2003 Data Validation Doesn't Trigger Worksheet Change

Dec 31, 2008

I have a bit of code that calls a formatting sub depending on which cell is modified. It is triggered by the Worksheet_Change event, determines which cell is modified, and either calls the formatting sub or doesn't based on the location of the modified cell.

Some of the columns in the sheet have data validation with drop downs. If I select a value from the drop down, it doesn't trigger the Worksheet_Change. If I type a value into the same cell, it does.

This was apparently an issue in Excel '97, but supposedly fixed in '03?

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Data Validation Doesn't Work When Worksheet Populated From Userform?

Feb 21, 2014

I have this formula =COUNTA($A:$A)<=4 that limits amount of cells that can be populated in column A, I use data validation with "Allow costume" option and using that formula. It works fine from worksheet it displays the message when the limit is reached but it doesn't work when data is inputed/populated from userfrom, it allows userform to put more entries than set limit 4 in this case.

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Worksheet Change To Trigger On A Highlight Color

Apr 18, 2008

I am sure that a worksheet change would be the best way to go for this, but I am unsure how to test for this.

I am looking to prevent users from using a select set of colors for highlighting. If the user tries to highlight using one of these invalid colors, I would like to flag a message telling the user that this color is reserved and highlight the selection to the previous color.

The previous color may be a tricky part as I do not know if this can be done.

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Trigger Macro Once On Data Change In Cell

Mar 8, 2008

I have an application that updates the text string in A1 every x minutes (time may vary). I'm trying to develop a toutine that will trigger a Macro/call a function/subroutine once only on each change of data (and then not trigger again until the next change...and must only trigger on change of data in this specific cell). So the timeline looks like this

start A1 = "Apples", Fire macro once

start + 10mins A1 = "Oranges", Fire Macro Once again

start + 25mins A1 = "Pears", Fire Macro Once again


Triggering the macro is no problem but constraining to one triggering is proving a problem (for me anyway) and is really holding up my application progress.

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Excel 2003 :: Printing - Text Box And Image Print Cell Data Doesn't?

Aug 30, 2013

She has a spreadsheet created in Excel 2003 (she is still using 2003) which contains an image with a textbox in the top left corner then all other cells contain data.

When user prints this spreadsheet all that prints is the image and the textbox.

I have cleared the print area reset the print area removed the picture (prints only the text box)

and none of these changes have changed what prints.

I have checked all printer setting and these appear normal.

previously user could print this spreadsheet fine and all other worksheets in the workbook print fine as well.

other users are still able to print to the same printer correctly from this spreadsheet.

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Create Data Validation Field That Doesn't Allow Blanks Or Duplicates

Jun 4, 2014

I have a table for gym members and each member is assigned a unique member number.


I wish to create a data validation field that wont allow you to leave the cells blank or use the same code twice.

this was my attempt that failed: =AND(ISERROR(MATCH(A:A, A2, 0)) <>FALSE, A2<>""

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Lsit From Data Validation References Sheet That Doesn't Exist?

Jul 25, 2013

I have just opened a sheet in work and this phenomenon has occured. Basically the data validation: list appears to be referencing a sheet that doesn't exist! My initial thought is that the original sheet name had been changed, but on trial the list seems to change reference. I've checked that the sheets aren't hidden

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Excel 2010 :: Dropdown Data Validation Menu Doesn't Work When Opened On Different Computer

Aug 19, 2013

Using Excel 2010, I set up a simple workbook with a spreadsheet on one page and the ranges for data validation on another. I successfully linked the fields in the "Category" and "Tender" columns with the data on the second sheet, making nice drop down menus. Everything works fine on my computer. However, when we open the workbook on a different station, the drop down menus disappear. If you highlight any of the "Category" or "Tender" fields, the little drop down prompt is missing; they behave like regular, un-formatted fields. It appears that the data validation became un-linked.

We tried opening versions with certain fields locked (Mainly the Total, Breakdown, and Summary areas, but the fields with data validation were still editable), and also completely unlocked documents. Every time, the drop down lists were lost when opened on different stations.

I've attached the completely unlocked version : 00_FLEX TRAVEL EXPENSE REPORT_v3.xlsx‎

Forget to check a box or something? This seems way harder for me to figure out that it should be!

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Excel 2003 :: Change Value In A1 By One Each Time Worksheet Created

May 3, 2012

I am creating an invoice form in Excel 2003. I like to know if it is possible to increase the value of cel A1 by one everytime a new sheet is created.

For example i created my first worksheet and gave an invoice number 001. Now I create a new worksheet by right clicking on the tab and choose copy/move. I like the second work sheet change the invoice number to 002.

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Excel 2003 :: Extract Information From Spreadsheet Database Into Another Sheet With One Trigger?

Nov 27, 2012

I used to use Excel many many years ago for all my basic business databases and pivot table reports (so was at a basic competency level) and want to use it again but it has been quite a while and I can't remember how to do the following.....

I want to build a database of sales and purchase info in say 'sheet 1' - let's say 30 different headed columns and then many lines of different information under each column.

In 'sheet 2' I want to create an invoice template of my own design (I can do easily) for printing.

This template will need to extract say 10 bits of information from a particular row and then put them in a certain place on this sheet.

How can I type in one piece of information in a cell on sheet 2 (say the invoice or line number of the database) and that will then trigger all the other needed information from that particular line in sheet one onto this template?

I know it can be done but for life of me can not remember the formulas to use for these other cells in sheet 2 based on the info put in that one 'trigger' cell

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Excel 2003 :: Upgraded To 2007 And Worksheet Change Function Does Not Work

Oct 10, 2011

I recently upgraded from Excel 2003 to 2007, and the worksheet change procedure that i have embedded in my worksheet no longer fires when the criteria are met. If and if I fix it to work in 2007, will it still work in 2003?

Here is my procedure:

Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
Dim rngCell As Excel.Range
If Not Intersect(Target, Range("C19:R19")) Is Nothing Then
For Each rngCell In Intersect(Target, Range("C19:R19"))
If rngCell.Value = "BLACK" Then
MsgBox "Please select a shading style", , "Shading Style Required"
End If
Next rngCell
End If
End Sub

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Excel 2003 :: Data Validation - Disable Delete Key

Mar 31, 2010

I'm using Excel 2003

Cell D7 - data validation reads as such: It is a List and the source is I6:I7. I have In-Cell dropdown selected. Ignore Blank is not checked.

I now password protect the sheet and only D7 is unlocked. real simple, the person using it can only use D7 and select one of two in the drop down menu.

The problem is, if the user clicks on D7 and hits delete, the cell goes blank. How can I avoid this?

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VBA To Trigger Event Change

Feb 26, 2014

I have a chart with 2 Y axis. I am attempting to write some code that will update both axis with the same max & min value that is triggered by the combobox selection. The code will update the axis but is not triggered by the combobox selection.

[Code] ...........

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Copy Between Worksheets Doesn't Work (look For A Certain Value In Worksheet A And Copy That Row Of Data To Worksheet B)

Apr 13, 2009

look for a certain value in worksheet A and copy that row of data to Worksheet B.

However, it seems to be only copying the row in worksheet A and pasting it. Is there something that a noob VBA scripter has missed out?

PHP Private Sub GetInfo_Click()
    Dim r As Long, LastRow As Long, Status As Integer
    Dim Message As String, Title As String, Default As String, MyValue As String
    Application.ScreenUpdating = False
    MyValue = Range("A4").Value
    LastRow = Range("C65536").End(xlUp).Row
    For r = LastRow To 1 Step -1
        If Cells(r, 1).Value = MyValue Then
            Selection.PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteValues, Operation:=xlNone, SkipBlanks _
        :=False, Transpose:=False
            Status = 1
            Exit For
        End If
    Next r
    Application.ScreenUpdating = True 

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2003 To 2007, VBA Codes Doesn't Work

Apr 18, 2009

I always used Office 2003 .. I just installed Office 2007 to try it out. But everything doesn't work in Excel 2007, which does work in Excel 2003.

I added an example of the list, but here are the codes:

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Trigger Change Event After ENTER Is Hit?

Feb 22, 2012

I have a user entering text into a textbox on my userform. The textbox is linked to a textbox change event. Unfortunately, the event is triggered as soon as the user enters the first character of their entry. I'm thinking that the textbox change event isn't the most appropriate for this scenario. What would I need to do to trigger the code (of the change event) with hitting ENTER when finished?

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Trigger Change Event When Nothing Is Changing

Sep 9, 2012

If no program (code) is running and Calculation is turned to ON, what expression could be placed into a cell that will change on its own that could necessarily and periodically trigger a change event subroutine. How can I trigger a change event when nothing is changing?

I have a situation where my code simply stops running so i need a change event to assess whether code is running (or not) and to issue a warning to the programmer that the code is, in fact, stalled. The change event subroutine has not only a warning system but a "timetorun" feature that will come back and warn again until the programmer can address the issue.

Unfortunately, I have to deal with this issue in a check and balance fashion because my many attempts to seek solutions to a stalled program (root cause) have failed.

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Trigger Filter With Cell Change

Nov 1, 2006

I have a set of data in a given range with one column indicating "priority" of 0, 1, 2, or 3 for each row. I would like to be able to allow users of the file to filter the data simply by changing the text of a given cell, or by choosing among filter options from a drop down. For example, I would label the control cell "show items up to priority:" and then let them enter 1, 2, or 3.

The "auto filter" option won't work because if they use the "sort" options in the drop down it will mess everything up. I would only want to use the auto-filter drop down if I could suppress the sorting options and the other filter options. (I'm after custom options of <4, <3, <2, <1).

Also, the advanced filter method doesn't seem to work well because users would apparently have to re-run the filter each time they want to change the criteria range value.

I've heard of macros that can be triggered based on changes to data in a given cell, but how is this done in this situation?

I guess programming a custom drop down box for selecting 0, 1, 2 or 3 would work just as well as having them type the number in. But I'm not sure how this could be done either.

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Excel 2003 :: VLookup Doesn't Work But Cell Seem To Be The Same

Oct 16, 2013

I am having difficulty with a Vlookup in Excel 2003. Basically I have converted both fields to Text using the text function =TEXT(A2,"0") and have tried matching the values but just get an #N/A error and I have also converted both back to number format but still get the #N/A error....when I do a "=" operator function it returns a FALSE value but I cannot see why as both cell are just 4 or 5 digit number.

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Trigger Sheet Change Target Macro?

Jun 19, 2013

If for example cell A1 begins empty with no data in it other than a formula and something occurs to change the state of cell A1 to a value which triggers a change in cell B1 (a variable), can I use this to fire a sheet change macro ????

Wish to trigger a macro on sheet change based on every cell in column C, is this even possible ???

Or, is a change in a variable (C1) for example, the same as that of a DIRECT user keyboard input for example ???


Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range) Dim c As Range
If Not Application.Intersect(Target, Columns(3)) Is Nothing Then
Application.EnableEvents = False
For Each c In Target


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Validation Drop Down Doesn't Appear

Jan 12, 2009

I named a range State, it contains a list of all the US state abbreviations. I do a data validation that refers to this range as a List. If I type in something that's not in the named range I get the error message I created for the Validation.

But - I don't get a drop down button. I tried to do the same validation on another cell and get the same thing. Other drop downs for validation appear.

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Control Change Event Fires Via Unknown Trigger

Nov 17, 2007

So, I have a worksheet with a bunch of combo boxes. The code for the worksheet is below. The issue I'm having is that anytime I drag and drop a cell anywhere on the page, every single control on the worksheet triggers. VB runs through all the code on the sheet, TWICE(I used the debugger extensively trying to find a solution), and causes dozens of successive re-calculations of the entire workbook, which has a couple of tables. This happens on any cell drag-drop on the worksheet, or when I click the command button on the screen.

I have no clue what is causing this. Even more bizarre, it seems to trigger a custom function which is located in a separate module, and isn't even utilized on the worksheet in question. I guess this is because it makes the whole workbook re-calculate?

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Adjust Code From Cell Range Trigger To Button Trigger

Jul 1, 2014

I have the code below that is two separate activities and I want to change the second activity from a cell trigger (Set KeyCells = Range("K42:AD42")) to a button trigger. I need to first to remain unchanged.

I'd be ok if this was just one macro that I could assign to a button but because its two and I need to write the second's to clicking a button I'm over my head.

Its occured to me while writing this that because it'll be a range of buttons I'll probably need to make each one an individual code? Is this the case? If so I may have to just keep this as it is.

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Excel 2003 :: Runtime Error 438 - Object Doesn't Support This Property Or Method

Nov 1, 2012

I am using Excel 2003. I get the above error and when I press debug, the issue highlighted is the following:


adde.TextBox6.Text = "ok"
shet = ActiveSheet.Name
Set CurrentChart = ActiveSheet.ChartObjects.Add(5, 20, 350, 200)


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Trigger Macro With Worksheet Tab Selection

Jan 14, 2004

I have a macro I'd like to run when a worksheet tab is selected. The macro updates content in various cells.

That action is now triggered with a command button (linked to macro), but I'd like it to take place when the user selects that worksheet tab.

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Worksheet Events To Trigger Other Worksheets

Jun 25, 2007

I have a workbook with 4 sheets "Sheet1","sheet2","sheet3" and "sheet4". There is a macro "execute" in "sheet4". How to use the worksheet events, so that if anything on "sheet1", "sheet2" or "sheet3" changes, the macro "execute" in "sheet4" is excuted.

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Change Font For Validation Data List

Oct 6, 2008

I created validation list using Validation option in Data menu. Now I would like to change font for that list.

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Change Tab Name Reference In Formula W/ Data Validation

Feb 16, 2010

I have a range named as follows in a formula:


I have a data validation from which the user can choose another tab.

So, how do I change the reference above to:


so that TabName refers to the text string in cell B2 (data val. box)

I tried to use TEXT to no avail. I imagine there is a simple solution, but I am at a loss.

INDIRECT perhaps?

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Data Validation Listbox Change Event

Apr 19, 2007

I have a Data Validation Listbox and I basically want to run a macro when a selection changed in the Listbox.

Does anyone have the code? I'm using Excell 2003.

I read this wasn't supported in 97 version but I haven't found an examples past this on the forum.

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Excel 2003 :: How To Auto-Populate Data From 1 Worksheet To Another

Jul 2, 2014

I have inherited a number of databases in work (running Office 2003). It has quickly become apparant that a vast amount of work is duplicated and so i am trying to cut down the data input and therefore the possible errors.......

I have narrowed most of the work down and now have a major worksheet (is that what you call a complete Excel file) named "master database" and several over minor files....

Currently what i am trying to do is to get the minor files (68 seperate files) to auto populate an area of the master database. I will try to explain it below...

1. Minor database has 2 columns with data i require to auto populate the master database. (1 column (B) is called 'off', the 2nd column (C) is called 'on').

2. A number will be inputed manually into either 'B' only or 'B and C' columns, depending on the criteria of the job..

3. The criteria of the job is dictated by column (Z) where the text 'A' or 'ATL' is inputed

4. The master database i would like to add up the numbers inputed as a total from columns 'off' and 'on' and place them into seperate columns 'E' and 'G' of the master database.

5. IF column (Z) shows 'A' then only column (B) 'off' is to be calculated and put into the master database at column (E)

6. IF column (Z) shows 'ATL' then BOTH columns (B and C) 'on' AND 'off' are to be added together and column (G) populated on the master database.....

To make matters more complex. An expiry date is shown on the master database at columns (D) and (F).
IF column (E) does not exceed 12 by the expiry date, i would like the cell (D) to turn red
IF column (G) does not exceed 10 by the expiry date, I would like the cell (F) to turn red

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