaveAs with a name associated with the value. I've seen a similar thing done to sheets on the forums by using the Advance Filter and I would adapt that to copy each created worksheet to a new workbook, but a) this seems inefficient and b) my unique values are too long to name sheets from.
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May 19, 2014
(Code at the bottom of this message)
I have a file with a roughly 20 workbooks. I need to split the data in each workbook into two sheets, rename each sheet, then export the data to template with multiple sheets. After splitting the data into the appropriate sheets in the original workbook, Sheet1 in has only 1 row (plus header) and needs to be transferred to "Project Entry" in the template; Sheet2 can have any number of rows (less than 100) and needs to be transferred to "Activity Entry" in the template. I need to save the template based on the value of cell A1 on "Project Entry" sheet of the template. The organization of the columns in the original workbooks is different than that of the template, so this is not a straight copy and paste operation. The cell formatting in the template must be retained.
I have half of this under wraps. I've cobbled together some code that splits the original data where I need it split, copies it to new sheets and saves the files. I now need to figure out out to get it out of this saved file and into the template.
The crosswalk of values between the original data (Sheet1) and the template(Project Entry) needs to look like the below. So, variable 1 exists in column B of the original and needs to populate column B of the template, and column Q in the original needs to populate column G in the template. The variables and column relationships are different for Sheet2/Activity Entry.
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Aug 9, 2007
I am creating a macro to copy data from one workbook that is emailed to me to another workbook that contains the actual macro, I will be using the second workbook to import the data into an application.
What I need is to be able to copy text in cells say D1, D3, D6 etc located in workbook1 to cells say A1, A2, A3 etc in workbook2 without having the macro go back and forth each time to copy the cells one at a time.
Also is there a macro that will recognize an already open workbook that I can use to copy the data
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Jul 23, 2013
I have a spreadsheet that has a bunch of codes, I want to search all at once in another spreadsheet. If there there I want to copy the data related to that line into my spreadsheet.
I want to search a long list of items (in column D) in my “work in progress spreadsheet” The program would look into the “Data base spreadsheet” find the “item to search” in the database spreadsheet and copy the “product code” relative to those items, and populate column C with the product codes.
My work in progress spreadsheet
Col C ________________Col D
product codes ________Items to search
Database spreadsheet
Col C __________________Col E
Product codes __________items to search
Product code 16345210 ........J34
Product code 14454685 ........G26
Product code 14587541 ........G28
Product code 15754546 ........F46
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Dec 17, 2008
I have 194 Workbooks that all contain data on the first sheet only. I need to go into each sheet and pull the information from cell B6 and F21. That information needs to be copied to a new workbook into columns A and B so when I am done I have 194 lines in two columns.
Each of the workbooks I am pulling from have the info I need in Sheet1.
Is this possible, or do I need to do a lot of copying and pasting? If it is possible, how do I do it?
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Jul 28, 2009
I have many excel files(nearly 500 in total and growing daily) in a folder called "Results Data" on my C drive. The file names are slightly different (serial numbers). Each excel file contains data in Cells A2:E11. I want to be able to copy only the Cells A2, B4, D5 and E10 from each workbook and paste them into a new workbook, each copied workbook on a new row.
I have been trying to change code that I have found on the web but nothing seems to be working,
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Feb 6, 2010
I have a series of workbooks residing in different directories which I am trying to copy into a summary workbook. At present what I did is to open the summary workbook and the individual workbook one by one and copy into the summary workbook by first right clicking of the individual workbook's name tab and select copy to copy onto the summary workbook as a new worksheet. I have about 20 individual workbook to copy and this always take a bit of time every week.
To be a bit clearer, the workbooks are in the following directories and the workbook name and sheet name are shown below. For simplicity sake I will only list 3 of them.
1. D:ContractINF00012301.xls the tab name is 2301
2. D:ContractINF0022403.xls the tab name is 2402
3. D:ContractINF00038400.xls the tab name is 8400
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Feb 2, 2012
I wanted to create a target workbook that is a subset of the source workbook
1) I want to specify a list of worksheets in the source workbook:
For Each WSCurrent In Sheets(Array("SheetA", "SheetB", "SheetC"))
Next WSCurrent
2) I want to them copy these sheets into another workbook (don't know how to code this)
3) I then want to hardcode all these sheets (I don't know the most efficient way to do this)
4) Lastly, I want to eliminate certain columns (can be fed through a hardcoded list of Columns to delete e.g. X, W, Z)
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Jan 16, 2014
I have a few hundred workbooks that I am merging into a single file. I found the following vba code that performed this task very well.
Sub simpleXlsMerger()
Dim bookList As Workbook
Dim mergeObj As Object, dirObj As Object, filesObj As Object, everyObj As Object[code]....
After I merged the data, I realized that I needed to know the source file that each row of information comes from.
How can I modify the above script to copy the filename and add it as an additional column of information when each sheet is copied into the master file?
For Example:
Currently If I have 3 files:
File 1:
1 2 3
4 5 6
File 2:
a b c
d e f
File 3:
v w x
y a b
Running what I currently have will give me:
1 2 3
4 5 6
a b c
d e f
v w x
y a b
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Jun 4, 2009
I am trying to copy and paste between workbooks that are defined in an array. However, I get an out of range error when the code first reaches the line Workbooks(Wkbk(WkbkNum)).Activate.
Sub Gather_Risks()
Dim MasterRow As Integer ' Declares row number in Master Worksheet
Dim RowNum As Integer ' Declares row number in active array worksheet
Dim Wkbk(13) As String
MasterRow = 3
WkbkNum = 0
' Declare Wkbk array
Wkbk(0) = "G:Catering-RiskRegister-0409.xls"
Wkbk(1) = "G:CFO-RiskRegister-0409.xls"
Wkbk(2) = "G:Freight-RiskRegister-0409.xls"
Wkbk(3) = "G:GCA-RiskRegister-0409.xls"
Wkbk(4) = "G:IT-RiskRegister-0409.xls"
Wkbk(5) = "G:People-RiskRegister-0409.xls"
Wkbk(6) = "G:Regional-RiskRegister-0409.xls"
Workbooks.Open (Wkbk(WkbkNum))
RowNum = 3
Do Until WorksheetFunction.CountIf(Rows(RowNum), "") = 0
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Feb 27, 2007
1. I have a large number of Test Suites that are large documents with 1 (visible) sheet w/ test cases, and 1 (hidden) sheet w/ validations. Test Suite is saved with a unique name (that follows a naming convention we've set up on this project: <Project>_<Test Suite Category>_<Location in Software>_< date>.xls
2. I need to create a master document in which i can run a macro that will copy each "test suite" sheet from each of these documents, insert it into the master doc, and sort the sheets by name. then it needs to present the data from all of the sheets on the main page of the doc, and break down the results by Test Suite Category, and Location.
Is this possible?
Can I create a macro that will import sheets from (potentially) hundreds of different workbooks, and then sort them appropriately?
I've been looking all over the place, and while i've seen macros that can import specific data, rows, or columns, i havn't quite seen what i'm looking for.
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Aug 16, 2007
I have a question that I am not able to answer.
Basically I have a worksheet with the following:
C4 -a cell where a user can input a number
the rest of the worksheet is data in a normal fashion.
I am seeking a macro that will select & copy cell G6 through whatever the value of C4 is. This selection would be a variable range with the offset being whatever is typed into C4.
If the value of C4 is 5 then I would like G6:G11 to be selected and copied.
I am aware of offset, but don't know how to implement it in such a dynamic way.
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Dec 14, 2007
For work I have to create copies of the same workbook for every day of the month. I have got the following to do it properly, which may not be the best way so I am open to suggestions, but I don't want it to save this macro in every workbook. There are however other macros that I do want it to take with it, just not this one.
Sub SaveByDate()
Dim a As Integer, b As Integer, c As Integer
' number of days in month + 1 (this is just a test; for Jan a = 32)
a = 6
' start date
b = 1
c = 0
For c = 1 To a
If c < a Then
MyMonth = "Jan"
MyDay = b
MyFileName = MyMonth & " " & MyDay & " 2008 daily report"
ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs Filename:=MyFileName
b = c + 1
End If
Next c
End Sub
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Jun 20, 2006
i want to copy data from one excel workbook to other (or ever between diff sheet wud do ) on basis of search on a complete column by picking data one by one from other column & on finding the exact match copy 4 columns form one workbook(or sheet) to other. this has to be done 4 a bulk of data (1000+) so manually is next to impossible.
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Nov 23, 2008
There are two teams in my department, and each is assigned to maintain their respective work book and I'm looking to link them in order to save some time.
Team A - Responsible for receiving Invoices (Bills) and entering them in an excel spreadsheet when received and update when bill is paid. Only one tab in this workbook.
Row A - Name of company billing us
Row B - Invoice #
Row C - Invoice Amount
Row D - Once Bill is paid the check amount is entered here
Row E - Balance Due (Row C - Row D = Row E)
Team B - Is Responsible for maintaining a list of all checks issued. All of the checks issued to pay the bills received by Team A are entered here plus other checks to pay a variety of different stuff. On this workbook a new tab is created every month. One tab per month. Since we need to follow accounting rules and record the check NOT on the month it was paid, but on the month the service was provided. for example I might be paying a bill in the month of November for services that were provided in September, so I would need to enter this check in the September Tab.
Row A - Name of company check is paid to
Row B - Invoice #
Row C - Amount Requested to be paid
Row D - Reason for payment
Row E - Date of check issued
Row F - Amount paid
Row G - Check #
Here is what I want to do.
I want to link both of these workbooks so that when Team B fills out the information of the check issued this will automatically update the Workbook of Team A so that
the balance is zeroed out.
He is my challenge. Workbook of Team B has multiple tabs so I can't just do a simple Vlookup and also every month a new tab is created (very dynamic workbook).
TO add to this in Team B's worksheets have to be in alphabetical order, which means that rows are inserted everyday. for example if I paid yesterday to A and C, I enter company A in Row1 and Company C in row 2 but today I received invoice from Company B so in order for them to be alphabetically I would need to insert a row between Row1 and Row2. So if I had links to this workbook they wold not update when the new row is added.
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Dec 15, 2009
I'm working on developing a stock option trading system in Excel using a live data feed and VBA. It tends to crash after running flawlessly for a half hour to 2 hours. It seems to crash when loading a support workbook, so I was hoping you could take a peek at my code and see if there's a problem with the way I'm dynamically opening/closing workbooks.
In order to cope with limitations in the amount of live data that I'm accessing (through DDE with Reuters Station), I've split up the data I need into about 600 workbooks, which open when they're needed or close when they're not (through VBA). At any given time, about 35-40 of these workbooks are open.
The main workbook that uses all this live data and support workbooks is set to have the application recalculate every 5 seconds (automatic recalc crashes the program almost immediately). After that refresh, it calls other subroutines, including opening/closing these support workbooks:
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Apr 11, 2012
I have a problem with a sumproduct formula. The formula works however both workbooks have to be opened at the same time or it will not update and you get a #VALUE! error. The formula is:
I have also tried using
But it only finds the first value in the list Cash. Which the list of accounts for cash will grow because we are expanding and have several mergers going on.
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Jan 22, 2010
Is it possible to copy a formula and have the worksheet name increase incrementally instead of the cell reference? Example: In column A, I have the following -
I want to copy this across to column B, but instead of just copying that exact foruma across I am wanting a formula that will update the worksheet reference to:
TDI_SR_F_2 is the worksheet after TDI_SR_F_1. NB - I cant use find and replace function as it will change the '1' which is part of the cell reference ($G$1) to a 2 as well. I know I can use TDI_SR_F_3 as a search string, but the process is going to be extremely tedious, i.e. there are literally over 100 rows I need to do the find and replace on.
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Aug 13, 2012
How to copy a formula (16 columns) from a workbook to another, without referencing the source workbook.
Some people are using tricks such as replacing the equal sign "=" for another character such as "^" then using replace all to put the equal sign back again... but this is too much trouble.
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Oct 1, 2012
I need to copy a range of cells from various columns/rows from 1 sheet into 6 other sheets, but into a specfic range of cells(in the same workbook). I am looking for a code which would copy the cells, then allow me to save the sheets it has copied them to as seperate workbooks without loosing the values it copied. I would also like to make amendments to the cells which have been copied onto the other sheets, without having an error message if I type anything into the cells, also having any blank cells left blank rather than placing the 'o' value in the cell.
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Apr 28, 2014
I'm trying to calculate the average for a range that begins with cell B15 and has various end points, depending on the day (since I'm pulling 2 actual years of data that strips weekends and holidays, as opposed to going back a set amount of days/years). Syntax for cell B4 to reflect the average of range B15 to LastRow? I tried several things and it didn't work. Rows 1-12 are being reserved for the summary calculations that will then be pulled into the final Dashboard.
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Apr 2, 2014
Im trying to copy multiple workbooks and just save it into only one worksheet. I have 2000 diffrent workbooks with the diffrent amount of rows, The ammount of cells is the same and it dosent change.
im working on a excel 2010
This is what i got for the moment..
Sub LoopThroughDirectory()
Dim MyFile As String[code].....
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Dec 13, 2013
I have an Excel file that contains formulas that reference external workbooks on a shared network. Each month, I copy the column of formulas over to the next month's column. Then, to update the file path, I highlight the new column and do a Find-and-Replace, swapping the previous month's name for the current month. This practice works fine. The only thing is ... the "Open File" promptbox appears for each formula where I updated the file path (i.e. and this can be hundreds instances!). I wind-up having to choose the file from the exact same file path. It is an unnecessary, and annoying extra step to take.
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Jun 24, 2009
I have a question on the above but can't seem to find a solution. There are two ways that I can find for dealing with dynamic lists via data validation:-
1) Offset and match, cavet being the data must be sorted a-z
2) Have lists for each potential selection
Is there any way to get around 1 without having to do 2? E.g. Got two columns of data, unsorted, and a list from which the user can choose from. The user chooses from the list in first cell, in the second cell require the dynamic list to return all the values accordingly?
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Jul 7, 2014
I have a separate sheet that I will drop a csv file into. On another sheet, I would like to copy that data. I know how to copy a cell and drag it to collect all the cells for the first go around, and this would work great if only my csv file had the same amount of rows each time, which it doesn't.
Is there anyway to create a macro to copy a dynamic range of rows from another sheet?
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Aug 2, 2013
I have three source workbooks that needed to be consolidated into a master workbook pasting the data with values & formatting.
The Master workbook also contains 6 additional worksheets that link to the data pulled in from the source files.
My question is how do I write the code so the source files populate the master in a specific order.
For example, the 3 source files are named "Central" "NED" and "WEST" and I need them to populate the master workbook in that order.
This is the code I am using to consolidate the data:
Option Explicit
Sub ConsolidateSheetsFromWorkbooks()
'Author: Jennifer Starr
'Date: 7/12/2013
'Summary: Open all files in a folder and merge data (stacked) on all
[Code] .....
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Dec 27, 2012
I have a simple reporting sheet where the data for orders place is in one sheet and on the other sheet is an imput box for 'date' and it filters through and presents a table of data and two graphs for the date chosen.
I give a daily report (contents of this sheet) but I also need to leave this sheet available for anyone to open and change to another date.
I want to copy the repor sheet into a new one and email but I want the graphs to remain, not go blank when anyone changes the original sheet.
Excel 2007 / Windows 7.
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