Just finished amending a piece of code to enable me to search for an agents name in a list of files. This is then copied to a new worksheet (named by the name entered in the search). What I need is to cut(or delete) the row from the original sheet (sheet 1 in this case) thus leaving me the remaining list of files.
Below is how the code is setup at the moment....(just copies the row)
I have this bit of code which is working perfectly. Now I need it to delete the rows it just copied. How would I go about doing this?
Sub TESTMonthEndReport() Dim x As Long, y As Long y = 2 Application.ScreenUpdating = False For x = 1 To Worksheets("January 2013").Range("K276").End(xlUp).Row If Worksheets("January 2013").Range("K" & x) = "Waiting" Then Worksheets("January 2013").Range("K" & x).EntireRow.Copy Sheets("February 2013").Range("A" & y).PasteSpecial Application.CutCopyMode = False y = y + 1 End If Next x End Sub
I have copied a colorindex UDF from here and went to VBE, inserted a new module in my Personal project, pasted the UDF and expected to be able to use it in any excel file. It's not working though. I have used this particular UDF before, but on a prevous computer that is not around for me to look at.
My goal is to use =IF(colorindex(J2)=colorindex($K$1),J2,"").
find the attached sheet. I want advice for the VBA Code I used in this sheet. I am simply using nested if. advice me any other solution for the same as I want data to be copied from Jan to Dec ? I am beginer in VBA coding.
After using a vlookup formula, and a if then statment I found out that there are duplicates on my other sheets. I want to use a Macro to use the duplicate value in search and find to locate the item and highlight it on my other sheet. I have searched the web but can't find anything on this.
I can't seem to paste my coppied cell into the what in the find.
Sub Macro15() ' ' Macro15 Macro ' ' Selection.Copy
I've been trying to copy and drag formulas on my spreadsheet by the references are not working. Example. I have =$B1 in cell A1. If I copy and drag that to A2 it remains =$B1. And it should change to =$B2, correct? Same as if if make the column absolute.
I have a spreadsheet that is controlled solely by userforms. I have a search button that finds all cells that match the query and copies the whole row into another sheet, often about 10 rows appear. What I now would like to happen is that these rows are then copied into a list box for viewing in the form apposed to in the spread sheet.
I have a sample spreadsheet to show how the data would be set out.
original thread 2. Originally Posted by Dave Hawley
Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range) Dim wSheet As Worksheet, wSheet2 As Worksheet Dim strNum As String, strNum2 As String If Target(1, 1).Address = "$J$5" Then If Target = vbNullString Then Exit Sub If IsNumeric(Target) Then strNum = Target + 1 strNum2 = Target On Error Resume Next Set wSheet = Worksheets(strNum) Set wSheet2 = Worksheets(strNum2) On Error Goto 0 If Not wSheet Is Nothing Then Application.EnableEvents = False Application.Undo......................
What I would like to do is after the new sheet is created it would make cell j5 on the newly created sheet the same name as the sheet itself. I've tried to do that but the above code tries to activate. Is there a way to have the above code only work on the very first sheet and for the cell naming code to work on only the created sheets
I'm attempting to copy some data from one spreadsheet to to a workbook in another spreadsheet. However, when I do my copy, I lose all of the formating of the intial data. Does anyone know if there a way that I can keep the the format of the original to the new spreadsheet?
Using Excel 2007 I duplicated a worksheet by right clicking the worksheet tab and selecting Move or copy... with the Create a copy option. Of the six comments on the original worksheet only one appears in the duplicate.
when I cut or copy a range - and then select a different area - how do I reference to the original cut or copied selection, i.e. the "marching ants" range?
My boss sends me emails with people's information, which I then reformat to put in invoices in word, save as PDF, record in excel, and send out with an email from Outlook. I would love to find an easier way. I'm wondering about putting the info in an excel table so that I can then use a mail merge to create an invoice with the address--unless it turns out to be more work than to format each one (I'm newish to Excel).
The info I get is listed in the following way:
First Name: Mia Last Name: Kant Email Address: mika@gmail.com Country: Afghanistan
I need to use some but not all of the info, but if I could get it to format into a table, I assume I could then pick and choose.
I'm trying to copy the a name from cell X2...JohnDoe and rename the current sheet with the contents of X2. I'm using the following code and getting my sheet named as "True"
Sub SheetName() ' ' SheetName Macro ' Dim ShName As String ShName = Range("X2").Select Selection.Copy Sheets.Add.Name = ShName End Sub
It's been a long time since I have worked with Excell, it use to be the " $ " that made things absolute or relative.
I have this formula:
='1'!C194+C193 on sheet 1 named "1" without the " ". I need to copy it across 31 sheets. I thought that it was the " ! ", without the " ", that makes the address absolute so I took it out and then attemped to copie it to other sheets. The idea was that the formula would then read: ='2'!C194+C193 on sheet 2, and ='3'!C194+C193 on sheet 3 and so on. The formula is in the exact same location on each sheet, C194. But this won't work. I am at this time doing each formula one at a time. I have many workbooks that will use the same style of copy and paste; about 15 workbooks each with 31 sheets.
It would help if someone could explain how to save time. I do know how to use the Ctrl to select different cells and how to use Ctrl+Page UP/Down to change tabs. I just have to get the formula correct.
I have a formula that basically copies a cell into another workbook if 'other' is entered into the column to the right. i,e cell A1 has 'other' B1 has '100', the figure in B1 is placed into another workbook cell. The results are only shown if a month is selected from a drop down on the 1st workbook with the meta data.
What I want to do is to add a command to the formula below so that it will recognise that after the first item is entered it will look for the next data item and not just repeat the first….
I made some graphs in Excel and then copied them to a Word document. Everything seemed fine, but when I printed the document some graphs had a white square under the numbers and some hadn't. I can't find out where I can change this so that all of them would be without that white background under the numbers:
how can I change that so that all graphs will look the same (without that little squares behind the values).
I have a daily spreadsheet tracking sales. When I copy the cells to a new spreadsheet, alternate rows are filled with black. Even after selecting the black filled rows, I am unable to eliminate the black. I would simply like to "duplicate" the existing workbook. How can this be accomplished.
My problem is that i am copying values from one sheet like: 1355,588846 and 456,23589 and storing them in a array. When i want to display the array in another sheet the values come out like 1355588846 and 45623589. So in the first sheet excel recorgnises the comma as a decimal number and in the other sheet as a thousand separator. How can i change this?
I have worksheets with different employees on separate tabs that are paid based on a compensation system inherent to their position and certain inputs. What I want to do is have a userform box appear whenever a worksheet is copied and allow the user to input the information unique to that employee (inputs are unique things like ID number, email, compensation rate, etc.). I know how to create a userform but how do I get it to automatically appear whenever a worksheet is copied?
i use a command button to run the macro, but i would like something added that if someone else pressed the button and ran it again that it would check to see if it had duplicated the previous line and if it did it would delete it leaving just the one record for that week.