Data Validation Listbox Change Event
Apr 19, 2007
I have a Data Validation Listbox and I basically want to run a macro when a selection changed in the Listbox.
Does anyone have the code? I'm using Excell 2003.
I read this wasn't supported in 97 version but I haven't found an examples past this on the forum.
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Aug 30, 2013
I have a Multi-Select Active-X Control Listbox and an associated Button. I am trying to create a dynamic Select ALL, Clear All Button. Clear All Function Works, but Select All triggers the Change Event for the Listbox.
figuring out a way to either
1. Disable the Change event until the "Select all" loop is completed or
2. Find a way to write the action for the Button directly, such that the click event is programmed as part of the Change event, and everything is done in one.
Cannot Attach file due to file size, code below:
Option Explicit
Dim i As Long
Dim j As Long
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Jul 20, 2006
change the below code from a worksheet_change to a worksheet_calculate method. and still do the same action. the reason I am changing methods is due to the fact that the validation will not trigger the worksheet_change event to fire. this is my attempt to find an alternative way to fire off the macro.....
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Oct 1, 2009
I have 13 sheets in my workbook (one for each month plus a GlobalSettings). In each month sheet I want to create a change event that prompts a UserForm when they select "Yes" from a drop-down validation list if it happens to be a month prior to the current month.
This is the code for the change event:
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Sep 6, 2005
VBA can do this:
The first is an event module for your worksheet, the second needs to go into a standard code module.
Private Sub Workbook_SheetChange(ByVal Sh As Object, ByVal Target As ...
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Aug 13, 2008
I've implanted data validation into some cells and I need to be able to catch any modifications to these cells. If the user change the value from A to B, I would like to trap this event using VBA. I've tried to record a macro, change the value of the cell using the data validation but unfortunately, it didn't generate any code at all.
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Jun 22, 2006
Is there a way with "Data Validation" where the data that shows on the drop down box, when selected, only displays the first four characters on the cell. For eg In a worksheet, Row A1, A2 etc has got data validation settings whereby the value to be input in those cells comes from a list. The list looks something like this: 3000= Staff, 3001=Parking, 3200=Retail.
If I want to select for row A1 from the listbox - "3000=Staff" , what do I need to do to have only the value "3000" show up in cell A1 and not "3000=staff". The reason I only need the numbers to show up is because that will in turn be used in my vlookup function. The reason I am showing "staff, Parking, Retail" in my listbox is to give users additional information as a guidance to choose the correct code for those cells.
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Mar 27, 2009
Is there a way to write a Worksheet_SelectionChange (ByVal Target As Range) event in module after creating a sheet in VBA? I constantly delete a sheet, then repopulate it with a new one that is empty, but I need to add some code that happens if they should change a particular cell. It worked when I ran it on a worksheet without refreshing, but as soon as I cleared and repopulated the sheet, it was gone. Is there a way to preserve this?
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Jul 23, 2006
I am trying to insert a listbox by the way of data validation and would
to only have unique data displayed in it. I was wondering if anybody
has done this before or if it is possible. I would like it to remove
any and all records that are blank.
This is what I have got so far.................
VBA Function UniqueItems(ArrayIn, Optional Count As Variant) As Variant
' Accepts an array or range as input
' If Count = True or is missing, the function returns the number
' of unique elements
' If Count = False, the function returns a variant array of unique
' elements
Next i
' If not in list, add the item to unique list
If Not FoundMatch Then
NumUnique = NumUnique + 1
ReDim Preserve Unique(NumUnique)
Unique(NumUnique) = Element
End If
Next Element
' Assign a value to the function
If Count Then UniqueItems = NumUnique Else UniqueItems = Unique
End Function
Then I input an array with a few duplicate Item and us the function to
determine the list. So far I found that it worked for the following
but this only gives me the number of unique items in the array. The
problem is when I try to use the following function:
This now only returns a zero and if I fill down they all are zero.
I would like to get a list of unique items from this formula. Example
list would be:
{Array = Lorem, Lorem, foo, bar, bar} {Formula_returns = Lorem, foo,
I haven't a clue how to display this in a regular excel cell box so I
thought that using a validation list box would inherently work.
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Aug 7, 2006
I have the following code, which works perfectly:
Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
Dim TotalDays As Integer
TotalDays = Range("C65536").End(xlUp).Row + 1
The code points to the next blank cell so the user can input a value. Each time the user enters a value I want to re-run the code so that the colour of the cell changes.
However I also want to perform various calculations on the sheet. However this means the sheet is being changed and so continually repeats my code.
How do I add the following, to my previous code?
Range("E8").Value = Cells(7, 6) * 2.5
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Jul 16, 2014
I need to use the Worksheet Change event in a particular sheet in a specified column which works fine if the data is already there in the sheet and then changed however,the data is in this sheet is actually a Sub-Set of a Main sheet i.e certain filtered records are being copied from Main Sheet and then copied to this IBSL Sheet.
After the data is copied I have to check each record manually and then categorize each record as Fresh , Rebooked , Cancelled , Tranch or On-Hold.....These 4 criterias are added in the Column 38 and the same thing has to be repeated in the column 40 , so when i change the data in the column 38 the same category has to be updated in the same row in the column 40..
But the problem is that the data is first copied from the Main Data Sheet into the IBSL Sheet using a Macro so then this even t gets fired and goes in the DEBUG MODE...
I need this to happen when i change the category manually..I am adding data validation at the same time while copying the data in to the TEMP sheet.
So what can be done to achieve..
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Dec 14, 2011
I have a Change Event macro that works properly. I also have several cells that contain a drop down list. If a user tries to enter an incorrect entry...the debug is triggered on my even change macro.
Here's the piece of the Change macro that has issues. Specifically, the .undo line highlights.
With Application
.ScreenUpdating = False
.EnableEvents = False
Set SelectedCell = ActiveCell
myTitle = Cells(Range("Titles").Row, Target.Column).Value
myRow = Target.Row
.Undo: myBefore = Target.Value
.Undo: myAfter = Target.Value
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Oct 27, 2012
It is my general understanding that the change event system within Excel vba is fairly particular as to what will fit the mold of a qualifying change event.
For example, changes that the user imparts to the worksheet and other written code are legitament candidates for change events. However copying down data and cells changing their values indirectly rather than directly may not be considered in the Microsoft change event design.
I would like to know 2 things:
1) Does a cell updated by a market data feed mechanism qualify for a change event?
2) Any list of qualifying change event types. It seems that Microsoft does not have this information.
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Dec 31, 2013
I need to make a userform, my userform contains (1 textbox , 2 labels , 1 listbox , 2 buttons(clear & cancel))
I tried my best but I unable to make it perfect..
I need to populate data in listbox based on textbox change, below is my condition
Required column Headers in listbox is "Acno Nbr","investname","amount"
- textbox contains only number if user enter text then msgbox should show plz enter numbers only & as well as in lable
- our account nbr which we are enter in textbox that should be start from "9" if user enter number otherthan "9" , msg should show invalid number & as well as in lable
- if user entering the number & whatever the number user enter listbox should populate required data whatever the account nbr starting with that number(textbox value)
- suppose if user enter only lessthan 10 & greaterthan 10 then in lable show invalid number u have enter lenght of account nbr(textbox value)
- suppose if textbox value is available in worksheet then in listbox populate the required data and in lable populate "yes it's power goal number"
- suppose if textbox value is not available in worksheet then in lable show "no records found - might be its not a power goal number"
See attached file..
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May 13, 2009
I want to show which rows of data have been changed by incrementing a revision attribute. For example, if a user changes the contents of a cell anywhere between rows 2 and 13 and col 1 and 9 then the revision attribute in col 10 would increment from 1 to 2 (for the affected row). If another change affects the same row then the rev attribute would increment to 3, and so forth. I don't care which cell was changed only that something on that row was touched.
I thought the CHANGE event was a dead ringer for triggering some VBA code to control this but, since part of the change event code writes the revision value, this triggers another CHANGE event causing an endless loop until something (??) kicks in and stops it after 220 iterations. Is there a way to inhibit the change event just prior to updating the cell containing the version attribute?
Rather than post the code here I have submitted the workbook that includes the whole setup and code. I should also mention I looked at all the other worksheet events and I do not see any "triggers" that would fire each time a cell content is changed. As a side note, is there a way to step into the code of a change event? F8 does nothing.
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Oct 6, 2008
I created validation list using Validation option in Data menu. Now I would like to change font for that list.
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Feb 16, 2010
I have a range named as follows in a formula:
I have a data validation from which the user can choose another tab.
So, how do I change the reference above to:
so that TabName refers to the text string in cell B2 (data val. box)
I tried to use TEXT to no avail. I imagine there is a simple solution, but I am at a loss.
INDIRECT perhaps?
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Feb 14, 2013
I currently have a set of ListBox controls on a worksheet tab. They are all configured as multi-select and i have the values populated via the ListFillRange properties. Each listbox has an '{All}' option; when the user clicks on this value I want to de-select all other previously selected values. The code for this is straightforward enough, but I cannot get it to fire using the _Click event. Why this is not working?
Additionally, I attempted to use the _Change event but quickly got caught in recursive loops which obviously is not going to cut it.
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Jun 17, 2009
an event macro to change the font colour of a cell whose value changes as a result of a calculation.
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Jan 11, 2013
I am building an Excel file that will be used to track information and at the core of it all is a list of people from different offices where the number of people per office can change and/or a person leaves the company and is replaced by another. I'll simply:
Column A Column B
Office Employee
Hamilton Emp 1
Hamilton Emp 2
Hamilton Emp 3
Toronto Emp 4
Toronto Emp 5
Toronto Emp 6
Toronto Emp 7
Toronto Emp 8
Waterloo Emp 9
Waterloo Emp 10
This will be all on Worksheet 'Info'. I have a Worksheet for each Office and named them accordingly. On each worksheet I want to use Data Validation on a column, we will call it 'ChosenOne', set it as 'List' and have the Source pull all the employee names that belong to that office and use them as a selection
ex: Hamilton Worksheet, 'ChosenOne' would show Emp 1, Emp 2, and Emp 3 in the list.
If Emp 3 changed offices to Waterloo 6 months from now I would like to change A4 from Hamilton to Waterloo and the formula would not have to be changed and the next time someone selects 'ChosenOne' it would only show Emp 1 and Emp 2.
Of course this means on the Waterloo Worksheet, 'ChosenOne' would show Emp 3, Emp 9, Emp 10 now.
So basically I am trying to not specify a specific named range for each office and am hoping there is a way to poll information from a Table (or any other tool that can simplify this).
I would be ok with something like:
Column A Column B
Office Employee
Hamilton Emp 1, Emp2, Emp 3
Toronto Emp 4, Emp 5, Emp 6, Emp 7, Emp 8
Waterloo Emp 9, Emp 10
and just move Emp 3 from B2 to B4 but I don't know if a list can be created from multiple items in a single cell seperated by a , or ; or :.
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Apr 30, 2013
I have a list of names I used in data validation (dropdown list)....I need to add more names to the list....What is the best way to change the range to include new listings? Is the offset function suitable for data validation? How do you use the Offset function in data validation?
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Jul 21, 2009
Attached is book in which, when a choice is selected from Drop Down list in ColumnF the macro has to do the need.
When the macro was written it was working well. But when I tried to change it as a Worksheet_SelectionChange event nothing is happenning even though a choice is selected from drop down list.
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Dec 6, 2011
Basically the situation I have is Sheet2 has many references to cells in Sheet1. Sheet2 is for all intents and purposes a kind of nicely formatted report form, and Sheet1 is the input form.
My ultimate goal is to automatically resize row heights on Sheet2 when cell contents change on Sheet2.
Using a worksheet_change event isn't working I presume because it doesn't see the formula output change as a worksheet change, the worksheet_change is firing only when the input is changed in Sheet1.
how can I capture these formula output changes on Sheet2 (triggered from input on Sheet1) OR is there a way of making a particular sheets rows always adjust in height to best fit?
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Jul 21, 2009
Im trying to use an event change to change the sheet name based on a cell value, but my issue is how can I error trap if the sheet name is a duplicate? Here is what I have so far
Sub ChangeName()
On Error GoTo errhandler
Sheets(1).Name = Sheets(1).range("d10")
Exit Sub
MsgBox "sheet name is already exists"
End Sub
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Dec 31, 2008
I have a bit of code that calls a formatting sub depending on which cell is modified. It is triggered by the Worksheet_Change event, determines which cell is modified, and either calls the formatting sub or doesn't based on the location of the modified cell.
Some of the columns in the sheet have data validation with drop downs. If I select a value from the drop down, it doesn't trigger the Worksheet_Change. If I type a value into the same cell, it does.
This was apparently an issue in Excel '97, but supposedly fixed in '03?
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Aug 3, 2007
I am writing an application in Excel 2007 VBA (on Windows Vista) which presents the user with a series of 3 userforms, each containing a listbox. The user clicks on an item in the list box of the first form and then I use the listbox click event to process the answer and assemble the list items for the listbox in the second form. This sequence is repeated in the second form (user clicks item in listbox, click event processed and used to generate 3rd userform/listbox). This seemed to work fine at first but now in some cases after clicking an item in the first listbox, I am presented with the third listbox. Apparently a choice was made in the second list box and the third list box created based on that choice but I never was presented with the second userform/listbox.
I don't think it is related to the mechanics of clicking the mouse because it occurs repeatably as follows: I had a list (for listbox 2) that was 3 items long and everything was working. I added a fourth item. Now it consistently chooses the 3rd item in this list without ever presenting me the userform/listbox 2. If I remove the fourth item it presents me with userform/listbox 2 and I click on an item and everything works as intended.
The code for the second listbox callback is very short and simple:
Private Sub SecondListBox_Click()
Dim choice As String
choice = SecondListBox.Value
Unload Me
MakeThirdListBox (choice)
End Sub
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Feb 21, 2013
Excel 2007/2010.
Hope this is fairly easy to solve. I have Screen #1 with a listbox with a CLICK event. The event populates a combobox below (with items based on listbox's selection). Listbox is NOT multi-select. Code runs fine manually, i.e., user opens screen selects from listbox, then can select from combobox.
I now what to open and make selections from another form/screen, Screen #2. I've written code to select the proper item from Screen #2's listbox but this does NOT trigger the listbox's CLICK event for me so the combobox isn't populated so I can then make that selection from Screen #1, also. I've tried setting focus to listbox first, then making selection, but that doesn't work.
QUESTION: Is there code that selects from a listbox in a way that mimics the user clicking the selected item in the listbox?
The alternatives I can think of are:
1) Change Screen #2's listbox code from CLICK to CHANGE event, but I'd rather not.
2) Move CLICK event code to sub-procedure and then call from both listbox CLICK and Screen #2 code
3) Some sendkey string like ENTER?
Would be easier to just mimic the user click, if possible.
With frm_Screen2
'Select item type from listbox
With .LBox_Items
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Sep 27, 2007
I have a simple bit of code that fires some code when it detects a change in cell $P$5 but it doesnt work and I cannot understand why - can anyone assist with this one? I am very green but keen:
Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
If Target.Address = "$p$5" Then
Range("D9:D81"). AutoFilter Field:=1, Criteria1:="<>"
End If
End Sub
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Dec 5, 2008
Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
If Not Application.Intersect(Target, Me.Range("R1C1")) Is Nothing Then
'do something
End If
End Sub
Now, that Private Sub works fine if you change the value of R1C1 manually or from another macro.
But if R1C1 is the cell linked to a list box, nothing will happen if you change its value by selecting different items in the list box.
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Apr 6, 2013
when I select a data validation value in cell A3 of sheet 1 will change the data validation value in A5 of sheet 2, and verse vice.
Also in the same attached file, I want to solve another formar issue. The needs is expained in the file.
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