Counting Number Of Month

Jan 9, 2007

I have a spreadsheet with column B being the date when a staff joined the company; column C being the date when the staff left the company. If I want to set a formular in column D to calculate just the number of month had a staff been working in the company, how should I set?

e.g any day joined in Aug 05 and left in Sep 05 will be counted as 1 month

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Counting Number Of Dates With Month

Jul 6, 2012

I have collumn with different dates. I would like to count number of date with specific month in them (for example "june"). I tried it with if function, but something is missing.

Example of data:



My function: =SUMPRODUCT(IF(A1:A9;IF(MONTH(A1:A9)=6;1;0))) what shoud I correct or of better function?

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Counting Number Of Times Specific Month Appears In Entire Column?

Aug 22, 2014

I am trying to create a graph that is conditional on two different columns. The first column is a date column, the second column has various categories. I want to show how many times each category appears per month. This database is continually added to so I wanted the formula to reflect the entire column range.

For example, let say I have 5 categories (Grapes, Apples, Peach, Pear, Banana). Column A would show a date (in a M/D/Y format) and Column B would list the fruit type. I want to show how many Grapes were input in January, February, March, etc. and then move on to show how many apples in each month, and so on.

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Last Ocurance Of The Last Date Used For Each Month And Then Use The Cell Number To Calculate The Column Totals For That Month

Jan 28, 2010

I have a spreadsheet that is now a yeare old with 5000 rows and is now going into the 2nd year

Column A is for date input and the same date can be repeated several tumes :-

1 Jan 09
1 Jan 09
1 Jan 09
1 Jan 09
2 Jan 09
2 Jan 09
3 Jan 09
3 Jan 09
3 Jan 09

Sometimes there are all 30 /31 days but normally not .

I need to find the last ocurance of the last date used for each month and then use the cell number to calculate the column totals for that month.

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Excel 2007 :: How To Convert Month Number To Month Name

Feb 16, 2012

I am trying to add a dynamic date rang to the heading of a table. I can find the earliest and latest dates, and want to concatenate them in the heading...

January 1 2012 to January 31 2012

The day and year (and the other bits) are easy, but is there an easy way to convert 1 to January, without going through a vlookup.

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Counting Orders/Rep/Month

Oct 30, 2008

I am trying to set up a grid to count the number of orders each rep writes for each month of the year. I have tried three different formulas without success.

=COUNTIFS('Daily Compliance'!$B:$B,$C$7,'Daily Compliance'!$O:$O,">39447")-J7

In which J7 would count all orders written past Jan 31, minus K7, etc.

I also tried:

=COUNTIFS('Daily Compliance'!$B:$B,$C$7,'Daily Compliance'!$O:$O,">39447",'Daily Compliance'!$O:$O,"<39479"))


=SUMPRODUCT(--('Daily Compliance'!O:O>=E274),--('Daily Compliance'!O:O<=F274),COUNTIF('Daily Compliance'!B:B,C7))

Daily Compliance is the sheet that lists all the orders, with column "B" being the rep, and column "O" being the date.

At this point, I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong.

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Counting Dates That Fall Within A Certain Month

Jan 23, 2009

I have items arriving on certain dates (the dates are listed in column N)

In the cell to the right of each month, I want to have a formula that will count the dated cells in column N that fall under each month.

i.e. In cell B5, next to January, I want to display the total number of cells that contain a date in January (ultimately giving me the number of items that arrive in January) the number would read '5' because there are 5 dates in January that are in the list.

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Counting Entries Based On Month

Oct 21, 2009

I have a column of dates and want to count how many times there is an entry for a particular month. example:

(column D)

I want to be able to coun (countif?) how many times there is a July listing, August listing, etc.

I have made them arrays.

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Counting Record Based On Month?

Oct 25, 2011

i have big sheet with lot of data and in column B there is date dd-mm-yy.

How can i count specific product (column A) based on date (column B) for each month) on sheet B.

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Counting Mondays Worked In A Month

Dec 1, 2006

I would like to count how many Mondays, etc., that shh worked.

11/01/06WedshhCal Vet Neuro
11/16/06ThushhCirby Ridge
11/22/06WedshhHardin Animal
11/24/06FrishhBear River
11/21/06TueshhLaguna Creek
11/22/06WedshhRoseville Vet
11/19/06SunshhMissouri Flat Pet
11/20/06MonshhSierra Vet-Stockton
11/20/06MonshhAnimal Clinic-Benicia
11/22/06WedshhBlue Ravine
11/24/06FrishhCat Clinic-Folsom
11/18/06SatshhAmerican River
11/21/06TueshhIndian Creek Vet
11/28/06TueshhSlate Creek Animal

Some dates will appear twice, because that will be relative to different clinics.

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Adding Or Subtracting One Month To A Month Number

Nov 12, 2009

I have forumlas that will look at this cell and take action of the month in a different cell is either 1 month greater (Frontmonth+1) or less (Frontmonth-1) than "Frontmonth". As we approach December I'm realizing that logic will breadown since the FrontMonth+1 would be 13, not 1 (January)

Is there a way to get excel to add 1 month to just the month number so that if Frontmonth = 12, Frontmonth+1 would return 1, not 13?

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Counting Month And Year From A Date Column

Dec 15, 2008

Need a formula for counting the number of occurences of a month & year in a date column? The spreadsheet is looking at items raised in any given month e.g. all items raised in Dec-08.

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Macro For Counting / Summarizing Data Per Month

Apr 21, 2012

Here is the attached Excel file and the following is the desired output of the macro:

1.) List the data (Names) of the Columns D (Input), F (Analyze), and H (Output) in Sheet1 to Column A (Name of Person) in Sheet2. There should be no repetition of two names.
2.) Count the number of entries of each person in the Column D (Input) in Sheet1 appears per month (basis is the Input Date column E) and record into the corresponding month in Sheet2 under the Input Header.
3.) Add the total of the 12 months in the YTD column under the Input Header.
4.) Repeat steps #2-3 for the Column F (Analyze) and Column H (Output) of Sheet1 with the results recorded in their corresponding headers in Sheet2.
5.) Note: The data in Sheet1 is a running data and continually adds up as the current year goes by. If there is a way the macro could take that into account it would be much better.


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Counting Word Occurrence Within A Month From Another Column

Aug 11, 2013

How to make information gathering easier. So I have a spreadsheet with information in one tab and Graphs & tables in another. I am trying to count how many times a word appears in my last column (the word is "HM - GM") but I only want to count how many times that appears in the month of Jul (The July column is my first column, it shows as "Jul-13" but when you click on the column it appears as 01/07/2013). I have tried a few =COUNTIFS formulas I found around the site, but none seem to work for me. I am trying to get the counted information into a table so it will show how many 'HM - GM' were in Jul-13.

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Counting Dates That Fall In A Specific Week Of The Month

Feb 2, 2009

Please see the attached xls file so see what I am referring to.

I have shipments that are going to different destinations (rotterdam, austria, london, etc.)

I would like to count the arrival dates in column H that fall under each week's span, but ONLY IF its corresponding value in column F is 'rotterdam'.

Column C contains the ideal numbers that I would like column B's formula to return. I plan on doing this for the entire year, but if someone can some up with a formula, I might be able to modify it for the rest.

Note: This is only an example spreadsheet, I am going to be referencing an external file with much more information on it.

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Create A Second Table Of Data Counting How Many Entries There Are For Each Month In Each Company

Mar 24, 2009

I have a large table of data covering 3 different companies and need to create a second table of data counting how many entries there are for each month in each company. This second table is to be used to create bar graphs and I am not using pivot tables as I cannot work out how to get the pivot table to insert months where nothing has happened. The attachment should make it clear

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Counting The Number Of Times A Multi Digit Number Appears

Nov 22, 2007

I've tried everything I know (which isnt that much to be honest. lol). Ive tried the frequency formula but that doesn't work the way I want it - I think its probably the wrong formula to use. I've also tried a pivot table but they always vex me. If a pivot table IS the way to go, could someone talk me through it step by step? (*the wizard is just as confusing as doing it yourself I find) ....

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Counting The Number Of Occurrences Before The Current Week Number?

Jul 10, 2014

I have a spreadsheet for tracking jobs. Most everything is based off of week # rather than date. I am trying to get the stats page of the workbook to tally the total number of late jobs per week.The current week is taken care of because there is a function that automatically displays on time yes or no and I just set it to count the yeses or nos.The problem I am having is for past weeks.

I tried- =COUNTIF(Table2[On-time],"No"+(CountIF(Table2[Week # Hidden],"<Weeknum(Now())" but that doesn't work. I also tried isolating the < like this. =COUNTIF(Table2[On-time],"No"+(CountIF(Table2[Week # Hidden],"<"Weeknum(Now()) and that did not work either.

------ UPDATE

In response to using CountIFS I have also tried-

=COUNTIFS(Table2[On-time],"NO",Table2[Due Week '# Hidden],"<Weeknum(Now())") this just returns a zero value even when I have a late job listed three weeks ago.

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Formula To Calculate Based On Start Month Number And Duration Number Of Months

Mar 14, 2014

I need a formula that will calucalte the monthly total based on the following conditions:

Col A = Yearly Cost
Col B = The number of the month when the costs are starting (1=Jan etc)
Col C = The duration or the number of months for which the costs are to spread
Col D is Year 2013 with the months across columns D-O. Row 1 above those columns shows the month's corresponding number.

Right now I have =IF($B3<=D$1,$A3/$C3,0) however if my start month is 1 and my duration is 5, I need the costs to stop after May. I've attached a sample file. Calculate based on start month and duration.xlsx

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Counting Number Of Cells With Same Number

Jan 5, 2007

I need to know wich formula or VB method, I have to use to count the number of cases in a range of colomns and rows C4:G107, have the same number. For eaxample how many times do I have number 1 and so on...

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Counting The Number When You Have A Number And Text

May 23, 2006

I have a column for EE or SP and a column that has an amount of insurance
coverage like 10,000 etc.

I want to count the total number of EE have that level or type of coverage

My columns are like this:
C1 EE K1 10,000
CE SP K2 200,00

I have tried numerous formulas from the various discussions and I can't find
any that works.

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Counting The Number That Comes From A Destignated Number

Dec 23, 2006

How do I create a formula that will count the number of times in F7:H106,
where the number "0" occurred and had a value of "1" to occur
in the previous row in the range, if no number "1" in previous row
then ""


if G22=0 and G21=1, then count 1

if G12=0 and G11=1, then count 1 more

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Financial Model (formula To Equally Distribute Revenue Either Over The Next 1 Month, 2 Month Or 3 Month Period Depending On Size Of The Deal)

Dec 23, 2008

I m trying to write a formula for my financial model. If anyone can take a stab at a solution. I'm trying to write a formula that will equally distribute revenue either over the next 1 month, 2 month or 3 month period depending on size of the deal.

Sales will fit in 1 of 3 categories. Less than 25k; between 25k & 100k; greater than 100k.

- if under $25K, recognize in next month (month N+ 1)
- $25K-100K, recognize in two equal parts in months N + 1 and N + 2
- over $100K, recognize in three equal parts over 3 months
N + 1, N + 2, N + 3 ...

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Counting Number Of Cells

Mar 24, 2014

My data is as follows:

Month 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
Number of Starts 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10
Rolling Number of Cases 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 120 120 120 120 120

In my dataset above the cases finish after 12 months (hence why there is a maximum number of cases).

What I am seeking is a method to count along a certain number of cells, then sum the contents of those. For example, I would like to count the contents of up to 12 cells, then sum those 12 cells.

Where it gets difficult is as follows:

- In month 6, I am just counting the contents of 6 cells (months 1-6)
- In month 12, I am counting the contents of 12 cells (months 1 -12)
- In month 18, I am counting the contents of 12 cells (month 7 - 18)

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Counting Distance Between Number 1

Mar 27, 2014

I need a formula, from which I need to drag (if needed) and to fill with numbers, by following principles:

- when the left cell contain the zero, it needs to find on the same column if there exists another zero, or another one and count them, let's say if find three zeros untill find number one, return 3.
- when find a number 1, after another 1, has to return a zero.
- the formula need to initialise from the top of the column, only finds the first number 1.

I have a relevant example down bellow. I used to count them visually and sometimes errors sneak into my spreadsheets.

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Counting Number Of Each Letter

Aug 14, 2013

I have a table like this.........

Item Code
Ice A
Ice A
Ice B
water D
water A
water C
water A
milk B
milk D
milk C
milk C
milk C
milk B

And I would like to count the number of each letter to look like........
_______ A B C D
Ice ___ 2 1 0 0
water _ 2 0 1 1
milk ___0 2 3 1

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Counting The Number Of Months

Dec 13, 2006

I am trying to calculate the number of months between two given dates.
The spreadsheet is basically about staff and their start and end dates.

For example start dates would be in colum A and end dates would be in column B (in dd/mm/yyyy format).

I am currently using the following formula:

It does return the correct results when the dates are the same e.g. start date = 01/01/2006 and end date = 01/04/2006 = 3 months.
BUT when I change the end date to 31/03/2006, it returns as 2 months.

Is there a way around this? I need a more accurate number of months (with no decimal places)

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Random Number Counting

Sep 21, 2009

If I generate a random number in cell A1 ranging from 1 to 3. Can I count how many times the result is equal to 2 if I was to run it 100 times and then show the results in cell A3.

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Counting Number Of Months

Apr 1, 2008

I have an excel list with 3 columns (date, comment, cost):
I'm continously adding new entries to the list and want to see the average cost per month without remembering how many different months I already entered.
For this I need the number of months extraced from the date-column so I can devide the cost total by the numer of months.
The date format is

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Counting Number Of Used Columns?

Oct 19, 2012

I want to have the number of used columns in a worksheet. The information will be used to understand what range the data is in. So for the rows I am using nRows = Application.WorksheetFunction.CountA(myRange). I am hoping to have something similar for the columns.

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