Copying Merged Cells (3 Cells) Based On Contents Of Any Of 3 Cells To Right
May 29, 2014
I wish to copy a merged cell (3 cells) based on if only 1 of 3 cells to the right contain "X". if the top cell does not contain "X" than the merged cell is not copied. Also, is therea more elegant to copy 3 columns at a time rather than do one at a time as my code shows:
' CopyICUCAPU Macro
Dim i As Integer
I am looking for a code that will clear all of my unlocked cell in sheet 1. That is not a problem but since many of the cells are merged I know it keeps throwing me an error saying cannot change contents of merged cells or something like that. Does anyone know how to get around this without unmerging the cells. I saw a code to unmerge all of the cells on a sheet but I really don't want to do this as I already have worked around most of my problems with the merged cells.
I have a pair of workbooks in which one calculates a number of values and I want to store the values only in the other.
I would expect to be able to highlight the range of the calculated cells in the source workbook, Copy and then Paste Special | Values in the other.
Both the source and the target contain some merged cells. When I try to do the paste, it complains that "this operation requires the merged cells to be identically sized".
They are identically sized.
I have even done Paste Special | Column Widths to guarantee they are identically sized. It doesn't complain about the merged cells then; in fact, it doesn't complain about the merged cells with any of the other paste operations, only with Values.
I have been able to repeat the behaviour with a very simple example. See the two attached sheets. Try pasting Values only of the range $B$2:$D$4 from either one to the other.
When I first created the samples they worked. What seemed to triggered it is I changed one of the merged column widths by one pixel, tried expecting it to fail (and it did), changed that column width back again and it hasn't worked since. As I said, I even tried pasting the Column Width to the target, which it appeared to do successfully, but it hasn't helped.
Now, the attached examples are only to show the principle of the problem. They are very simple and there would be a myriad alternative work-arounds for them. In my original case though there are many formulae over a much larger range and I want other people to be able to paste values without having to follow complicated instructions, so I am not looking for work-arounds unless someone has a mind-numbingly simple one that my numb mind has overlooked.
The only other way of solving the problem that I can think of would be to write a macro that copies cell values individually, but I'd rather not do that because I know these people: they will get narky about having to enable macros. It will be "against organisation policy" or something.
Is there any way of resetting the target workbook so that it will receive the values from the source?
I've created a simple "app" within excel (It's a suggestion box), something that has a form on one sheet, and stores the data entered on it on a second, locked and hidden sheet. This way people I work with can open the form from the shared drive, fill in their suggestions, then close it. I can then view them on the second sheet.
For aesthetics, one of the cells is merged across 3. Most of the other cells don't need to be so wide, but this one does.
One of the users has mentioned that they can't copy the text from that cell without getting a [Tab][Tab][Linebreak]. The line break, I'm assuming, is because it's the end of a cell. I'm assuming the tabs are because it's merged across 3 cells.
Can this be corrected and the tabs be removed? I don't see a Worksheet_BeforeCopy method.
I have a spreadsheet that has been given to me by someone else, and unfortunately it has merged cells in it that are causing some trouble. I need to have a way to unmerge the merged cells, but for the data in the merged cell to then be copied into each cell that it splits into.
I've attached two spreadsheets - unfortunately I can't really attach the real one since it has research data in it, so I've reduced the size of the file and replaced some of the text. The first file shows how the file starts off, and the file named "result" shows how I would like it to be.
My real file contains some 10,000+ lines of data, and the merged cells are of varying sizes, with no consistency to the size, so I'd like a way to automate this instead of copy and pasting into every empty cell after I unmerge them.
I have a workbook containing two worksheets of staff training records.
The first work sheet contains a list of names and the dates they completed various training courses. I have used some simple date based formulas and conditional formatting to colour-code their name depending on whether their earliest retraining due date has passed, is coming up in the next few weeks, or is a long way off. The data is set out alphabetically, one person per row of data.
The second sheet contains the same list of names, but each person's data is split across two consecutive rows. The cells in column A which contain the staff names are merged in pairs so that the name heads both rows of data.
I want the colour coding of the merged name cells in sheet 2 to automatically copy the colour coding applied to the single name cell in sheet 1, but don't know how.
I have a spreadsheet that has columns stating both status and then further to the right in the row, currency totals. There are only two status options, Stocked and On Order. I need to add the total currency amounts based on this other column's listing and it must change if status changes.
(Put simpler: Column A lists Stocked or On Order and Column B is the currency tied up in that row. I need to make totals for the cells in column B based on the status listed in Column A and it must change when Column A is changed. This should result in two totals, one for Stock Status Currency and one for On Order Curreny)
I've been given the task of automating a spreadsheet to assess whether work has been done by each employee. Every employee has their own spreadsheet, where column A is a job code, and column H contains either y or n dentoting whether they have completed the task (y) or not (n).
The main spreadsheet is designed to show any outstadning tasks across everybody so it has a list of everybodies names in column A and then any incomplete tasks will be listed from columns b onwards next to the appropriate person. Here is what I have done at the moment.
I have a spradsheet that I've formatted using merged cells. The spreadsheet has several columns. Into these columns I must enter raw data extracted from our SAP data base. The extraction worksheet has no merged cells. So bottom line, I have a column of say, 30 non-merged cells and I want to paste that column into my formatted spreadsheet that has 30 merged cells of thre cells a piece (90 cells total).
So far I have been unable to do this. If I've attached it correctly, the sample attached
Im having problems trying to sort through data and linking certain data. I will post example below:
Main 1 Main 2 Main 3 Sublevel 1-4
This is just one part of a row of the workbook but shows the Main data which is made up of 4 different sub levels on the right. I merged 4 cells for the main data so that all the cells lined up but I'm still having problems with being able to sort and link the files together so that when I filter, they all do it together. The example didn't paste well.
I have a spreadsheet list that has no merged cells. I need to copy that spreadsheet into another spreadsheet where each row is actually 2 merged rows. I thought that I could manually reference the first few rows, then drag them down to copy and hope that excel would be smart enough to pick up the pattern. But it doesn't, and keeps copying over every other row. Is there a way to quickly copy a spreadsheet with individual rows into a spreadsheet with merged (two rows) cells? Seems like it should be doable.
I am referring to the post made by NBVC at, Try: =IF($A1="",INDIRECT("A"&ROW()-ROW($A$2)+COLUMN(B1)),"") in B2, copied across and down
I have a similar case but there are no empty rows between lists, what would be the formula to get the same results? (The transposed address should appear next to each first line of each block).
Earlier, I posted at and I got brilliant answers, I also would like to get benefit of the above mentioned formula but in cases when there are no empty rows between lists.
I am working on a sheet where I want the contents of cells D1:D10 appear if cell A1 has a text in it and the contents of cells D1:D10 disappear if cell A1 is blank. What is the right conditional formatting formula for this.
I would like to do now would be to only copy the rows that also contain the word sold in column C. I guess that I could do this in two stages, first copying the rows based on the year then copy again based on the word sold in column C. It would be nicer to make a slight modification to my code and do it all in one step.
I have data contained in 4 columns. Column A is name, Column B is ID, Column C is Company, Column D is amount. There are duplicate names in column A and duplicate ID's in column B (ID's have correspending Company Names in Column C). I want to have a list so that this combination shows up only once, and then the amount next to it will be the sum of all.
Is it possible to place formulas in vba to control cells based on the cells contents.
A2 will be the the price of an item excluding vat and b2 will be the price of an item including vat
What i want to achieve is if I put a figure into a2 b2 then multiplies a2 by 1.15 to reflect the price including vat. If this is achievable I then want to reverse the proceedure so if I put the price including VAT into b2 a2 divides b2 by 1.15 to reflect the price exc. VAT.#
if all of the above is clear and possible I would like to know if it is easily possible to copy the workings for a3, 4 ,5 ,6 etc and b3, 4, 5, 6 etc.
I am just learning VBA. I need to move to a cell location that is named in a range. As follows:
The cell "Sheet2!A1" has a formula that results in "Sheet1!B3". I would like my VBA code to read that cell and select Sheet1!B3. When using something like:
Application.GoTo Range("Sheet2!A1")
I end up of course at Sheet!2A1. I want to end up at Sheet1!B3 or wherever the cell reads at the time the code is read and operated on.
I have a worksheet that I've applied conditional formatting to which works very nicely apart from when I use the formatting and apply it to a cell based on the contents of another.
What I don't understand is when I put a formula in cell b1 to read =$a1="yes" and format accordingly it works. So when I type in "YES" in to cell a1 ,cell b1 is highlighted. When I type in "NO" the B1 cell isn't highlighted which is what i would expect. IF however I delete what ever is in cell A1 the cell B1 is still highlighted.
I have written this code to clear the contents of certain cells, lock the content of others and protect the sheet again it works on sheet1 but not on sheet 7. This is suppose to happen when the Print button on my sheet is clicked.
I will have 2 columns. In column B, will be a list of invoice numbers. Now each one starts with the "job number" (Ex. 51APGC01) then a dash and unique number per invoice. (Ex. 51APGC01-01)
In column A, will be a list of Purchase Order numbers sent by the customer so we can bill. Now, sometimes we get one PO for multiple invoices, (Ex. 03, 05, 06, 07.....)
What I am looking to do, is when I get these PO's, I enter them in and then I print a report for our billing Dept. The way the output line (cell) will read, is Job Number, then each unique number: (51APGC01-03, 05, 06, 07)
There are multiple jobs and each one has it's own report, so the job number will be dynamic and defined else where in the workbook. I can define that. It's just getting the numbers after the "-" and putting them in only.
I have just started to learn how to use vba in microsoft excel. Over the past few days i have been creating a drawing register and have incorporated multiple routines based on searching this forum. Up until this point i have foud everything i needed on this forum, but now i cannot work out how to creat a routine that does the below.
The setup *I have a folder called Zircon Plant *That folder contains 3 folders 01. Superseded, 02. PDFs and 03. Documentation (the 01. Sup...etc. is the actual folder name, the 01, 02 and 03 isnt distinguishing the 3 folders) *The Register is located in 03. Documentation *The PDFs i want to hyperlink to are located in 02. PDFs
What i want to do *i have 2000 rows of drawing names *the drawing name in excel is spread over 5 side by side cells on each row (rows 21 - 2020) so for example the first row the information is in cells (H21, I21, J21, K21 ,L21) *the cells i want to contain hyperlinks are V21 - V2020
so what i want is when excel opens up (i already have another script running at startup so i will be placing this after the other startup routine i have) i want it to search in folder 02. PDFs using the contents in (for example the first row (21) and colums HIJKL contain (H21)4CP(I21)-(J21)D(K21)-(L21)55000) each row and combine those cell contents to find the file name 4CP-D-55000.pdf. I then want it to go down every row until row 2020 untill it has added all pdfs.
(The second row is (H22)4CP(I221)-(J221)D(K221)-(L21)55001.....file name would be 4CP-D-55001.....third row would be 4CP-D-55002 etc...)
If such a pdf with that name doesnt exist, i want the cell (for example v21) to read "PDF not available"
based on a search here i have been able to do this for 1 cell, but dont want to do 2000 seperate routines. the current routine i have for it to work on one cell is
' Select PDF range ActiveSheet.Range("u21").Select ' Promt PDF Hyperlinking ActiveCell.Hyperlinks.Add ActiveCell, "I:DraftingAs Built4CP - PinkenbaE - ElectricallZircon Plant02. PDFs4CP-D-55000.pdf"
I also have multiple sheets. the first sheet is D - Documentation. I will eventually copy this routine 4 more times as i will be able to work out how to apply it to the other sheets
I am trying to give a cell a unique ID based on the contents of 2 other cells.
Basically in cell A1 a value is entered between 1 and 13 and in cell A2 another value is entered between 1 and 4 to find the unique ID that matches these I need to look in DF4:FE4 to find the number that matches A1 ( there will be 4 matches) then look in thoses 4 matches in DF5:FE5 to find the match to A2 ( there will only be 1 match ) then return the id from the relvant cell in DF3:FE3.
I have a spreadsheet with 2 columns. The first column is the index number (unique identifier) of the second column’s data that will repeat itself as many rows as needed. Let me try to exemplify it:
Column A (index)Column B (text) 1 AAA 1 BBB 1 CCC 2 DDD 2 EEE 3 FFF 3 GGG 3 HHH 3 III
I’m trying to write a macro that will merge the text of each identifier in the first row it appears. The result I’m looking for is:
Column A (index)Column B (text) 1AAA BBB CCC 2DDD EEE 3FFF GGG HHH III
I already know how to make the merge, but I can’t get the logic to make it go through each row and merge the contents, since the number or rows for each identifier varies.
I am trying to find something that would allow me to have a spreadsheet clear the contents of a certain cell based on the selection made from a data validation list which resides on the same row. This can best be described with an example.
The user selects anything but " " or "none" from the validation list, which for this example resides in C5, would trigger code to clear the contents, if any, in AA5. If " " or "none" is chosen the value remains.
This capability should be available for each row through 100.
Looking for a formula to accomplish the following:
I'm trying to populate cell A31 on a worksheet titled "VolumeTotals" with the data in Cell E23 from a worksheet titled "CurrentCustomers" if the merged cells F3-F22 on worksheet "CurrentCustomers" are equal to the word "Contract".