Formula To Return The AVERAGE By Calendar Quarter
Nov 6, 2005
I'm trying to write a formula to return the AVERAGE by calendar quarter, IF
the quarter has ended.
For instance, IF Jan = 5, Feb = 20, Mar 5, Average would be 10.
But, if Mar was 0 (only meaning no activity) I still need it to calculate.
The formula I started with is -
This works only if cells A1:A3 have a value greater than 0. How can I write
the formula so that as long as A3 is not blank that it will return the
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Jun 21, 2007
Is there a formula to set the a date in Excel based off the next full calendar quarter? In cell G2 I have the contract date: 01/26/06. I would like to have a formula in I2 that displays the first day of the next full calendar quarter, which is 04/01/06
More example dates:
if my contract date is: 10/21/05
my start date is: 01/01/06
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Oct 30, 2009
I'm trying to figure out how to identify higher earnings in a quarter and return the max of the quarter of time frame and not the value
I'm simplifying a little ...
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Aug 7, 2007
I need to define a specific calendar quarter and year, and want to do so using a combo box for the quarter (e.g. 1st Quarter, 2nd Quarter, 3rd Quarter, 4th Quarter) and a list box for the year (so the user can select any year desired).
The selections in each item should then somehow define the quarter's date range so I can use it in my SUMPRODUCT calculations.
User selects '1st Quarter' from the Combo Box
User selects '2004' from the List Box
CurrentQuarter range is somehow defined to equal 1/1/04 through 3/31/04.
If this isn't possible, then perhaps two ranges can be defined based on the user's selections:
QtrStart is set to 1/1/04
QtrEnd is set to 3/31/04
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Oct 24, 2009
Our fiscal calendar year is from Nov 1 (Q1) to Oct 31 (Q4). If I have a column of cells with each cell containing a date of the year, do you know of a way for me to be able to determine which quarter a particular date falls into? See the attached workbook for an example.
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Nov 15, 2007
I have a worksheet containing 5 columns. A start and end date, a number of days between these dates, the quarter number of the start date (i.e. 1 to 4) and then the year.
I want to calculate the average number of days per quarter so an average of days in column C, based on the details in column D and E.
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Dec 17, 2008
I have a date say 31/7/2008 and I need to return the relevant Quarter.
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Mar 11, 2008
I am working on formula to return an average of data.
Currently it is matching a text criteria.
Thus if (the text in) column a = (the text in) column b, (return the average of) column c.
The formula that I am using is =IF(A:A,B:B,AVERAGE(P:P))
This is returning - #value!
Now is this a formatting problem in column P? Or is the formula I am using incorrect?
I know that the text criteria (col A & B) matches.
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Jan 13, 2014
I have a workbook with two sheets. The first has a list of job positions open, columns designated to stages in the employment process and in these columns, my staff enter the dates that they completed a particular stage.
"Position | Date Opened | Stage 1 | Stage 2 | Stage 3 | Stage 4"
Pos 1 | 01/01/2014 |02/01/14|03/01/14|07/01/14|09/01/14
This has a great number of entries and they are increasing and decreasing every day depening on the amount of jobs available.
On the second sheet, I am trying to set up a table which shows the average working days it is taking to complete each stage, divided into the months in which the job position was opened (i.e. for positions opened in january, the average completion working days for stage 1 was X amount of days etc...)
I have tried using =IF(AND(Logical, Logical),TRUE,FALSE) but this doesn't return any info as the logicals will always be false. I tried the OR function, but that requires only one of the criteria to be true to return a value. What I need is for the formula to return a number of days between two dates, ONLY if the opened date falls in one month.
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Jun 14, 2013
E11 through E24 contains numbers and a few errors (#N/A) that need to persist (the errors need to show).
E10 needs to show the average of the numbers that are in E11 through E24, and just ignore the errors.
I have many columns like that - where the errors need to show and I need to show an average of the number/values that do appear, ignoring the errors.
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Oct 7, 2013
How would you calculate the amount of days of a billing period for a consulting engagement by quarter when the engagement could span multiple quarters, be within a quarter or not be in a quarter at all? Project based billing
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Jan 20, 2014
I am looking to create a function that outputs the upcoming quarter end date based on a specified start date, for which the quarter end is based on a broken fiscal year ending december 15.
As an example, say that you sign up as a customer with an internet provider on 2014-01-01. The internet provider charges all their clients on a quarterly basis and have a broken fiscal year ending on december 15. Hence, as you signed up on 2014-01-01 you will be charged on 2014-03-15, which is the date of the company's first quarter end.
So what I would like to do is to set up a function that outputs the first date I will be charged based on the date that I sign up. If I sign up between december 2013-12-16 and 2014-03-15, the formula should output 2014-03-15. If I sign up between 2014-03-16 and 2014-06-15, the formula should output 2014-06-15 etc. etc.
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Dec 14, 2013
Basically, it is a scheduling of approving or rejecting of request dates. whereby, i will receive the request dates from Google doc form and then i will extract the data from web into the excel. The data i receive will include the ID, Date request and Remarks.
With the Information in hand, the data will then be "plot" into a schedule (which is a year calender that i have created on excel) base on the ID requested from the web and the ID in the excel.
After plotting, i also want to check if the number requested date exceed the quota set PER DAY, if it exceed, then i have to reject, if its not then approve.
So here comes the problem.. After all the dates have reflected on the calender, I want to get the information from the calender result(which is whether the date is approve or reject) back on to respective ID and Dates requested.
I have attached a example excel for clearer view of my explanation.
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May 8, 2007
I have data in a spreadsheet that I have to analyze by quarter and currently the users enter Q1, Q2, respectively. I would like to eliminate this field, but the analysis formulas do need to break the data down by quarter. Does anyone know of a formula that finds quarters by date?
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Aug 21, 2006
going down are stores a, b, c, d.... what i'm filing in across is the square feet of each store and what quartr or year each store came into place. so there will either be a 0 or a number Now, I want to be able to count the number of nhew stores each quarter. how do i create a formula that just recognizes it the first time there is a number and not a zero... because i will put the square feet in subsequent quarters after it opens so i can see yearly how many square feet the store had. then also, how can create a button on the page that will say quarterly numbers and a button that is annual. so that i can hide the quarterly columns and just see an annual spreadsheet... and for the quarterly button so i can hide the annuals and just see the quarters....
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Mar 22, 2012
What I need to do is that I have electrical tools that get tested on a certain date in Column A. I need Column B to look at column A and determine and display in date format the next quarter when test is due.
Practical example: Extension cord got tested on 04/04/12. The next test needs to be conducted on 01/06/12. If the test is overdue and gets conducted on 02/06/12. The column A will change to 02/06/12 and column B should change to 01/09/12 as a result.
The formula I have got to work is
but this makes the quarter dates as APRIL, JULY AND OCTOBER - they need to be MARCH, JUNE, SEPTEMBER
when I change the formula to
The dates work BUT if the following test is undertaken on 01/03/12 the date in Column B does not change to 01/06/12. Why? How do I get it to work?
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Jan 8, 2010
I have a program where I can update the calibration due date of an item. I have attached a cut down version of my program showing the relevant areas. There is usually password protection on the worksheet so it can only be edited via the form (the vba coding removes the password protection before editing, then re-enables the password protection after editing). The "Update Calibration" button is usually on a "Menu" sheet.
Once the form is opened a serial number is typed in the textbox. The calendar button is then clicked, which brings up another form with the calendar on. The due date is selected on the calendar. When "OK" is clicked, the date label caption is then changed to the selected calendar date. When "Submit" is clicked, the spreadsheet will search for the Serial Number, once found, the label caption (being the date selected) will be entered into the cell to the right of the serial.
If the day selected on the calendar is greater than 12 the date is entered correctly onto the sheet. example: calendar date selected = 15/01/2010. shown on sheet as 15/01/2010. However, if the day selected on the calendar is 12 or less, the date is for some reason entered incorrectly onto the sheet. example: calendar date selected = 08/12/2010. shown on sheet as 12/08/2010???? What is going on here? how come the day and month are swapped around if the day is less than 12????
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Dec 24, 2009
Using Excel 2007 Calendar Control:
I want to select a date of choice from a calendar in a field within an Excel spreadsheet.
I do not know how to do userforms and so that is why I wonder if I can add this in just a spreadsheet.
This is how far I have gotten so far: After doing the following, I have a static calendar setting in my spreadsheet like a text box showing the current date.
More Controls
Calendar Control 12.0
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Oct 24, 2007
I'm trying to make a calendar to log the following throughout the month:
Steps =SUM(C6:G34)
Aerobic Steps =SUM(C7:G35)
kcal =SUM(C8:G36)
Miles =SUM(C9:G37)
Caloric Intake =SUM(C10:G38)
Now the above would be entered on each corresponding day throughout the month and I would like to keep a running total at the bottom. I thought I had gotten the formula worked out, but in the slots at the bottom there is a total of 152 but there aren't any numbers entered for it to total so what I did was place a -152 after the above formula which brought it to 0 then started to enter my numbers but they were off by 30 I think it was.
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Jan 7, 2008
I'm using the formula =AVERAGE(B16:L16) to give me the average.
However I have a couple of problems with this. Firstly I would like to exclude the value zero from the average. Secondly to also ignore the lowest and highest values.
Example, if the values in the cells are 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10 then the current result shows 5, by ignoring the 0 and lowest value 1 and highest value 10 the average should be 4.5.
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Mar 24, 2009
I'm trying to create a formula that that returns an average value if two conditions are met. No luck here.
I need to be able to get to - Brand = Blue; Value = 2; X Count = average - from the following information. The average is 17.5
BrandValueX CountY CountZ CountGreen1213152Green1405595Blue3107686Red1164965Green21098108Green33077107Blue21796113Blue13970109Red3144963Blue1107787Red31096106Red24663109Blue2165773Red21888106Green31910
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Aug 15, 2014
I'm trying to make my life a little easier at work. Here is what I am trying to do. I'm trying to create a "calculator" that will tell me the date that a client will leave my program. I understand that I can simply do xx/xx/xxxx-15 and it will get me a new date, easy. Here is the kicker...My office only utilizes 30 day calendars. Regardless if the month has 28 or 31 days, in the eyes of my agency it will have 30.
i'm been trying to mess around with it for 3-4 days now and I can't quite figure it out. I have attached a sample spreadsheet what i'm i'm trying to do.
I would eventually like to create this to be a little interactive (like a pop up or something that is more user friendly) but i'm just itching to get it to work!
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Sep 20, 2005
This superb Array formula deserves all the merits from J-Walk.
Found on **** Kusleika's site [url]
Despite the step-by step description I do not manage to get the formula
to work!
Here it is:
This formula isn't very long, and it's really not all that ugly.
But it's one of my favorite formulas: ....
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Jun 22, 2014
I tried a few searches for what I need but I think my wording might be off or there isn't anything on it yet. So the formula I'm looking for is: I have a single colum of say 700 rows with random values in each. I would like to average rows 1 to 15 then 2 to 16 then 3 to 17.... all the way through to 686 to 700. Now out of all that I need only the highest 15 period average value returned. Seemed simple until I tried to do it. Whats that saying, the idea is 1% of the invention..
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Dec 30, 2013
I am trying to achieve is to get a calendar layout using an array formula. The formula I'm using is from a workbook that I had found on the web and it works perfectly. It was in a general calendar layout when I downloaded it and I have adapted it to run from day 1 - the last day in a month from left to right.
My starting day for each week is Monday (the original workbook used Sunday). The problem though is, when I get to a month that starts on a Sunday, it starts populating from the first Monday, and thus losing the 1st day of that month. I have attached an example.
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May 7, 2008
I have attached a file which indicates what I am trying to achieve.
The first question is can this be done and then who do I set it u
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Sep 19, 2005
I have one Row that houses numbers 80-90 in seperate cells (11 columns A20:
K20) - these are my Numeric Labels.
I then have several other Rows that span the same number of columns as the
Numeric Labels (A21:K100) and house Numeric Values that relate to the Numeric
I would like to AVERAGE the Numeric Values in each Row and have a Numeric
Label (value) that corresponds to the calculated average returned as the
Example: Sample Data
A20:K20 (Numeric Label) 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90
A21:K21 (Numeric Value) 07 06 05 03 09 09 00 02 04 12 10
Based on the above data - the Expected Result is 81
Average = 6; Return Numeric Label = 81
The leading zeros shown in A21:K21 is for alignment purposes only.
I would appreciate two formulas:
1) Includes zeros to be averaged
2) Excludes zeros from being averaged
I have tried variations on this =INDEX($A$20:$KJ$20,MATCH(AVERAGE($A21:$K21),
$A21:$K21,0)) but receive the #N/A error message.
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Mar 7, 2009
I am using a great pop up calendar without ActiveX made by a guy called Phil Johnson. When you click a specified cell the calendar appears. The only problem is that the calendar doesn't default to today's date when it opens.
I have the original file Calendar source code if anyone needs it.
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Oct 12, 2008
I'm using this formula from
Nth Day Of Week For A Month And Year
This formula will return will return the date of Nth day-of-week for a given month and year. For example, it will return 26-March-98 for the 4th Thursday of March, 1998. Days-of-week range from 1 to 7, with Sunday = 1 and Saturday = 7.
Where Yr, Mon, Nth, and DoW are cell references or values indicating Year, Month, Nth, and Day-Of-Week.
I would like to be able to change the year and month in A2 and B2 and have the calendar change.
I will be inserting rows between the weeks to return appts, if I can get this part working.
I could make a new tab for each month, but I thought I would give this a try....
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Apr 1, 2014
I have come accross this calendar online and it suits my requirements, however, the month s currently static and the year is dynamically controlled by a spin button.
The formulas in the relevent days are as follows
Day 1 =IF(AND(YEAR(JanOffset+1)=calendarYear,MONTH(JanOffset+1)=1),JanOffset+1,"")
Day 2 =IF(AND(YEAR(JanOffset+2)=calendarYear,MONTH(JanOffset+2)=1),JanOffset+2,"")
and so on, I need the formula and the spin button the also change the month as well as the year.
Please see attached file for details.
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