Copying Formula On Entire Column Adjusting Some Values But Keeping Some The Same
Jun 28, 2014
How to express what I am trying to do in a sentence but basically I have this formula
[Code] ..........
I need B# to change automatally like it does when you copy the formula but i need the N1 and N2 to stay N1 and N2, how do i do this?
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Jul 17, 2007
I want to copy a D1-C1 formula all the way down column E. If I don't have any data in column D1 and C1, however, I don't want anything to appear in Column E.
Is there a way to hide the formula once I have built it for the all of Column E? The reason I need this to happen is because I can't have any zeros popping up in Column E, because I am calculating a running average of Column E and "zero" values would throw off my average.
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Feb 2, 2014
I have an array formula that I need to copy down the entire column. The formula is:
I need the Row values to change, not the "array formula parts" (because I don't know what they really are called). So, as I copy down I need the new formula to read:
The only way I've been able to do that is to rewrite the whole formula in the new row cell.
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Dec 31, 2012
I have a spreadsheet with a lot of financial information going down a column (about 500 rows down). Most of the cells are just typed in, but certain rows have sum formulas in them. Is it possible to copy values from another workbook, paste the values in, but somehow keep the formulas that are running through?
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May 11, 2012
I have a spreadsheet with data in a1:p100 and i'm trying to find a macro that anytime the cell contents change in either column B or Column F it copies the entire row to another tab in the spreadsheet.
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Mar 12, 2012
I've managed to be able to create a macro to make a copy of a worksheet within excel.
However, when that copy is create all the macros are lost. If it is not possible to copy all the macros that are within the "Original Hours" sheet, I at least need a macro that will take people back to the original hours sheet (we have disabled sheet tabs, so need the macros to navigate through the worksheet).
Code used is below
Private Sub Hours_Click()
Sheets("Original hours").Copy After:=Sheets("Original hours")
ActiveSheet.Name = "Update hours"
ActiveSheet.Unprotect "PASSWORD"
With ActiveSheet.UsedRange
.Value = .Value
Sheets("Update hours").Select
End With
End Sub
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Jul 3, 2013
I'm having a column called "Body". Each cell in this column contains a huge amount of text. I want to select automatically certain values from that text and copy them into other cells. This image will explain what i mean:
I tried to work with the function MID but that doesn't work because the values don't have a fixed position. They don't start always at the same character number.
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Oct 28, 2013
I have a piece of code that runs through various excel files and takes the data (minus the header) and pastes that into a separate workbook. The piece of code that does the actual copying i think is this (i have used code from the msdn website)
With sourceRange
Set destrange = destrange. _
Resize(.Rows.Count, .Columns.Count)
End With
destrange.Value = sourceRange.Value
I have tried replacing the sourceRange.Value with sourceRange.Text however when i do that it will copy nothing any more.
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Jun 19, 2006
So i have sheet 1 with some cells locked and protected (but open to copying) as a template and sheet two will be where people paste one or more of the template formula on an ongoing basis. How do i mantain the locked and protected cells after they have been pasted? I have unlocked sheet two pasted the first template and had to choose protect cells after pasting, and further pasting of locked cells are not protected.
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Mar 4, 2014
I have a series of formulas in Row 1 across the columns in worksheet A. I would like to copy these formulas to a single column and down rows in worksheet B while retaining the references to worksheet A. I know that I can manually enter the references in worksheet B but that would take a long time to do.
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Jun 26, 2008
Is there a formula/function in excel that can take all the cells in a column, lets say Column A, and paste/display it in another file without the spaces between the cells with values and without duplicates?
Column A
1 Name
3 Mike
4 Rob
5 Ryan
7 Mindy
8 Paul
10 Rob
12 Mindy
13 Chris
Column A
1 Name
2 Mike
3 Rob
4 Ryan
5 Mindy
6 Paul
7 Chris
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May 9, 2013
What can I add to this existing formula to look for duplicate values in the entire column (D) and then concatenate the text of column (K) in each of those rows together?
Essentially I want to string all text in column K together, for each duplicate row of column D with the results in column L.
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Nov 24, 2011
I am trying to copy the entire row based on values in column A. I have 13237 rows of data. Column A is grouped into about 200 categories with corresponding data in B-F. I would like this to automatically copy the data into new tabs based on the groups in column A. I would also like the tab to be renamed to the value in column A.
M195_-_Subinventory_Item_Locato  ABCDEF1LocatorItemSERIAL_NUMBERLOT_NUMBERON_HANDUOM201
.REEF..22700300100Â 228136EA301.REEF..22643400000Â 331122EA401
.REEF..K20-745-000Â 531124EA501.REEF..K20-618-000Â 531132EA601
.REEF..22747300000Â 1122111EA701
[Code] .........
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Apr 5, 2013
I'm inserting new information at the top of my worksheet. Unfortunately the formula for what WAS row one: =SUMIF(TotalSales!$B:$B,A1,TotalSales!$H:$H) Will no longer work for row one because as more date is collected row 1 shifts down to row 2. Row two still looks good but there is no longer a formula for the new rows inserted.
To be clearer... I would like to have the following:
=SUMIF(TotalSales!$B:$B,A1,TotalSales!$H:$H) in cell B1
=SUMIF(TotalSales!$B:$B,A2,TotalSales!$H:$H) in cell B2
=SUMIF(TotalSales!$B:$B,A3,TotalSales!$H:$H) in cell B3
How can I keep that formula in row one as I keep inserting new rows?
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Oct 21, 2009
I'm working on a spreadsheet to rank stores based on how they perform in certain metrics. These metrics are weighted, and occasionally a metric for a store will get waived. I'm having trouble figuring out how to handle this without making a custom formula for each occurrence.
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Oct 19, 2013
I am trying to apply a conditional format to an entire row based on the presence of any value in the first cell of that row to format to a certain color. If there isn't something present in the first cell, I don't want it to change.
Everything I keep trying ends up highlighting the entire workbook.
I would like to apply the rule to the entire sheet but only have it highlight the rows which have a value/text in the first cell of each row.
I am assuming I should use the formulas selection for conditional formatting but I'm unsure of what formula would apply to this type of request.
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Mar 17, 2014
I am trying to add a formula to a defined column in a a table. I get a method range of object error. I previously used the .value and a for loop to enter the forumlas into each cell but I would like to use a different approach. It's basically looking at the compelted column to see if the check box is checked. Here's my code.
Set ntidRange = Application.Range(tn & "[NTID]")
Set dtRange = Application.Range(tn & "[Date]")
Range(ntidRange).formula = "=IF([@COMPLETED]=TRUE,Login!K2,"""")"
Range(dtRange).formula = "=IF([@COMPLETED]=TRUE,Now(),"""")"
'For Each c In ntidRange.Cells
'c.formula = "=IF([@COMPLETED]=TRUE,Login!K2,"""")"
'c.Offset(0, 1).formula = "=IF([@COMPLETED]=TRUE,Now(),"""")"
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Jun 30, 2009
Hello, below is a sample of my excel sheet. The number of rows keep changing daily and the Month and year column has to be populated automatically as and when there is a new row inserted. I tried the formula =MONTH(A:A) and I paste it on the entire column. it works for rows with data but I also get 104,000 odd blank rows added to my excel because I pasted the formula on the entire column.
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Jan 29, 2007
way to put a simple formula in a colum that will apply to the entire column, no matter how many rows without having to physically copy it to the number of rows required?
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Jan 8, 2009
Good afternoon Gentlemen, I have a column of data, with a varying number of percentage values that add up to 100%, separated by "NA", i.e.
Now... when I change one of the values I would like the others to even up, i.e. in the last example if I change a 20% to 50% I would like the others to change to 10%... any ideas?
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Apr 18, 2008
I am trying to figure out a formula for the boss, but I just cannot wrap my mind around what I need to do. I’m sending out an S.O.S.! If you can figure this out, please respond.
=MIN(b4*12-25%,b4*12-500) + MIN(c4*12-25%,c4*12-500) fills in the cell with the correct answer, but not quite the answer that I need. Let me illustrate:
The first part of the formula is to take b4 times 12 minus 25% --if this amount is less than or equal to 500 then use the amount. If it is more than 500 then use 500.
234.25 * 12 = 2811 – 25% = 2811
2811 - 25% = 702.75 500 Since this amount is more than 500, 500 should be used instead. ~~this is actually the amount that I want to show in the cell, the amount saved~~
2811 - 500 = 2311 ~~this is the answer that is showing up in the cell, which is not quite what I need. ~~
I want to find the answer to this question: b4 times 12 equals ?, subtract 25% or 500 from that, insert this answer into cell.
One of my biggest problems with this is that I can’t even figure out how to say what it is that I need. The formula is doing exactly what I'm telling it to do and I can't even figure out what it is that isn't working. This formula is confusing my brain…!
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Dec 31, 2009
I'd like the following code to do is to go through each worksheet in the workbook and copy the value of the formula in cell S2 down the S column to the last row based off of a count of rows in column B. It's not working quite right and was hoping someone would be willing to correct it.
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Jun 21, 2009
I have a cell "A1" that changes values. Every time "A1" gets a new value I want to copy it the the cell below the last value in Column "B". Assume "B1" contains a column name.
I want to copy A1 to B2, then copy A2 to B3 when A1 gets a new value.
Then I want to copy A1 to B3 when A1 gets another new value and so on.
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May 19, 2014
I have an Excel database of department contracts with a Master worksheet. I have created a worksheet tab for each of the departments. Column G has a dropdown list for each department. When I enter a new contract onto the Master I want it to auto copy to the coordinating worksheet based on the selected department.
If possible I would also like it to enter the newest contract would enter into the coordinating Contract Party entered into column D. (ie... If Hospital A is entered in column D on master, the new entry on the worksheet being copied to will be entered under the last Hospital A, if Hospital B is entered on Master it copies under Hospital B). If this isn't possible then I am not too worried about that part.
I have attached a blank version of the file. Current Master 5-15-14.xlsx‎
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Jul 29, 2014
I'm wondering if it's possible to have a formula applied to an entire column without adding unnecessary length to the spreadsheet until someone is actually scrolling down and using more rows. I want formulas to be constantly present in two columns to automatically calculate values as they are entered into other cells in the same row, but ideally without the otherwise empty spreadsheet being X amount of rows long.
I initially had the formula dragged down 15,000 rows, but it would really be much better if it could start out as a smaller size and then expand as the user requires.
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Jun 11, 2007
How would you adjust the network days formula so that Wednesday is considered a non-working day?
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Feb 10, 2014
I have the following macro which works fine accept for the fact that it copies the formulas from other worksheets, where as i only want to copy the values.
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Feb 4, 2014
I have the following formula....
Where B6 = Job Number
Where I6 = Date Received
Where J6 = Date Completed
This calculates calendar days but now I need it to calculate only business days.
Not sure where within this equation I should insert the NETWORKDAYS function
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Apr 6, 2009
This should be simple but I can't get it...any help appreciated. See sample attached
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Jan 18, 2007
I have a sheet named "original" with columns a, b, c. My code checks each cell in column C for a value and then copys columns A,B,C to a sheet named "Order". It works fine except I need it to start pasting the results in row 16 instead of row
Dim lastrow_first As Long
Dim lastrow_second As Long
Dim x As Long
lastrow_first = Sheets("ORIGINAL").Cells(Rows.Count, "C").End(xlUp).Row
For x = 10 To lastrow_first
If Sheets("ORIGINAL").Cells(x, 3) <> "" Or Not IsEmpty(Sheets("ORIGINAL").Cells(x, 3)) Then................
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