Counting Number Of Occurrences A Value Appears In A Column?
Apr 13, 2012
I'd like to count the number of occurrences a value appears in a column. Hard to explain what I'm after so I will draw it out:
Column A
I want to add a formula in column b that will add the number of times it appears as it appears:
ColA ColB
2512 1
2512 2
2513 1
2513 2
2513 3
2513 4
2518 1
2519 1
2519 2
2519 3
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Mar 31, 2014
Right now, I'm trying to find a way to count the number of times a certain phrase appears in a column.
I'm currently using this formula for exact values: COUNTIF(A1:A5,"Hello"), but this only works if an entry in a column is exactly: "Hello"
I want to be able to count a column even if it has more words, such as "Hello how are you" etc., and this column would be counted because it has the word "hello" in it.
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Aug 22, 2014
I am trying to create a graph that is conditional on two different columns. The first column is a date column, the second column has various categories. I want to show how many times each category appears per month. This database is continually added to so I wanted the formula to reflect the entire column range.
For example, let say I have 5 categories (Grapes, Apples, Peach, Pear, Banana). Column A would show a date (in a M/D/Y format) and Column B would list the fruit type. I want to show how many Grapes were input in January, February, March, etc. and then move on to show how many apples in each month, and so on.
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Nov 3, 2011
my worksheet has a range (AN2:AN10000), and I want to find the total number of occurrences that specific numbers occur.
I want to find out how many times in this range above the numbers from 11 to 15 occur (11,12,13,14 & 15).
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Nov 21, 2007
Im trying to construct a nested Countif statement. I need to count the number of instances that "Project" appears in Column O AND "TS" in Column N. The range is in another in Sheet2. and the summary in Sheet 1 where I want to have the Countif(AND...??? statement Example Counif(Sheet 1 Column 0 contains "Project" AND if Column N Contains "TS"
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Nov 22, 2007
I've tried everything I know (which isnt that much to be honest. lol). Ive tried the frequency formula but that doesn't work the way I want it - I think its probably the wrong formula to use. I've also tried a pivot table but they always vex me. If a pivot table IS the way to go, could someone talk me through it step by step? (*the wizard is just as confusing as doing it yourself I find) ....
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Jul 10, 2014
I have a spreadsheet for tracking jobs. Most everything is based off of week # rather than date. I am trying to get the stats page of the workbook to tally the total number of late jobs per week.The current week is taken care of because there is a function that automatically displays on time yes or no and I just set it to count the yeses or nos.The problem I am having is for past weeks.
I tried- =COUNTIF(Table2[On-time],"No"+(CountIF(Table2[Week # Hidden],"<Weeknum(Now())" but that doesn't work. I also tried isolating the < like this. =COUNTIF(Table2[On-time],"No"+(CountIF(Table2[Week # Hidden],"<"Weeknum(Now()) and that did not work either.
------ UPDATE
In response to using CountIFS I have also tried-
=COUNTIFS(Table2[On-time],"NO",Table2[Due Week '# Hidden],"<Weeknum(Now())") this just returns a zero value even when I have a late job listed three weeks ago.
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Jan 10, 2008
I am running Excel 2007 at work in compatibility mode. My company is in the process of switching to Excel 2007, but not everyone has it, so I save my files in Excel 97-2003 format, so they can be viewed by everyone.
I am trying to count the number of occurrences of "dates" between a starting date and an ending date. (e.g., cells B16:B1000 contain dates when a test at work was performed. I want to count all tests that occurred between 12/30/2007 and 1/9/2007.) Please note that the dates cross the new year
More Info:
I have searched this board, found a similar post, and tried the different formulas listed but get a result of "0" (zero). If I try the same formulas at home using Excel 2000, they work. The formula types I've tried include regular and array styles I am led to believe that this is either an Excel 2007 bug (bug??? - Nah, not from Microsoft!), or one of the cute changes between the new and old versions that I keep running across. The last possibility is that I am doing something wrong, which a smart betting man wouldn't rule out either!
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Nov 21, 2008
the number of days when there were 0 cases
the number of days there was 1 case
the number of days when there were 2 cases.
As yet there are no days in which there were more than 2 cases but there might be in the future.
I have a list of dates when operations took place in that room. On some days the it was not in use, so those dates don't appear in the list. Some days there was 1 case, so that date appears once in the list. On some days there were two cases, so that date appears twice in the list.
What I've done so far is create a pivot table that contains all the dates, then grouped it by day and counted the number of times there was 1 or 2 cases in a day by hand, then subtracted the total to get the days when there weren't any cases.
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Jun 28, 2014
I have a table with two columns.
I would like to create another table (in a new sheet) which displays the number of times each PartNum appears in the first table.
The amount of rows in a table is variable and can reach thousands of rows.
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Aug 13, 2012
I have an excel sheet which is currently 1,100 lines long and expected to increase and has a number of dates in columns W-AO representing the dates in which someone has had an onsite assessment. I wish to report in column AQ if there has been any visit activity in the month, i.e August for this month’s report. Is there an Excel function which will allow for this? Im thinking something like having a drop down list to select the month at the top of the column and then the sheet returns a value of 1 for all lines where a there is a date equal to the month selected?
I guess it is also worth mentioning that the sheet is setup as a table.
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Dec 12, 2011
I have a 2007 Excel spreadsheet (saved as .XLS) with worker names in column A and error types in column B. Column B can have multiple entries (which are sometimes duplicative of each other) separated by a hard return.
What I need to do is run tallies to determine the number of errors by type for each person, counting the value every time it appears, even if it is more than once in a particular cell. The ultimate goal is to generate a formula to track the number of occurrences for all error types types for the person in Column A (i.e. one formula each to track ABC's Procedural errors, ABC's Technical errors, ABC's Admin errors, DEF's Procedural, etc) though ideally I just need a formula to calculate any one of those and I can edit it to get the rest. Here's a sample screenshot:
The COUNTIFS formula is where I started but that only seems to count cells with the value as opposed to occurrences of the value. I did find this formula in my searches but it doesn't seem to work:
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Jan 14, 2014
I'm looking for the easiest way to count the number of occurrences within a cell range.
The formula that I'm currently using is:
This counts the number of cells that start with 'a' and returns the sum. It seems to work fine, but when I try to make it look for more values in the range it gives me an error. For example;
When I want to find multiple values in the range and count them all, I use this formula:
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Mar 2, 2006
I have one column with names and another with date ranges (JAN06) etc. I
want to count the number of times a name occurs within a given date range.
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Aug 9, 2007
I want to count the number of times a certain value is found in columnB, only for unique values in columnA.
I have made a simple example file, attached. Column B shows Status which can be Active, Current, Dormant. Column A holds Item names. I want to know how many Active Items I have, but an Item can appear more than once in ColA, so I want it only to include in the count the unique ColA values.
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Aug 15, 2014
I am working on a big project involving baseball statistics, evaluating individual seasons. After a great deal of entertaining data gathering, I have a spreadsheet of 1896 seasons that meet certain criteria--that is, seasons belong to an individual player. The player's names are in column A of my spreadsheet.
Individual names appear between 1 and 15 times. I would very much like to generate a quick table (or just a couple of columns) that lists every name in column A, and how many times it appears. My understanding is that the histogram function won't work with text. I'm running Excel 2013 on windows.
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Jul 23, 2014
Row Number (A)
ID Number(B)
No.of Repetitions(C)
4 or TRUE
1 or FALSE
[Code] ............
In need checking if a particular ID number is repeated more than once in column B. I need to write a formula in each cells of "No.of Repetition" column or Column C to check if respective ID number in column B is repeated more than once and display the count or display a condition true or false.
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May 9, 2014
I have a few spreadsheets with a few land transactions. I want to see if the parties involved are male or female, or both (in case of joint titles). And how many. I've tried to use ISNUMBER formulas and COUNTIF formulas but I can't seem to make them work. I've attached an example of what I need to do, the original has many more column with more info, and the names are in a different language which makes it easier to identify as female or not (like 'phany' in english female names etc).
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Feb 5, 2013
I get this work a lot and am looking for a much more effective way of working the dataset,
I have numbers like 1.1, 1.2, 1.3 and so on.......
These come under criteria like (1) = 1.1, 1.2, 1.3 and so on.....
I am look for an automated way of doing a count of any number that falls under this criteria, so I want to count based on criteria (1) it would count all 1.1,1.2,1.3 and so on as one count.
I am attaching a sample document to see how it is laid out. [URL] .....
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Mar 26, 2013
I have a column of dates (Column A) with intermittent blanks and I need to display the number of occurrences for each unique date.
This is what I am starting with: (Note= The number of rows varies by project so I need the whole Column A referenced)
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Jan 5, 2009
I type random numbers into column B
I want cell E10 to read column B then display (number 26 for example) how many times number 26 appears in column B
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Nov 2, 2011
I'm trying to write a formula that will count the number of unique occurrences in a column, if a specified value is found in a different column.
So I want to count the number of unique values in the "ID" column if let's say the text "NameA" appears in the "Name" column.
ID Name 12345
NameA 12346
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May 3, 2012
I need a formula that uses the following premise:
If the number appearing in column B match's any of the numbers in column a Yes, otherwise No,
My best guess was this:
=IF(B1=A1:A500, "Yes", "No")
This isn't working.
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Apr 23, 2006
I have aspreadsheet detailing stores issues.
The columns are: Item, Qty, Date. I need to find out for each item; what is the most common issue qty and how many times that occurred and what was the largets issue qty and how many times that occurs.
I have a highly conveluted way of finding this out but theremust be a quicker way.
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Dec 12, 2008
I have a slight problem...I have a range of values..
I need to count the occurance of a a particular no. from 0-9.. So i want to know how many times say 0 appears in that range of values etc so on till 9. I tried using CountIF but the problem i face is lets say in my cell 0903 there are 2 0s inside, it doesnt count this 2 zero..
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Jun 5, 2007
I have 3 columns of data that contain horses names and these are sorted by a race time.
See attached txt file for example....
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Mar 27, 2008
We've got a column of names. A single name might appear once or two hundred times. The column is over 25,000 lines long, so we don't want to have to count how many different users there are (besides the likelihood of doing it wrong!). Is there some way to make Excel count the number of unique entries in the list, ignoring multiple repetitions of the same name?
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Dec 11, 2006
I have a spreadsheet which consists of Sheet 1 and Sheet 2.
In Sheet 1, Column I there is a list of country names which indicate who visited our website at a certain time. So for example England may be listed multiple times.
In Sheet 2 I have a table showing January through to December in a column and the different country names across the top in one row.
I want the Table in Sheet 2 to count how many times England (for example) occurs in Column I and to indicate that as a numeric value.
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Jan 9, 2008
what I'm looking at doing is counting the number of reccuring unauthorised absences in a list. We have the persons name in column B, the absence type in column C and the date in column E. Basically I need to send out an AWOL notice when 5 days of unauthorised absence for the person in column B has occurred, so I need some sort of indication that this has happened in order for me to stick some conditional formatting in there to flag it.
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Aug 5, 2014
I'm working with a set of text values. The sets of text can be either 2 or 3 chars long (in this example 2), and are separated with a pipe. The end char for each set of chars in fixed. In this case a Z.
I'm looking for a formula which counts the unique / distict number of sets of chars. I have been trying to use COUNTIF with a wildcard (?Z), but unfortunately I haven't been able to find the correct formula yet.
For example.
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