Copying Array Formula Down The Entire Column?

Feb 2, 2014

I have an array formula that I need to copy down the entire column. The formula is:


I need the Row values to change, not the "array formula parts" (because I don't know what they really are called). So, as I copy down I need the new formula to read:


The only way I've been able to do that is to rewrite the whole formula in the new row cell.

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Copying A Formula Down An Entire Column

Jul 17, 2007

I want to copy a D1-C1 formula all the way down column E. If I don't have any data in column D1 and C1, however, I don't want anything to appear in Column E.

Is there a way to hide the formula once I have built it for the all of Column E? The reason I need this to happen is because I can't have any zeros popping up in Column E, because I am calculating a running average of Column E and "zero" values would throw off my average.

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Copying Formula On Entire Column Adjusting Some Values But Keeping Some The Same

Jun 28, 2014

How to express what I am trying to do in a sentence but basically I have this formula

[Code] ..........

I need B# to change automatally like it does when you copy the formula but i need the N1 and N2 to stay N1 and N2, how do i do this?

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Copying Entire Row Based On Data Change In Either Column

May 11, 2012

I have a spreadsheet with data in a1:p100 and i'm trying to find a macro that anytime the cell contents change in either column B or Column F it copies the entire row to another tab in the spreadsheet.

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Copying An Array Of Data Based On The Name In A Column

Aug 23, 2008

I have data as follows.

In the first column name of the month is specified.And in the third column of the same row day is specified.And followed by some data in rest of the columns and rows.

I need to copy the data from the presant sheet to a new sheet based on some conditions.

first need to search for the row where the word "MONTH" is there.if it is found then in the same row third column need to be checked for the day like "MONDAY" or "TUESDAY".If it is monday then need to copy 6*8 array of data i.e. (6 rows and 8 columns) into a sheet "MONDAY".if it is TUESDAY then 5*8 array data into a new sheet TUESDAY.And the search should be continued till the end of sheet.

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Keep Formula Same For Entire Column?

Apr 5, 2013

I'm inserting new information at the top of my worksheet. Unfortunately the formula for what WAS row one: =SUMIF(TotalSales!$B:$B,A1,TotalSales!$H:$H) Will no longer work for row one because as more date is collected row 1 shifts down to row 2. Row two still looks good but there is no longer a formula for the new rows inserted.

To be clearer... I would like to have the following:
=SUMIF(TotalSales!$B:$B,A1,TotalSales!$H:$H) in cell B1
=SUMIF(TotalSales!$B:$B,A2,TotalSales!$H:$H) in cell B2
=SUMIF(TotalSales!$B:$B,A3,TotalSales!$H:$H) in cell B3

How can I keep that formula in row one as I keep inserting new rows?

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Adding Formula To Entire Column In Table?

Mar 17, 2014

I am trying to add a formula to a defined column in a a table. I get a method range of object error. I previously used the .value and a for loop to enter the forumlas into each cell but I would like to use a different approach. It's basically looking at the compelted column to see if the check box is checked. Here's my code.

Set ntidRange = Application.Range(tn & "[NTID]")
Set dtRange = Application.Range(tn & "[Date]")
Range(ntidRange).formula = "=IF([@COMPLETED]=TRUE,Login!K2,"""")"
Range(dtRange).formula = "=IF([@COMPLETED]=TRUE,Now(),"""")"
'For Each c In ntidRange.Cells
'c.formula = "=IF([@COMPLETED]=TRUE,Login!K2,"""")"
'c.Offset(0, 1).formula = "=IF([@COMPLETED]=TRUE,Now(),"""")"

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Apply MONTH Formula To Entire Column

Jun 30, 2009

Hello, below is a sample of my excel sheet. The number of rows keep changing daily and the Month and year column has to be populated automatically as and when there is a new row inserted. I tried the formula =MONTH(A:A) and I paste it on the entire column. it works for rows with data but I also get 104,000 odd blank rows added to my excel because I pasted the formula on the entire column.

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Formula In A Colum That Will Apply To The Entire Column

Jan 29, 2007

way to put a simple formula in a colum that will apply to the entire column, no matter how many rows without having to physically copy it to the number of rows required?

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Applying Formula To Entire Column Without Lengthening Spreadsheet?

Jul 29, 2014

I'm wondering if it's possible to have a formula applied to an entire column without adding unnecessary length to the spreadsheet until someone is actually scrolling down and using more rows. I want formulas to be constantly present in two columns to automatically calculate values as they are entered into other cells in the same row, but ideally without the otherwise empty spreadsheet being X amount of rows long.

I initially had the formula dragged down 15,000 rows, but it would really be much better if it could start out as a smaller size and then expand as the user requires.

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Formula Copying- Continue All The Way Down A Column

Feb 13, 2009

How do you make a formula continue all the way down a column, so i haven't got to drag or copy it down all the time?

Lets say I have a formula in row Z, which is =SUM(A1:T1) If I want that formual to be in every cell of row Z, I would have to copy it down. However, if I do that, the spreadsheet becomes huge. I just want that formula (in fact my formula is much more complicated) to always be in row Z, for evermore, as the spreadsheet in time will have more and more rows in it.

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Increment Column Address While Copying Formula Down?

Apr 27, 2014

I am creating a training document for work; the sheet I'm creating is a summary sheet which works out how many people answered questions correctly, incorrectly (bringing in from another sheet), number of questions answered and percentage of correct answers.

Looks like:
Correct: =COUNTIF(sheet1!E2:E36,"correct")
Incorrect: =COUNTIF(sheet1!E2:E36,"incorrect")
Number of questions answered: =SUM(C4+C5) (correct+incorrect)
Percentage right: =SUM(C4/C6) (correct/number answered)

I need to drag these 4 formulas down into another 400+rows, however in the correct and incorrect formulas I need it to keep the 2:36 but change the e to f, g, h, etc.

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Excel 2003 :: Searching For Value In Cell And Then Copying Entire Row

Aug 22, 2013

So I have the code that allows me to search for the a certain value in a cell and then copies a certain cell to the other spread sheets. Here is the code that does that


Sub SearchMacro()
Dim LR As Long, i As Long
With Sheets("Sheet1")


The code will just need to search for the string "HSFL" and I won't have to hard code all the different variations of HSFL as I mentioned above.

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Delete Entire Row Of An Array

Jun 29, 2007

I want to know if there is a way to delete an entire row from an array? I have a 2 dimensional array and I want to loop through the elements in the first column and delete an entire row based on some conditions. Since the number of rows are too many usual looping takes a long time so I want to use an array.

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Read Entire Row Into An Array

Oct 9, 2007

I have a workbook with about 700 rows and about 40 records on each row. about 2-7 a day of these.
The procedure I currently use a loop for does 2 different things.

1 I collect only a few of the records from the line and place them in a separate sheet .I collect the individual data, identify the ID ( cell F) and then search for the corresponding ID on a nother sheet when I do find it I add the info to the sheet on the last + next row. (I sort later)

2 I collect the entire row and place it on yet a nother sheet.
The whole row has information that is categorised by the content of Cell A (name) so I copy the row and paste it into a separate sheet.

What I would idealy like to do is to copy the entire source sheet into an array once, and then copy the data into each target sheet using a loop to get each record from the array. Using only 1 loop to first read the separate data from the " array row" and place it into the first target sheet (procedure 1) and then switch the workbook and copy the whole "array row" into the target sheet there (procedure 2).

At the moment I read info on 1 row switch to the target sheet and place the information there, then I "copy" the row and switch to the next workbook and paste it there then I go back to the source and do the next row.

Obviously Im no programer and that was the best way of doing what I didnt know how to do better .

Is there a way that a whole row can be stored in an array and then 'copied' onto another row on a nother sheet without reading in the individual cells into separate elements. That would be the worse case scenario but a much faster way of doing what I curently have.

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VBA Macro - Copying Entire Row From Selected Cell (within Pre-defined Range)

Jun 21, 2014

I am looking to run two separate macros. I have a project plan and I am looking to be able to select a button whereby on-click, a new row is created within a selected cell. However if the cell clicked is outside of a pre-determined range, then the task is automatically entered at the bottom of the plan. I would like for the copied row to go ABOVE the selected cell and have all of the same formatting as the row below (not the top - as is default in Excel).

The second is going to be very similar but will copy a task category (like a header item) and the first task (row) found below. It will also be copied from below and be inserted above the selected cell.Both macros will clear certain cells, whilst maintaining the contents of others, with formula contained. I.E. Columns C,D,E,H,I,J will be cleared.

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Circumventing Silly 255 Char Limit When Copying Entire Sheet

Aug 1, 2007

I am having mucho problems because of Excel's 255 character limit when copying an entire spreadsheet to a new workbook.

In a nutshell, I copy a "data entry" page onto a “report” page within a workbook. The entire “report” page is then copied and moved into a new workbook. That allows me to have a stand alone, exported file outside of my main data entry tool. When you copy an entire page to a new workbook, Excel imposes a 255 character limit. Thus, I see truncated responses on the exported spreadsheet only.

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Array Formula Find Last Value In Column

Nov 10, 2008

I have 13 columns (C-O) of data that will span up to 1000+ rows. I want to put a single row of cells at the top of the sheet that will display the last row of data from all 13 columns. I want the row at the top to always represent the last row of data, which will always be the most current data.

This is what my data will look like: ....

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Drag Copying Formula Down While Skipping Cells In Adjacent Reference Column?

Feb 2, 2014

I have a spreadsheet with temperature data, all in one column (D), that was recorded every 10 minutes for several months. In two adjacent columns (E & F), I would like to record the daily max and min temperatures. I can manually do this with MAX and MIN formulas in column E and F respectively, MAX(D1:D144). But when I copy this formula to the next row, I get MAX(D2:D145) when what I really want is MAX(D145:D288)....and so on...

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Summation Formula Through Reference In Column Array

Aug 7, 2013

I have a array as
01-12-2008 pump-1 25
01-12-2008 pump-2 28
02-12-2008 pump-1 24
03-12-2008 pump-1 26
03-12-2008 pump-2 38
03-12-2008 pump-3 35

I need sum value as
03-12-2008 pump-1 75(=26+24+25)
02-12-2008 pump-2 if no answer blank
03-12-2008 pump-2 66(=38+28)

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Passing An Entire Dimension Of An Array To A Function ..

Jul 9, 2009

Passing an entire dimension of an array to a function....

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Alter Existing Formula To Copy Specific Cells In Row Instead Of Copy Entire Column?

May 1, 2014

I need the macro to look at cells B9:B84 on the Sheet1 tab of the Cost Template. If it finds an x I need it to copy the 3 cells to the right of the x and paste them in a template. For example if it sees an x in cell B9 it would copy cells C9, D9 and E9, open the Purchase Order to the Detail tab, then paste it to cells B3, C3 and D3. It would continue looking for an x down to B84. So if it found 5 cells with x, it would give me 5 instances of the Purchase Order with 3 cells pasted into each.

I've attached my Cost Template and the Purchase Order it needs to copy to. In the Cost Template is a macro called Create_PO. This is what I was trying to alter to make this happen. I can't seem to get it right! FYI in case it matters, I had to change the Cost Template from .xltm to .xlsm in order to upload it on this site.

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Needing To Find Largest Value In Array, Then Return Entire Row Associated With Result

May 14, 2009

I have a table with subtotals that I need to find the largest value for the subtotal results and then return the cell contents for the corresponding row.

I have attempted to use the hlookup function, but keep getting a #ref error (probably because I am just not that familiar with the entire formula requirements).

I attempted to nest in the 'largest' function to the lookup function, but have so far been stymied....

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Copy Entire Excel Sheet Cells Values Into String Array?

Mar 3, 2014

How to copy the content of cells from an excell->sheet1 to an string array

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Copying Ranges Between Workbooks In An Array

Jun 4, 2009

I am trying to copy and paste between workbooks that are defined in an array. However, I get an out of range error when the code first reaches the line Workbooks(Wkbk(WkbkNum)).Activate.

Sub Gather_Risks()

Dim MasterRow As Integer ' Declares row number in Master Worksheet
Dim RowNum As Integer ' Declares row number in active array worksheet
Dim Wkbk(13) As String

MasterRow = 3
WkbkNum = 0

' Declare Wkbk array

Wkbk(0) = "G:Catering-RiskRegister-0409.xls"
Wkbk(1) = "G:CFO-RiskRegister-0409.xls"
Wkbk(2) = "G:Freight-RiskRegister-0409.xls"
Wkbk(3) = "G:GCA-RiskRegister-0409.xls"
Wkbk(4) = "G:IT-RiskRegister-0409.xls"
Wkbk(5) = "G:People-RiskRegister-0409.xls"
Wkbk(6) = "G:Regional-RiskRegister-0409.xls"


Workbooks.Open (Wkbk(WkbkNum))

RowNum = 3

Do Until WorksheetFunction.CountIf(Rows(RowNum), "") = 0

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Array Copying And Pasting Columns Following Irregular Distance?

Jun 21, 2014

I am trying to copy several columns into another sheet within the same workbook.

I want to copy Columns 1,2, 15, 19, 23, 40.

I don't know how to work with arrays.

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Copying Data From Array To Some Specific Cells In Worksheet

Mar 7, 2007

I have created one-dimensional array and now I try to copy the data from array to some specific Cells in worksheet. But it seems impossible all the time!

Sheet2.Cells(56, 3 + m) = LossLocationInt(m)

NB: LossLocationInt(m) is an array containing value in it. But, this doesn't copy to the Sheet2.Cells(56,3+m). For clearness: the array has type variant

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Copying Vlookup And Maintaining Original Table Array

May 5, 2008

I'm trying to copy a vlookup to an entire column, I want to look up a value in the cell to the left and compare it to a given table; but when I copy it down it up dates the cell value, but it moves the table down by one row at every row so it's not finding most of the values the further down I go.... what am I doing wrong. I doubt I'd have to re write the formulas in all the 2500 cells I need to look up.

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Copying Certain Values From One Cell (not The Value From Entire Cell) Into Other Cells

Jul 3, 2013

I'm having a column called "Body". Each cell in this column contains a huge amount of text. I want to select automatically certain values from that text and copy them into other cells. This image will explain what i mean:

I tried to work with the function MID but that doesn't work because the values don't have a fixed position. They don't start always at the same character number.

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Converting 3x10 Array To A 1X30 Array To Run A Match Formula

Apr 7, 2009

Say I have 3 columns of data: A1:C10 and I want to run a Match() function on them all together to see if I get a match any one those cells, say the value of have in X1.

Since, Match only allows a One-Column lookup array.. is there a way to "concatenate" or "append" the 3 columns together within a formula so now I would be looking to Match in an array that is 1 column * 30 rows?

Basically want to convert =Match(X1,A1:C10,0) to =Match(X1,A1:A30,0) without moving around the raw data in the sheet.

And I want to avoid doing an AND or OR formula that uses 3 separate MATCH() for each column.

I have a hunch that the MMULT or MMULT/TRANSPOSE functions are involved, but can't seem to get it right.

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