Date In IF Statement - Get True Result To Be First Of Given Month Of Current Year
Feb 29, 2012
I've got a formula that has numerous nested IF statement and am trying to get the true result to be the first of a given month of the current year. Here's my formula:
Everything works, save that the cell becomes 1/1 with no year at all. I've messed around a bit with TEXT and various DATE/MONTH/YEAR functions on this one, but can't seem to get it correct.
I have dates in my column “A”, for example (A1 cell =22-Mar-1971), (A2 cell=30-Dec-1965). Now my requirement is in B column date and month from A column and year should take current year. Output in B column (B1 cell =22-Mar-2009), (B2 cell=30-Dec-2009)
I am trying to allow the Command Button when clicked to go through multiple conditions before making a decision. So, when someone clicks on Command Button 3 the code should look to see if CheckBox1 is true, then it should check today's date, and if it is between a range of days, or even months, then it would add the number in TextBox1 with the amount already in cell H18. This event will happen every time someone clicks on the Command Button.
The end result is to have several sheets (4 total) for each quarter in the fiscal year, and if the dates are within those parameters, the clicking of the command button will update the correct sheet.
I have two combo boxes: One for entering the Year, and one for the month. I can produce a message if the user leaves either box blank but I want a message to apear it the user selects a year AND month less than the current year (iYear) and current month (iMonth). I therefore need an AND statement between the two criteria but i dont know how to do it.
'....First Checks the Comboboxes arent blank then below Checks a future month/year secection is chosen
ElseIf YearBox.Value = iYear & iMonthbox < iMonth Then MsgBox ("You may not enter Data before the current Month") Else '...... Run main code here
I am working on a budget for myself and want it to have running dates so the first data column will have the current month. I was able to succeed with this using the EOMONTH function followed by EDATE functions in the following cells, I then have these columns filled using a nested VLOOKUP MATCH function pair.
The problem I run into is with the months that extend into the next year, in my data table I have month by month listed started on 01/01/2014 ending 12/01/2014 but as soon as the month is no longer January the last column in my budget cannot find the information needed due to it looking for 2015. so what I would like to know is if there is a way to make the data table change the year to the following year after today is beyond that month, so for example on March 1 2014 both January and February would be changed to 2015.
I have a worksheet called "Raw Data" where in columns J, I and G contain values. I would like to write a formula whereby if all 3 conditions are met, it will count the number of values found in column C.
I've tried to write an IF statement but it just returns FALSE, despite the result being true. Need the right combination of IF/AND statements that would do this?
=IF(AND('Raw Data'!$J:$J="Maintenance",'Raw Data'!$I:$I="Open",'Raw Data'!$G:$G="1-2008"),COUNT('Raw Data'!$C:$C)). I've tried to attach the workbook, but there's a problem with uploading attachments I think. Sorry if my explanation is unclear.
I am a memeber of this forum for more than a year, and currently assign into a new assignment which dealing an excel file everyday. We have one excel file for moniroting of action items generated by the management after the study. As since there were around 2,500+ rows has been generated since in the beginning of 1990's till todate. So I was thinking of instead of getting the result through filter manually, I want to create a formula that will count of how many has been closed this month out of the total numbers of action items.
Is it possible to use the COUNTIF formula to count the number of items in Col C, where Col B contains a date?
I'm calculating sick days on an Attendance Report. - Sick days accumulate at a rate of 1.25 per month. - Employees will carry-forward unused sick days from 2008. - The maximum sick days is 30.
In trying to create a formula that will multiple the current month (eg Dec=12) by 1.25, subtract any sick days taken YTD (S16), and add the carry-forward days from 2008 (W16), I noticed one problem with the following formula:
finding a code that would automatically insert various phrases into a column depending on whether or not the person in that row was due to renew their membership in our organization. The code I received works fantastically, but I've come across one snafu:
Basically, I'm doing a recorded macro for work where I take an export and manipulate the data to show differences between sales from last year and this year. Also comparing this months projected sales to avg of last 6 months and also against last years this month.
The problem I'm running into is in automating the this month sales for mid-month exports. I can do it individually but I can't find a formula that will do it. Data is in one cell per month, so ex. 130 sales this month so far. I need to have it convert that to projected sales for total month based on what day it currently is.
I have a workbook with two spreadsheets in it. On the second sheet there is a large table, which column headings are months and years (e.g. Jun-07 Jul-07, Aug-07, Sep-07....). I was trying to write an excel vba code that would search the first row (column headings) to find the current month and year, and copy the corresponding column along with two previous columns (months) to the first sheet. I would like to have a code that will be able to do this in Jan-08, Feb-08, or Jan-09 as well.
In sub which will convert file to PDF and save it to assigned folder and then attach it to email in outlook. All works fine.
However is is possible to modify the code to save fole to respective month folder ( as per current date and year)?
e.g. I have created folder Named 'Trial' in C drive . This has sub folders 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018 Each year folder will have sub-sub folders month wise like This has sub folders as Jan , Feb , Mar , Apr .... till Dec Now e.g. if date when the pdf was created is 23/4/14 then it is saved in C:Trials2014Apr automatically. Currently every year I keep creating new folders etc... bit primitive though.
Need to create year to date sales comparing 4 years month by month. Stacked chart (Excel 2010) works OK for the first three months but adding the fourth month changes the chart to 4 series with a monthly axis. To put it another way I need a vertical axis of years and a horizontal axis of $$$ with each months sales of each year stacked on its year.
I'm trying to wrtie an IF statement to display one of Q1, Q2, Q3 or Q4 based on the three letter month abbrev. All i have so far is the following, which isn't leading anywhere - and i have a feeling theres an easier way to write it.
I have log data in two columns: Column A: Date/time (at 30 minute intervals) Column B: Numeric data
On the last row of each month, I’m trying to perform a SumProduct on the two columns and display that result in column C.
The end of the range is determined by the month in the current row.
I’m having difficulty finding the beginning of the range, though. I need to account for both the normal dynamic calendar days & the fact that I may get data starting mid-day and mid-month.
I have this formula, but I’m not sure how to make the first array dynamic or if this is even correct approach.
In attached sheet, I am trying to find total cost by month only for year 2009. Currently formula I have in Cell c24, is {=SUM(IF(MONTH(B2:B9)=1,D2:D9,0))} But this calculates for all years, not just 2009. How do I modify above formula, so for each month, it shows total cost but only for 2009?
I am trying to write a formula using If statement to output the result "True".
I have 4 columns (P3, T3, AD3, AK3) that store a value of either "Yes" or "No", I want to check the column if they are equal to "Yes". I have written a formula but it only works for 1 column at the minute, i not sure how to add the other columns into the formula:
I currently have a spreadsheet with 500ish renewal dates. I need to be able to take the renewal dates (dd-mmm) in column B and then display the current year with renewal date, if the date has not yet come, or the next year with renewal date, if the date has already passed in column C (dd-mmm-yy).
how to make a date automatically show up in the current year.
For example, if A1 = 6/2/2005, and I want B1 to equal that same month and day, but 2011... How can I do that?
I know =6/2/2005 + 365*6 would work, but the date in A1 will vary... so it has to be a way of showing ANY date with ANY year with the same month/day but current year.
I have two columns of dates, leave start and end dates (when people start leave i.e. annual leave). Would need to introduce column(s) to calculate how many days fell within the month including the end date and excludes weekends.
For example, if the staff on leave from 31st March to 6 April, i need to show that the number of leave taken as 1 day in March and 4 days in April.
I'm trying to find a formula that will give me a count of all programs by month that have an evaluation result. So, in column A1:A24 I have a list of programs with. In cell A25, I have the total number of programs. In column B1:B24, only 7 of those programs have evaluation results, some of the rows are blank.
I know that I can get a sum of the programs by month, but how do I only get a count of those with an evaluation result? What formula can be used to get a year to date (a running count), not a count based on 12 months? Meaning that we would need a year to date for each month, so currently for October to June (based on fiscal). If we based it on year to date, then I think we would have to divide be 12 and that would make the results inaccurate.
I have a sheet where the columns have the month end date for each date, ex January 31,2014 February 28, 2014, March 31, 2014 etc. These dates are used in another formula to compare to the current date and if the current date is past the result is different from when if the date is in the future.
I would like a formula that would update the Month end date when we enter a new year. So for example once we get to January 1 2015 my date would change to January 31,2015, February 28, 2015, March 31, 2015. this would note be dependent on the system date but on the date in another cell.