Creating 30 Day Calendar That Will Run Through Formula?
Aug 15, 2014
I'm trying to make my life a little easier at work. Here is what I am trying to do. I'm trying to create a "calculator" that will tell me the date that a client will leave my program. I understand that I can simply do xx/xx/xxxx-15 and it will get me a new date, easy. Here is the kicker...My office only utilizes 30 day calendars. Regardless if the month has 28 or 31 days, in the eyes of my agency it will have 30.
i'm been trying to mess around with it for 3-4 days now and I can't quite figure it out. I have attached a sample spreadsheet what i'm i'm trying to do.
I would eventually like to create this to be a little interactive (like a pop up or something that is more user friendly) but i'm just itching to get it to work!
Modify Macro3 and use the InputBox function twice so that Macro3 would ask the user for a particular month and a particular year; and then Macro3 uses these user’s inputs to create the calendar template for that month of the year. For example, if the user enters February for the month and 2012 for the year, Macro3 would create a new
I am playing around with creating a calendar based on a date (month) I enter into a cell. I am doing this with a simple =date+1.
I have a sample attached. Only problem I am having is that for months with 30 days I don't want the last day to show the first of the next month. But I can't simply remove that as if I entered a month with 31 days I would need it to show the 31st.
I have a program where I can update the calibration due date of an item. I have attached a cut down version of my program showing the relevant areas. There is usually password protection on the worksheet so it can only be edited via the form (the vba coding removes the password protection before editing, then re-enables the password protection after editing). The "Update Calibration" button is usually on a "Menu" sheet.
Once the form is opened a serial number is typed in the textbox. The calendar button is then clicked, which brings up another form with the calendar on. The due date is selected on the calendar. When "OK" is clicked, the date label caption is then changed to the selected calendar date. When "Submit" is clicked, the spreadsheet will search for the Serial Number, once found, the label caption (being the date selected) will be entered into the cell to the right of the serial.
If the day selected on the calendar is greater than 12 the date is entered correctly onto the sheet. example: calendar date selected = 15/01/2010. shown on sheet as 15/01/2010. However, if the day selected on the calendar is 12 or less, the date is for some reason entered incorrectly onto the sheet. example: calendar date selected = 08/12/2010. shown on sheet as 12/08/2010???? What is going on here? how come the day and month are swapped around if the day is less than 12????
I want to select a date of choice from a calendar in a field within an Excel spreadsheet.
I do not know how to do userforms and so that is why I wonder if I can add this in just a spreadsheet.
This is how far I have gotten so far: After doing the following, I have a static calendar setting in my spreadsheet like a text box showing the current date.
Developer Insert More Controls Calendar Control 12.0
Now the above would be entered on each corresponding day throughout the month and I would like to keep a running total at the bottom. I thought I had gotten the formula worked out, but in the slots at the bottom there is a total of 152 but there aren't any numbers entered for it to total so what I did was place a -152 after the above formula which brought it to 0 then started to enter my numbers but they were off by 30 I think it was.
I am trying to achieve is to get a calendar layout using an array formula. The formula I'm using is from a workbook that I had found on the web and it works perfectly. It was in a general calendar layout when I downloaded it and I have adapted it to run from day 1 - the last day in a month from left to right.
My starting day for each week is Monday (the original workbook used Sunday). The problem though is, when I get to a month that starts on a Sunday, it starts populating from the first Monday, and thus losing the 1st day of that month. I have attached an example.
I am using a great pop up calendar without ActiveX made by a guy called Phil Johnson. When you click a specified cell the calendar appears. The only problem is that the calendar doesn't default to today's date when it opens.
I have the original file Calendar source code if anyone needs it.
I'm trying to write a formula to return the AVERAGE by calendar quarter, IF the quarter has ended. For instance, IF Jan = 5, Feb = 20, Mar 5, Average would be 10. But, if Mar was 0 (only meaning no activity) I still need it to calculate.
The formula I started with is - =IF(A1=0,0,AVERAGE(A1:A3)
This works only if cells A1:A3 have a value greater than 0. How can I write the formula so that as long as A3 is not blank that it will return the AVERAGE?
This formula will return will return the date of Nth day-of-week for a given month and year. For example, it will return 26-March-98 for the 4th Thursday of March, 1998. Days-of-week range from 1 to 7, with Sunday = 1 and Saturday = 7.
I have come accross this calendar online and it suits my requirements, however, the month s currently static and the year is dynamically controlled by a spin button.
The formulas in the relevent days are as follows
Day 1 =IF(AND(YEAR(JanOffset+1)=calendarYear,MONTH(JanOffset+1)=1),JanOffset+1,"") Day 2 =IF(AND(YEAR(JanOffset+2)=calendarYear,MONTH(JanOffset+2)=1),JanOffset+2,"")
and so on, I need the formula and the spin button the also change the month as well as the year.
Is there a formula to set the a date in Excel based off the next full calendar quarter? In cell G2 I have the contract date: 01/26/06. I would like to have a formula in I2 that displays the first day of the next full calendar quarter, which is 04/01/06
More example dates: if my contract date is: 10/21/05 my start date is: 01/01/06
I am writing a formula that will sum data for a 12 month period that is not based on a calendar year. For example may have data starting in June 2011 running to date, but not every month. If I set a start date for Year 1, say April 2012, I need to see Year 0 numbers (anything prior to April 2012), Year 1 numbers (April 2012 to March 2013), Year 2 numbers (April 2013 to March 2014), and so on. Date format is currently mmm-yy.
If this could be performed via a macro which references the database (spreadsheet), then even better. The database will contain multiple columns, of which two will contain the date and corresponding number respectively.
I currently have a worksheet that when a user clicks on the cell, a calendar form opens. From here they can select a date, click ok, and the date gets placed in the corresponding cell they clicked on.
Now if the user needs to change that date, i want them to be able to click on the cell again, and when the calendar opens, the date in the cell would be selected on the calendar. I was able to do this in a userform, but im not sure how to edit it to work on the worksheet. I am using the below to populate the calendar.
Code: private sub worksheet_selectionchange(byval target as range) if not intersect(target,range("aa16:aa24")) is nothing then .show calendar When the user clicks the date, the below code places it in the cell.
Code: private sub ok_click() with active cell .value=calendar1.value end with unload me end sub
Now the below code was used when I was using a userform, but im not sure how to edit this to pull the date from the active cell.
Code: privatesub userform_activate() me.calendar1=date if not tb is nothing then if isdate(tb.value)then me.calendar1.value = tb.value end if end sub
I am trying to creat an IF formula for a spread sheet I am working on with information from Bloomberg. I am referencing sheet one to sheet two so I have that forumula in, but in some of the cells this symbol #N/A N.A. appears because some of the information is not available on Bloomberg. How can keep the referenc formula but also include a formula that basically says if #N/A/N.A. symbol appears to replace it with just NA.
I have the records of a local angling club going back to 1932 and these records include the results of fishing matches matches held through that period. I want to analyze the catches of those matches in order to identify any trends that may exist on the river that those matches were fished and although I am reasonably computer literate I have never needed to use spread sheets.
If the data from those records were in metric measurement it would be no problem but they are in what I would refer to as Imperial measurement.
In other words they use measures in weight based on Pounds, Ounces and Drams.
There are 16 Drams in an Ounce and 16 Ounces in a Pound.
The software that is on my computer is Microsoft Excel Version 5.0c
I am creating a complex formula with UDF, this Hlookup is part of my complete formula. Meanwhile, I am working on this piece, not Sure what I am doing Wrong
I try to conver "MonthCurrent" Variable in a Year because the MonthCurrent is 06/01/2014, so will be Year(6/1/2014) = 2014
My Range called "DailyRates" is based per Year = 2014, 2015 ......
Basically I have a web page that I want to access with a command button The only problem is that the address is date specific - the blue numbers and probably every time that I use the command, it will be a different date.
I used this formula =""&TEXT(R2,"yyyy/mm/dd")&"/DailyHistory.html" and it gives me the right web address, I just need to figure out how to make it hyperlink to that web page and then use the command button to activate the hyperlink This is the first time I have tried to hyperlink to a web page and am lost
I am trying to get the following thing started but my loop doesn't succeed. I've got 3 columns. I need to place a formula in column C if A is empty.
A2 contains data so do nothing. A3 is empty do: C3=B3+B4. A4 contains data so do nothing. A5 contains data so do nothing. A6 contains data so do nothing. A7 is empty do: C7=B7+B8.
I am in the process of creating a template in excel with certain restrictions on the information that can be added to it. I've hunted several sites and forums to try and find a solution but find it difficult to see the best ones for my project. The template is roughly made up of say 10 references to large boxes, each box can hold smaller boxes. The smaller boxes vary in size. For example the large box is 60 inches long smaller boxes vary between 20 inches and 40 inches, can excel be made to tell me an error if i try to put 2 x 40 boxes in columns refering to 1 of the larger boxes as it exceed the maximum length of 60 inches?
I am trying to create a formula by comparing data in columns on a separate tab.
Basically, I want to take the value of one cell in the primary tab, find the matching value in a column on another tab, then once it is matched, pull in the data from another cell in the second tab on the same row of the matched data.
I cannot find the right catagorty I need to use to word this. I know there is a formula out there. I basically have 1k numbers I need to add into Collumn A of a worksheet - the numbers are from range 34-2501 through 34-3500. How can I get excel or VBA to do this automatically?
34-2501 34-2502 34-2503 repeat til 34-3500
Also, how to make it user friendly to create the same process over and over with a different set of numbers... meaning make it so I onlt have to input the range or numbers over and over. if it is an easy task I do this allot
I have been trying to create a formula that will save me DAYS of messing around at work.
What I am trying to achieve is to have a sequence of numbers as follows:
BNA01A01 to BNA01A09 then have it change to BNA01B01 to BNA01B09.
This needs to be repeated for all letters to BNA01I09.
Then this sequence needs to be repeated to BNA12.
The last thing is for me to be able to change the formula in order to implement the same sequence on a separate sheet for BNB01A01 - BNB12I09 to BNL01A01 - BNL12I09