Countif -- Referencing Criteria From Cells

Sep 20, 2006

I want to be able to count the number of cells which meet a specified criteria.

The COUNTIF function works if I enter the criteria manually within a COUNTIF formula. But the function doesn't seem to work if I try to reference criteria from another cell.

For example, suppose the range of cells I'm searching for matches within has been named

Possible_outcomes .

In addition, the criteria I'd like to use is in a cell called


and is the result of a formula. Let's say the formula result equals 130.

Countif works when I enter the criteria manually, i.e.


But it returns only a 0 when I write the formula as

=COUNTIF(Possible_outcomes,">=PROFIT THRESHOLD")

I can't make the function work even if the criteria is in a cell which is not named either.

This is a serious obstacle to model automation.

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Add To Existing Countif Formula To Count Cells If Criteria Is Greater Than Another

Sep 3, 2013

Currently, I am using countifs to count data within a specific range if it meets a criteria. Now I want to add to the formula. I need to count the cells within the specific range meeting the existing criteria I already have but only if one cell is greater than another cell.

This is what I currently have: =COUNTIFS(Report!$F$4:$F$1048576,">=8/1/2013",Report!$F$4:$F$1048576,"=8/1/2013",Report!$F$4:$F$1048576,"

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Referencing A Second Criteria Within INDEX And MATCH

Feb 7, 2014

I've attached a sheet with the problem.

I have one sheet which summarises the status of documents in another sheet. I'm using INDEX and MATCH to return the correct Document title and info. But I need to offset/countif/INDEX MATCH again or something to get to reference the latest revision status of the document.

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Referencing Entire Row On Separate Worksheet If Criteria Met In Specified Column

Sep 22, 2013

I am attempting to create a workbook that will keep an inventory of items in a catalog that I own and want to order (worksheet1). Ultimately an order form would be filled in(on worksheet2). I would like to have the entire row of data copied (from worksheet1)to the next open/empty row on the order form (worksheet2), if any cell in column C (worksheet1) has data.

I have attached the workbook : Catalog Orders.xlsx‎

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Delete Rows Based On Criteria While Referencing Column Header

Jun 6, 2007

I'm trying to use VBA code to delete certain rows based on a couple of criteria as follows:

1) If column header is "TERMINAL NAME" and the cell value in that column is "BONDDESK", I need the entire row deleted.

2) Similiarly, if the column header is "PRODUCT TYPE" and the cell value in that column is "CORP", that entire row needs deleted as well.

The information is coming from another source, so the columns may change from day to day, i.e, "TERMINAL NAME" may be in Column L one day but in Column O another day.....

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COUNTIF With Two Criteria

Nov 29, 2009

I use Excel 2003 and I have the following problem:
I have 3 columns,
A containing a list of employees (MICHAEL, BOB, MIKE, etc.)
B containing their work starting hour (8.00, 8.30, 9.00, etc.)
C containing the possible employee absence reason (ILLNESS, HOLIDAY, INJURY, etc.)

I would like to write a formula that counts the number of employees who have a work starting hour within 7.00 and are not absent. A possible table is this one:

BOB 8.30
BRIAN 7.00

The formula I'm looking for should calculate "2" (because MICHAEL and BRIAN are the only 2 employees starting work hour within 7.00 and not absent). As I have thought it could be useful, in another worksheet I have inserted: in A column the list of all the starting work hours: 0.00 (A2), 0.30 (A3), 1.00 (A4), 1.30 (A5), ... 7.00 (A16), 7.30 (A17), ... 23.30 (A49).

in B column the list of all the absence reasons: ILLNESS (B2), HOLIDAY (B3), INJURY (B4). I have defined 2 names, the first called EARLY_MORNING (that I have associated to the range from 0.00 to 7.00 of work starting hours column, that is A2:A16), the second called ABSENCE_REASON (that I have associated to the range (B2:B4) of absence reasons' column). What kind of formula can I write to obtain what I want (using the 2 names EARLY_MORNING and ABSENCE_REASONS defined in the other worksheet)?

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Countif Using 2 Criteria

Mar 7, 2008

I have a spreadsheet with a list of months numbers and average turnarounds. Each row represents a different factor, so there are multiple rows for each month.


Month Turnaround Time
10 5.2
10 6.7
11 1.1
9 8.3
11 5.4
10 6.1

What I am after is something that will count the number of instances where the turnaround time is above a certain limit (eg 6.0) for each month.

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Jun 9, 2006

What vba function can I use that checks criteria much like SUMIF or COUNTIF uses? In other words, say you want to write COUNTIF that only includes visible cells...

Public Function CountVIf(rng As range, criteria As String)
Dim cell As range, cmd As String
For Each cell In rng
If cell.RowHeight <> 0 And cell.ColumnWidth <> 0 Then
cmd = "COUNTIF(" & cell.Address & ",""" & criteria & """)"
CountVIf = CountVIf + Evaluate(cmd)
End If
Next cell
End Function

How can I do this without having to rely on Evaluate("COUNTIF...."?

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Two COUNTIF Criteria

Jul 18, 2006

What I need to do is count the number of “Cs” in a column based on a date in another column but in the same row. I have tried something similar to this: COUNTIF($C$1:$C$20,"=today()")+COUNTIF($E$1:$E$20,"=complete") but is does not work. If the date in the column is less than or equal to a date specified in a cell in another worksheet, I want it to count the C in the row (if there is one).

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COUNTIF With Mutiple Criteria

Apr 6, 2009

In Row 3, starting at cell C3, I have a list of Stores in the format Store A (Town 1), Store A (Town 2), Store B (Town 1) etc

In Rows C4 to CA7 I have 1 or -1

I want to count the number of instances of 1 for Store A

I have tried the following formula, which is returning 0

{=SUM((C3:CA3="Store A *")*(C4:CA7=1))}

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CountIF() On Multiple Criteria ..

Jan 9, 2010

i want to use Countif() when 3 ceritera are true

1) Branch Name
2) Status
3) Login Date

can this be done by any mean

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Using Countif With Multiple Corresponding Criteria

Feb 12, 2010

what I'm trying to do is to make a logbook for a machining center. Each part has an op10 and an op20, essentially front and back. And each part number falls into the category of OS or FS. I've used AND logic to make tables in hidden columns to be used by a countif statement to determine my totals. I.e. to determine if a scroll is completed, op20 has a a value of 1 AND column C is "OS".

I use
=IF(AND(A9=1;C9="OS");1;" ")
Then I countif criteria is 1 in the column i created with that statement.

That works just fine. Now what I want to do is to be able to create daily totals of OS and FS by simply modifying a variable date in a formula. So I'd like to essentially say: Countif Column C =OS and Corresponding column D = 1, and corresponding Shift date = 10.02.12(date to be variable). I'm at a wall here. Is there any way to do this somewhat simply?

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Using Countif() Formula But With 2 Criteria

Jul 24, 2008

is there any way to put 2 criteria into a countif() statment?

Say A1 to A100 are filled with information

I'd like to count if things are equal to 4 and 5

I know this isn't proper syntax:

=countif(A1:A100, "4" && "5")

I'm trying to get something like that to work.

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Countif Multiple Criteria.

Oct 9, 2008

I'm trying to count multiple criteria from a second page in a work book, all the formulas i've looked up and tried do not seem to work... here's the formulas i've tried. DKOBULAR is the name of the 2nd page. D is the column used for the different resolves.


=COUNT(IF(DKOBULAR!D:D="resolveA",IF(DKOBULAR!D:D="resolveB",IF(DKOBULAR!D:D="resolveC",IF(DKOBULAR! D:D="resolveD")))))

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COUNTIF Based On Two Criteria

Sep 9, 2007

I have data in two columns. Column B has calculated string values of "BMAJOR" and "BMINOR" and column C has date values.

I am trying to get a count of how many occurences of "BMAJOR" or "BMINOR" occur for every week starting today. I have column AJ which returns today() and column AK which returns today()+7. I can individually count number of occurences of dates that fall within these dates with the following formula. This for row 2.

=COUNTIF('Decision Tree'!$C$4:$C$215,"

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Countif With Two Ranges And Two Criteria

Jan 10, 2008

I am using a work sheet where I want to count if Column A has one criteria and column B has another
column B states is used to track contracts it can be vendor
column L tracks status it can be open, received, or closed

I want to count the cell if the vendor name matches and the status is open

also if that is possible is the same possible with 3 ranges and criterias?

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COUNTIF Formula So That The Criteria Is >0

Aug 15, 2008

how do i change the below COUNTIF formula so that the criteria is >0 but

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Multiple CountIf Criteria

May 19, 2009

In Excel 2003, I need a countif to check for 2 criteria: (1) the left function looking for the value "Territory" in column A and (2) value > 0 in column G. I only want to count the rows where both the criteria are met. I have tried different combinations of countif including "and" in the formula, but I cannot get it to work. What is the proper syntax?

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SUMIF/COUNTIF With 2 Criteria

Sep 24, 2009

I am trying to extract some data from a large spreadsheet and having problems...

Column C contains text descriptions, e.g 'Description One', 'Description Two', 'Description Three'

Column O contains a date.

I need to count the number of items that have a date prior to 1st April 2007 and have certain text contained in the full text string value in column C e.g. 'One'

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COUNTIF With Cell As Criteria

Nov 14, 2006

I have an Excel file with 42000 records that are identified by a Reference in Column E. There should be two records per reference in the file. I need to identify all records that only appear once, as well as all records that have more than 2 entries.

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Countif Formula Criteria

May 20, 2007

I got a CountIF problem.

I need to find the formula to work out the number of items that have no Delivery Key assigned.

I tried, =COUNTIF(Data!O1:O4000,"0") but does not work as it just comes up blank. I also tried =COUNTIF(Data!O1:O4000," ") but the same result.

I.e =COUNTIF(O1:O28," ") on the sample spreedsheet.

I attached a sample copy of the Spreedsheet. I tried to give it a shot but to no avail.

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Countif Multiple Criteria

Aug 16, 2007

I need to create a formula which counts the number of times a username appears in column X based on a given value in Column Y. This data will not be static - will need to be refreshed regularly. Countif does not support multiple criteria - what is the best way to create this formula?

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Excel 2010 :: Formula Referencing Date Headers And Column A Criteria And Return Sum

Jan 9, 2013

I have a rolling 12 month (each day in column) tab in Excel 2010 that references variances by ID number in column A, and the column headers are each day for 366 days (2011). I would like to create a tab that shows the past 10 day's variances by ID number. I haven't been able to write a formula that will look at the date headers and the row ID number to return the figure for that day. Here is a sample of the 12 month rolling and the 10 days at a glance that I want to populate.

Rolling 12 Months
IDName12/25/201212/26/201212/27/201212/28/201212/29/2012and so on
1234Employee Name - - - - (11.07)
1235Employee Name - - - 0.20 -
1236Employee Name - - - - -
1237Employee Name - - - - (1.00)

[Code] .........

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Countif Formulas With Multiple Criteria?

May 26, 2014

I need a formula to count cells E7:E500 that say "Submitted" but only if cells R7:R500 say "PPB".

My original formula below is counting all cells except for the ones that say "PPB"


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Countif Between Date Range And Criteria Met?

Jul 23, 2014

I have a start date column and column for status. Status is either "in-progress" or "complete". I want to count the number of "complete" items that fall within a specific date range. I have tried countif but I can only seem to get a count of all items that fall between the date range. I do not want a pivot table for this.

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Multiple Criteria Countif Or Sumproduct

Sep 16, 2009

I haven't been this deep into excel before. The deeper I look, the more potential I recognize, the more amazed I get. That being said, I have come to a tough count issue. Let me attempt to explain as precisely as possible.

My current worksheet is large but I am only particularly concerned with two columns of information (Regions) and (Days). The logic I am attempting is something along the lines of Count If Region = East, or West, and Days is greater than 0, less than 60.

I am open to any and all suggestions on how to tackle this situation. I have been able to achieve similar counts by using pivot tables but the dynamic nature of these two columns presents some difficulties that my “new user” mind has been unable to work through.

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Using Countif(s) To Count Multiple Criteria

Nov 25, 2013

I have a bunch of cells that i want to count in a table based on 2 criteria. The first would be checking whether or not it matches a certain text which i can do. Now i have a column for "Completed Date" and "Deadline Date". Each deadline date is different. I know i need some sort of array function in there to compare all the completed dates vs deadline dates but i just can't think of it. This will be the second criteria.

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VBA / Using String From Input Box As Criteria For CountIF

Aug 19, 2014

I'm trying to enter text (a staff members initials) into an Input Box so that the initials are then used as the citeria in a CountIF formula entered by VBA

A simplified version of the code I am using is:

Dim staffname As String
staffname = InputBox(Prompt:="You name please.", _
Title:="ENTER INITIALS", Default:="MC")
Range("H9").FormulaR1C1 = "=COUNTIF(RC[-3]:RC[-1],"" & staffname & "")"

The issue is getting the staffname string to be entered within the formula.

What is the correct combination of "" & to enable this to work?

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Countif Array With Multiple Criteria?

Sep 13, 2012

=COUNTIF(A$2:T$1001,V2 & W2 & X2 & Y2)

I want to copy and paste this formula down column Z.

I want to count or add 1, only when a row of 20 cells (A to T) contains all 4 criteria in V W X Y.

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Countif Not Working With Text Criteria

Jan 25, 2013

I have a drop down list called Status including Testable and Not Testable

A1 = Testable
A2 = Testable
A3 = Not Testable
A4 = =COUNTIF(A1:A3,"Testable")

Gives me 0... i don't get it. Should show 2 no?

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