Counting Items In Filtered List

May 8, 2009


I’ve got following formula counting different kind shoes that are black and sneakers and above formula work very well. What I wonder is if you can convert above formula to count these items in a filtered list. Could you use the subtotal-function in any way?

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List Items Filtered

Jan 17, 2008

I have a list 10 of names in Column A. ( On sheet 1 )

I then filter column A to show only three specific names, or four names etc. . .

On Sheet 2, in cell A1, I would like to list the three filtered names from column A on sheet1

e.g. if the three names showing in column A ( Sheet 1) are: john, mary, jane . . . then on sheet 2 cell A1, I would like to see: "john, mary, jane"

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Count Unique Items In Filtered Range

Dec 13, 2009

As the subjects states I need to count the unique entries in a filtered range.

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Counting Dates In Filtered Row

Mar 4, 2013

I'm trying to count the number of cells that contain a date in a filtered row. I've been using the following formula, but it keeps coming back with a value of 0, even though there are 3 in the filtered row;

=SUMPRODUCT(--('Fixture Status'!J3:J1000=">=0"),SUBTOTAL(3,OFFSET('Fixture Status'!J3,
ROW('Fixture Status'!J3:J1000)-ROW('Fixture Status'!J3),0)))

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Counting Unique Entires In A Filtered Column

Dec 17, 2009

I'm trying to get a forumla to tell me if a filtered column is showing a unique entry.

suppose column A has as follows

A1 - Bob
A2 - Bob
A3 - Sam
A4 - Bob
A5 - Sam

Now, if I filter by ANY column, I want to have a formula that will tell me if the filtered/visible name(s) in column A is only 1 name. Mind you, if the user filters by criteria in a another column, the unique name may show in column A, only once or multiple times depending on how the other column is filtered.

I've tried count, counta, countif and such but doesn't seem to deal with what I am trying to do.

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Counting Fully Filled Rows In Filtered Matrix?

Jan 22, 2012

I'm trying to calculate the number of rows in a matrix that have a complete row of data. I would noprmally do this using nested if formuals and a count function, but the columns of the matrix are filterable so the count won't work.

Is there a combination of functions that will adapt as I filter data?

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Select Multiple Items In List And Then Print Those Items?

Dec 26, 2013

I am wanting to create a list where I can select multiple items within that list and then print only those selected items. I have created something similar thru data validation, but I can't get it to print.

In addition, I would like to be able to subdivide the list into multiple categories, then select items from these multiple categories and print them.

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Counting Filtered Data And Matching To Specific Monthly Headers

Apr 2, 2014

Essentially I want to show how many loans funded in October 2013, from ABC Lending, and I want that result to show in cell K9 of the Sample Output sheet. However, since I'm dealing with filtered data, I cannot figure out the correct combination of formulas to make this happen (e.g., SUBTOTAL, VLOOKUP).

Specifically, I'm stuck with the combination of a) counting the results that meet the monthly date criteria, combined with b) the filtered results. The single cell that I want to solve is K9, on the attached "Sample Output" sheet. Once I see how this cell works, I can figure out the rest. This cell is looking for the number of loans that funded in October 2013, from ABC Lending.

The filtered results are located on the "SCORE Data" sheet. The filter is already configured to only show results for ABC Lending, and the relevant column is labeled "Funded" (column "I"). Since the "Sample Output" sheet is looking for loans that funded in that month, and not a specific date, I created column "U" on the "SCORE Data" sheet, to convert specific day-dates to month-dates.

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Counting Filtered Data Cells Copy And Paste Values From Another Workbook?

Apr 10, 2014

I have a filtered worksheet -WB1 (filtered by Column "B"). I want to count the number of cells or rows in column "B"(Only the filtered ones) of WB1. Copy out that exact number of cells from another workbook(WB2) from the bottom moving up(Column "A") and paste it into WB1 column "I".

WB1 - Count Filtered Cell/Row with reference to Column "B"
WB2 - copy Cell count bottom to top of Column "A"
WB1 - Paste into Column "I"

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Excel 2010 :: Can't Delete Filtered / Visible List Rows From List Object

May 19, 2014

I have pulled a SharePoint list into my workbook. The list object (table) is still linked to the SharePoint list, as I'd like to synchronize it later on. I have filtered it with an autofilter. I'd like to delete all of the visible rows. I have tried a billion things to no avail. I have been searching Google for hours now. None of the examples work.

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Counting/Summing Items

Jul 20, 2009

I have a separate sheet with the followingvery simplified as I probably have over 300 lines of dates and dollars)

Date Dollars

2/3/2009 $25
5/3/2009 $30
5/4/2009 $50
7/4/2009 $100
8/7/2009 $25

On another sheet, I want to count the number of items by month submitted and sum the $ amount.

January $0
Febuary $25
March $0
April $0
May $80
June $0
July $100
August $25
Through December

Pivot table would be best if possible....but any function that would work would be fine.

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Counting Items In A Date Format

Aug 14, 2014

I have a spreadsheet that I use to log incidents. In column "A" I have the date in month/day/year format (8/14/2014). I am attempting to automate the graphing process so I have a graph that will tell me how many incidents I had in the month of August. I have attempted the following formulas (and other similar formates with minor changes)...

=COUNTIF('CY14'!A2:A500,"8,2014") and changed around the date format

All of these come up with "0" while I have 17 listed incidents for August. Am I doing something wrong, or is this not possible.

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Counting Unique Number Of Items

Sep 15, 2008

I want to paste a list of customers into a sheet and then have a formula that counts the number of customers. So, even if a customer appears 10 times it would only count it once and and continues down the column and counts the next company name and so on. Then it gives me a total of the number of different companies in that column.

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Counting Number Of Items In Between Dates

Nov 5, 2008

I need a formula which can count the number of items which have been applied to a suspense account in between a set of dates so for example i may need all items placed into a suspense account in the month of october. i record all items in a list so i do have a list of dates i just need to know how to count them and keep a running total as i need to feed it into another spreadsheet. I will also need to sum these the format of the spreadsheet is below -

******** ******************** src="<CENTER><TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 align=center>Microsoft Excel - Book4___Running: 11.0 : OS = Windows XP (F)ile (E)dit (V)iew (I)nsert (O)ptions (T)ools (D)ata (W)indow (H)elp (A)boutB2K2B3K3B4K4B5K5B6K6B7K7B8K8=ABCDEFGHIJKL1MOPO/S Date AppliedValue DateRemovedValue AgeCompany Name2Cheque  01-Nov-08(15.55) 01-Nov-08 15.55 0abc3Direct Receipt  01-Nov-08(109.00) 01-Nov-08 109.00 0def4Cheque  02-Nov-08(50.30) 02-Nov-08 50.30 0ghi5Cheque  03-Nov-08(23.48) 03-Nov-08 23.48 0jkl6Direct Receipt  03-Nov-08(2,236.46) 03-Nov-08 2236.46 0mno7Cheque  03-Nov-08(212.11) 03-Nov-08 212.11 0pqr8BACS/CHAPS  04-Nov-08(58.75) 04-Nov-08 58.75 0stuSheet1 [HtmlMaker 2.42] To see the formula in the cells just click on the cells hyperlink or click the Name boxPLEASE DO NOT QUOTE THIS TABLE IMAGE ON SAME PAGE! OTHEWISE, ERROR OF JavaScript OCCUR.

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Counting Items With Multiple Criteria

Sep 8, 2006

In column A, it contains the monthly salary data of each employee, then in column B, it contains the classification level data, Like Grade A, Grade B and Grade C. In this exercise, it want to find out the statistic as follows:

1. How many employee's monthly salary is below 10K and their classification level is Grade A, B or C
2. How many employee's monthly salary is above 10K and their classification level is Grade A, B or C

So any formulars can do that in instead of using the sorting method?

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Formula For Counting A Number Of Items But Excluding Some Of Them?

Jan 19, 2014

1. I use this formula to count a number of items in a column per month: =SUMPRODUCT(--(MONTH(B6:B500)=8))

I also have another column C where I put some descriptors against the values in column B. I need a formula to calculate a number of items in Column B, except for those items, which are equal to XYZ in column C.

2. I also calculate a number of items, which were completed in a given month. Completion is marked with "Y" in a separate column (D). I use this formula: =SUMPRODUCT((YEAR(B6:B999)=2013)*(MONTH(B6:B999)=12)*(K6:K999<>"Y")). I can't make it count a number of completed items in January. C

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Counting Unique Items(values Or Text)

Aug 3, 2006

I want to count unique items in a list with an array formula, like the items is in 3 columns A,B,C are from row 2 to 101. Now i use an array to filter out some rows in the columns of B,C & then count unique items in Column A.

column A has "30 diffrent names repeated from A2 to A101"
column B has numbers 0 to 100
column c has value either 0 or 1

now i use an formula TO filter out rows in column B & c
formula =count(IF((B2:B101>0)*(C2:C101<>1),1))) using ctrl+shift+enter

now what should i suffix or prefix to this formula to count unique values in column A.

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Counting Number Of Unique Items In Column

Oct 10, 2008

I am trying to count the number of unique items in a single column (~5,000 rows of data). For example, I may have the following data

a1 = apples
a2 = pears
a3 = oranges
a4 = apples
a5 = apples
a6 = apples
a7 = pears

in this case number of uniques items is 3

Right now I am using a Pivot Table to figure out the number of unique items but I am sure there is an easier way to do this.

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Counting Items Unique To A Day/customer Combination

Feb 3, 2010

I need to identify the number of occasions on which a product type is bought by a customer in isolation from other product types. I have attached a sample to illustrate. The actual data is more complex and is actually medical data concerning issue of oral or IV drugs. There are many thousands of records.

To clarify, in the example, there was only one occasion when Bread was bought on its own by a particular customer on a particular day. The way the data is presented, 'Bread' could be listed before 'Milk' or, as with 'Steve' on the 2/4, it could be in the middle of a series of 'Milk' purchases. I can sort by date/name/type, but I cant work out a formula to resolve the count.

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Counting Items If They Match A Condition In Another Column

Apr 2, 2012

I need to be able to count items if they match a condition in another column, as below

1 Apple Red
2 Apple Green
3 Apple Red
4 Pear Green
5 Apple Red
6 Pear Green
7 Pear Red
8 Apple Red

How can I count how many Red Apples there are. The answer should be 4 but when I use countifs I can either count the no of apples in Col. A or the no of colour Red in Col. B.

I have tried every combination of if, vlookup, and count that I can but keep getting errors or single col. counting.

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Creating A Unique List Of Items In Column A That Have A Corresponding Non-zero Value In Column B, I.e. Excluding All Items Where Sumif ColumnB Would Sum To 0

Jul 17, 2009

I know how to use array formulae to create a unique list, i.e.{=INDEX($G$1:$G$760,SMALL(IF(ROW($G$1:$G$760)=MATCH($G$1:$G$760,$G$1:$G$760,0),ROW($G$1:$G$760)),ROW()))}

however this is giving all the unique items from column G and I only want the unique items that have a non-zero value in column H as well. This would be the sumif of all instances that would have to be zero. I've tried to crack it and I've tried to search for solutions but so far no joy.

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Copy/paste Macros Will Not Copy Filtered Items

Sep 25, 2009

The following sub will look in the file ("FY09 SOF"), in column "A", search for the strings that begin with "2109", "3009", or ends in "-1", and copy the entire row. It will then paste these in the file ("FY09 PR Log Blank").

I have found that in the file ("FY09 SOF"), if things are filtered in any row, it will not copy those necessary items.

The data filter is on row 13 of each sheet. Is there a way of fixing this? (i.e. having the macros select "all" on the filter before copying the sheet? There are 60 sheets so a macros will be necessary.

Sub get_data()
Dim wb As Workbook, wbDest As Workbook
Dim ws As Worksheet, wsDest As Worksheet
Dim lngCalc As Long
Dim FoundCells As Range
Dim FoundCell As Range

Set wb = Workbooks("FY09 SOF")
Set wbDest = Workbooks("FY09 PR Log Blank")
Set wsDest = wbDest.Worksheets("Paste all here, then sort")

With Application
.ScreenUpdating = False
lngCalc = .Calculation
.Calculation = xlCalculationManual
End With
For Each ws In wb.Worksheets.............................

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Extracting Summary List Of Larger List Showing Only Items That Have Quantities?

Apr 11, 2014

It is a product list of office stationary with codes, descriptions and quantities. Using this spreadsheet we input into the quantity how many we want of the item, all well and simple you could call the list a stationary order form.

What I would like to be able to do with this Giant list is to have a function that would extract items off the list into a cleaner consolidated form. As in, if I wanted to order some of item A, C and F, I would like for the second table to just Show ACF without every letter in between or blank cells.

I know a simple method would be to have an IF formula to return the information to a new sheet that I could simply remove blank cell rows (unordered items) and ready for print each time. But I would love to know if there is a better way this could be achieved.

I have basic/intermediate knowledge of excel and can setup the data if need be in order for the function to work, but I can't seem to find the correct function for this project.

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Remove Items From DV List Once Used / Display Elsewhere / Reset List When Filling Across

Sep 13, 2013

It's a quarterly schedule for utility meter readers, divided up into days across the top, and routes/areas down the side.
There's a space with each route for the employee ID to go, depending on who's doing it.

Down the bottom of the sheet, there's a few empty lines for all the available employees who haven't been allocated to a route.

On the second sheet labelled EMP LIST, is all the employee IDs. It's also got the areas they work- it's for something I want to implement later.

I can put all the employees into a single column list, then use basic DV to give a dropdown menu by each route, to assign an employee to it. This is pretty straight forward. I've also been playing with this in combination with a countif, so that employees already assigned do not appear in the list.

This is about as far as I've managed to get with it.

I need to get the employees who aren't assigned to anything to appear in a list below the routes. I'm fairly sure this is just another countif, but I'm not 100% on the exact formulas.

I also need the list in the dropdown menu to reset for each day of the quarter, i.e. if I assign an employee to a route on the 30th day of the quarter, their ID will disappear from the list for any other route for that day, but will still be there for the other days of the quarter.

So far the only way I've managed to do this is by duplicating the employee list for every day of the quarter, which is going to get very cluttered, and also makes staffing changes difficult. I'm hoping there's an easier way to do this using one data set.

I've added an example of the sheet. It's one week and it's only got about 1/3 of the routes we would actually have on any given day.


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Getting Conditional Formatted Dropdown List Items To Keep Their Formatting In List

Feb 12, 2014

I found code online that I can put on my sheet to get my formatting properties to stay the same for the items in my dropdown list located on another page. However the code does not work for conditional formatted cells...which is what I need. This is the code that I have that will carry over regular formatted cells. Just not Conditional formatted cells.

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How To Create A List Of Items For Use In A Dropdown List With Data From A Different

Mar 17, 2007

I Attached a sheet for what i'm asking about ,, i sent it before but the sheet showing it more clearly

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Count How Many Items Found In List Based On Another List

Oct 27, 2009

I have a list of names in B8:B200 (unique)

I have another list of names in I7:I15

I want to count how many names in B8:B200 that matches any of the names listed in I7:I15.

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Summing A Filtered List?

Feb 18, 2014

I am trying to sum a filtered list and when a filter changes I want the sum to change and it isn't right now. I have attached a TEST workbook in which all the data is values but in my situation all of the data is actually read from a workbook from each agent.... not sure if that matters.

If I filter by District (East or West), how would I get the total to change? I am trying to avoid any vba or macro within this workbook.

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How To Rank Within A Filtered List

Apr 14, 2005

I'd like to have a dynamic report that ranks my lists based on an autofiltered list. In other words, I'd like to toggle the criteria that qualifies the lists content, and have excel generate "ranks" based on the values returned. Currently the rankings are based on the overall list, includeing the records that are filtered out.

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Loop Through A Filtered List

Dec 21, 2009

I am trying to write a macro that will let me loop through an auto-filtered list (column C in example file) . I want to filter for a criteria (in this case a network), copy the filtered data, paste it onto a new workbook and save it. Although I have been able to record a macro (see below) that can do this, I have to copy and paste this macro over and over again for the other networks. I would like to know if there is a macro that can loop through each criteria in an auto-filter list, copy and save the data into new workbooks for me. I've attached a sample workbook that should be helpful in understanding what I'm trying to do.

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