Data Validation - Cell Only Displaying First 4 Characters Of Listbox

Jun 22, 2006

Is there a way with "Data Validation" where the data that shows on the drop down box, when selected, only displays the first four characters on the cell. For eg In a worksheet, Row A1, A2 etc has got data validation settings whereby the value to be input in those cells comes from a list. The list looks something like this: 3000= Staff, 3001=Parking, 3200=Retail.

If I want to select for row A1 from the listbox - "3000=Staff" , what do I need to do to have only the value "3000" show up in cell A1 and not "3000=staff". The reason I only need the numbers to show up is because that will in turn be used in my vlookup function. The reason I am showing "staff, Parking, Retail" in my listbox is to give users additional information as a guidance to choose the correct code for those cells.

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Using Data Validation To Limit Entry Of Number Of Characters In A Cell

Jan 24, 2014

When you want to use Data Validation to limit the entry of the number of characters to a cell does this apply only to the cell that you are entering the characters or can it also apply to a cell that contains a LEN(A1) formula, for instance? Also,does the Data Validation limitation function includes spaces as well? Will the message appear while you are entering the characters (when it has reached the limit) or will it wait until you have hit Enter?

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Data Validation Drop Down List No Arrow Displaying

Jan 7, 2008

I have a workbook with 7 sheets, the drop down list operates correctly on all but one sheet, it used to work on all sheets. The arrow on the right of the selected cell dose not appear onthis particulr sheet. I have rebooted the PC and double checked the in-cell option. I have search the forum for similar problem and found the same problem but no remedy.

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Data Validation - Characters In Drop Down

Nov 17, 2008

I have a list for the user to enter in creditor name, balance, monthly payment and interest rate. In the credior name portion, I have used a Data Validation List (drop down menu of bank names) for the user to choose from.

Later on... The user types in the customers ACTUAL bank acount that they will be making payments from.

If the user types in a bank that is the same as one from the drop down list earlier on, I would like a dialog box to come up with further instructions.

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Data Validation Listbox Change Event

Apr 19, 2007

I have a Data Validation Listbox and I basically want to run a macro when a selection changed in the Listbox.

Does anyone have the code? I'm using Excell 2003.

I read this wasn't supported in 97 version but I haven't found an examples past this on the forum.

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Removing Multiple Invalid Characters For Dependent Data Validation List

Oct 14, 2009

I have a list drop down that is dependent on a first list. The first list has numbers, spaces, and "-" at the beginning I need to get rid of to make it a valid name to reference. The "Substitute" function can't be nested enough times to make this work for me since I have a fairly lengthy list for the independent column which has differing numbers at the beginning. The first two examples of the independent drop down (which would dictate the second dependent column and drop down) are:

00 - Preconstruction
01 - General Conditions

I would like to name these something like "Preconstruction" and "GeneralConditions" for valid naming convention.

Second thought:

If character removal isn't the most efficient or possible at all, is there a combination of reference functions that could make this work? Ultimately I want to use these 2 drop downs for reference functions on a second worksheet.

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Setting Up A Validation Of Data Listbox To Provide The Unique Items Within A Range

Jul 23, 2006

I am trying to insert a listbox by the way of data validation and would
to only have unique data displayed in it. I was wondering if anybody
has done this before or if it is possible. I would like it to remove
any and all records that are blank.

This is what I have got so far.................

VBA Function UniqueItems(ArrayIn, Optional Count As Variant) As Variant
' Accepts an array or range as input
' If Count = True or is missing, the function returns the number
' of unique elements
' If Count = False, the function returns a variant array of unique
' elements

Next i

' If not in list, add the item to unique list
If Not FoundMatch Then
NumUnique = NumUnique + 1
ReDim Preserve Unique(NumUnique)
Unique(NumUnique) = Element
End If

Next Element

' Assign a value to the function
If Count Then UniqueItems = NumUnique Else UniqueItems = Unique
End Function

Then I input an array with a few duplicate Item and us the function to
determine the list. So far I found that it worked for the following
but this only gives me the number of unique items in the array. The
problem is when I try to use the following function:
This now only returns a zero and if I fill down they all are zero.

I would like to get a list of unique items from this formula. Example
list would be:
{Array = Lorem, Lorem, foo, bar, bar} {Formula_returns = Lorem, foo,
I haven't a clue how to display this in a regular excel cell box so I
thought that using a validation list box would inherently work.

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Displaying Images Whose URL Is Longer Than 255 Characters

Apr 3, 2008

Is there any way to do this, using VBA etc? I can't make the filename shorter since it's a thematic map from Google Charts.

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Listbox Displaying Multiple Dates That Are The Same

Feb 22, 2010

I know the title is a little confusing, but i couldn't think of a better way to put it. I have a listbox connected to a combobox. the combobox acts like a filter, allowing the user to change from multiple different selections, which appear in the listbox.

the problem i am having is when two of the items that appear in the listbox are the same, then the data displayed to the right will only show the top most row. i have attached the example.

On this example, the userform is called frmEditData. if you filter claim, you'll notice that since each number appearing in the listbox is different, it will display the corresponding data in the right. If you use the date of loss search parameter, all three are the same, so it will only show the top row.

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Displaying Selection From Listbox On Userform

Jul 21, 2006

I have been trying to create a "Search" or "Look Up" form for my database. ( Attached file - "Test - Form").

I have been given a lot of help/ideas from this forum with which I managed to get to the stage where I could select the criteria i wanted to search by using a combobox and textbox in the userform. On hitting the "Find" button it shows all the results in the listbox.

The trouble started when I tried to display the listbox selection on the labels at the bottom of the userform. As the listbox is small and cant show all the fields properly, I need to display them in labels once user selects a particular record from listbox.

I managed to find some examples of this from this forum. (file attached "Action Log"). As I am not an Excel/ VBA expert, I have missed something and am not able to make it work.

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Nested Data Validation: Figure A To Enforce Dual Data Validation On A Single Cell?

Aug 19, 2009

I'm trying to figure a to enforce dual data validation on a single cell. That is, I need to restrict the user to entering only a decimal value, only if a particular other cell (say A2) is blank. To put it another way, if A2 is blank, the user can enter a decimal value, but if A2 is not blank, the user cannot enter anything. I can use Data Validation to enforce either the decimal restriction or the ISBLANK, but I'm not sure how to make them work together.

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Displaying Textbox Search Results In Listbox

Jun 23, 2014

I am trying to create a search where the user types into the text box 'ItemDescription' then hits the 'ItemDescSearch' button (see below code) to pollute the list box 'lbSamDesc' with any partial matches from the specified range. Currently when I click on the button it takes about 8 seconds then no results are displayed in the List Box.

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Listbox Displaying Empty Entries At The End Of The List

Oct 22, 2009

Is there anyway to prevent an empty entry from showing up in a list box?

And pending that the above is possible is there a way to exclude the first value a column?

I want all values in column A except A! to display that aren't blank.

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Excel 2007 :: Searching Range Of Cells For Certain Characters And Displaying Results

Jun 25, 2012

Column A & B has a list of Supplier Part numbers and Buyer Part numbers as below.

Supplier P/N
Buyer P/N



[Code] ..........

Cell D2 is an open cell that any data can be entered into as a search term. What I am trying to do is search for a Supplier P/N that have the characters "H", "G" or "E" in it, so entering "HGE" into cell D2 would display the results into columns F & G as below.

Supplier P/N
Buyer P/N



I can easily do a formula for 1 character or a string of characters.

To complicate it further, if the search term has in this example has "YFF", I would like the same formula/code to workout that the result in F & G should show this time

Supplier P/N
Buyer P/N


I am using Windows 7 and Excel 2007.

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Problem Displaying Single Record In Userform Listbox From Recordset

Jul 20, 2009

I am trying to populate a 3 column listbox in a userform from SQL Server via ADO. When the result set consists of more than one record, there is no problem and the data is displayed properly (ie each piece of data is in its appropriate column) eg...

test1...................1................. 01/01/1900

however when the recordset returns only a single record, the data does not transpose and views as below (ie each piece of data in the record is on a different line in the first column


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Displaying Dashboard Information With Validation Dropdown List?

Jul 5, 2014

I have a project I'm working on that requires me to display information from various sheets on a dashboard. I have created a data validation dropdown list with part numbers. When one of these part numbers is selected from the drop down list I need the rest of the fields to populate with the appropriate information from various sheets in the workbook. How do I tell the dashboard to display this information per part number?

see the attached workbook.

Mini-Project Wally Mart (B212-10).xls

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Data Validation: Can I Use Data Validation In A Cell That Has Formulas In It?

Apr 3, 2009

I have attached a sheet that I am working on. I want cell G1 to be less than or equal to 165. That cell contains a formula. If the formula takes the number to over 165 the validation is allowing it.

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Pivot Table Is Displaying 1/29/14 For Every Cell In Particular Data Field That Is Blank

Jan 23, 2014

On my data tab I've got a column for "review date." Some of those cells are blank. When you go to the pivot table, the respective cell for that date cell displays the date 1/29/14. There is no data in the cell on the data tab, so why would it be displaying 1/29/14? I want it to either say "blank" or just be blank. It does this for every review date cell that is blank.

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Validation (special Characters)

Jun 2, 2009

Is there a way to check a special character in textbox?

For example if type "TWO*" then i press a button it must raise an error.

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Dependant Drop Down Validation With Illegal Characters

Dec 1, 2008

Does anyone have an example of dependant drop boxes with illegal characters in them? Even just a teensy one... If I have an example I can manipulate I can actually see what does what... The several-paragraph-long explanation with descriptions of what's being referenced by what and where and why - isn't helping me any.

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ListBox Validation On UserForm Not Working?

Jan 22, 2014

I have a UserForm with Combo Boxes, List Boxes, Text Boxes etc. When the OK button is clicked I want it to ensure certain fields are not left blank and notify the user (see code below). This works great for the combo boxes but not for list boxes. It seems to skip over that code. In other words, in the code below, if a manager is not selected, it doesn't notify the user.

Private Sub OkButton_Click()
'Verify fields are not left blank
If cboAgent.Value = "" Then


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How To Validate If Data In A Cell Conforms To Data Validation Rules In The Cell

Oct 14, 2009

I have an Excel workbook which contains data entry fields, which have different types of data validation rules - like Lists, Date, Whole Number.

I do not want end users to remove these data validations as well as the formatting of these cells by doing copy/paste. So, I have implemented techniques mentioned in the following post, and elsewhere - to override the paste functionality and implement PasteSpecial values automatically.

To keep it simple, I'm only supporting pasting a single cell at a time.

Now my problem is this:
Doing the PasteSpecial values programmatically doesn't prevent the user from pasting values in the cell that violate the data validation rules. So, I can paste a string into a cell having data validation as Whole Number, or a invalid string into a cell having data validation as List.

The following post just suggests disabling paste whenever data validation is present:

But I would like to allow the paste operation if the value being pasted is a valid value for the cell's data validation.

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Move Cell Data To New Line After X Characters

Dec 23, 2007

I am using Excel to create a parts list for a manufacturing assembly. I intend to have 6 categories (columns) for each part or instance. My problem is that the last (furthest right) entry will sometimes contain more characters than others. I want to limit the number of characters in the cells of this last column, and I have seen how to bump the remaining characters down to the next row(s) in the same column using the LEFT and MID formulas. This actually works very well for that purpose. However, I need to know how to force the next instance (row of 6 cell) to start together on the next available row.

The following images should better illustrate my question. First, I show the source data with the contents of cell F2 without further formatting. This cell contains more characters than I want making the column too wide for the printable space allowed.

The next image shows the desired result with the extra characters from cell F2 moved to F3. (This data could actually fill up to 4 or 5 cells vertically.) Here, I have manually entered cells A4 through F5 for this illustration. I need to know how to automatically have A, B, C, D, & E move along with F.

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Trim Special Characters In Cell To Be To Split Data Into Columns?

Apr 9, 2014

This formula I want to apply it in another workbook. It split in different columns the content of a cell.

The formula is below:

[Code] .....

In cell A2 I have the following data:

If I apply the formula above in cells B2 to E2 it returns a blank cells. But if I delete the first "|" sign in the left side manually the formula works perfectly by splitting the cell into columns from B2 to E2. The issue here is that I have more than 300,000 records. Just imagine the amount of time invested in just deleting the first "|" at the left side.

I need a variation of the formula above that in first place delete the first "|" at the left side and after that continue with the proper work of the formula.

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Transferring Data From Multi Item Listbox Into A Cell

Jul 31, 2014

I have a Listbox (Listbox2) in column C. The listbox allows users to select multiple items (in this case it is countries). So the user could select 1 or 20 countries based on the previous criteria.

What I would ideally like is for the next column (column D) to automatically list the selected items without having to use a command button in the actualy cell. However, I could put a command button at the end to say "Confirm" which would then transfer the above into the relevant cells.

This is an excel file, and each row would works the same. Basically users are entering products for set up row by row, so the file could be 10 rows or 200.

Just to be clear, it would look a little like this:

Drop Down Listbox
Column C Column D

Canada (Selected) Canada, USA
South Africa
USA (Selected)

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Data Validation Used To Create Separate Data Validation List

Feb 15, 2014

I have 2 columns First Name & Surname. What I want to do is create a data validation list on the surname which results in the 2nd data validation list only showing the first names which link to one of the surnames.

i.e. If I selected Smith in the 1st validation list then I would only like to see 'Paul' as an option in the 2nd list

First Name




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Data Validation To Ensure Like Numbers In Cell A Has Same Date In Cell B

Jan 10, 2008

I am trying to set up a data validation to ensure that when a user enters a number in column A that matches a previously entered number in column A, the user is only allowed to enter the same date for the number it matches in column B.

For example, if:

Row 3 column A = 1320


Row 3 column B = 16-Dec-07


Row 15 column A = 1320


Row 15 column B must be 16-Dec-07

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Two Data Validation On The Same Cell

Sep 14, 2009

can i do two data validation on the same cell
the first one to make a list form Define name "Lists"
and the other to make sure the name is not repeated

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Data Validation Based On Another Cell Value

Aug 20, 2014

I have already set up a data validation, if if you pick a region, you only get that regions items in the next column.



But what I would like to do is in Column E(for this example) have 3 extra lists for Location in each region. So if I pick S in A, then in E I only want the Southern options.

I have checked out this website, but I cant seem to work out how to add the third dependence [URL]....

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Data Validation Based On Cell Value

Jul 14, 2009

I am trying to set the data validation on a cell based on another cell value

So basically if the User enters say CAN in cell A2, cell B2 should use "listCAN" range as the data validation list

and if i enter US in A2, B2 should use "listUS" as the data validation list

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