Create Macro That Downloads Daily Settlement Price

Oct 28, 2010

I have an excel worksheet that has the following:

Column A: Date
Column B: Crude Oil Settlement Price
Column C: formula for daily change
Column D: another formula

I tried recording a macro, no dice... I need it to print today's date, the settlement price, and copy down the formulas in the next available cell.

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Loop Macro Which Downloads Historical Stock Information?

Feb 21, 2012

How to loop a macro which downloads historical stock information into Excel. I had the macro working for a single sheet, but I want it to update all of the sheets in the work book except a few. Now I keep getting a Error # 1004 unable to open error on line .Refresh BackgroundQuery:=False


Sub GetData()
Dim ws As Worksheet
For Each ws In ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets
' Exclude certain sheets
If ws.Name "Porfolio" Or ws.Name "Benchmark" Then



With ActiveSheet.QueryTables.Add(Connection:="URL;" & qurl, Destination:=DataSheet.Range("A5"))
.BackgroundQuery = True
.TablesOnlyFromHTML = False
.Refresh BackgroundQuery:=False
.SaveData = True
End With


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Formula To Create A Daily Number

May 19, 2009

Im trying to come up with a password that changes daily that contains 2 constant numbers and some multiplication:

The formual would need to be like a string for example:

1 (the day * a number) 2 (the month * a number)

The numbers 1 and 2 are always the same.

I have a spreadsheet that has the month (number) in one cell.
The days are in columns A1 - A31

Everytime i try to do this in Excel, it trys to multiply every number.

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How To Create Formula Which Finds Out Price Depending On Two Things

Mar 12, 2013

So I have this assignments. Its about rental services. I need to create a formula where the price is automatically found from a table depending on what drop down menus are selected. One menu is the rental name and the other is the season i.e. high or low, therefore each rental has two prices.

I know i can use Vlookup if there was one drop down menu but how to do the other. I was think it will interms of if statement but i dont know...

Here is the link to the worksheet: [URL] ...........

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Automatically Create Monthly Totals From Daily Data

May 20, 2014

I am trying to do an automatic input with my daily total sales.. i did it in total but my problem is i don't know how to make the date change.

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Automatically Create Monthly Totals From Daily Data

Jan 2, 2009

In column A I have dates, in column B I have data.

What I am trying to do is get the monthly totals from the data so instead of:

01/02/08 - 52
06/02/08 - 87
14/03/08 - 23
12/13/08 - 12

I would get:

Feb 08 - 129
Mar 08 - 33

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Create Auto Updating Price List Using Part Number And Website

Jan 3, 2014

I'm trying to create an autoupdating price list using a part number and a website. I've tried Excel's data import wizard.

Website: WebFLIS - Public Search
Sample data Category
Chaplain Kits
Chaplain's Kit, Consumable

Also called the ReSuppply Kit

VBA Code that allows me to automatically open the page.

Dim IE As Object
Sub submitFeedback3()
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Set IE = CreateObject("InternetExplorer.Application")

[Code] ......

Ideally, I'd like to click a button that says "Update Prices" and it will search WebFlis for the NIIN listed and update the price. I have 717 items on my list so updating would be by click only (I think I can write that portion).

If that is not an option, I'd like to be able to click on each item row (think hyperlink) and be able to see the results for that individual item.

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Sumif: Downloads The Data

Oct 29, 2007

I have the following sumif formula in a spreadsheet. Unfortunately, the columns where I search the data and the columns needing to be summed will vary depending on how the user downloads the data.

Using VBA I've designed a sub-routine that dynamically identifies and returns to the spreadsheet in cell AC57 the letter of the column that contains the criteria I need to search on (in this case, 'S') and the letter of the column to add up (in this case, 'H') which is contained in cell AD57. How do I get the sumif formula to accept these columns as string arguments?

The cell that contains column 'S' (the search criteria column) is cell AC57.
The cell that contains column 'H' (the sum column) is cell AD57.

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Automate Downloads From Server Using WinSCP

Apr 30, 2008

I've created some code to automate file downloads from a server using WinSCP. The code creates a .bat file and a .dat file containing a script to transfer files using WinSCP.

When the VBA code runs the script using Shell, the terminal window opens and closes in a flash and the download does not execute. However, if I execute the .bat file outside of VBA the whole download process works great!

Sub GetFilesFromServer()

Call GetLogin

Dim fs As Object
Dim a As Object
Dim retVal As Long
Dim col As Long
Dim row As Long
Dim PBSPath As String
Dim reportName As String
Dim newName As String
Dim targetDate As Long
Dim reportDate As Long
Dim targetDir As String

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Excel 2010 :: Multiplying Price By Variable Number Of Years And Annual Compounding Interest To Price

Sep 5, 2012

I need J22 to multiply based on years in B22 AND increase 5% for each of those years (compounding) after two years (excludes year 1 from 5% increase). In addition the cell needs to remain blank if D22 is blank. B22 = 1, then the stockprice needs to remain the same, and only increase by 5% after year 1.

B22 = a number of years indicated by the formula: =IF(A22="","",DATEDIF(A22,I3,"y"))
J22 =IF(ISNA(VLOOKUP(D22,stockprices,2,FALSE)),"",VLOOKUP(D22,stockprices,2,FALSE))


If J22 stockprice lookup is $1000.00, and the number of years listed in B22 is 6, then the reported value in J22 needs to be $1494.40.

Windows 7 Ultimate / Excel 2010

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Calculate The Implied Volatility Which Minimizes The Sum Of Squared Differences Between The Observed Market Price And The Model Price For Each Day

Jun 9, 2008

I have calculated the implied volatility for different single options using the newton raphson method. But, I also need to calculate the implied volatility which minimizes the sum of squared differences between the observed market price and the model price for each day. I guess one needs to use vectors (jacobian matrix) to do this, but I do not know how to expand the code to be able to do this. Anyone have any idea how this can be done? I have attached the [code] I have used to calculate the implied volatility for one option.

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Customize And Lock A Range For Each User Who Downloads File

Feb 15, 2010

I've got an Excel file that I'll be offering for download. I'd like to customize each copy for each user as they download it from the server and am trying to figure out if this is possible & what technology I'd need to use to do so. Simply, I'd like to edit a range in a document, lock it with the built in Excel password protection, and then resave it for the user. Is it possible to write a script to do this w/o opening the file? Any ideas on what technology I'd need to use to do so (.NET framework? OWC?)?

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Auto Copying Cells Value That Changes Daily Without Affecting Daily Value?

Mar 20, 2014

I have the following scenario:

Cell A1 shows a specific value (pivot table value), but same A1 cell value might change if pivot table is refreshed.

So I am trying to automatically copy A1 value to another cell but I need to keep track of each value when pivot table is refreshed.

I have been researching about =Value formula, but it does not work properly since A1 cell reference will change each time pivot table is refreshed.

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Lookups For An Item's Price From A Price List

Jan 4, 2010

The analysis basically has 2 data components to it:
The 1st part, is a basic transaction list of shopping items bought through the year. Each transaction's shopping item also has the quantity of that item purchased at that time.

The 2nd part, is a pricing sheet for all the different types of shopping items. The pricing sheet has different prices for different quantities at which the item is purchased.

What I am trying to do is to find the relevant price for shopping item, which depends on not only what the item is, but also the quantity. In point form, it should follow the logic below:

1) Identify the item in the shopping list (worksheet 1) from the list of prices (worksheet 2)

2) Find quantity in the prices worksheet that is closest to the quantity in the shopping list (i.e. where the difference between the quantity on transaction list and the quantity on the pricing sheet is the least)

3) Pull the price for this "closest quantity"

I have uploaded a worksheet showing the structure of that data.

Is there some VB code I need to do this, or can it just be a few simple formulas?

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Add 5% To Many Price List's Macro

Apr 28, 2007

I have around 150 separate price list files and i would like to create a macro to findformat currency then copy 1.05 and use Edit | Paste Special (value, multiply)...... then round up or down to nearest cents .567 would roundup to .57

The findformat and Paste Special will work when i manually do it.... but when i record as macro it will not work when played back...... Here is the code it records... code does not include the roundup part. I dont know how to do that.

ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = "1.05"
Application.FindFormat.NumberFormat = "$#,##0.00"
Selection.PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteValues, Operation:=xlMultiply, _
SkipBlanks:=False, Transpose:=False
Application.CutCopyMode = False
End Sub

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Copy The Current Price Back To Sheet1. The Current Price Needs To Be Pasted Back Into Sheet1 (next To The Existing Price)

Jul 24, 2006

All data is located within one book. I have two sheets with material codes in each sheet which include pricing (existing and current)

Sheet1 (has existing material codes plus existing pricing) Has about 1200 lines
Sheet2 (has current material codes plus current pricing), has about 36000 lines

I need to cross check if the material code (taken from sheet1) are still available in sheet2, and if they are, copy the current price back to sheet1. The current price needs to be pasted back into sheet1 (next to the existing price). If the material code doesn't exist (for whatever reason, in sheet2), the program needs to move onto the next line and leave the current price for that material code blank. The program should finish once all the lines in sheet1 are completed. I have attached a sample of what I'm trying to do,

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Macro To Compare 2 Price List

Apr 11, 2012

I am looking for VBA Macros to compare 2 price list. I am trying to achieve the following.

1. Script look in sheet one i.e. Old list for duplicate if it is their it should display in 3rd sheet i.e.duplicate with sheet name and row number
2. Script look in sheet two i.e. New list for duplicate if it is their it should display in 3rd sheet i.e.duplicate with sheet name and row number
3. Script look in both the sheet for duplicate values it it is there then it should display in 3rd sheet i.e. duplicate

Also it should count the number of records on each sheet in column F1. If possible can we display the work % while checking both the lists.

Sample file is attached.

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Looking For The Closest Price To A Reference Price

Feb 12, 2010

I have have a large array of prices (across rows) and am looking for the closest price to match a price that I have been provided with. It's a basic benchmarking exercise on a row by row basis....and the price can be positive or negative. Is there a clean way to reference the closest price?

I have come across a fair amount of solutions, but none worked optimally - particularly the =INDEX(Data,MATCH(MIN(ABS(Data-Target)),ABS(Data-Target),0)) just didn't work for some lines, and only worked for values less than source price in other instances.

I would also like to reference the source on the next column.

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If Statement: If The 2009 Price Is .50 Or Less Away From The 2008 Price, Bring Back "Check"

Mar 17, 2009

I am trying to do an if statement where I ask if the 2009 price is .50 or less away from the 2008 price, bring back "Check" See below:

2008 2009
$23.95 $24.15

Using excel 2007

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Auto Run Macro To Repeat Daily

Sep 3, 2012

This auto run macro does not seems to run/repeat itself daily. I can't figure out why am I missing something? My end result should be that these reports run at the times listed on the macro every day 24/7. The spreadsheet will be on a computer that is never off.

Private Sub Workbook_Open()

Application.OnTime TimeValue("8:00:00"), "AThirdshift"
Application.OnTime TimeValue("8:00:00"), "BThirdshift"
Application.OnTime TimeValue("8:00:00"), "CThirdshift"

[Code] .......

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Macro To Copy Daily Data Into New Row

Jun 24, 2014

I am trying to create a macro that would copy three cell values - Date, Amount, Rate (from Sheet1) and paste them into Sheet2 as values.

In addition, this macro will be run for each business day's file, which only has the 3 values only as of that date; I want Sheet2 to be updated on a daily basis with historical data from past days (when the macro was run) and pasted as values.

For example, if i run the macro today, it should copy Date, Amount & Rate from Sheet1 ('Data' tab in sample.xls) and paste them as values in the next row after yesterday's data in Sheet2 ('Historic data' tab in sample.xls).

Sample attached; what is the best way to do this?

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Automating A Macro To Run On A Daily Basis?

Dec 5, 2008

Is there any way of automating a macro to run on a daily basis?

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Run Macro Daily To Add Days To Date

May 22, 2007

I currently have an excel file that has two column and multiple rows - one of the column has a date - what I need to have happen is for possible a macro or something of the sort to check this excel file every day and take the date that is in the Date column B and add 60 days to it and put it in column C. It would also be nice if it could then put a reminder in outlook on that date that is in column C with the subject of what is in column A.

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VBA Code / Stock Historical Price Macro?

Jul 10, 2012

I am looking for this one function i need for a school project on historical stock prices in excel.....basically i need a way to perform this function:

In row 1, i have 30 RANDOM historical dates, starting in B1 and going right
In column A, i have 10 stock symbols, starting in A2 and going down

Is there a way to automatically grab the ADJUSTED CLOSING PRICE for each symbol for each corresponding date?? if not i have to do it manually!!

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Run Formatting Macro For Excel Filename That Changes Daily?

Oct 6, 2011

I have an access database where I export a file into excel on a daily basis. The file is saved to a different filename daily because I have added the date to the filename. My question is I have a formatting macro spreadsheet so when I export the file in access it will run the formatting macro in excel to format the sheet appropriately. How do I get the formatting macro to recognize to run if the excel file changes on a daily basis in vba?

This is what I have in the formatting macro:

Sub Auto_Open()
' AutoOpen Macro
ChDir "G:SD Forecast and PlanningShortages"
Workbooks.Open Filename:= _
"G:SD Forecast and PlanningShortagesShopWorkingList10052011.xlsx"

How can I get the formatting macro to run on this file when the date changes constantly in the filename?

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Auto Run Macro Once Daily On Shared Workbook

Sep 13, 2007

I have a shared workbook where 5-6 people could be updating the log sheet at any one time. The problem is a I have a macro that I would like to run to update ( cut n paste to different sheets, etc) that doesnt like running when the workbook is shared. What I currently do is have a button that when clicked - changes the document to exclusive, runs the macro, then changes back to shared. I was hoping I could run the macro on an worksheet event? But i'd like it to run only once - Possibly when its first opened for the day by anyone of the users.

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Daily Worksheet Macro - Make Copy Of Template For Each Day Of Month?

Dec 22, 2011

We have a workbook that we create each month that has one worksheet per day of the month, labeled 12_01_2011, 12_02_2011, 12_13_2011...etc. The pages are an empty template with formulas and fields in place that we simply copy and paste the results of an SQL query into. Presently, we are copying the page manually several times over, and then manually renaming the pages with the new dates for the upcoming month.

So, here is my question. Macro that I might use that would:

1) Make a copy of the template for each day of the month.

2) Label each page in sequence with the dates for the upcoming month.

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Macro Automatic Printout Worksheets Daily At A Specific Time

Feb 2, 2007

Need Macro to automatically printout my worksheets daily at a specifi time?

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Macro To Save As File To Current Daily Folder, Path Changes

Aug 6, 2008

I have a report send to me daily. And I want to have a macro to save this report in the daily folder, such as “c:

eports8052008”, so tomorrow 's folder would be “c:eports8062008”.

All the daily folders already exist. Just need to change the file path. I tried some codes including sPath and format(now(), “mmddyyyy”), get error message.

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Create Macro That Can Create Dynamic Copy / Paste Loop?

Feb 12, 2014

I need to create a macro that can create a dynamic copy/paste loop. So far what I have is horribly inefficient. Each row in colmn A(minus the header) has a unique number in it. For each unique number, I need to paste it based on the number of column headers in row 1(minus column A). So, if there are 20 column headers, I need to copy cell A2 and paste it 19 times in another sheet. Then, I need to move to the next number in column A and do the same thing. Here's what I have:

[Code] .........

You can see that this is not dynamic. If I add another row to my table and rerun the macro, it will not catch it. I've attached a sample file to show you the big picture of what I'm trying to do. The data that I have is in Sheet1, and I'm trying to get it into the format in Sheet3. Rows/columns will be periodically added to the table in Sheet1, so the macro needs to be dynamic to catch that. The data in Sheet3 will always remain, and the macro will add the updated data below the old data in Sheet3.


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