Count Unique Dates IF Corresponding Value NOT Null

Nov 6, 2013

I've come across a formula that I can't seem to get my mind fully around. I have a time-tracking sheet for employees that includes, among other fields, DATE and MILEAGE.

In my particular spreadsheet, DATE is from A2:A31 and MILEAGE is from G2:G31. The date column is set to the correct data type (date) and mileage is a general field and only has integers entered into it.

What I would like to do is count the number of unique dates on which mileage has been entered (field is not empty). If the total mileage for a day is less than 20, then do not count it. The reason for this is because an employee is entitled to be compensated for the total mileage of all service calls of a particular day minus 20 kilometers. If an employee, for whatever reason, enters say, 5km for the day, they should not be deducted 15km as would happen if the date was counted.

For example, if Jack traveled a total of 500km spread over 5 days, he is entitled to be compensated for 500 - (20 * 5) = 400km. The trick here is that if Joe has time billed on 6 unique days but only entered mileage on 5 of them, the formula still needs to return 5.

Here is what I have so far:


This formula sums up the total mileage traveled and then subtracts 20 * number of unique days. The problems with it is that it still counts days on which no mileage was claimed (corresponding mileage field is empty). In addition, if the total accumulated mileage for a day is less than 20 then it is also still counted.

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Count Unique Dates In A Column That Are Between Two Dates?

Dec 18, 2012

I have a sheet named "XYZ Activity" with meeting dates in column B starting with cell B4. There are duplicates in this list, that should only be viewed as one meeting. On another sheet, each company that attends the meeting has a specific join date found in Column C (C4 is the first company start date). I am trying to figure out an equation that will count how many meetings the company could have attended. I already calculate the total meetings they have attended using either of the following equations:

=COUNT(1/FREQUENCY(IF('XYZ Activity'!$C$4:$C$4000=A3,IF('XYZ Activity'!$B$4:$B$4000<>"",'XYZ Activity'!$B$4:$B$4000)),IF('XYZ Activity'!$C$4:$C$4000=A3,IF('XYZ Activity'!$B$4:$B$4000<>"",'XYZ Activity'!$B$4:$B$4000))))

=SUM(IF(FREQUENCY(IF('XYZ Activity'!C$4:C$5000=A4,IF('XYZ Activity'!G$4:G$5000="Yes",MATCH('XYZ Activity'!B$4:B$5000,'XYZ Activity'!B$4:B$5000,0))),ROW('XYZ Activity'!B$4:B$5000)-ROW('XYZ Activity'!B$4)+1),1))

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Excel Count By Unique Dates

Nov 28, 2012

I have an excel file with 1723 entries. One of the fields is DATE. I have it sorted by DATE. I need to count the number of entries per unique DATE.

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Count Per Unique Dates And Names

Jul 9, 2009

The question is presented and explained within the attached WB.

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Count Unique Values Between Two Dates?

Nov 19, 2013

I want to count the unique values between 2 dates. He only needs to count the values that match 2 criteria. I want to know how many unique orders were place between 01/10/2012 and 30/09/2013.

In my Data sheet:
Colomn X: Customer name
Colomn D: Status
Colomn AH: Date of order (Day/Month/Year)

I want to count the unique values in Colomn O: Ordernumbers

This is what I already have:


This formula is working. He counts the unique values in colomn O that meet the 2 criteria (Status = "BOOKED"; Customer = A4).

But I don't know how the add the date range in this formula. I want him to take only the values that are between 01/10/2012 and 30/09/2013.

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Count Unique Values Of Defined Cell Between Two Dates

Jul 26, 2013

I have a group of employees who work different divisions and work is not done everyday. I want to count the unique values of a division (only once) per day that the division shows up. Within a week, workers in a division might work 3 days and not other days. I've tried a few array formulas but they count unique within a range and I need the unique value to be based on the selected cell.

Please see attached : Unique Values In Between Dates.xlsx

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# Of Unique Dates Per Unique List Entry

Oct 22, 2009

Each product is represented by a serial number (column A).
The can be sorted on column A from smallest to largest prior to calculating results if that helps.

The repair list contains 1 entry per spare part used, so the same serial number may occur several times.

Furthermore, a product may have been repaired on several instances - so the serial numbers can span several dates (column B).

The solution i am looking for should return the number of unique repair dates per serial number. That way i can see, how many times each product has been repaired. Results can be displayed in an individual column.

Sample list:
Serial........Repair date

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Count All Unique Values (text) + Definition Of UNIQUE :D

Aug 24, 2009

If I have multiple entries with different but repeatable text values in one column - how do I count all unique ones ? Is there a function or does it have to be a pivot table of sth ?

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Convert List Of Dates To Count No. Of Dates By Week

Jan 27, 2006

Basically I have 2 columns each with a list of dates in no particular order (and containing blank cells too), one planned date column and one actual date column.

What I need to do is plot this on a graph, and since the number of dates has no set limit and I dont want to have to plot maybe 100 dates on the x axis, so i want to group them by week before plotting them, i.e. 10 dates for week ending 10th jan, 25 dates for week ending 17th jan etc

I have a pivot table that counts how many of each date occurs, i.e. 10 x 2nd jan, 7x 3rd jan etc etc but it does not split them into weeks.

im sure theres an easyish way of doing it so i can get the 2 lines on the graph for no. of planned dates each week and no. of actual dates each week, i just cant see it.

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Count Working Days Between 2 Dates, But Return A Zero If The 2 Dates Are The Same Day

Jan 15, 2009

Today I am having a very annoying problem that really has me stumped – I need to work out the lag between a Due Date and Delivered Date

But as people sometimes manage to deliver on the Due Date it needs to show a zero (as in they got it in on time) but using the formula below the result is a 1 and I want a zero

Can anyone help me please? I have tried putting assorted -1s in to the formula and it looks like it might work until I copy down and find that if a person delivered one day early the result shows -3 for example!

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Counting Dates In A Range :: Count Weekend Dates

Feb 4, 2010

In Cells B2:B100, i have dates that which have been entered using a combo box (the dates type is for e.g. 14th March 2010 format)

I want a formula that will count the cells that have dates between 1st April 2010 to 30th June 2010 in cells B2:B100

Also, I would like a formula that counts weekend dates between 1st April 2010 to 30th June 2010?

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Count Dates & String Dates After Given Date

May 14, 2008

The attached workbook has dates in column C, although some of these dates are just strings.

I'm trying to write some vba that will tell me how many of the cells in column C contain a date (or looks like a date) that is greater than (after) the real date in cell G1.

At the moment I loop through the cells in column C and can ascertain, which dates can be counted, then copy one row over at a time, but I'm looking for a slicker (perhaps one-liner) answer, perhaps by copying a block of rows in one go. The aim is to copy those rows to another sheet. There are many more rows than in the attached, and many sheets to process, and I have no control over the format of the dates/strings in column C. Currently it takes about 20 seconds to copy over the necessary rows, but I'm looking for it to happen much more quickly; current thoughts are to sort on column C (sorting on column C anything that looks like a number as a number - which has it's own problems!), have a count of dates satisfying the criterion (say using a worksheet formula such as COUNTIF or SUMPRODUCT, perhaps also using EVALUATE) then copy a block of rows in one go.

not very relevant, but the existing code is something like this which highlights rather than copyies the rows(included in the attached): ...

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Unique Dates From Range

Apr 24, 2008

I have searched through a lot of other posts, but I can't seem to make the recommendations work for my given scenario. I have a sheet that compiles information for different dates (based on a query that is run by the user), and in column H I have a start time that is listed in this format "m/d/yyyy h:mm."

What I need to do is find all of the unique dates "m/d/yyyy" from this given range, and return them in column O.

For example, I will have the following information:

Start Time
4/17/2008 17:19
4/17/2008 17:30
4/17/2008 17:31
4/17/2008 17:34
4/18/2008 17:23
4/18/2008 17:24
4/18/2008 17:26
4/18/2008 17:26
4/19/2008 7:43
4/19/2008 7:43
4/19/2008 7:47
4/19/2008 7:47
4/19/2008 7:47
4/19/2008 7:48
4/19/2008 7:48

and I need to have the following appear in Column O of my spreadsheet:


There may be as little as one unique date, but there I don't want to set a limit of how many can return as it is based off of a user query.

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Return Unique Values Between 2 Dates

Oct 9, 2013

I receive a stock on hand report daily which containers 7,000 + lines each day.

I want, in another sheet to show me what new product codes have appeared when compared against the previous day, for example

Date Product #Qty

So in a new sheet I want to show Product # "1238" as this did not appear on the previous days list

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Dynamic Unique List For Dates?

Jan 16, 2014

sorting list with date ranges with formula.

I have a list of dates and I want sort them by growth, also only to show the values after specific dates. I know how to do it with Macro, I just need list changing dynamically.

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Unique Start And End Dates For Chart

Jan 12, 2008

I have searched for a 'simple' solution to this but I only ever seem to find complex and indepth examples.

I summarise web hit information then chart it so I can look for trendlines. I get good info from the stat company so I can see where folk are coming from, search engine, weblink etc etc.

Once I have summarized it I have date running along the column headers then it is broken down through the rows so I have

Total Hits
Total Paid Advertising
Total Search Engine

And so on for my rows

As the days go on the data gets harder and harder to read so I was hoping I could use some kind of OFFSET function to select my data. So if my dates run from 2/11/07 to today I would like to perhaps say to Excel that I might want to see 20/11/07 to 20/12/07 in my chart.

I have plenty space to put the start and end date and I have a basic block of data.

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Getting Unique Values Which Are Linked To Dates

Nov 30, 2009

I have one columA with around 30000 item numbers and column b with dates .

Colum A has duplicate items which has different dates associated with them.

i want to remove duplicates in column A but the problem is i want the unique values with the most recent date.

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VBA Unique Value Count

Apr 1, 2009

I have the below code, in a cell but I am trying to input this into a macro, so the only thing that shows in the cell is the formula.

The formula I have in the cell is:

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Unique Value Count In VBA

Jul 15, 2009

I have this formula that works perfectly fine for what I am trying to do (from another post) but I am wanting to transfer this into VBA. It is an array formula so I'm not sure if this can be done.

How can I convert this, into R1C1 code or any way possible. I would put it within a WITH RANGE statement.

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Count Unique

Apr 25, 2009


how to count lines in the same order

for exp for this attachment file is 7 lines

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Formula For Unique Count

Jan 20, 2013

I am attaching the sheet : Uniquecount.xls

Need to do this using formulas and without needing to add any new columns.

Need a formula to lookup the details sheet (for easyness i just added it as a new tab here) and count the unique names in a dept and display that in the summary sheet/tab.

Want the formula to be applied to the summary to go and lookup/count from the other sheet.

Have shown the expected results in the col "total unique heads".

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Formula For Count Unique Value

Feb 27, 2013

Any formula to count only unique values in particular column



answer should be 5

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How To Count Unique Rows

Apr 7, 2014

Col A Col B
163401 1
163401 1
163401 0
163402 1
163402 0
163402 0

GOAL -I want to be able to count Col B only once for the same set of records in COL A.

Based on Distinct criteria on COL A, I need to be able to count COL B. The count should be 1 for 163401 and not 2. Similarly for 163402 the count should be 1

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How To Count Only Unique Values

Jul 24, 2014

I'm working with a data set (attached) that tracks financials at both the job and item level (in my customer's data - a unique job can be made up of a single or multiple items).

I've successfully built a formula (in column C of the attached) that counts the total number of items and their associated $ values that were invoiced in a given month based on my customer's requested item-type categorizations (i.e. "Exact Match", "Similar", "Inferred", "Cost-Plus").

The problem I'm running into is building a formula that counts the first unique instance of the Job ID associated with those items. For example - in cell C33 on the attached - The total number of items invoiced in June that were "Exact Match" was 10. These items were spread across 9 unique jobs - and that's where I'm struggling - to build a formula that only counts the first unique instance of the corresponding Job ID in Column C.

The formula I'm having trouble with is located in Cell D12 on the "Dashboard" tab of the attached.

The formula as I have it is returning a result of 8 - because it's summing the "1"'s in Column I on my "Invoice Data" tab - however it should read 9 (Filter Column Q on the "Invoice Data" tab to "June", Filter Column AQ on the "Invoice Data" tab to "Exact Match", and then sum the unique job IDs in Column C).


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Pivot - Unique Count

Jun 14, 2009

I want to have a unique count field in my pivot table. I already read (via forum search) that this can only be achieved by adding an extra column to the database.

The problem is: I have no clue which formula to use for this column. Please have a look at the attached picture. Can someone provide me with a formula for this example?

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Count Unique Values ....

Dec 28, 2009

So here is my dilemma and I haven't been able to find anything to exacly help me out:

I have a large (100k+ records) sheet of sales invoice details.

I need to add a total item line per invoice number to each record ....

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Count Unique Values

Jan 13, 2010

Card Number

I'm looking for a formula to generate the number of unique card numbers are in the column...I'm using this daily, simply pasting the new data in so if I want to keep it as automated as possible.

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Count Unique With Two Variables

Apr 23, 2009

I am trying to find a formula that will count the number of unique occurences with two variables (Department and Period).

Since a person can be listed in the department more than once for each period, I need to find the unique number for each department by period. I have attached a simple file as an example. Any formula would go in the yellow area.

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3 Variable Unique Count

May 20, 2009

I am trying to find the number of unique 3 variable combinations there are in my rows of data. I have tried the frequency function but must be missing something.

Attached is a sample of what I am trying to achieve although there may be a better way of portraying the data.

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Count Unique Formula ?

Nov 30, 2006

I have a column with names and I would like to count how many names there are in this columns. This is easy but in fact if there is twice the same name the formula will count it twice and I don't want that. Is there a solution to count only the number of persons present in this column without counting twice the same person??

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