Creating Macro Which Replicates Excel Formula
Apr 1, 2014
I have created the following excel attached which gives me the results I require,
However I am wondering is there any possibility I can get the results produced via VBA as it takes to long to calculate with formulas
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Oct 21, 2011
I've got quite of few excel charts to make and have been looking for a way to automate the process. The chart types include line, pie, and bar. Basically, I have data for each state in the US that I am comparing with national level data. Thus each chart will have national level data and the data for each state. What I need is a macro that I can easily change the parameters for because different worksheets have slightly different layouts. I started by using the macro recorder to make a chart. Then I attempted to edit it so that it would run loops to make additional charts. Below is some sample data for the first worksheet I have and my attempted macro.
Sample Data:
State Characteristic Value07 Value08 Value09
Alaska A 11 23 45
Alaska B 13 22 98
Alaska C 99 91 21
Alabama A 23 14 11
Alabama B 44 62 76
Alabama C 75 47 21[code]....
This code doesn't run at all.
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May 7, 2014
I am trying to get a grip on my gas n electric bills. My problem is in creating a formula to convert the info I have into the final bill.
The info I have is -: days of use, amount of G n E used, standing charge, price/unit and discounts applicable. For simplicity I have converted them all into a rate per day and £GB. I tried the following formula
:-(standing charge per day * days used)+(cost per KWH * No.of KWH used) - (discounts * days used) / (100) * (94)
This last one is to account for a direct debit 6% discount. I used cell address for things like No of days usage and KWHs used in the period. The values in these cells have themselves been calculated via a formula from other info. The results I get seem to be a constant variable which indicates that I am doing it wrong.
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Nov 7, 2012
I have headings across the sheet "Inventory" in cells E5:AA5 with further headings down the sheet D6:D40.Data Validation drop down list is in cells E6:AA40.I want to be able to place a number 1 or number 2 in any cell in the range C6:C40 in the "inventory" sheet and with a macro create 2 new sheets.Sheet 1 will contain all the headings which had a 1 in any of the cells in the range C6:C40 and sheet 2 will have all the headings which had the number 2 from the range C6:40.Both sheets 1 & 2 will contain all the headings from "Inventory" sheet in cells E5:AA5.The data validation drop down list is not required in sheets 1 and 2 but if "inventory" sheet does get updated that it also updates sheet 1 and sheet 2.... Version i am using is Excel 2010
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Sep 22, 2011
Macro for creating new excel work book based on Partner names.
I have a master file which contains 3 worksheets -
1 - Code Summary
2 - Labor
3 - Expense
On column "T" of code summary tab I have a list of Sales Partners. So I want a macro which will create a new workbook for every single Sales partner on Column "T" of code summary tab along with corresponding data from column A:T on code summary tab.
The macro should also take data from the other 2 tabs Labor and Expense for the respective Sales Partners. On Labor tab the partner info is on column "Y" and on Expense tab the partner info is on column "M". So the new file should be renamed after the Sales Partner and have 3 worksheets just like the master file.
Basically I have a master file which has data for all Sales Partners. I need individual files for each sales partner for sending to respective partners.
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Sep 18, 2013
I've found a cell that replicates another cell on the same sheet. If any number or text is entered, its replicated as text, but if I enter a formula in the cell, the cell works normally. There's no conditional formatting, no links, no macro, no nothing that I can see, yet it happens.
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Aug 5, 2012
I have an excel formula that needs to be converted to macro code. Here is the excel formula->
VB: =MID(A2,FIND("http:",A2),FIND("javascript",A2,FIND("http",A2))-FIND("http",A2))
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Nov 23, 2012
I have prepared an excel workbook with macros for a bill. In that I have protected the workbook (selected window also) after reduced the menu bar to just ribbon (HOME, INSERT,PAGELAYOUT,.......), so that I would get enough space. I have send it to my friends as WinRaR file. But when they open in their computer the sheet is not getting enough space to display the entire page as normally no body used to minimize the ribbon and formula bar. This is making lot of inconvenience. I tried one macro but it not recording the actions on ribbon.
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Dec 15, 2009
I have a long complicated macro that processes a ton of data and gives the output in a new sheet. I then want to create new buttons (or some sort of user clickable triggers) on this new sheet that runs another macro.
I have got the actual adding of buttons in the sheet working, but I can't find a way to automatically assign macros to newly generated buttons during runtime. Is this even possible (or are there any clever tricks I could use to get around this?)
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Apr 12, 2014
I'm trying to convert the values entered by users into specific cells into a specific percentage. When I use this macro in Excel 2010, I can enter the value to be calculated directly into the cell and the macro runs automatically. When I open the file in Excel 2007, the macro does not calculate properly unless the value to be calculated is entered into the formula bar.
For example, in Excel 2007, if I enter '30' in cell E11, it should come out as '20%'. Instead it comes out as '0.2%' unless I enter '30' into the formula bar, which then calculates properly. It is far more efficient to be able to enter the value directly into the cell.
[Code] .....
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Oct 6, 2011
I'm trying to create a macro to insert a formula into a specific cell. The formula is meant to check if a cell has text, and then if it does, search for the text on another page.
I had a go at the code, but keep getting Runtime error 13.
I'm using Excel 2010
Sub new_entry()
Dim rowNo As Integer
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Oct 17, 2011
I have a series of macros I have built to automate some report manipulation at my office. One of the macros I built inserts formulas into specific columns. When I run this macro, all the formulas, save one, are populated perfectly into the column they need to be in. This particular formula is swiched over to R1C1 Reference Notation.
In the workbook I built the macro in, it inserts the formula in the correct notation. When I run the macro in a different workbook, this one formula is converted to RC Notation and then is displayed as text (since the workbook is not set to the R1C1 Reference style option).
Is there a bug in my VBA code? If so, how can I correct this?
I use Excel 2007. Macros are saved in my Personal.xlsb workbook. All other forumlas populated by the macro work correctly.
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Sep 26, 2007
within excel for a big spreadsheet they developed?
can you suggest a way of doing this or an article to read?
could users press F1 and let my own custom help guide appear?
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May 5, 2014
I'm trying to update a the summary sheet that will run through the 10 worksheets and bring back the entire row (or the columns I specify) that matches the creteria MS.
MS will appear against each row in the same column in all the tabs.
So in the summary sheet I would see all the rows individually that appear in tabs 1-10.
Excel 2007.
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Mar 23, 2007
I am trying to creat an IF formula for a spread sheet I am working on with information from Bloomberg. I am referencing sheet one to sheet two so I have that forumula in, but in some of the cells this symbol #N/A N.A. appears because some of the information is not available on Bloomberg. How can keep the referenc formula but also include a formula that basically says if #N/A/N.A. symbol appears to replace it with just NA.
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Apr 23, 2014
Just striving to have this kind of "picture arrangement's macro" to work, macro that whenever you choose a certain cell and operate it on hotkey it'll:
1. Create a new folder named "PicturesAuto" beside the excel file (wherever the excel file located).
2. Inside folder "picturesAuto it'll create a new subfolder named by the same name of the sheet related to that cell you operated the macro upon. (let's say this cell placed on sheet named: "happysheet"- that'll be the name of the subfolder created.)
3. Inside the subfolder "happysheet" it'll create a new subfolder named by the text of the cell you activated the macro upon (let's say you initially operated the macro on B5 cell -which has the text "montana" so it'll create "montana" subfolder also inside subfolder "happysheet")
4. Lastly instead of having only the text "montana" in "B5 cell" like we had initially before activating the macro, the macro'll also add to that text "montana" the link to "montana" folder (path of excel file->picturesAuto->happysheet->montana)
The way I'm planning to use this is to add a lot of HR pictures inside those folders created by the macro that related to that specific sheet, and that specific cell I've activated the macro upon. Plus just having those pictures so organized is just outstanding in every scale, and the excel file will keep running smoothly without any resource consuming overload.
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Apr 14, 2014
Adding a search engine like feature to a spreadsheet we have which has multifarious columns of data on it, here is a screenshot of what it looks like:
We have multiple sheets for each tutor like that picture which lists all information of their learners for reference, now I want to do a search feature on the main home page or perhaps on a dedicated "Search" page which allows us to filter out specific information out of those columns, mainly the ability to search by "Tutor" (aka sheet name), "Postcode", "Venue", "End Date", "Learner Name" and "EBS" number...
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Apr 14, 2009
I have a table
As you can see, a,b and c is repeated times.
How do you make it so that it would look like
Is there a shortcut in doing this instead of copy pasting it?
I have a record just like this with about 572+ rows and 13 repeating items with that 13 items having their own column so copy pasting is really a tedious task. Kindly please help me solve this?
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Jul 12, 2013
I have created a excel document. Would like to create report using the data.
create reports using excel data
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Jun 2, 2014
The following code is used to export values form Excel into a word document:
The report obtained then looks like this:
How can I make the values fit within the margins of the word document?
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Apr 24, 2012
How can I create keyboard shortcuts in the easiest way.
E.g.: I would like to create my own shortcut for "Merge".
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Apr 28, 2013
I've used excel to do a lot of managing stuff as far as budgets. I'm not sure if this can be done or how. I'm not to great in excel, So perhaps you can lead me a hand. I'm starting out a home based business and trying to set everything up so I'm ready to officially start. I am planning on getting a scanner to keep track of what comes in and out.
So what I wanted to try was if I scan "A" 4 times I wanted the QTY to be 4 so basically group similar Items move on to "B" and oh crap I found 10 more of "A" scan that and have it updated now to 14. You catch my drift? so I'm not sure if a statement like {if "A" is scanned then the QTY would be +1} Then the sales part would be the opposite of that statement.
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May 2, 2013
I have a bunch of data about companies in an Excel workbook. I need to be able to create a "summary document" about a selected company in word. One of the items that needs to be in this summary is a pie chart.
This code works fine for generating the basic text of the document:
Sub export_to_word()
Dim wrdApp As Word.Application
Dim wrdDoc As Word.Document
Dim companyName As String
Dim address As String
Dim revenue As String
Creating the chart has been more problematic. I adapted the following code from an example found on MSDN:
Dim valueChart As Chart
Dim chartWorkSheet As Excel.Worksheet
Set valueChart = wrdDoc.Shapes.AddChart.Chart
valueChart.ChartType = xl3DPie
Set chartWorkSheet = valueChart.ChartData.Workbook.Worksheets(1)
chartWorkSheet.ListObjects("Table1").Resize chartWorkSheet.Range("A1:B12")
What I've found though is that this code is based on a macro inside the word document, not excel. So it runs fine from within word, but within excel it throws an error at this line
Set chartWorkSheet = valueChart.ChartData.Workbook.Worksheets(1)
because ChartData is not in the object model in Excel. how to proceed at this point.
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Aug 23, 2013
Any formula that would add a number in excel in a particular cell by clicking the "+" key.
Almost like a take a number display at the deli?
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Oct 21, 2013
Any way to create a queue system in excel.
Here is what I would like to do:
Pull emails from outlook into a spreadsheet and click an add button that would add the From and Subject of the email to the bottom of the list with a timestamp showing the time the add button was pressed for that email. I would like the list to have the oldest timestamps stay at the top of the list, if possible.
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Jan 3, 2014
I need to create a pyramid in Excel with 5 boxes. It will have 3 levels. The middle level will have 3 vertical boxes and the top and bottom box will be horizontal. How do I create it?
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Mar 10, 2014
My chart is coming in blank when I set up a line chart. This is my data that I selected and then pressed chart. 1997
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Aug 15, 2014
I'm trying to make my life a little easier at work. Here is what I am trying to do. I'm trying to create a "calculator" that will tell me the date that a client will leave my program. I understand that I can simply do xx/xx/xxxx-15 and it will get me a new date, easy. Here is the kicker...My office only utilizes 30 day calendars. Regardless if the month has 28 or 31 days, in the eyes of my agency it will have 30.
i'm been trying to mess around with it for 3-4 days now and I can't quite figure it out. I have attached a sample spreadsheet what i'm i'm trying to do.
I would eventually like to create this to be a little interactive (like a pop up or something that is more user friendly) but i'm just itching to get it to work!
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Dec 4, 2013
I am trying to create a formula that subtracts 1 hour if the value of cell E3 equals 11:00 PM.
This is what I've tried:
=SUM(E3-D3), IF(D3=11:00 PM, -1:00)
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Mar 6, 2009
I have the records of a local angling club going back to 1932 and these records include the results of fishing matches matches held through that period. I want to analyze the catches of those matches in order to identify any trends that may exist on the river that those matches were fished and although I am reasonably computer literate I have never needed to use spread sheets.
If the data from those records were in metric measurement it would be no problem but they are in what I would refer to as Imperial measurement.
In other words they use measures in weight based on Pounds, Ounces and Drams.
There are 16 Drams in an Ounce and 16 Ounces in a Pound.
The software that is on my computer is Microsoft Excel Version 5.0c
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