Counting Days Between Two Dates Minus Holidays
Jul 6, 2012
I'm trying to count the total days between to dates but minus the fed holidays. I have a list of holidays I can ref. I like how the NETWORKDAYS function works but I need to include the weekends.
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Feb 8, 2012
I have a formula to find the number of Mondays between 2 dates.
I now need to add in the variable of holidays and other days off. This is where I am loss. I do have a list of the weekdays that we did have class and a list of when we didn't
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Oct 23, 2007
I have a static date and military time in B6 (5/10/07 18:00) I have to write various formulas to reflect 1 month (whatever calendar month it ends up in, so not necessarily 30 days) minus 7 days and then the same formula plus 7 days. How is this written?
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Oct 9, 2007
a count formula.
Right, Column A on my sheet is the date that the work was completed. First thing is I need to be able to count how much work was completed per month. (I dont know why we have it all in one big sheet rather than monthly sheets but thats too logical!)
Secondly, column I is the number of days that piece of work took to complete. I need to be able to have a formula that looks at the month the work was completed, then total up the number of days that the work took.
(Example, if I have three bit of work completed in October, 1 took a total of 20 days, 1 took 15 and 1 took 10 it would = 45 days)
I know that this should be possible as I've had Excel doing more complex formulas than this.
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Feb 29, 2012
I have converted a column of dates to days using format & dddd. However I'd now like to count how many mondays, tuesdays, etc are contained in this list, however as the data is still a date I cannot seem to do this.
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Jul 6, 2009
I need to do a total of the dates entered in the RAW DATA sheet that fall in between today's date and 7 days ago. I am comparing it to B3 in sheet 2. Have tried a COUNTIF but cannot get it to work.
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Jul 22, 2014
I have the following formula which counts number of days between dates in two adjacent cells excluding holidays
The $AA$4:$AA$14 refers tote range where the excluded holiday dates are stored.
I have included the -1 at the end as it over counts by one day every time. i.e. if the same date is in both cells it counts 1
However if no date is in both fields it count -1 (minus one)
If a date is just in one field it counts a very high number, example below.
is there a better formula to use for this? How do I get the result to show ZERO when both cells are empty? can I get the result to show number of days to present date where there is only a date in first column?
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Feb 11, 2013
Within a user entered range of two dates, I would like to identify the individual calendar date(s) and count the number of Mondays which fall within the specified date range.I will eventually be using the same "Monday" code to find the same data for every day of the week within the dates ranges, but I figured I'd start with Mondays and build from there.
For Example: Date range 1/1/2013 - 1/15/2013 (date ranges could potentially encompass a full business quarter) Within the range, list each of the dates as dates. (used for comparative counting purposes elsewhere in the document)Count the number of Mons, Tues, Weds, Thurs, Fris, and Sats within the date range.Based on the example date ranges above; Mons = 2, Tues through Sats = 3 each.
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May 13, 2014
1. Find the working days between 15th Nov 09 to 28th
2. Add a column that shows the date after a number of months from today date. The number of months from todays date for each of the country is mentioned in column No. of Months after which revised.
3. Find the date our training will end using excel considering the fact that SAT and SUN are holidays. (Use the date when your training started)
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Feb 13, 2013
I wanted to determine the number of days between two dates. Specifically, if the initial date is in one month, and the second is in a different month and an output would result a number of days in each month until the final date. BUT I have a large amount of data to do this for in a list view, way to put a formula in excel and just drag down the entire list to get the required information. see below for an example.
The result I'm looking for is the separate the months and only show the relevant months between the two dates in one cell or the adjacent. Something similar to the table outlined below.
Input Data
Start Date
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Aug 8, 2014
I want a formula that counts all days of a month "listed in a column" but excluding sunday.
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Oct 7, 2011
I need to calculate the number of days between 2 dates including holidays and weekends. That means I cant use NETWORKDAYS as it excludes weekend.
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Dec 29, 2013
I am working on a sheet right now where I want to put the day a certain number of days in the future but I want to skip only Holidays, or days in a list on another part of the sheet, but count the weekend days.
All the formulas and post I have read is about someone wanting to skip weekends too. I did find a workdays formula where you and pick what you want to be considered as the weekend but I just want to skip holidays.
Day is Dec-31-2013 7 days in the future is Jan-7-2014
I want it to be since Jan 1 is a Holiday the answer will be Jan-8-2014
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Jun 21, 2006
I have a date in a cell and need a formula that will calulate the next 4 days excluding weekends and holidays. I have search and found where one can do more complex items but not just a simple formula. I have attached an example.
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Oct 6, 2007
I have a calender with days in the columns and months in the rows. However I have 3 rows for each month. I'm using text and values combinations in the cells to record data
Example First Sheet
Feb Rows, 11,12&13
Columns C,G Dates 1st to 5th
Therefore 1st of Feb has 3 cells to enter data, ie Basic Hours, Sickness, Holiday
Currently I'm defining a name range for each month, ie DFeb. Currently I'm recording each of the rows into columns in another sheet and the date in the row, by using a Hlookup on the date and a vlookup on the month
ie Second Sheet...............
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Jan 3, 2014
Assuming the first date is in A1, and the second date is in B1, in standard dd/mm/yyyy form, my current formula is =B1-A1-1.The '-1' is due to the fact that if a patient stays for 10 days, they will only spend 9 nights in the hospital. (Bed Nights).The problem is, the formula is stretched in the total column from, say C1 to C50. Each one of these has, or will have, a number of days in it.However, due to having th '-1' in the formula, empty rows that are yet to have a patients details inputted have a -1 where I need a 0. The only reason I need to change this is because I need a running total of the bed nights of all the patients.I think the formula I'm after is something along the lines of; 'If cell B2 is empty, input 0. If B2 has a date, use formula 'B2-A2'
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Jan 2, 2008
way to get a worksheet to display workdays that exclude public holidays? I have used the Workday() function, but this keeps displaying the date over xmas. Is there an easy way to do this?
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Jun 25, 2008
Please see attached spreadsheet on what I am trying to achieve.
In the data tab I have my base data, which is dates across the top and names down the side. I have information in the middle such as 'H8' which means that the person was on holiday for 8 hours on that particular day, and 'S8' which means they were sick for 8 hours on that day.
I want a macro that will rearrange the information in the table and put it into the report format which is in the report sheet.
If you see the spreadsheet you will probably get a better idea of what I am trying to achieve.
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Oct 28, 2009
From another thread I got this formula placed on B5:
his generates the number of working days for that month (regardless of the date on B4) that exclude Holidays listed under the range "Holidays".
I also got this code (Credits to XXXX)
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Sep 1, 2007
I'm basically looking for a forumla that will count each employees total scheduled work days for the month inserted and then depening upon the day it is will show how many days the employee has left to work for the month.
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Jun 8, 2006
I have it like this
In column A is start of holidays
In column B is end of holidays
(one date written in A and one in B, and so on)
In C and D columns are start and end dates
Now I would like to check if start and and end dates of holidays, are between those dates in C and D
22/05/2006 24/05/2006
23/05/2006 24/05/2006
Check if first range of dates is between second one. Actually if holidays are between start and end date then check how many days are actually holidays in range of start and end dates
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Feb 26, 2014
Is there a way to autofill dates in excel to exclude weekends and bank holidays?
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Jul 25, 2014
find the difference between 2 dates in excel "date 1 - date 2"..... but I'm not quite sure as to how one would do it while excluding holidays!
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Dec 5, 2013
I am trying to run a macro to put in the Month, Day, Year on each tab but I want it to exclude holidays and weekends. I am not a techie or anything but I would like to know how to do this. I have tried various vb codes but they don't exclude the weekends/holidays.
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Nov 6, 2006
In my helpdesk spreadsheet, Column C has the date a request is received and Column D has the day it is signed off as complete.
This is used to compare how many days it takes before each request is completed.
Column B is usually blank, but, if the day a request is due to be completed is in the future, such as waterblasting set for 5 working days ahead, then the expected completion date is in Column B. As we don't want a report to show it took five days to complete, when 5 days was waiting for the booked job, we only want five days when we are working on it for five days.
So a typical request is received on Monday 1st January (C), completed on 3rd January (D), taking 3 working days to complete.
A less typical is a request received on Monday 1st January (C), booked to be done on the 4th January, (B). If the job is completed on the 4th, then that will be entered into (D). And we want it show as taking 1 day or less to complete.
I'm quite new to excel formulas , but would like to know the format for
IF B = Empty, then display the days (minus holidays and minus weekends) between C & D.
IF B = non-blank, then display the days (minus holidays and minus weekends) between B & D.
I've tried to play with the Workday function but it and the format of the IF function seem just beyond my grasp, depsite it simplicity, so hopefully a bit more insight as i get to grips with formulas would help me out...
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Apr 20, 2009
I attached an excel file for an example. Basically I am calculating on time shipping, but I want don't want Saturday and Sunday to coun't against us.I need G5 to equal 3 days. Right now when I subtract E2 from F2 I get 5 days. But we only work M-F, and Saturday and Sunday shouldn't count against us. How would I subract the days automattically, so it takes out Saturday and Sunday?
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Apr 18, 2013
Calculating Lead time (in hours) between two dates/times, excluding holidays and weekend
Start Time
End Time
Lead Time
12/26/2012 15:50
1/2/2013 12:38:00
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Feb 13, 2008
I have a spread sheet that is used to show the dates for the days in the week that my students are in class. I want it to be able to take the date from a cell that has the class start date and then show what the date will be for day 1, day 2, day 3, etc... I am not a beginner with excel but i can't figure out how to get it to skip calendar weekends.
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Feb 23, 2014
Here is my set up:
A2 to BF2 is a range of dates
A3 to BF3 are sales. Days without sales are 0.00
I want to pick a range of dates and find the number of days without sales between those dates. So, a formula that will look to a start date in A1 and an end date in B2, and then count the number of days that did not have sales between. Index/Match/Countif/Dateif I can't seem to make anything work.
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Nov 15, 2008
I was wondering if anyone knows how I could enter a date in one cell, then another date in a second cell and in a third cell have it have it so it minuses the first date from the second and calculates the difference outputted in number of days.
Example: 04/31/08 - 04/01/08 = 30 (days)
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