Count Of Zip Codes Common To 2 Lists

Apr 29, 2008

list of 30+ zipcodes, in a word document and a list of 90+ zipcodes in an excel document (which contain the 30+ from the word doc) I need to:

get a total count of only the 30+ zipcodes from the word document that exist in the excel (ignoring the other 60+ zips). I do not need:

to get a count for each single zipcode

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Match Two Lists With One Common Column?

Oct 17, 2008

I have two lists, let's say:

Eva 1982
Anna 1981
Lisa 1983
John 1980
Steve 1972


Eva Female
John Male
Lisa Female

Can in any way match the above lists automaticly, so the information from List number 2, column B, appears at the correct place in List number 1, Column C? For empty cells, no information is fine.

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Find Common Values In Two Lists

May 10, 2007

I have two lists, one is 15,000 records, the other 100 records. I want to find the common records between the two.
I am using this formula currently, but is returning an incorrect result--

this is the record number in M2

it is returning
as the common record. This formula is from Joseph Rubin's book F1 Excel Formulas and Functions

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Mark Common Cells Between 2 Lists

Dec 16, 2007

I have 2 lists in column A and column B. For each cell in column B, I want to put a "YES" in the corresponding cell in column C if the contents (of the cell in column B) are somewhere in the entire list under column A (I think the list in both columns is about 5000+).

I have logged in after quite a gap and found that all my subscribed threads (gathered over a year) have vanished

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Create Common Dropdown Lists Across Multiple Workbooks?

Apr 28, 2014

I expect to deploy over 200 iterations of a workbook (templates if you will) containing a mix of up to one hundred different attributes each with its own list of valid values. My problem is the attributes don't always default to the same column in every template workbook. Therefore, to make things easier for users I would like to create attribute valid value dropdown lists on the fly using the "Valid Values' table as the source data (see the attached). Since the attribute names will be the same from one template workbook to the next, I wanted to come up with a macro that would reference a source table (a separate workbook) containing all valid values for all attributes which users would be required to download to their local machine.

See the attached example workbooks and an example of a "Valid Values" list. Here's what needs to happen: When a user opens template workbook #1 I need drop down lists containing the valid values for the attributes contained in cell B3 (User Code),C3 (Department) and D3 (Category). Likewise, when another user opens template workbook #2, I need drop down lists containing the valid values in cell B2 (Department), C3 (Group), D3 (Category), E3 (Level), F3 (Material) and G3 (User Code). Notice that "Department", "Category" and "User Code" are data elements common between both workbooks but resident in different columns.

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Count Codes Which Are In Text

Nov 23, 2008

I have sheet from 1st to 31st of the month wherein I feed the employees details in codes or legends. I need to count certain codes as detailed below: ....

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Find / Count Most Common Phrases In List

Jul 25, 2012

I've found a vb script via Google that displays the most common words in a list followed by a number.

Sub HTH() Dim vArray As Variant Dim lLoop As Long
Dim rCell As Range With CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
For Each rCell In Range("A1", Cells(Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp))

[Code] .......

At the moment this results in 1 word followed by a count.

How do I alter this so it shows 2 or 3 words, ultimately showing the most common phrases?

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Find/Count Most Common Words & Phrases In List

Jun 25, 2008

I am attempting to take a very large list of keywords, and find the most common words and phrases within them. For example, if I had a list that said:

excel formulas
excel spreadsheet formulas
excel help
excel formulas help form
formulas for excel

I would like to come away knowing that "excel" and "formulas" are common words within the list.

Currently, I believe this can be accomplished by doing the following:

1. Break down each line into all of its possible combinations.This would mean that the line with "excel spreadsheet formulas" would return:

excel spreadsheet formulas
excel spreadsheet
spreadsheet formulas

2. Once the entire list is broken down into its many parts, use the pivot table feature of excel to determine how common each of the parts is within the entire data set.

So, my questions are these:

1. Do you believe this is the best way to solve my problem? If not, what would be the preferred method?
2. If this is the best method, what function or script would I use to accomplish the first step of breaking down the lines into their individual parts?

Mike Auto Merged Post Until 24 Hrs Passes;It appears I put too many characters in the title of my post. It should read: Common Words - Decomposing Text Phrases

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Count Reason Codes By Current Month

Sep 23, 2013





I would like to have the count of column E. I would like to sepperate current month and year to date using column C. I would like it to reflect it in the below chart.

Year to Date Date
Month to Date




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1 Count For Differences In Lists

Jun 28, 2009

I'm looking to compare a number of duplicate lists to an original. If a duplicate list contains 1 or more different values to the original, I want to return a value of 1. For example:

Original list
Value 1
Value 2
Value 3

Duplicate 1
Value 4
Value 2
Value 1

Count = 1

Duplicate 2
Value 1
Value 4
Value 5

Count = 1

I'd then like to sum the counts. Ideally this would all take place in the one formula, but I can split them into different cells if necessary. I can't use macros for this.

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If Statement Limit Workarounds: Convert Various Codes From One Column Of Spreadsheet Into Different Codes In Another Column

May 5, 2006

I'm trying to convert various codes from one column of an excel spreadsheet into different codes in another column. I was able to accomplish this with "If" statements, however I'm only able to string together seven of these statements in one command. Is there a better way to add formulas for more than seven conversions? Below is a copy of what I've done so far with the seven converts:


I want to add about 15 more codes to convert within this formula but it's maxed out in the format I'm using.

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Add Or Remove Info To Two Lists In Sheet1 And Sheet2 And Difference Between Two Lists

Mar 29, 2014

My problem in the given excel file

1. Sheet1; how to Add "B000" in the List A or "B00" if the digits and 5 in the list
2. Sheet2; how to remove "B000" or "B00" from the list
3. Sheet3; how to highlight difference or find out the difference between to lists


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Lists, How To Make Drop-down Lists Optional

May 13, 2009

Is there a way to make a drop-down list optional? When I create drop-down lists the user has to make a choice from that list.

Example: a list of doctors. I need the user to be able to select from that list if the patient saw one of those physicians, but if the patient saw another doctor not on the list, I need the user to be able to enter the name of that other doctor. Currently the user has to select from the list or not enter a doctor. I am using Excel 2003.

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Common Value But Different Logic

Nov 6, 2011

Although the "Trip Sequence" is same , but I need to separate the Trips if the difference between the "1ST TIME " is more than 3 hours keep the first "Trip Sequence" unchanged , then by either adding a prefix or add 2000000 to the second "Trip Sequence" and 3000000 to the Third, so forth so on until all the rules are applied ( assuming more than 3 Trip Sequences could be also allocated in the database ).

Data Base

1ST TIME Trip CodeCount1st Stn2nd StnTrip Sequence

In the above examples , The "Trip Sequence" is same 3270004 but the "1ST TIME" is more than 3 hours difference:-

I want to be able ( ONLY IF "1ST TIME" is in access of 3 hours while the Trip Sequence are same , I want the results as follows:-


1ST TIME Trip CodeCount1st Stn2nd StnTrip Sequence

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Match Value In One Row To That In Another Row That Shares Common ID

Feb 11, 2014

I am looking at some combination of Index, Match and array functions in order to assign a value, in this case a currency, based upon an instance where another data item with the same trade ID already has that currency assigned to it.

Basically I have a list of data where there are a list of trade IDs for each data row/item.
In some cases there will be two rows of data that have a common trade ID.

For example there may be two results that share a trade ID eg 450222, one in EUR, one in another currency eg GBP.

What I need to do is create a formula in other column to the right of my data that recognises that if a trade ID is assigned to a non-Euro currency then to apply the foreign currency to both trades with the common ID.

ie change

Ref 450222 Ccy EUR
Ref 450222 Ccy GBP
Ref 450223 Ccy USD
Ref 450223 Ccy Eur


Ref 450222 Ccy GBP
Ref 450222 Ccy GBP
Ref 450223 Ccy USD
Ref 450223 Ccy USD

An offset function can't really be applied as the order of the data is random. My subsequent calculations involve a SUMIFS on GBP, USD etc.

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Merging Data In Common

Apr 12, 2009

I have two spreadsheets that have one set of data in each column in common.... simply put it is a number.

From the one spreadsheet, I want to pull the column that is to the right of the number in column and merge it with the other data.

I am trying to figure out a formula that will accomplish this... I have attached a file to show the two spreadsheets and my end result I would like to have.

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Sum Cells By Common Date

Feb 19, 2010

I have a spreadsheet that lists two columns - impressions and clicks - by date. Sometimes the same date is listed in multiple rows. What I would like to do is add the columns so that I have a total number of impressions and a total number of clicks by each date.

For example my data could look like:
Date || Impressions || Clicks
01/01/09 || 5 || 6
01/01/09 || 3 || 4
01/01/09 || 4 || 7

and I would like it to look like this:
Date || Impressions || Clicks
01/01/09 || 12 || 17

A shortened spreadsheet is attached. The actual one is for the past year with over 1000 rows, which is why I'm hoping someone can point me in an easy direction to do the summing.

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Finding Top 3 Most Common From A List?

Apr 14, 2013

I am currently trying to organise a student yearbook for my pupils at school. We have given out sheets to students in order for them to nominate their peers for various awards such as 'Funniest Student', 'Most Caring Student' etc.

I am trying to collate all of the data into an excel workbook. I have made two sheets within a workbook, which I have formatted how I want them to look like. I want to insert all the student's responses into one sheet, and somehow, the top 3 most occurring nominations are found and are inserted into the appropriate cells in the separate sheet.

I have attached a copy of the workbook. Due to data protection the student names and tutor groups have been taken out and replaced with the word "REMOVED", yet I will paste them back in at a later time. So feel free to have a play around to see what I am talking about! I have filled the table with some dummy data just so you can see what I mean.

I am not at all sure how I would go about picking out the top 3 most occurring names for each award, but once I can do that, I will be able to insert them into the other sheet. How to automatically produce the top 3 most occurring names.

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How To Create Third Column With Common Value

Aug 22, 2014

I have two columns(1 and 2), Column two will for each data set have two common values. For most of the data set where column two have the second common value, i can find it based on column 1, but where column 1 differs, i do not know how to get data based on column two.

See attached, column 1 and 2 data. Column 3 I took out one common value, column 4 I just did a IF function to populate blank spaces with common value, but for row 24 - 26 if does not work because column 1 does not follow same logic. Is there a way to populate a third column with one value(can be either of the two common values in column 2(note there will be multiple data sets)?

doc list.xlsx‎

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How To SUM Data With The Common Header

Aug 3, 2014

I have attached the excel sheet here for reference.

I would like to sum up the values across rows, so long as they have the terms "FQ1", "FQ2", "FQ3" or "FQ4" in the first row.

In other words, for the row "Total Revenue", I would like to sum up the quarterly values, using VBA, since the number of quarters increase with time.

How should I code up a VBA for that?

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How To Find The Most Common Numbers

Apr 9, 2009

I have 300 number groups and each group has 22 different numbers (from 1 to 80).

Can I find the most common 5 or more numbers in these groups by excel, macro or any program?

for example, let us suppose that 4-15-23-36-45 are the most common numbers and these numbers are in 8 groups from 300.

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Return A 4th Element From 3 Common Ones

Dec 11, 2007

My main report (Report 1) has part number, serial number, and work order information, among other things I need. Report 2 contains this information as well, but also has a work order item number, which is needed in Report 1. Otherwise, Report 2 has nothing else of interest.

What functions will allow me to get the item number information I want from Report 2 into Report 1?

I have spent a lot of time trying various combinations of VLOOKUP, SUMPRODUCT, IF, etc with no luck. There is probably a very simple (I hope!) thing that I am overlooking.

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Distance Between Zip Codes

Feb 26, 2009

I have two columns, zipA and zipB. There are over 7000 rows and I need to calculate the distance between zipA and zipB for each row (so the result should be over 7000 rows of distances (in miles)). I posted this in the programming board because I figured it would require some. I don't have any add-ons.

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Combining 2 Codes Into 1

Jun 9, 2013

Just starting to learn VBA. I have the 2 following codes.Can they be combined into 1 code.I have 2 buttons one say hide rows and the other button says unhide rows....can 1 button be used and when the rows are visible the button says hide rows and when the rows are hidden the button says unhide rows

Sub hiderows()
ThisWorkbook.Sheets("sheet1").Rows("3:12").Hidden = True
End Sub
Sub unhiderows()
ThisWorkbook.Sheets("sheet1").Rows("3:12").Hidden = False
End Sub

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Distance Between 2 Zip Codes

Feb 24, 2007

At my last job we purchased a zip code addin from spheresoft that could give you a distance between two distance ie: =ZipCodeDistance(zip1, zip2)

This worked well but I am now at a new job and wondering if there is any data out there that could help me build my own sheet. I just need California

I have both zip codes now just need the distance, I could sit down, drink a ton of coffee and enter zip codes all night into Mapquest but am hoping for a better way.

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Borders Around The Codes

Mar 22, 2007

I have a spreadsheet containing data in coloumns A to L.

Where all the codes in column B are the same then a border must be placed around all the codes that are the same i.e the border must start in Column A and end with column L.

provide me with the code the will put borders around the codes in column B that are the same ...

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How To Share Codes

Apr 1, 2008

I have written a VBA code.

I thought I could just save it as an ADD-IN and then have my colleagues to add it, but that does not work. The macro will be stored in a seperate workbook and that is not what I want. I want them to be able to open any workbook and want them to be able to run the macro. I.e. everytime they open a workbook the macro should be available and be ready to run.

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VLOOKUP With Zip Codes

Feb 10, 2009

VLOOKUP returns incorrect results when comparing zip codes across worksheets. I think the problem could be caused by 2 things:

1. There are duplicate rows in the lookup_value range because each represents an individual and needs to remain a duplicate to show whether there are multiple individuals from the same zip. In these cases, VLOOKUP only returns the first matching zip from rows containing duplicate zips. (See 07042 in worksheet 1 of the file linked below.)

2. Zip code format is not being treated as a number during sort. Do I need to use a different format during sort? Don't want to lose the leading zeros on the zips.

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Combine PDF Using VB Codes

May 28, 2009

I am looking out for a macro by which i can combine multiple PDF's into one through excel using vba codes.

Please note that:
> all these PDF's are in one folder
> the code needs to be dynamic (i can have an option to combine selected PDF's
> i am working in excel 2007
> i have acrobat 8.0 installed

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Need 2 VBA Codes For Names

Oct 2, 2009

I have names in the following format in Column A: e.g.

Mr. Doe SmithSmith DoeJr. Doe SmithJr. Smith DoeMiss Abc XyzMrs Abc XyzXyz Abc

I want a VBA code that would turn all different formats of names listed above as:

Doe Smith

Abc Xyz

I also want another code that would turn above formats as follows: (by the last name)

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