Counting Number Of Items In Between Dates

Nov 5, 2008

I need a formula which can count the number of items which have been applied to a suspense account in between a set of dates so for example i may need all items placed into a suspense account in the month of october. i record all items in a list so i do have a list of dates i just need to know how to count them and keep a running total as i need to feed it into another spreadsheet. I will also need to sum these the format of the spreadsheet is below -

******** ******************** src="<CENTER><TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 align=center>Microsoft Excel - Book4___Running: 11.0 : OS = Windows XP (F)ile (E)dit (V)iew (I)nsert (O)ptions (T)ools (D)ata (W)indow (H)elp (A)boutB2K2B3K3B4K4B5K5B6K6B7K7B8K8=ABCDEFGHIJKL1MOPO/S Date AppliedValue DateRemovedValue AgeCompany Name2Cheque  01-Nov-08(15.55) 01-Nov-08 15.55 0abc3Direct Receipt  01-Nov-08(109.00) 01-Nov-08 109.00 0def4Cheque  02-Nov-08(50.30) 02-Nov-08 50.30 0ghi5Cheque  03-Nov-08(23.48) 03-Nov-08 23.48 0jkl6Direct Receipt  03-Nov-08(2,236.46) 03-Nov-08 2236.46 0mno7Cheque  03-Nov-08(212.11) 03-Nov-08 212.11 0pqr8BACS/CHAPS  04-Nov-08(58.75) 04-Nov-08 58.75 0stuSheet1 [HtmlMaker 2.42] To see the formula in the cells just click on the cells hyperlink or click the Name boxPLEASE DO NOT QUOTE THIS TABLE IMAGE ON SAME PAGE! OTHEWISE, ERROR OF JavaScript OCCUR.

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Counting Unique Number Of Items

Sep 15, 2008

I want to paste a list of customers into a sheet and then have a formula that counts the number of customers. So, even if a customer appears 10 times it would only count it once and and continues down the column and counts the next company name and so on. Then it gives me a total of the number of different companies in that column.

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Formula For Counting A Number Of Items But Excluding Some Of Them?

Jan 19, 2014

1. I use this formula to count a number of items in a column per month: =SUMPRODUCT(--(MONTH(B6:B500)=8))

I also have another column C where I put some descriptors against the values in column B. I need a formula to calculate a number of items in Column B, except for those items, which are equal to XYZ in column C.

2. I also calculate a number of items, which were completed in a given month. Completion is marked with "Y" in a separate column (D). I use this formula: =SUMPRODUCT((YEAR(B6:B999)=2013)*(MONTH(B6:B999)=12)*(K6:K999<>"Y")). I can't make it count a number of completed items in January. C

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Counting Number Of Unique Items In Column

Oct 10, 2008

I am trying to count the number of unique items in a single column (~5,000 rows of data). For example, I may have the following data

a1 = apples
a2 = pears
a3 = oranges
a4 = apples
a5 = apples
a6 = apples
a7 = pears

in this case number of uniques items is 3

Right now I am using a Pivot Table to figure out the number of unique items but I am sure there is an easier way to do this.

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Counting Number Of Dates With Month

Jul 6, 2012

I have collumn with different dates. I would like to count number of date with specific month in them (for example "june"). I tried it with if function, but something is missing.

Example of data:



My function: =SUMPRODUCT(IF(A1:A9;IF(MONTH(A1:A9)=6;1;0))) what shoud I correct or of better function?

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Counting Number Of Dates In Sequence

Dec 2, 2013

I have a list of dates in column A as shown below & I want to get a count formula in column B for the # of dates in sequence. When the date sequence breaks a new count should be done at the end of the next sequence. The formula should be 1 I can put in cell B1 and copy down so that there are blanks & a count is only done at the end of the date sequence like in cell B4 or B7 below.

Col A Col B
Date Count
1 12-Oct
2 13-Oct
3 14-Oct
4 15-Oct4
5 17-Oct
6 18-Oct
7 19-Oct3


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Counting Number Of Years Between To Dates

Nov 19, 2008

I have a list of people with birthdays that needs to be checked against TODAY to determine how old people are. If I subtract the two fields from one another, I get number of days. But is there a way to convert into years? In my attached example, I'd like column C to display 3 (age for person).

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Counting Number Of Dates Equal To Or Greater Than A Said Date

Mar 8, 2007

In my Excel spreadsheet I enter todays date in a single cell (A2), then I list various dates that jobs come into shop in other cells (A8:A108). I have cells ( F8:F108) where I have been manually entering an asterik (*) for those jobs equal to or greater than five days old in cell (A2). Is there a formula that can do the math for me? I've tried Excel help but to no avail.

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Counting Dates In A Range :: Count Weekend Dates

Feb 4, 2010

In Cells B2:B100, i have dates that which have been entered using a combo box (the dates type is for e.g. 14th March 2010 format)

I want a formula that will count the cells that have dates between 1st April 2010 to 30th June 2010 in cells B2:B100

Also, I would like a formula that counts weekend dates between 1st April 2010 to 30th June 2010?

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Counting/Summing Items

Jul 20, 2009

I have a separate sheet with the followingvery simplified as I probably have over 300 lines of dates and dollars)

Date Dollars

2/3/2009 $25
5/3/2009 $30
5/4/2009 $50
7/4/2009 $100
8/7/2009 $25

On another sheet, I want to count the number of items by month submitted and sum the $ amount.

January $0
Febuary $25
March $0
April $0
May $80
June $0
July $100
August $25
Through December

Pivot table would be best if possible....but any function that would work would be fine.

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Counting Items In A Date Format

Aug 14, 2014

I have a spreadsheet that I use to log incidents. In column "A" I have the date in month/day/year format (8/14/2014). I am attempting to automate the graphing process so I have a graph that will tell me how many incidents I had in the month of August. I have attempted the following formulas (and other similar formates with minor changes)...

=COUNTIF('CY14'!A2:A500,"8,2014") and changed around the date format

All of these come up with "0" while I have 17 listed incidents for August. Am I doing something wrong, or is this not possible.

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Counting Items In Filtered List

May 8, 2009


I’ve got following formula counting different kind shoes that are black and sneakers and above formula work very well. What I wonder is if you can convert above formula to count these items in a filtered list. Could you use the subtotal-function in any way?

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Counting Items With Multiple Criteria

Sep 8, 2006

In column A, it contains the monthly salary data of each employee, then in column B, it contains the classification level data, Like Grade A, Grade B and Grade C. In this exercise, it want to find out the statistic as follows:

1. How many employee's monthly salary is below 10K and their classification level is Grade A, B or C
2. How many employee's monthly salary is above 10K and their classification level is Grade A, B or C

So any formulars can do that in instead of using the sorting method?

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Counting Unique Items(values Or Text)

Aug 3, 2006

I want to count unique items in a list with an array formula, like the items is in 3 columns A,B,C are from row 2 to 101. Now i use an array to filter out some rows in the columns of B,C & then count unique items in Column A.

column A has "30 diffrent names repeated from A2 to A101"
column B has numbers 0 to 100
column c has value either 0 or 1

now i use an formula TO filter out rows in column B & c
formula =count(IF((B2:B101>0)*(C2:C101<>1),1))) using ctrl+shift+enter

now what should i suffix or prefix to this formula to count unique values in column A.

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Counting Items Unique To A Day/customer Combination

Feb 3, 2010

I need to identify the number of occasions on which a product type is bought by a customer in isolation from other product types. I have attached a sample to illustrate. The actual data is more complex and is actually medical data concerning issue of oral or IV drugs. There are many thousands of records.

To clarify, in the example, there was only one occasion when Bread was bought on its own by a particular customer on a particular day. The way the data is presented, 'Bread' could be listed before 'Milk' or, as with 'Steve' on the 2/4, it could be in the middle of a series of 'Milk' purchases. I can sort by date/name/type, but I cant work out a formula to resolve the count.

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Counting Items If They Match A Condition In Another Column

Apr 2, 2012

I need to be able to count items if they match a condition in another column, as below

1 Apple Red
2 Apple Green
3 Apple Red
4 Pear Green
5 Apple Red
6 Pear Green
7 Pear Red
8 Apple Red

How can I count how many Red Apples there are. The answer should be 4 but when I use countifs I can either count the no of apples in Col. A or the no of colour Red in Col. B.

I have tried every combination of if, vlookup, and count that I can but keep getting errors or single col. counting.

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Count Non-zero Items Occurring Between 2 Known Dates

Feb 12, 2014

For each of my staff I need to count if they worked 15 or more days in the 30 days preceding a statutory holiday. (As a follow on problem... If they have worked 15+ shifts then I'll need to calculate the sum of their hours over the 30 days / 30).

I tried the functions below but they didn't work. (the Name1 column records the number of hours worked that day's shift) The actual count in my test case is 5.

=COUNTIFS([stat],"=STAT",[Date],"<[@Date]",[Date],">=[@Date]-30",[Name1],">0") result: "0"
=COUNTIFS([@stat],"=STAT",[Date],"<[@Date]",[Date],">=[@Date]-30",[Name1],">0") result: #VALUE!
=IF([@stat]="STAT",COUNTIFS([Date],"<[@Date]",[Date],">=[@Date]-30",[Name1],">0"),"NO") result: "0"

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Looking Up Items / Quantity Within Dates And Times?

Jul 13, 2013

I get a list of data through xml data import

column A is dates WITH time, appears like so: 2013-07-13 20:25:02
column B is the product name
column C is the quantity

now I want to search certain items sold between two dates AND times which will then give me the total amount of that item sold between those dates and times

now I know how to do this with date but have a problem doing it with dates and times

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Counting Dates Less Than Today?

Jan 11, 2005

I have a column that I would like to have a count of all the dates that areless then today's date.

I have tried: =countif(d2:d25,"<TODAY",0) This has only gotten me 0. If I leave the " " out then I get an error message.

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Counting Dates On A Condition

Jun 1, 2009

I have a range of ten cells (B4:K4), some of these cells contains dates, and other cells contains text, what I want is counting number of cells that contain dates earlier than today's date. I actually tried the following code, but it returns zero value.

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Counting Dates/Days

Oct 9, 2007

a count formula.

Right, Column A on my sheet is the date that the work was completed. First thing is I need to be able to count how much work was completed per month. (I dont know why we have it all in one big sheet rather than monthly sheets but thats too logical!)

Secondly, column I is the number of days that piece of work took to complete. I need to be able to have a formula that looks at the month the work was completed, then total up the number of days that the work took.

(Example, if I have three bit of work completed in October, 1 took a total of 20 days, 1 took 15 and 1 took 10 it would = 45 days)

I know that this should be possible as I've had Excel doing more complex formulas than this.

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Counting Entries Between Two Dates

Apr 29, 2009

Column A contains names
Column B their unique ID number
Column C the date a transaction occurred

How can I count the number of entries between two dates i.e. 1-31 April regardless of duplication or anything? I've tried a few things mentioned in other threads but none seem to work.

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Counting Months Between 2 Dates

Oct 7, 2011

I need a formula to count the months (including part months) between 2 dates.

So i want 01/04/11 to 5/5/11 to equal 2

I have tried a few formulas that get the answer 1 but i need it to count the part month too.

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Counting Dates In Filtered Row

Mar 4, 2013

I'm trying to count the number of cells that contain a date in a filtered row. I've been using the following formula, but it keeps coming back with a value of 0, even though there are 3 in the filtered row;

=SUMPRODUCT(--('Fixture Status'!J3:J1000=">=0"),SUBTOTAL(3,OFFSET('Fixture Status'!J3,
ROW('Fixture Status'!J3:J1000)-ROW('Fixture Status'!J3),0)))

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Counting Cells With Dates

Jan 27, 2014

Is there a formula I can use to add the amount of cells that contain just dates ?

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Counting Several Dates In Column

Jun 4, 2007

I have a worksheet that has several dates in column D. I would like a formula to count the number of dates that are 7 days or less than the current date in F2.

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Counting- 2 Lists Of Dates

Aug 30, 2007

I have a list of dates in column A and a list of dates in column B. I need to count the number of dates in column B that are before or equal to the date in column A. For example....

05/14/06 05/28/07
08/07/07 08/06/07
08/09/07 08/09/07
08/25/07 08/27/07

... would yield an answer of 2.

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Counting Initials And Dates

Nov 28, 2009

I'm new to the forums, though I've solved a couple of my problems by lurking here.
I'm currently having a problem with a worksheet I've been working on at work. I'm not very experienced in Exel and have inherited a worksheet that keeps track of the machines we do maintenance on during the year. What I have now is a spreadsheet with columns alternating between initials and date, and rows with the machine names all the way down. It looks similar to this :

Name of machine Initials date initials date initials date initials date etc.
machine 1
machine 2
machine 3
machine 4
machine 121

I'd like to keep this format, but we need to keep track of who does what within a certain week, which means I need to count the number of instances of an initial, then compare it with the date in the column next to it, which I don't think would be a problem with just two columns, but I'm having problems wrapping my brain around how to do so with 20-30 columns.
I'm using date ranges in some of my calculation formulas, which I think necessitates the date being in a separate column than the text.

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Counting The Number Of Times A Multi Digit Number Appears

Nov 22, 2007

I've tried everything I know (which isnt that much to be honest. lol). Ive tried the frequency formula but that doesn't work the way I want it - I think its probably the wrong formula to use. I've also tried a pivot table but they always vex me. If a pivot table IS the way to go, could someone talk me through it step by step? (*the wizard is just as confusing as doing it yourself I find) ....

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Counting Dates Between Two Dates

Nov 4, 2009

i have attached a copy of the file im working in. Its a spreadsheet to highlight when peoples reviews need doing. I have a summary at the top counting the number of overdue, upcoming and ok reviews. Thing is the formula for counting my upcoming reviews is incorrect and i can't seem to fix it.

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