I have a macro which inserts rows at certain places in a data table. This works fine. I then want to copy the formulae from the the row aboove or below (dependent on certain criteria). This sort of works.
I have is that when the row is copied, the row numbers within the formulae do not change relative to the new row. Eg if I copied down "=A6" one row, the formula still says "=A6", rather than "=A7".
I have tried variations of
Selection.PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteFormulas
I also tried the AutoFill method (but this didn't work at all when I tried it with a whole row)
Previously, I would have selected ranges and then pasted on the active sheet. However, I am trying to re-educate myself in writing macros that do not 'select' ...
I am building an interactive sheet to profile a number of divisions based on a summary sheet of about 1200 rows and 90 columns of profiling criteria
I have attached an example but essentially:
1. I would like to be able to select from a list a value which would also be a named range title 2. Have the range information transposed into a row
What works: 1. I can transpose the range information when I use the following formula I used OFFSET(Governance,COLUMN()-MIN(COLUMN(HGovernance)),0)
The problem: I cant get it to use a cell reference (i.e. When I select Governance out of a Drop down list of Finance, HR, Governance etc). Having to type in "Governance" to bring back governance range information is fine, but not great when I am trying to profile the Finance or HR division as it then becomes too manual.
is it possible to have more than one IF function applying to a cell eg. if value in cell A1 is greater than 10 then Positive is written but if value in cell A1 is between 8 and 10 then Suspect is written.
Question: I have a VBA code that transpose every 7th row of a dataset in column A only, however I would like for the code to extend the transpose to (7 row and 3 cloumn).
I was looking for a worksheet with vba to do FFT beyond the Excel internal 4096 limit. I wanted to try my hand at writing code to do it faster. The attached does just that.
Everything worked fine until I went beyond 32k samples. The next higher 2^n value for data size to feed the FFT is 65556. When I tried this quantity of samples I got Runtime Error (13) type mismatch when attempting to write the array back to the worksheet using the "transpose" method.If I remember correctly, 32k worked.
Is there some limit to the size of the array that can be transposed and placed into a range? If so, is there another way to do this?
I do not need to re-write the data, but I use this same method elsewhere to write the FFT output. It it fails writing the input data back, it will probably fail when writing the FFT results.
This question would be much easier to get if I could copy paste my sheet for a look!This sheet is being coded for a test that will be taken repeatedly.
B1 to Z1 are various variables(1,2,3,4...25) while B2 to Z2 are the status of each variable(yes,no).AA2 gives me the accuracy of my test(14/26).I have used 2 countif formulas for this with a "/" in between.A1 asks current instance of test which is filled in A2(1st, 2nd, 3rd).
What I want to do is each time the user tries to change the param in A2, cell AA2 gets copied somewhere with the Test instance(Instance 1-14/25, Instance 2-12/25, Instance 3-20/25) so that I can make a dynamic bar graph out of it i.e. the bar graph tells me how I'm trending in my results inclusive of the last taken test.
I'm confused cos while I can make a cell pick up the value of another it takes the most current value with no...memory of the last test.
I am looking to run two separate macros. I have a project plan and I am looking to be able to select a button whereby on-click, a new row is created within a selected cell. However if the cell clicked is outside of a pre-determined range, then the task is automatically entered at the bottom of the plan. I would like for the copied row to go ABOVE the selected cell and have all of the same formatting as the row below (not the top - as is default in Excel).
The second is going to be very similar but will copy a task category (like a header item) and the first task (row) found below. It will also be copied from below and be inserted above the selected cell.Both macros will clear certain cells, whilst maintaining the contents of others, with formula contained. I.E. Columns C,D,E,H,I,J will be cleared.
I'm using an IF formula – BV2 =IF((OR(BQ2="yes",BU2="yes")),"Yes","No") - which just shows "#VALUE!" whenever BU2 shows "#VALUE!". Is there any way round this so that, if BQ2 showed yes and BU2 showed value, BV2 would say yes?
I've created a User Form to input data on a dashboard where you can select a date from a dynamic list of dates. The list of dates is calculated using:
Code: =(TODAY())-WEEKDAY((TODAY()),1)+2 The other dates are based on this date -7.
The User Form code:
Code: Private Sub CommandButton1_Click() Dim emptyRow As Long 'Make Sheet30 Active
This works perfectly for any date except dates from December. 3/12/12 (3rd Dec) turns to 12/3/12 (12th Mar) when it's copied to the cell. The same happens for 10/12/12 - becomes 12th October instead of 10th December.
I have a database on one sheet and a 2 count if formulae recording information on the next to be exact one formulae counts the number of monthly values and the other count yearly values. I want the sum of these formulaes to be equal or less than 25. and to show an error if the sum of these is mor than 25.
I need to add a piece of code to a spreadsheet that will turn all formulae within into values. The number of tabs in the spreadsheet is likely to change over time but I want the code to apply to all the tabs - without needing to change it if a tab is added/ deleted.
Is there any way to 'evaluate' a dotted number (similar to an IPv4 address but not just those) using standard worksheet formulae (ie no UDFs, VBA, or ATP functions)?
To make it a little more complicated, I need to be able to evaluate not just IP addresses (although that would be a use) but also a 'number' such as 9.0.2 compared to 8.7.5 so that they can be sorted and / or compared.
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is it possible to have a sheet that i can type in formulae and the formulae will automatically copy itself into the same cells on any new sheets i open?
I found this post in the archive section. Its purpose is to find the Last Used Row in a Range, "A:A".
Using it, I get a #Name? error. I have placed the UDF in a module, placed the formulae in K1.
I have mixed data from A1:A34.
Function Used(r As Range) As Range
Dim q As Range Set q = r.Parent.UsedRange.Cells(r.Parent.UsedRange.Cells.Count) Set Used = Intersect(r, r.Parent.Range(r.Parent.Cells(1, 1), q)) End Function
Have this workbook with over 34 worksheets. Exactly 31 sheets have over 700 rows & 5 columns of array formula. The cell references for these formulae are on "Sheet2" and the values in Sheet2 get populated after the macro is executed for Sheet1.
The macro when run, takes helluva time to complete and populate the values in these 31 worksheets. If I turn off the calculation, it throws out a an exception and on the top of it I have noticed sometimes that the computer hangs itself and becomes DEAD. The only option I got is to press the Reboot Button.
The same macro when run on less than 100 rows, works like a treat ! Could someone help me resolve this high density problem, the Excel way (I am not in a position or a situation right now - to use ADO Recordsets to rectify this problem and neither do I know how to use it). So if your suggestion asks me to use the ADODB then unfortunately it will not be helpful to me at the moment
I have tried by all means and now I am stressed out.
I would like to extract the ABC term, i.e. the term that liues in between the 2nd and 3rd "_" in the Workbook name (in the above example "Test_ABC_2009_v2.xls")
Everytime that I insert a row into a worksheet which a number of formulae refer to, those formulae get updated automatically in such a way that it is not in my favour. The formulae refer to rows 2:2000 on a number of different columns. Adding a new row shifts the references to 3:2001. I presume that I can stop this from happening
= SUMPRODUCT(('List of DD Donors'!E2:E2000)*('List of DD Donors'!F2:F2000='DD Tally'!E6)*IF(DATEDIF(('List of DD Donors'!G2:G2000)-1,DATE(2006,3,31),"m")>12,12,DATEDIF(('List of DD Donors'!G2:G2000)-1,DATE(2006,3,31),"m")))
changes to...
=SUMPRODUCT(('List of DD Donors'!E3:E2001)*('List of DD Donors'!F3:F2001='DD Tally'!E6)*IF(DATEDIF(('List of DD Donors'!G3:G2001)-1,DATE(2006,3,31),"m")>12,12,DATEDIF(('List of DD Donors'!G3:G2001)-1,DATE(2006,3,31),"m")))
I have a number of different formulae I want to invoke according to a choice. I am able to request the formula I want by entering them ‘in line’ as value1, value2 etc into the CHOOSE formula … e.g. =CHOOSE($H$1,IF(N3>O3,1,""),IF(N3<O3,1,""),IF(N3=O 3,1,””))
but this is cumbersome and confusing since I have a growing number of choices and some of the formulae are quite long. I want to enter them in a list and extract the formula which corresponds with the Index_num in the CHOOSE formula. I also need the cells in the formulae to be relative so this rules out using NAMES to refer to the formulae.
I want to write a For loop so that it checks the range G2:R2 of Sheet1 for the first non-zero cell in that range. When it comes to the first non-zero cell, it will change the formula of A2 on Sheet2 to have the SUM of that non-zero cell and the next two cells to the right. Example:
I'm trying to make a schedule of deposits made for the month of March 2008. (Deposits are made on a daily basis.) With this, I wanted to know when the deposit would clear with the bank using the WORKDAY formula given that I have to count 6 banking days after the date of deposit (Saturdays and Sundays excluded).
I'm using Mac and I recently upgraded to Office 2008 (never tried WORKDAY formula in other versions). I am aware of the syntax used for this formula and it works just fine in other cases. But I noticed that with start_dates falling on a Thursday or Friday of the week, Excel would give me a result date that falls on a Sunday, which is odd given that it's supposed to ignore non-working days or weekends. (I haven't even gotten to inputting holidays yet.)
I have a spreadsheet set up that keeps a running total of the money in my checking account. I've set up the "balance" column to only display the balance if the "debit" or "credit" columns have data. For example:
This way I have space to add more entries, without having to copy the formula in the "balance" column every time I add an entry (or have my balance copied all the way down the column when there are no entries that alter it). However, the problem I'm encountering is displaying the balance at the very bottom (underneath the line). I would imagine I need to somehow look up the last value in a range in the "balance" column, but am unsure of how to proceed.
how to make such code by VBA. but i'm desperate to have it.
I need a code to copy a two different ranges from two sheets and paste them below the original ranges in each sheet "a range a sheet". And then if a clicked again the same ranges should be pasted after and so on so forth.
I have a row data corresponding to the measuring of load cell per min and I need to average the values per hour. So I have a column B for the date (from 1-01-2013 to 31-01-2013, column C for the time (0:00:00 to 23:59:00), and D de values per min I want to average. I have to do the same for the rest of the month of 2013 (February, ...., December).
I would like to know if there is a way to create a formula to calculate the average of the first 60 values (to get the average of the first hour of 1-01-2013), and then copy it to get the average of the following 60 (average of the second hour in 1-01-2013) and so on.
If there is no way to do it, I would like to know if I can do it using functions like average, match, index, offset, what would be the best match of those functions.
I also tried it by doing the analysis in another tab and using the function "averageifs" with two criterias: one for the date (example 01-01-2013) and another one for the hour (example 0:00:00), but it didnt work, it show error: #value. I inserted an extra column in the data tab with just the hour (example 0:00:00) in front of the corresponding column with (example 0:01:00, 00:02:00, etc) Equation I used for this:
What I need to do is put data that I get on a variery of excel speadsheets into a standard template. I can do this by the process of copying over column by column the appropriate detail from one workbook to the other.
what I'd like to do is replicate the column headings of the template onto the workbook with the original data so I'm looking at just one workbook all the while until I'm ready to transfer all the data in one go.
I realise I can just copy from the template to the active workbook, but what I had in mind was having the ability to hit a button to replicate it associated with a macro.
So the macro I'd want would involve starting from a cell in the active workbook, obtaining a named range from my personal workbook (which would be the template headings) and then pasting this back into the active cell of the active workbook.
And if it is feasible...how would I get it to work (taking into consideration the Personal workbook may be hidden).