Creating Form For Enter A Name In The Text Box

Sep 23, 2006

I need to create a form that if you were to enter a name in the text box it would fill all the information across that row into other boxes on the form. Basicly if I type John Doe in the text box it would look in col A for John Doe and then put whats in the cells on that row into different boxes on my form. I have tried searching but I have had no luck.

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Creating A Formula Form Text In Different Cells?

Dec 10, 2013

I have a formula which looks in a folder for a file and returns the cell I want from that folder and work book

='H:NCHOCall CentreCall Centre ResourcingStats[NHC_Telephony_Daily_2012-11-27.xls]NHC Daily'!$E$55

as you can see I have a date in the middle, I want it to reference to a cell with a date in and return the information from that document with the change in date. So all I have to do is drag the formula down and it will return the info i want out of each report.I think it might be an add on that I need to download?

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Creating Form: Fill All The Information Across That Row Into Other Boxes On The Form

Nov 5, 2006

I need to create a form that if you were to enter a name in the text box it would fill all the information across that row into other boxes on the form. Basicly if I type John Doe in the text box it would look in col A for John Doe and then put whats in the cells on that row into different boxes on my form. I have tried searching but I have had no luck. Im very new to forms so this is a great experience.

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Hit Enter To Submit Form

Feb 16, 2012

is there way way i can allow users to hit enter in a Userform to submit what they have? instead of haveing to tab over or click on a button? or even make enter run the button function?

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Enter A Name And E-mail List Through The Form

Apr 17, 2009

I want is to enter a name and e-mail list through the form. The name is then entered into a column ‘E’ and copied into column ‘A” that automatically alphabetizes the list for a dropdown list and a column reference is entered in the next column ‘B’ using vlookup so the column references remain with the proper name.

Ideally when a new name is entered in column ‘E’, column ‘F’ is updated to the next column references, the name is copied to column ‘A’ and the lookup formula in column ‘B’ is copied down.

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Use Of Enter Key On A Calendar User Form

Sep 25, 2006

I've created a calendar user form, much like many of the examples I seen posted here. I've tried all that I could find but none would allow the user to use the Enter Key to make the selection like the mouse click.

I would like the use of the Enter Key to produce the same results as a Mouse Click.

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Enter Form Details And Check For Data

Sep 19, 2009

On the attached workbook i have a simple form with text boxes and a enter button and cancel button.

So far, i have only got as far as the cancel button closing the form. I want to know what i have to do to enter each of the fields in to the cells written on the form. Also when i do press the enter button, if any of the fields are not entered then a message box must appear notifying the user all the fields are not entered and then finish by taking them back to the form.

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User Form That Pops Up When I Enter ‘Y’ In Cells

Oct 14, 2009

What I am after is a user form that pops up when I enter ‘Y’ in cells in Column ‘L’ which displays the contents of the cells in that row e.g. if I enter Y in cell L2 a user form would pop up displaying the contents of cells A2 to M2

The A2 to M2 column headers are:-

First Name
Address line 1
Address line 2
Address line 3
Address line 4
Address line 5
Post code

The user form can be Read only i.e. I do not need to edit the cells (although that would be good) as it will be used as a source document to input into another application, however, a ‘Print’ button to print the form would be beneficial. The only other button required would be a ‘Close Form’ option.

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Enter Form Details Into Different Sheets On Checkbox Value

Nov 30, 2009

I've got one more problem to solve with my current project. An example of the workbook is attached.

What i want to do is change the code on my 'enter button' of the 'input form' which can be shown by clicking the 'Add New Hedge' button on the summary sheet.

The change i want to make is when the user clicks 'enter', if the 'settle now' checkbox is false to add the details of the form to the unsettled hedges form as it currently does.

If the 'settle now' checkbox value is true then i want the form details to be added to the next available row on 'settled hedges' worksheet, in the same way it currently does for adding into the next available row of the 'unsettled hedges' sheet. Also here, i would want the value of the 'returns' textbox added to be added into column L rather than the text "unsettled". This would also mean when the 'settle now' checkbox is true that the 'returns' textbox needs to have a value before adding any details.

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Enter Data From Form Into Searched Cells

Jan 7, 2010

I have a userform with 5 text boxes and a command button.

I also have a sheet with a large amount of data on it, arranged into sections with headings (sheet1).

The user will enter the section heading he desires into textbox1, then other data into all of the other text boxes. Then click the command button.

I need a code that will search sheet1 for the heading they entered into textbox one, then find the next empty cell BELOW the heading (in the same row). It will then put whatever the user entered in textbox2 into that cell, textbox3 in the cell directly to the right of it and textbox4 to the right of that one, and so on.

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Enter User Form Data Onto Spreadsheet

Oct 4, 2007

I have 4 textboxes that the user enters data. I then have a button on the user form.

i would like to write code so that when the user hits the button...
Textbox1 data goes into active cell
Textbox2 data into the cell below Active cell
Textbox3 below it
and textbox4 below it
then close the user form.

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Form To Enter Date When Button Clicked

Mar 1, 2007

I am looking to create a form that when a user enters data in it, and clicks a save button it will submit that data into cell A2, and then with the next time the enter data it will submit that data to cell A3. I would like it to continue moving down a cell each time somone hits a "submit" button.

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Creating Check Box Using Form

Apr 19, 2006

I'm trying to use a VB code to insert check box in excel. I have 1000 records and i need to insert 1000 cehck box. I know how to do it manually for few but to do it for 1000 that just going to take too long.

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Creating A Data Entry Form

Feb 6, 2009

I know this problem could be easily solved with the use of access. Unfortunatly I can only use excel. I am creating a uniform stock database. I a trying to create a user friendly face sheet, so that the operator does not have to have any knowledge of excel to use it. My question is to do with a data entry form. Sheet 2 of my spreadsheet has a list of all uniform in stock. At the moment it has two coloumns, "uniform type" and "uniform size". Is it possible to create a form on sheet 1 (the user interface) where a user could imput the type and size of an article of uniform that had just come in, and have it automatically added ot sheet 2?

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Creating Form That Populates With Data In Row

Mar 10, 2013

I've got a spreadsheet that contains company names and columns with specific information about each company. There is a different company in each row. I have a form (text bow) at the top of the spreadsheet that I would like to auto-populate with the row's information when the user clicks on a row. How do I go about doing this?

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Creating A Form And Storing Information?

Dec 14, 2011

This challenge may be better handled in Access or a true database but the person making the request only uses Excel.

1. Create a form that will accept names, dates, and grades.

2. Store the information on a separate worksheet so that it's being accumulated and reports can be ran from it.

I'm aware of Excel's automatic form but it doesn't allow for validation.

Example: some score ranges are 0-5 others are 0-15. We can't allow for a 12 to be put in where the max is 5.

I know how to do the validation. The big challenge now is telling Excel: I've completed entering this record. Now clear, and start a new record on the next row?

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Creating Checkboxes Dynamically On A Form

Oct 31, 2012

I'm using below code for creating check-boxes dynamically on a form:


Set cb = Me.Controls.Add("forms.checkbox.1", "Cb_" & option_counter, True)
With cb
.Left = 100
.Top = 100 + height_diff
.Caption = Sheet1.Cells(quest_num, option_counter + 1).Value
End With
height_diff = height_diff + 30
option_counter = option_counter + 1
Loop Until option_counter = total_options + 1

It is working fine.....Now after this, I want to check which are the chechboxes whose value is true. How do i do that?

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Creating Form On One Spreadsheet Then Pushing The Data To Another?

Aug 2, 2012

I am a personal loans officer and have created a worksheet to input a range of information about an application. The information is personal details and details about the loan. The data I input runs down Column D [with line breaks to seperate the answers into categories] with the question beside it in Column C.

I do this for every new application as I use it for reporting on my loans as well as mail merge to produce documents for the loan.

Currently I am doing one per loan but would like to have a button at the bottom of the page that once clicked, it will push the data onto another worksheet so that all my loans for that month are on the one spreadsheet. The data will be pushed onto a row, not a column, but it will also need to find the next available row to put the data on.

Once the button is clicked, the first worksheet will clear ready for the next loan to input and the data will transfer to the 2nd spreadsheet. And, if possible, on the first sheet will be a drop down list of all the current loans so I can recall any application details to the first sheet if needed to update details. So if the 'loan number inputed' already exists, it wont create a new line on the 2nd spreadsheet, but will know just to update the fields.

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Creating A Form Style Data Entry

Jan 21, 2010

I'm wanting to create a simple form type interface for the viewing and changing of data one record at a time. What I'd like is on sheet one, and simple portait form to display

First Name
House Name
Address Line 1
Address Line 2

on sheet two each column will be one of the above fields and each row will be a new record. Is there a way to do this in excel? Im trying to create a simple user experience that hide the rows & colums.

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Creating Personal Expense Tracking Form

May 14, 2006

I'm trying to make a spreadsheet that will track my expenses. What happens is I enter in my daily expenses in a "Notes" worksheet. This includes the date, whether it's a debit/credit, and what category is it (rent, tuition, entertainment, work income etc). It looks like this

Date - - - - - - Debit - - - Credit - - - Category
4-May-06........................$30 ..........Dining out

Then I have another worksheet called "Expense outline" which pretty much sums all expenses in each category and displays a summary. So it would show how much I have spent in total on each category for each month. Looks something like this

Dining out..........$100

So what I did for the Entertainment summary for the month of May was, I used a SUMIF(column of categories, "Entertainment", column of credits). This will look for the category name "Entertainment" in my "notes" worksheet, and sums the corresponding amount from the credit row. The problem is, I also want to include it so that it will automatically differentiate between the different months. Right now, when I'm choosing the column of categories for May, I select only the cells in the month of may when I'm choosing my column of categories and credits.

For example:....................

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Creating User Form With Drop Down List Boxes

Sep 29, 2009

this is my first attemp at doing a "userform". I am looking for some help in creating a user form that enables users to choose items from drop down boxes, which shows next level drop down list items, then down to final drop down list with information based on first two choices. I've attached the sample file for reference.

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Creating A User Form With Variable Number Of Controls Buttons

Sep 4, 2008

Is it at all possible to create a User Form where the number of CheckBoxes will be linked to the number of entries in a cell range?

For example I have a 3 records in the range A:A called "Blue", "Green", "Yellow". I want to have a user form with 3 CheckBoxes with the same caption names.

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Creating Pivot Tables With VBA And Putting In Tabular Form With No Subtotals

Jun 28, 2012

I have created the code below to create a Pivot Table using VBA, so that it populates from a list box option.

I would prefer if it didn't show any subtotals and was in a tabular form. It keeps dropping off at that point for each row field.

Sub trail()
' trail Macro
Dim wksPivot As Worksheet
Dim wksData As Worksheet
Dim pc As PivotCache
Dim PT As PivotTable
Set wksPivot = Sheets("PIVOT")

[Code] ......

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Creating A Purchase Order Form That Will Reduce Time Spent Adding?

Apr 18, 2013

I'm creating a Purchase Order Form that will reduce time spent adding in contact details.What I'm looking to achieve is a form that will be printed with a few formulas allowing sections of the form to be filled out automatically once a singular company name (chosen from a drop-down list I created, currently with a 'Combo box ActiveX') then the rest of the form is filled out accordingly.

At the moment it's a bit of a mess, not too sure where I'm meant to put the ranges.There are currently 2 sheets - Sheet 1 with the form, Sheet 2 with all contact information.

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Creating Catch All Booking Form And Contract System Service Based Company

Feb 19, 2014

I've been tasked with creating an updated booking system for a company which offers projects / services to the educational sector (UK Primary Schools.) I've done an alright job at augmenting their current Excel based system, but I would like to take it further so that the system is more all encompassing.

Currently, the booking form is filled in when a booking is made and the data from that is populated into their copy of the contract and our copy of the contract using simple "=" and to a certain extent, the text on the contracts is manipulated based on the booking form data using "IF" functions.

There is a basic macro which removes excess lines from the contracts if they aren't used, but that's about it. The difficulty we're having with the current system is that a lot of our projects are bespoke, happen over more than one date, and require a lot of manual manipulation in order to get them ready, which sort of defeats the object of having a 'clever' booking system.

I don't know very much about VB, but the sort of thing I would be looking to integrate is having drop down lists to select a 'project' which would load project-specific text into the contracts area. Also, instead of having to remove lines manually, I would like the data to be 'dropped in' creating rows as appropriate.

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Excel 2007 :: Creating Order Form - Copy Entire Row If One Cell Has Data

Dec 3, 2012

I'm trying to create a very simple order form. It's been a while since I've done this in Excel, and I couldn't find an answer when I searched. (I may be a lousy searcher, though.)

I want the user to enter a quantity in Column E of the "Common Items" worksheet, and have all the rows with quantities copied to the "Order" worksheet. (On the "Order" copy below, I just did a copy/paste to show the desired effect.)

Excel 2007

Item Number

0.9% NaCL 1000ml Bags

[Code] ....

I'm pretty sure this can be accomplished with an If/Then, but I'm lost! Optimally, they'd enter their quantities, click on the Order sheet and hit print.

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Macro To Find Text Box #9 Enter Text

Dec 9, 2009

The macro recorder doesn't let me record a macro that finds text box #9, go to the end of the existing text in the text box and then add my text.

When I record the macro and go to the box, it doesn't appear in the code (as well as not working).

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Alt & Enter When Using Text

Nov 28, 2008

I have manually set all row heights to 12.75 to make sure they are the same. In these rows I have a comments box and when the end of the cell is reached I use alt&enter to continue writing underneath. Seems the comments cell has stopped re-sizing.

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Text Box Run After Enter

Sep 29, 2009

how can i define in code, that my code will start after pressing "enter"?
i have textbox, i write something and i have a code. I want only launch my code after pressing enter.

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Can't Enter Text In Cell

Aug 2, 2014

When I click on a cell to enter text, a new little text window pops up inside the cell and doesn't allow me to enter text. No matter where I click in the cell another little text window appears. I also can't delete the text in the cell because the little text window pops up again and again.

Here's a pic of it: [URL]....

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