I have some Job numbers that are duplicates. I can't just do a loop and delete any duplicates that come across because I have to be sure the right one is deleted.
I want the old data to be deleted if there is a duplicate..I just don't know how to verify which one is the old one using VBA. I was thinking of maybe using an advanced filter, but I don't know enough about them.
Is there code that will check both duplicates and delete the old one?
I m writing a formula that will highlight duplicates. I want to use the supplier code (column D) as the search criteria. can the formula identify these duplicates by entering the word 'duplicate' in column L.
I have a large spreadsheet of over 5,000 rows and 20 columns. What I would like to be able to do is find a formula(?) that will enable me to retain rows of data when Cells in column B and column E contain duplicate data but delete entire rows if the contents of cells in column B and E are not duplicated.
For example:
Column B contains Part Numbers Column E contains Manufacturer
If a part number (Cell B)has been made by two or more manufacturers (Cell E), retain all relevant rows.
If a part number has only been made by one manufacturer, however many times, delete all relevant rows.
What I'm trying to be able to achieve is retain data so that I can analyse it when 2 or more manufacturers have produced the same parts.
I'm still having issues with this workbook. I cannot use a pivot table to fix it, I don't understand them and it confuses me greatly..... so I'm at the mercy of either a formula or macro. I need to combine the duplicate part numbers (a), total the quantities, average the price (d), and total the amount of the part (e). I'm having a very difficult time with it.
(I have a sample attached that is file sample 2, and the entire spreadsheet attached- sample 3)
I have the following problem within Excel. I have a dataset which contains duplicate values within a column(lets say A). I need to delete these duplicates in column A for a range of rows, where the range of the rows is based on column B. So for a given value in column B, lets say 5 which is 6 rows long all beneath each other, I need to delete the duplicates in column A.
I'm trying to take column A (number of records can change from time-to-time and may contain blanks), copy that to column B less duplicates and then use a count forumla to count items in column B based on original list in A. I am aware of how to do this in Excel but am interested in VBA.
Does anyone have a utility which can be used to select a specific column i.e. B:B, which then 'selects' all duplicate values in that column prior to deleting them ?
I have a report created daily with account numbers, however there are duplicates. Is there a faster way to filter out duplicates other than sorting and deleting manually?
Column A consists of a list of the barcodes I've scanned.
In column A there is sometimes more than one of the same barcode when i have more than one of the same product. is there a way of deleting duplicate barcodes in column a and replace them with a 'Quantity' column?
I have 2 huge lists. One is " the Master list" which I have to extract items that are not already listed on the second list . I don't want to remove duplicate entries,I want to remove the duplicates completely. in both lists, so that I only have items that are not in the second list...
I have two seperate lists. One on Sheet 1 and One on sheet 2. What I need to do is take the list on sheet 2 and compare it to the list on sheet 1. If any of the items appear on sheet one, I need to delete those items form sheet 2.
So in the end the only items left on sheet 2 will be items that dont match any items on sheet 1
I have data from Columns A to D. I want to do the following:
1. Look for duplicates in all column A
2. For each duplicate found in column A, check if all values in column B are also duplicate.
3. If the condition in (2) is satisfied, compare column D for all the rows; select the row with the minimum value in column D, and delete the other rows.
I'm working on a time sheet, and to make it easier to enter time i created a macro that sets the auto correct to correct a "." to a ":", but when the workbook closes i want to run a macro that deletes the auto correct rule.
I am using Excel on a work computer that someone else may have changed the settings on.
I want to simply delete a cell, without deleting the entire row the cell belongs to. Yet when I highlight the cell, and go to Edit -> Delete, the program asks me if I want to delete the entire row, and only gives me two options: OK or Cancel. So I can't delete just one cell (and have all of the lower cells shift up one).
When I right click, the 'delete' option is not present either. I tried changing the menu properties to add the 'delete' function, but it will not delete a cell without taking out the whole row.
I'm trying to create a formula that will added the correct amount in the correct cells, I have create a dunny sheet in trying to achieve this. If Cell B8:B11 = ABS or Dum that any points won should be added to Cell L8:L11 right now its adding it into K8:K11. If Cell B8:B11 = is Blank any player points should be added to cells K8:K11. I'm using this formula throughout cells K8:K28 =IF(J8>J25,1,IF(AND(J8<>0,J8=J25),0.5,0)) Any thing in red is incorrect anything in blue is what I'm trying to achieve.
I've attached a test excel to this post. Column C contains several identical email addresses. I need ALL the rows containing the duplicate data removed, not leaving one remaining as Remove Duplicate Values normally does.
I'm going to be doing this with many Excels all with differing amounts of data surrounding column C. I need a reliable way to achieve this, regardless of how many extra data columns exist. If there is a duplicate of data in column C, all rows containing that data need to go, regardless of what other data may also be present in those rows.
I'm new to this and trying to write my own code (quit satisfying actually), I realise there's a lot of threads on duplicates but I couldn't really solve my problem. My code looks like the following
Private Sub Dubletter_Click()
Dim i As Long, lastrow As Long Dim cell As range
For Each cell In Sheets("LR").range(Cells(3, 2), Cells(Rows.Count, 2)) lastrow = Cells(Rows.Count, 2).End(x1Up).Row For i = lastrow To 3 Step -1 If Cells(r, 2).Value = cell Then cell.EntireRow.Delete .....................
I want to create a macro that will look at different account numbers and delete those rows that have a sum of zero for that same account number. In other words, I am working with an accounting spreadsheet which shows both accounts payable and receivable. When payment is received for an account, I would like the macro to delete it, leaving only outstanding accounts. For instance: ....
I have Work book that is quite big and I was silly and put in tables, but this ultimately slows down excel so much so that I have to wait 20-30secs while it performs a single task (PC is i7 with 4g of ram).
B/c I have been working on this Workbook for a long time it has multible sheets all interconnected and I can't go through all the sheets and redo the equations , as that wouyld just take too much time. Is there a way of leaving the data the way it is and deleting the table? This is an example below of the type of table I am talking about.
I have a long spreadsheet with multiple dependent lists. If a change is made to the spreadsheet such as deleting a row, the validation is removed. I have to re-do the validation each time I make a change. Is there a way to "lock" the validation so that whatever changes are made to the spreadsheet, the validation stays?
I have made an excel document that I use as a order form. I have size columns; qty columns; style number columns etc. After I enter in qtys to a sheet I than sort the sheet by the qty column which than brings all of my ordered styles to the top of the order form. I than delete everything that is below the last column that has qtys in it.
I have added pictures on the side of the worksheet which fit into the grids of each row that corridinates with the appropriate style number. I can sort the worksheet and all of the pictures stay in the appropriate columns; so far so good.
The problem that I run into is now when I go to delete all of the other columns that the customer didnt order none of the pictures delete. They jsut pile on top of each other and I cant figure out how to embed each picture to the appropriate row so that when I delete the row the picture deletes as well. At this point I have to go through and delete picture by picture and there are way to many pictures to do this.
How do I imbed the pictures into the row so that when i delete the row the picture deletes as well
We receive about 20 sales files of several hundred lines of data each day from various agencies. I want to create a macro / VBA code which checks that the data submitted is correct so that we can upload it into our database without import errors and / or having to manually check each line of data.
I envisage something like an output report:
##################### 149 entries Column A - Date - OK Column B - Customer_Phone - Errors (Should be 11 digits) Row 21 - Customer_Phone - Error (Not 11 digits) Row 108 - Customer_Phone - Error (Contains letters) Column C - Outcome - OK Please correct and re-check. #####################
I have a table with 3 columns of dates and then a column with Set # that I feel in the box #.
I need to see how many items processed for each set per day.
Example: [url]
The problem is that it counts the correct amount but not with the correct dates. The formula that I use is: =SUMPRODUCT(--($I$3:$I$8<>"")*(($C$3:$C$8=39601)+AND($E$3:$E$8=39601)+AND($G$3:$G$8=39601)))
how to Delete Duplicates in Column D with a macro. It would search all of Column D and look for Duplicates and if it finds an exact value match it will delete one of the rows containing the duplicates. This is running in between a much longer macro which is the reason why I can't do it with conditional formatting.
I'm trying to create a macro that will Delete Rows of Duplicates found in Column D. It will start with the first row it finds that is yellow and check to see if that Column D matches any other yellow Column D's. If it does then the row the match is in gets deleted. Right now it searches in between the yellow rows, but for this portion I'm looking for it to use the yellow rows only. I included a file that has the examples on sheet1 and the expected outcome on sheet2.