Creating Catch All Booking Form And Contract System Service Based Company
Feb 19, 2014
I've been tasked with creating an updated booking system for a company which offers projects / services to the educational sector (UK Primary Schools.) I've done an alright job at augmenting their current Excel based system, but I would like to take it further so that the system is more all encompassing.
Currently, the booking form is filled in when a booking is made and the data from that is populated into their copy of the contract and our copy of the contract using simple "=" and to a certain extent, the text on the contracts is manipulated based on the booking form data using "IF" functions.
There is a basic macro which removes excess lines from the contracts if they aren't used, but that's about it. The difficulty we're having with the current system is that a lot of our projects are bespoke, happen over more than one date, and require a lot of manual manipulation in order to get them ready, which sort of defeats the object of having a 'clever' booking system.
I don't know very much about VB, but the sort of thing I would be looking to integrate is having drop down lists to select a 'project' which would load project-specific text into the contracts area. Also, instead of having to remove lines manually, I would like the data to be 'dropped in' creating rows as appropriate.
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Mar 12, 2008
I'm trying to create a lesson booking system,
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Aug 5, 2013
I just started a boat rental business and I would like to create a booking sheet for a small fleet of boats. Some of the boats can be rented on half hourly basis and for longer periods (in hours only not days).
I would like to have a sheet to maintain a booking system and to calculate the total income per day as well as keeping the basic information of the booking clients (names, numbers etc..).
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Mar 21, 2014
Sales Amount
Introduced by
indirectly introduced
[Code] ........
I have salespeople who I want to pay a bonus to but I've also offered them a bonus on how much the salesmen they referred to the company sell and this goes like a pyramid down 3 levels.
so I have a list of salesmen next to there name is how much they have sold then who introduced them. from this I need to make a list of each salesman and below all the people he introduced and the people they introduced with the sales in the cell next to them.
To show how it could look I've done an example above of the information I need for tom, as you can see all the data is in the first 3 columns and tom needs to show that he introduced bob & Sue, but because Bob & Sue also introduced someone, tom needs to show he was involved in this as well and jo, terry, mark need to show, preferably in a different column as the bonus for them is lower.
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Aug 3, 2008
I'm a student who doing a excel spreadsheet. I've stucked in this situation for long time, could any body point for me what i have to do.
1. I have to do a nest lookup, mean that when i look in a date (RoomBookingStatusList) and do a nest lookup in side to find the status of the room (RoomBookingStatusList). In short this help me to check that a room has not already been booked for the arrival date the customer wants (Clientbooking).
2. Next, if possible could anybody tell me how to alert the result. For example, it will turn red if the room is busy.
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May 8, 2009
Have a small data base with customer details and comments. I would like a form to sit over that so that people on phones can enter customer # and check info and add further comments etc. for a specific customer. Before I try and design a form is there any templates for this type of thing. Have done a Google and Ozgrid search, but I maybe asking the incorrect names for the procedure.
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Jul 27, 2007
I have a little knowledge of Excel Programming and I am seeking advice and help. With reference to the, I managed to create the form but I somehow couldn’t get it executed. Attached herewith my file for evaluation.
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Apr 11, 2008
I work with contracts and have to report the sales for each contract by customer number, name, address, product code or sku, sales amount, quantity, and invoice date. Each contract number is associated with a product group and within that product group are a laundry list of product codes or skus.
Customers are often on different contracts for different products and may purchase some or all of the products on that contract. When I run a query from the system to extract this data, I get one sheet that contains 20,000 lines that have to then be sorted and seperated into different tabs based on the contract number. Keep in mind that a customer may be listed multiple times because each line in the query represents a product code and an invoice date.
I currently have a macro that will format the reporting such that it sorts the data, however, what it doesnt do is look for each instance of a particular contract number and separate it into different tabs.
So below are two examples: April and May 2008 Reports
April 2008 Report
Contract 1 contains 5,000 lines of data - extract into new tab
Contract 2 contains 5,000 lines of data - extract into new tab
Contract 3 contains 5,000 lines of data - extract into new tab
Contract 4 contains 5,000 lines of data - extract into new tab
Total lines = 20,000
May 2008 Report
Contract 1 contains 7,500 lines of data - extract into new tab
Contract 2 contains 5,500 lines of data - extract into new tab
Contract 3 contains 8,000 lines of data - extract into new tab
Contract 4 contains 9,000 lines of data - extract into new tab
Total lines = 30,000
So for the April Example, I would like excel to take this one list and break into 4 new tabs based on the contract number and carry over all of the data into that tab.
Where this may become difficult is that there may be more lines of data one month and fewer another. Im not sure if there is a function that will tell excel to stop when it reaches the last line for one contract number and to start a new tab for the next contract number. (see the month of May example)
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Dec 8, 2009
I have an excel spreadsheet with the column headings a1(Emp Name), b1(Hire Date[dd/mm/yy]). There around 1000 records of employees. Every month I have to generate a report for the following month, for example by the 3rd week of this December 2009 I have to extract the report of following staffs from those 1000+ records.
- those who will be completing 1 year in January 2010
- those who will be completing 5 years in January 2010
- those who will be completing 10 years in January 2010
- those who will be completing 20 years in January 2010
How shoud I do it? What should be the formula in which cells? I would appreciate if anyone could guide me with the complete formula with a very reliable way to do it.
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Mar 27, 2007
I am trying to create a spreadsheet that will automatically create a ranking system after data is input manually.
If you look in the example, you'll see roughly 30 people will be ranked on various metrics, and on another sheet, I would like 1-30 to be displayed in each of the different metrics, thus creating a ranking.
I'm not sure how to go about doing this, and any help would be greatful. I've tried different excel tutorials and searched and searced the help features, but couldn't exactly find what i was looking for.
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Jan 13, 2009
Does anyone know how to make a form control (ex combobox, textbox) have multiple columns so that it would behave like 4 controls in one. What im going for is a control that looks like the control used when setting windows system time "12:30:00 AM" So "12" is in col 1, ":" is in col 2, "30" is in col 3, ":" is in col 4, "00" is in col 5, and "AM" is in col 6.
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Mar 16, 2012
Sub OpenCalendarForm()
frmCalendar.Show vbModeless
End Sub
When I run this I get this halt "System error&H80070057 (-2147024809). The parameter is incorrect. I havn't been doing VBA in a while as I am retired now but I have used this particular statement many times in the past and never had this error before. I have made sure there no typos. I open another workbook which has forms opening and copy pasted the the routine into my other workbook but I get the same error.
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Oct 21, 2013
Any way to create a queue system in excel.
Here is what I would like to do:
Pull emails from outlook into a spreadsheet and click an add button that would add the From and Subject of the email to the bottom of the list with a timestamp showing the time the add button was pressed for that email. I would like the list to have the oldest timestamps stay at the top of the list, if possible.
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Dec 7, 2006
I have a worksheet that is going to be used my approx. 10 people at my company. I want to give access to certain menus to a few people and other menus to others. I have 2 custom menus. One is for each group, but I don't want to allow access to the other groups menu. Is there a way to create a way of logging in via username and password so that excel can display only the correct set of menus depending on who is using the sheet at the time? I think there is a way that excel can recognize the windows login and password for each person and maybe I can use that? If so, how do I then set it up to display only the correct menus to certain users?
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Jan 8, 2014
create a unique scoring system on a set of given criteria that enables an even split in work for team members. so i.e. work comes in, and depending on the criteria of work its then passed to the relevant team member based on points. At the moment work is allocated A-Z which is working out unfair on team members as some are getting more/less work than others...a points system will enable a even split. so if a piece of work scores 30 points it goes to a junior member, if a piece of work scores 80 points it goes to a senior member and so problem is how to link the points and criteria...Im guessing joint vlookups will be needed.
the only other way i can think a system is similar is like a fantasy football system...points based on criteria.
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Nov 5, 2006
I need to create a form that if you were to enter a name in the text box it would fill all the information across that row into other boxes on the form. Basicly if I type John Doe in the text box it would look in col A for John Doe and then put whats in the cells on that row into different boxes on my form. I have tried searching but I have had no luck. Im very new to forms so this is a great experience.
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Mar 10, 2014
I am trying to create simple password protected system in excel. What I have already done is I have a worksheet, which is not visible that holds all user names, passwords and user roles, such as admin and user. Now my problem, I need to create a UserForm that will prompt user to input their details prior to using the workbook. I have no problems with creating the form itself but I cannot really create a code to handle the task. Also, there will be only one system admin, which means that only admin should be able to create users, so that when admin will sign in, he should be able to see the button on the home screen, something like "Create New User". I cannot post my workbook because of the Corporate Copyrights and privacy, but what I can do is post all named ranges that contain password, usernames etc.
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May 28, 2014
Per the attached, I am looking to add restrictions to my formula based on YEARS OF SERVICE per the age restrictions each person falls into, those with 0-4 YOS who are under 20 years old etc.
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Jun 1, 2006
I have a nested if formula that isn't working and I know there is a real simple fix.
Here is the situation: If Company A (A1) and Company B (B1) both have indices greater than 125, I want that to show that in my recommendation. For example: I used if(A1>125&B1>125,"Company A and Company B",if(A1>125,"Company A", if(B1>125,"Company B","None"))). For whatever reason, the first nested if statement isn't working correctly. what I am doing wrong with this if/and statement?
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Apr 2, 2012
I have two sheets that both have all the same company names on them but one of the sheets doesn't have ALL of the company names. So, one sheet might have 2500 rows with company names and data specific to that sheet, and the next sheet might have 2450 company names (all match up to the first sheet, but 50 are missing), with different data.
The first sheet is A through L, the second is A through K.
Attached is a sample spreadsheet expressing
First sheet:
Company Name and Name will match EXACTLY on each sheet, but the second sheet won't have quite as many. So, if possible, I would like to, where column A in matches in both sheet 1 and 2, move or copy all the data from sheet two into the columns on sheet one that come after L.
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Jul 20, 2014
I have trying for 2 days now to write a macro/VBA that looks up IF the stock codes (i.e., in column A and G) match THEN insert the ID_ISIN from column H in the empty ISIN column C.
or should i use Vlookup?
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Mar 9, 2008
What I have is an output of about 30 worksheets of individual stock data in a workbook, all with the same column headings, laid out like the following (so that the Column Headings are stock data as recorded on the Date in Column A):
<Stock Name>
<Date> <Price> <Price to Book> <etc.>
with the stock titles also as the names of the worksheet.
What I want to do is create a macro that outputs to a single worksheet where I can input the stock name and a certain date for the stock, and then have it insert the appropriate row from the stock's worksheet underneath.
So, if I say I want the data for Stock A on March 24, 2007, I can input those two and have it output the appropriate rows from the worksheet.
Or, more generally, I can create a list of stock names and dates, and have the macro output that data underneath.
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Dec 7, 2009
I'm trying to use the following formula to filter data based on "Service Type" and it seems to work on one of the service types but not the other. here is the formula
=IF(LEFT(A5,1)="0","Both",IF(OR(A5="SERVICE",A5="REVENUE",A5="REVENUE",A5="CIC",A5="RAO",A5="CARRIER NAME",A5="TYPE",A5="RECORDS",A5="INCLUDING TAX",A5="BEFORE TAX",A5="FEDERAL TAX",A5="PROVINCIAL TAX"),"Both",IF(LEFT(D5,3)="REG","Table1",IF(OR(D5="900"),"Table2",IF(A6="",IF(B6="","XXX","TRUE"),"XXX")))))
Notice the highlighted red text, this is where I'm trying based it on "Service Type". I have also attached on example workbook, the items highlighted in green should marked as "Table1" and items highlighted redish orange should be marked as "Table". Wierd thing is that I use a similar formula in another workbbok and it seems to work fine.
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Apr 19, 2006
I'm trying to use a VB code to insert check box in excel. I have 1000 records and i need to insert 1000 cehck box. I know how to do it manually for few but to do it for 1000 that just going to take too long.
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Feb 6, 2009
I know this problem could be easily solved with the use of access. Unfortunatly I can only use excel. I am creating a uniform stock database. I a trying to create a user friendly face sheet, so that the operator does not have to have any knowledge of excel to use it. My question is to do with a data entry form. Sheet 2 of my spreadsheet has a list of all uniform in stock. At the moment it has two coloumns, "uniform type" and "uniform size". Is it possible to create a form on sheet 1 (the user interface) where a user could imput the type and size of an article of uniform that had just come in, and have it automatically added ot sheet 2?
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Mar 10, 2013
I've got a spreadsheet that contains company names and columns with specific information about each company. There is a different company in each row. I have a form (text bow) at the top of the spreadsheet that I would like to auto-populate with the row's information when the user clicks on a row. How do I go about doing this?
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Dec 14, 2011
This challenge may be better handled in Access or a true database but the person making the request only uses Excel.
1. Create a form that will accept names, dates, and grades.
2. Store the information on a separate worksheet so that it's being accumulated and reports can be ran from it.
I'm aware of Excel's automatic form but it doesn't allow for validation.
Example: some score ranges are 0-5 others are 0-15. We can't allow for a 12 to be put in where the max is 5.
I know how to do the validation. The big challenge now is telling Excel: I've completed entering this record. Now clear, and start a new record on the next row?
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Oct 31, 2012
I'm using below code for creating check-boxes dynamically on a form:
Set cb = Me.Controls.Add("forms.checkbox.1", "Cb_" & option_counter, True)
With cb
.Left = 100
.Top = 100 + height_diff
.Caption = Sheet1.Cells(quest_num, option_counter + 1).Value
End With
height_diff = height_diff + 30
option_counter = option_counter + 1
Loop Until option_counter = total_options + 1
It is working fine.....Now after this, I want to check which are the chechboxes whose value is true. How do i do that?
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Sep 23, 2006
I need to create a form that if you were to enter a name in the text box it would fill all the information across that row into other boxes on the form. Basicly if I type John Doe in the text box it would look in col A for John Doe and then put whats in the cells on that row into different boxes on my form. I have tried searching but I have had no luck.
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Aug 2, 2012
I am a personal loans officer and have created a worksheet to input a range of information about an application. The information is personal details and details about the loan. The data I input runs down Column D [with line breaks to seperate the answers into categories] with the question beside it in Column C.
I do this for every new application as I use it for reporting on my loans as well as mail merge to produce documents for the loan.
Currently I am doing one per loan but would like to have a button at the bottom of the page that once clicked, it will push the data onto another worksheet so that all my loans for that month are on the one spreadsheet. The data will be pushed onto a row, not a column, but it will also need to find the next available row to put the data on.
Once the button is clicked, the first worksheet will clear ready for the next loan to input and the data will transfer to the 2nd spreadsheet. And, if possible, on the first sheet will be a drop down list of all the current loans so I can recall any application details to the first sheet if needed to update details. So if the 'loan number inputed' already exists, it wont create a new line on the 2nd spreadsheet, but will know just to update the fields.
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