Delete Multiple Columns If They Fit Different Criteria

Jun 17, 2009

Macro below would be to only go down to the cell = to the bottom-most cell with data in column A.

These columns below are all in row A (the title row)
If column named "paper" says "white" OR "grey" AND
column named "pizza" says "mushroom" AND
column named "size" says "large" AND
column named "flavor" says "butter pecan"..
(again, only going down to the same matching cell with any data in column a)

Then delete these columns.

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Delete Multiple Columns By Column Name No Criteria Need, Just Delete Them

Jun 24, 2009

I would like a macro to find the columns named "apple" and "peach" and delete them. These would always be in row 1 but would always be in different column letters which is why I want the macro to simply find these columns by their name and not by their column letter.

And yes, I do mean the entire column altogether, shifting entire columns to the left. Wipe it off the face of the earth

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VBA Delete Row If Criteria From Multiple Columns Are Met

Aug 19, 2014

I'm trying to create a short script which performs the following:

Searches for a specific name in column C on my "Resource List" sheet, then When this is found, check column H to see if this is populated,Then when both criteria are met delete the entire row.

Using a link I found here [URL], I've put together the code below:

[Code] ....

The problem I have is that although the criteria are being met the row is not being deleted.

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Delete Rows Where 2 Columns Meet Multiple Criteria

Aug 30, 2007

I have a file with many intercompany transactions. There is a range of business unit numbers that if anyone one number is in both Column B "Bus Unit" and Column E "Affiliate" I want the row deleted.

Please see the attached, it is more clear I hope. The two yellow rows would be deleted.
The list of business units that I would want to never be on the same row is "4, 7, 41, 44, 46, 51"

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Delete Rows Where Multiple Columns Meet Criteria

Apr 4, 2008

I am looking for an Excel VBA code that can delete pair of rows that has certain criteria. I have included an example in the attachment and highlighted the rows that should be deleted. Since the values in each coloumn is going to change every day , I am looking for a dynamic code.

The objective is to:

To delete rows that has same code (columnd D), same basis (coloumn E), same Effective (coloumn H), value of TT (Column J) is either TI or TO and has offsetting Amounts (L) ie the sume becomes zero. Example pair of row 7 and row 8 as well as pair of row 12 and row 13 should be deleted.

TO and TI are actually transfer in and transfer out. Since the TI and TO for these rows make the amount zero for same code and same basis on the same effective date, I do not want to include this in the spreadsheet.

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Delete Rows Where Multiple Column Meets Multiple Criteria

Sep 29, 2011

Need to create a macro?

Delete rows where multiple column meets multiple criteria.

delete rows where
Column H is less than 10000
Column C is empty(blank)

Those 2 criteria have to occur at the same time..

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Delete Rows By Criteria In 4 Columns

Jul 14, 2004

I have a large spreadsheet that is 65000 rows and colomns A thru W.
I need a macro to delete rows that if Date and Account and Type are
equal and the net of Quantity is zero delete those rows.

Col A = Date
Col C = Account
Col D = Type
Col J = Quantity

What the macro would do is if an account had 250 rows of activity on
say 7/7/2004 (Date) and same type of account and the net of all
Quantity is equal to zero delete those rows.

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Delete Columns After Finding Criteria In Row

Dec 19, 2006

I am trying to delete columns or clear their contents after I meet a certain criteria in row 4. For example: I have one " Total" in row 4 that can be in any column. I wanna be able to delete whatever comes after "Total" in any row or column. Is there a macro that can do that?.......

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Populating Fields In Multiple Cells Based On Criteria In Multiple Columns?

Feb 24, 2014

Im struggling to find a formula to populate cells based on values to be checked in two fields (ICODE, COMPANY) as shown below.

In the example here, all records where ever the ICODE = 49, i need to populate the fields(columns) AD1,AD2,AD3 or AD4 with the product name of the same company where the ICODE <> 49. There could be between 1-7 products per company.



The attached example file may be a better alternative to view this problem.

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Delete Multiple Rows :: Match In Multiple Columns

Oct 29, 2008

I need to find all rows that have columns that match in all 3 of the columns.

I then need to delete all but the last row in each "group" of rows.


1 q w e
2 q w r
3 q w r
4 q w r

Delete rows 2+3

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Copy Rows Meeting Multiple Criteria On Multiple Columns

Dec 18, 2006

1. Copy data from original file (I do not want to do anything in the original file) into the spreadsheet (Target worksheet)where the code should run.
2. In sheet 1 of Target Worksheet, there are 2 columns which I need to set criterias on namely Column D and Column L
3. In Column D, I want to specify 3 criterias namely A, B and C
4. In Column L, I want to specify 5 criterias namely London, Frankfurt, New York, Sydney and Tokyo
5. If Criterias in 3 and 4 are met, copy all rows into Sheet 2 of Target Worksheet

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Delete Rows With Multiple Criteria

Sep 8, 2009

i have several student ID results that have conditional formatting in place. I'd like to KEEP the following data but delete/hide everything else:

1) Filter out purple rows
2) WITH filtered rows: KEEP any scoreA that's 100% or less than 85%
3) Look at Score A and Score B - KEEP if the difference is greater/less than 5%
4) If a student took testB but didnt take testA, KEEP.

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Delete Multiple Row Based On Criteria

Dec 15, 2009

if in column A in some row is text "today" then delete this row and delete all rows until in row B wont be empty cell. I have start (If in A is "Today" then ... ) but thas's all

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Delete Row Based Upon Multiple Criteria

Dec 7, 2006

I am attempting to create a macro that will delete an entire row, based upon multiple criteria. The data looks something like this:

-----Column A-----------Column B---
1.-- Computer_X ------- Software_A
2.-- Computer_X ------- Software_B
3.-- Computer_X ------- None
4.-- Computer_Y ------- None
5.-- Computer_Z ------- Software_A
6.-- Computer_Z ------- None

I would like to delete the entire row if:

1) Column B entry is "None"


2) Column B has entries other than "None" that match Column A

So I do not want to delete a row with a unique name in Column A and "None" in Column B. I only want to delete the rows that have "None" in Column B, and multiple entries for the match in Column A.

Using the data example above, Row 3 and 6 would be deleted. Row 4 would not be deleted, since Column A (Computer_Y) had only one row of data, with "None" entered in Column B.

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Multiply Multiple Columns Based On Multiple Criteria

Jan 23, 2012

So, another question with regards to this sales sheet that i am setting up. I want to be able to take the information below and for each of the people listed (i.e. by their initials) i would like to...

1.) Take their associated % (Columns C, E, G)
2.) Multiply the % by the Revenue (Column H)
3.) Sum up the total for each of the names (Locatedin Columns B, D, F)
4.) Only sum up the ones that occur in Month 1 of the Year 2012

I have tried multiple ways with a Sumproduct but none of them have worked. I would love to be able to do this with a single formula without having to add another column, for instance, to track what MonthNum it is. I tried using some kind of offset, but i could never get it to work.. For instance to look through the range, find the initial go over 1 column to the right and multiply that % by the revenue if the Month is 1..

Date (A)Rec1Name (B)Rec1Pct (C)Rec2Name (D)Rec2Pct (E)Rec3Name (F)Rec3Pct (G)Revenue (H)1/1/12AD25.00%RU25.00%BF25.00%1000.001/1/12AD25.00%RU25.00%PNF25.00%2000.001/1/12BF50.00%00.00%00.00%1200.002/1/12BF50.00%00.00%00.00%1000.002/1/12BF50.00%00.00%00.00%1000.003/1/12AD25.00%RU25.00%00.00%1000.003/1/12AD25.00%RU25.00%00.00%1500.004/1/12AD16.67%RU16.67%BF16.67%1500.004/1/12BF50.00%00.00%00.00%1500.00

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Macro To Delete Rows Containing Multiple Criteria?

Feb 23, 2011

how they can be used to delete rows that meet multiple criteria, however all the examples I have found seem to be rather complex and personal to the individuals as opposed to being rather generic. Many people, including myself would find it useful to have a simplified generic answer that can be applied to all kinds of criteria. Such as if the data in column B = x and the data in column C = y delete the row. Here is my example.


In column A - Date e.g. 05/02/2011, 06/02/2011
In column B - Day
In column C - Time (in format 09:06:21)
In column D – Service numbers dialled (70, 110, 224) two to three digits long


Delete the row if the criteria in:
Column D = 10, 40, 192 or 244
Column C is between 09:00:00 and 16:00:00

macro code or at least a link to a thread that they think gives a scenario as simple as this.

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Delete Rows Multiple Criteria W/Numbers

Dec 23, 2009

I am trying to use the code below to eliminate data in a spreadsheet based on certain criteria. I have been able to get this to work with text fields just fine, but now I am running into an issue with numbers. I am trying to get this code to delete rows if they have the word "unknown" in column C and if the value in column B is greater than 900 hours (999:00:00), the numbers in this column are formatted as [hhh]:mm:ss. What should I tweak to make this work?

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Delete Rows Not Meeting Multiple Criteria

Feb 29, 2008

I have an extremely large CSV file that I am opening via Excel. Can anyone tell me how to delete a row using multiple criteria. For Example, i want to delete the whole row if a certain cell doesnt equal GA SC or NC. I have seen how it can be done using one criteria but not multiple ones.

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Macro To Delete Rows Based On Multiple Criteria?

Jul 10, 2014

A macro is required to identify rows within a selection e.g. entire column A, that share the same value, then delete appropriate rows depending on the values in another column. The attached example details the requirements.

Extract Rec1.xlsx

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Macro To Delete Rows Based On Multiple Criteria

Apr 9, 2009

I need a macro to delete old data from a large selection of data, in order to keep the size down.

What I want this macro to do is

Check all rows from 5 downwards.

If A5 (date) is less than cell $B$1 AND B5 is not equal to C5 then delete the whole row.

Continue until reaching the bottom.

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Delete Opposite Rows Based On Multiple Criteria

Feb 29, 2008

I have a Macro that I use daily on a spreadsheet I get with raw line-item transaction data on it. Basically, it deletes columns I don't need to look at, applies column headers, deletes certain rows that I don't need to look at, applies an auto-filter and filters to the first group of data I need to look at, and puts a subtotal on a couple of columns at the top so I can see totals on filtered results.

I need an additional function in this Macro. At some point in the middle of the actions above, I need to evaluate all rows and delete those that are 'opposites' based on a couple of criteria. Basically, I need to delete any transactions that have been refunded in their entirety, because for my purposes those are zeroed out and I don't want to see them....

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Multiple Criteria Sumifs In Multiple Columns

Mar 4, 2014

I am trying to improve how I write my formula. In this case I have replaced this horribly long formula:


[Code] ....

with this nice shortened version:


I have pieced this together using information on various forums and it appears to work, but I have a question:

What is the difference between using a comma and semi-colon in this new formula?

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Sum Multiple Criteria In Multiple Columns And Rows

Jul 10, 2013

create a formula,for multiple criteria with multiple results in rows.


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Delete Duplicate Rows Based On Multiple Cell Criteria

Apr 21, 2007

I have some VB code, courtesy of OzGrid and Davc4, that works well to delete duplicate rows based on criteria in Column A of the active worksheet (albeit a bit slow on large files).

How do I modify the code below to evaluate duplicate data in Columns A through D? .....

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Delete Entire Rows Where 1 Column Meets Multiple Criteria

Sep 17, 2007

I need create a macro to perform the following - I don't know if it needs to be an Excel macro or via VB. This is to speed a process up and eliminate any spreadsheet messing around for our "admin" staff - they are not good with excel at all!

So, I have a daily/weekly down load of a spreadsheet (exported from access).

* I want to copy the values of column AK to A
* Then delete all entries in column D that equal 19, 20 and 6
* Then delete all entries in column AL that equal "A","B","C" or "D" but not "E","F" or "G"
* Then delete entire rows where the value in column A is a duplicate within the list

I will call this spreadsheet, for the purpose of this exercise, the "Master". I now have another spreadsheet with values in that should relate to values in either (or both) columns A and B in the "Master". I need Spreadsheet 2 values to be highlighted as cross checked in the "Master" and then all those in the "Master" that do not appear in the 2nd S/S will be normal white cells thus showing that they need to be chased by our Admin staff.

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How To Delete Multiple Rows But That Match In Columns

May 22, 2014


I am trying to delete rows that contain the same addresses BASED ON COLUMNS.

Do you see how in columns C and D they all match EXCEPT for row 4? How do I delete allllll the rows that when c and d match.

I want to keep the ones that DO NOT MATCH.


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Delete Multiple Columns In Different Range Using Macro

Aug 6, 2012

Selection.Delete Shift:=xlToLeft

When I wrte a macro as above, i get error "the command cannot be used with selections that contain rows or columns and also other cells. Try selecting only entire rows, columns or just group of cells".

Actually i want delete all columns except B:B and F:F

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AverageIfs Multiple Criteria In Columns

Feb 5, 2014

So I have 3 columns in this example. I want to average column K if certain criteria are met in Columns G & I.

Columns G & I have text values and Column K is a number value.

Does that make sense?

If I'm simply counting how many meet both criteria, I have this: =COUNTIFS(Data!I2:I282,"Waiting",Data!G2:G282,"Sev1")

but I want to now take those and average the values for Column K.

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Count Multiple Columns And Criteria

Mar 13, 2014

What I'm trying to do count the TRUE values in multiple columns, if the criteria is correct in another column.

I've tried countifs but end up having the company included into the count, or only count the row that matches all the criteria.

If I do =COUNTIFS(A2:A7,"A",B2:B7,"TRUE")+COUNTIF(C2:C7,"TRUE") then I get 5.

When I change it to +COUNTIFS(A2:A7,"A",C2:C7,"TRUE") it works but there's a time where I need to check up to 8 Options.

Option 1
Option 2







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Return Max Value Considering Criteria In Multiple Columns

Jan 10, 2014

I would like to return the value in column D (Store Name) that corresponds to the Max value in column N (Units Still Required). However, this Max value must meet certain criteria. That is, the State (column J) and Style Code (column Q) must be the same as that of the row being considered.

I have tried the below formula, and it appears to work the majority of the time, however, occassionally it does not adhere to the criteria (i.e. same State and Style Code).

For example in cell M7:
=IF(L7=0," ",INDEX(D$7:D$999,MATCH(MAX((IF((J:J=J7)*(Q:Q=Q7),N:N))),N$7:N$999,0)))

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