Define Range, Given Cell Address To End Row
Nov 22, 2006
I want to define the range from a given cell and all data below within the same column strDataStart is the named cell in the worksheet that want to start from. Below is what I tried and failed.
Function rngDataCol(strDataStart As String) As Range
Dim rngDataEnd As Range
rngDataEnd = Range("strDataStart").End(xlDown)
rngDataCol = Range(Range("strDataStart").Address, rngDataEnd.Address)
End Function
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Dec 26, 2006
I am trying to create a correlation matrix that uses the =ADDRESS function to define the various columns of data which I want to correlate against each other (I require this flexibility because the number of columns and rows of data to be correlated will change). The basic formula I am using is something like the following: =CORREL((ADDRESS(Sheet1!$C$2+3,L2+2,,,"Sheet1")),(ADDRESS(Sheet1!$B$2,L2+2,,,"Sheet1")))
However, while the individual ADDRESS fomulas deliver the correct start and end cell references required, it seems that CORREL function won't accept the cell addresses that result from using the =ADDRESS function.
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Dec 13, 2006
I have 3 variables right now...
Dim celadr As Range
Dim cLetter As String
Dim avgRow As Integer
and one line of code reads:
celadr = Range(ColumnLetter(LastScoreColumn) & avgRow)
When I mouseover columnletter it shows "H" and when i mouseover avgRow it shows "2"... this info is right but I think the problem may be trying to combine a string and an integer value as a range. How can I do this so that celadr is the range H2?
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Feb 26, 2014
is there a simple way to do a vlookup (or any other more appropriate formula) using the value of another cell to define the named range relevant to that lookup.
eg I will have two different ranges for fitness performance levels, each of these will be named "Male" and "Female".
I would like to do a lookup based on a formula as follows: Try this formula. Column letter & Row number are for example only. Array formulas will have curly brackets {} emcompassing the ENTIRE formula. You do not add these, you Enter the formula with Ctrl+Shift+Enter and Excel will add them (details: Array formulas). Many more Excel Formulas  Z100 =vlookup(D4,NAMED RANGE,2,false)Â
the Named range would be a value in the same row ie B4 - being Male or Female
so I am hoping for something like Try this formula. Column letter & Row number are for example only. Array formulas will have curly brackets {} emcompassing the ENTIRE formula. You do not add these, you Enter the formula with Ctrl+Shift+Enter and Excel will add them (details: Array formulas). Many more Excel Formulas  Z100 =vlookup(D4,B4.Value,2,false)Â
otherwise I could just use an If and do something like: Try this formula. Column letter & Row number are for example only. Array formulas will have curly brackets {} emcompassing the ENTIRE formula. You do not add these, you Enter the formula with Ctrl+Shift+Enter and Excel will add them (details: Array formulas).
Many more Excel Formulas  Z100 =if(B4="Male",vlookup(D4,Male,2,false),vlookup(D4,Female,2,false) )Â
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Jan 27, 2009
How can I define a range, only for the active cell?
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Feb 14, 2013
The way I have try to define lastcell is wrong. But I don't know how to do it.
Sub createUniqueRecordID_2()
' fill using CTRL + ENTER
Dim lastcell
Sheets("projects list").Select
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Apr 4, 2007
I'm having trouble assigning a range of a single cell using vba. I'm doing this to create charts. Here's the sub containing the problem
Private Sub AddNewSeries(Target As CTarget)
Dim i As Integer
Dim Match As Boolean
Dim rValid, rInvalid As Range
i = 2
Match = False
Do While Match = False
If Sheets("Graph Data").Cells(1, i) = ReportTargetBox.value Then
Match = True
MsgBox ("report name match")
Exit Do
Else: i = i + 1
End If
This msg box :MsgBox ("Cell Value = " & Sheets("Graph Data").Cells(2, i).value) is working and returning the correct value.
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Jul 21, 2009
I have a range staring with cell "A5" and going to Column "K8+" that I need to copy. My issue is that the number of rows to copy will change. I have the number stored a variable "a" in my coding. how do I code this to work?
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Dec 3, 2013
I have a Choose function that is used to determine which range I need. e.g. =Choose(Choice,Cell,Cell,...).
In each corresponding "Choice" cell is a typed range. e.g. $B$33:$L$70
I'm looking for a way to be able to use this typed range as the range for some chart data.
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Aug 25, 2006
I know that I can return the value of a defined name range, the address, and even the value of the define name, but if you are given a range address, how do you find its corresponding defined name in code?
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Apr 29, 2013
I have to macros I'm working with the first take a user set range and prints the . Address to a cell.
The second Macro I'm trying to get to look at that cell and pull out the range. So is there an opposite fuction to .
Address that will convert excel format to a VBA Range format. Ex A cell with $A$1:$A$2 to Range("A1",A2")
Macro 1
For j = 1 To x
c = 1
For i = 1 To ws.Range("AD" & rc).Value
ws.Range("AE" & rc).Value = Application.InputBox
(Prompt:="What is the Heading of Data set #" & c & " Table " & tc & " This entry may repeat", Type:=8)
[Code] .........
Macro 2
'A lot of code here but I want to be able to set multiple ranges to the ranges list in the cell values.
rng(2) = sh(0).Range("AG2").Value
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Jan 12, 2009
I have a variable which contains the column number. How do I then reference a range in VBA using that column number, as opposed to the letter? I know how to convert the number into the letter, but I also know there has to be something more simpler. For instance, a form of the ADDRESS function, but in VBA?
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Sep 22, 2007
I've set up a macro to create around 50 http links (sites which i need to monitor every week but whose addresses change slightly every month)
I've also got a macro to open up all these web pages at once so I can look at them in internet explorer.
When these links are nicely created into cells the http link isn't recognised straight away by excel (e.g. doesn't go blue & underlined) until i click in the cell & change or return the cell value - as part of the autocorrect function i think.
Is there a way of getting excel to automatically recognise the http links without having to go individually into every cell.
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Mar 16, 2014
construct a formula that finds a value in a range , then returns the cell address of that value.
Say, i wanted to find the amount 12385 from another sheet , range C2:AA12 (contains only numbers , no duplicates). result should give me the address of that value.
I have tried the address & match function but gives me an N/A error.
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Sep 28, 2007
Retrieving the address of the last cell before the FIRST blank in a range.
OK, I have searched the web through six different search engines and explored too many dead end solutions to this problem that I am nearly ready to just scrap the whole sheet.
The problem is very simple.
I need to return the address of the last cell that contains data before the FIRST blank cell.
Heck, I don’t even need to have the address, I can just index the position.
Problem is this question has been posted on nearly every excel help forum from here to pokipsy.
Unfortunately EVERY solution I have seen fails the “FIRST blank” requirement.
I have a column of data that never has blanks until the end of the data. I need to know what that cell address is in order to identify a range.
This data has a table above it and below it so none of the “dynamic range” or “Dynamic range name” solutions will work.
How do you get that address without the function continuing to the last blank cell?
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Nov 12, 2013
I have a named range BGl (G1:R1). I would like to see if a cell address ($U$6) is within the columns of that range. I need a function to give me a true or false based on changing cell addresses.
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Nov 14, 2007
when I use the range.find function to find a certain value in a column.. i want to return the address of the cell.. and save it in a range variable. how would I do that?
so this is what i have now.. but Rng does not return as a range.. it returns 69... when i use ctrl + G and type ?rng
set rng = .range(A:A).find(what:=69, After:=.Cells(1, 1), Searchorder:=xlByRows, searchdirection:=xlPrevious)
ok so say it picks up..... cell A69... how do i get it to save range A69
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Sep 7, 2006
Let's say Cell is a cell.
How do we select this cell's column? I tried :
but it doesn't work. I have an error message.
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May 18, 2007
I have a list of ID's on one sheet that are also located in a large matrix on another sheet.
This macro uses the Find_Range function to find each ID within the matrix and return the column header where the ID was first located.
There is also a line which return a list of ranges, indicating all the places where the ID was found.
What I want is to convert the list of ranges into a list of corresponding column headers (ie row 1 of all columns in the range)
' Number of id's in list
RowCnt = Application.WorksheetFunction. CountA(Columns("A"))
For I = 2 To RowCnt
LookFor = Sheets("ID List").Range("A" & I)
Set InRng = Sheets("Matrix").Cells
Set Found = Find_Range(LookFor, InRng, xlValues, xlWhole)
On Error Resume Next ' If value is not found
Sheets("RateID Count").Range("C" & I) = Sheets("Matrix") _
.Cells(1, Range(Found.Address).Column) ' Return column header
Sheets("ID List").Range("D" & I) = Found.Address(False, False) ' Return cell address or range of addresses
On Error Goto 0
Next I
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Sep 15, 2007
I am trying to create an XY scatter plot with multiple series. Normally, one has to manually type in or mouse-drag a range for each x series and y series. Instead I would like to build these two ranges (x and y) with text functions and place them in a cell.
For example:
A1: 'data'!$C$3:$C$10
B1: 'data'!$D$3:$D$10
Then, when I create a chart, instead of mouse-dragging, for the x-series, I'll indicate the range that's specified within Cell A1, and for the y series, that which is in B1. I would then repeat this for each series. The reason I want to do this is because I have dozens of series and dozens of graphs and it is relatively easy to programatically identify the range boundaries, but long and tedious to mouse drag them.
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Sep 15, 2007
I have a sheet with multiple tabs - 1 per employee. I'm trying to run an index on a select tab based on the contents of a cell in order to do a summary across all employees/tabs.
The person's name is Tulley and is listed on the summary page in cell A11. =INDEX(TULLEY!$B$4:$M$5,1,$B11) returns the correct value. I would like to replace the tab reference with the name of the person concatenated with an exclamation point. This yields TULLEY! -
INDIRECT("A11")&"!". I thought that I would be able to replace the TULLEY! in the index formula with the indirect formula. This formula returns TULLEY!, but the index function doesn't work: =INDEX(INDIRECT("A11")&"!"&$B$4:$M$5,1,$B11).
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Jul 16, 2008
I am looking for a formula that returns the cell address of the last cell > 0 in a range.
in the example: A1CLA23 8
the result should be A7.
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Dec 12, 2012
Here is a sample of database,
If i lookup a value in the range A1:A12, say Sep-12, i need to get the cell address instead of the value of the row. but i know how to get cell address using CELL function. but i need to get cell address when i lookup the value.because lookup value will be dynamic.
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Aug 18, 2007
I am setting a variable to the value of an absolute cell reference. I want to set the value of another variable to just the row value of that absolute cell reference.
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Jul 3, 2009
I am performing a lookup using the populare user defined function nlookup, which does not take a lookuparray argument to find lookup values. But I only want to return lookup values that fall into a certain array. To accomplish this, I figured out that I need a way to specify a condition of the type "if cell address of lookup value falls within range"
It should be possible if I find a way to return the cell address of the nlookup value, but as nlookup is not limited by a lookuparray argument, so I was not able to use the address/index/match that come up in similar questions.
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Jan 23, 2007
I want to define a Range() in VBA. have cell1 and Cell2 in the format of rows and cols. ie. Cell1 = Row 1, Col 2. Cell2 is dynamic, can be sometimes row100, Col200, or Row23, Col 1000. May i know how to define it in VBA?
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May 20, 2014
Assume the following list of addresses are all in separate cells of a single column (A1-A4). I just need the formula to extract the street addresses, and then a separate formula to extract the zip codes.
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Jan 21, 2010
I have two columns containg the arrival and departure hours of workers. From these columns I must define the workshift by specifiyng the time range for each shift. AZ contain the arrival hours while BA the departure.
The formula I use doesn't return the results correctly because some shifts are almost the same. i.e: if shift one starts (arrival hours) between 05:00 and ends at 12:59 and shift 1-2 starts at 08:00 and ends at 23:59 then it will go with the first shift even though the times in range belong second shift.
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Feb 23, 2013
why this won't work.
Dim DRange As String
Dim ERange As String
Dim SRange As String
EndRow = Range("A65536").End(xlUp).Row
DRange = Range("D1", "Z" & EndRow)
ERange = Range("E1", "Z" & EndRow)
SRange = DRange
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May 19, 2008
how to define the end of a range using a variable determined by a rng.Rows.Count command (or anything else)? Is this even possible? Here is what I currently have:
Set rng = Range("A1:A10000")
For i = rng.Rows.Count To 1 Step -1
If rng.Cells(i).Value = "0" Then rng.Cells(i).EntireRow.Delete
I'd like to define the end of the range with more accuracy than I'm currently doing.
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