Design A Userform - Add Records Into Material Indent Tab?
Mar 11, 2014
I have a Spreadsheet with various tabs.I want to :-
1.A Userform to add records into "Material Indent"tab.
2.Secondly,transfer rows button on Userform to shift particular rows on entering Reel no. and date to "material Usage"job desired.xlsmtab.
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Aug 4, 2006
how to customize the userform with the background like Ivan's userform:
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Apr 16, 2009
I am in the midst of developing a Userform with a purpose of entering/retreiving and amending data. A rough approximate of about 50 sets of 3 text boxes is required for user to type in data. Is there a kind of limit or performance issues if there are so many text boxes available? What other ways would make it work? Would appreciate some advice from the veterans in this field.
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May 7, 2006
example of a database user form that will allow me to list records in a sheet as well as search for records in a sheet. I know excel has a built in feature for this but it is menu driven and I need something that is button driven and will allow me to resize the form layout. I was not able to figure out how to do that with the built in form.
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May 1, 2013
I've been trying to resolve an issue with the userform that i created. It adds new records to the sheet "Data" but i can't seem to add a search/edit function to it.
It could be either a combobox with the existing Project Id's or a text box + a control button, so a user could enter Project Id and hit a button.
The spreadsheet example is attached : Project Entry Form.xls
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Feb 11, 2014
I have a userform with several textboxes and listview. I have a ticket number with multiple trasaction, when saving the first transaction to temp table(sheet). It was terminated (unload) which it should be back to textbox2 (ticketnumber for additional transaction.
Herewith is my VBA code.
[Code] .....
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Mar 28, 2014
I am working on sheets("TO")
I want to popup a userform when i want to show the records
Show records condition
if Q3 is greater than > 0
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Jan 11, 2010
I've found a great userform on this site that allows you to populate a datasheet as well as delete or amend datasheets. It was by dodger7 within Database. Very useful. I've adapted this to my needs and it works great apart from i cant amend the userform that shows data when you select delete or amend. I've had a go but don't understand how i can create my own feilds and set it up in order. When i go in to the code i can veiw the delete and create/amend userforms but this is a search function relating to a reference number. Once you select Find it brings up another form and that is the one which i need to adapt to show my new feilds. I have attached the sheet so you can see my problem. I was wondering if anyone can advise as i love this userform/database method but can't complete the changes to my needs.
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Jul 3, 2006
I am very new to Excel/VBA. I have created a "Customer Complaint System" in excel and have designed a user form for users to enter new complaints.
My next step is to design a Search or Look up form for viewing the complaints where users can choose to look up complaints by either Complaint No or Customer or Month.
The worksheet that stored my data is called "ComplaintData" which is hidden. In the sheet "COmplaintData" I have following 10 Columns:
Column A - Complaint No
Column B - Date
Column C - Customer
Column D - Contact Person
Column E - Product
Column F - Batch
Column G - Category (This relates to Complaint Category)
Column H - Description
Column I - Account Manager
Column J - Month (This just takes value from B and converts to month, so hopefully I can sort by month if required..)
I did see a few examples of look up forms but am struggling to customise them to suit me.
Ideally I need a combobox & textbox in serach field. So user can choose the "Search by" category using combobox e.g. Complaint No, Customer or Month and then enter the relevent text in the textbox to carryout the search.
and then use labels & listbox to display the related fields on the form. The reason I prefer labels is that I do not want users to edit the info. and listbox to show multiple results out of which user can choose specific one....e.g. when user does a search by Customer, I want listbox to show the various products that customer has logged complaints for.
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Mar 18, 2014
I need to create a simple edit VBA script to allow user to search and edit existing excel row records. I had created the add record button with reference to some of the site in the web.
See Attached sample : Sample.xlsm
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Mar 14, 2008
I am having difficulty getting a script to work that manages duplicates being added to a worksheet from a userform. Each record is assigned a unique ID when it is added to the worksheet initially. The problem that I am having is that the user wants to add non-unique information to the worksheet in unique records periodically. I can do that, but I am looking to make the application more user-friendly by reducing the number of msgboxes he has to respond to in order to do this. I have some code below which works, but it needs to be smarter.
Private Sub UpdateContact()
Dim strAnswer As String
'Copy values from Customer Form controls to Data array
tbxWrkTel.Text = Format(tbxWrkTel, "000 000 0000")
tbxMobile.Text = Format(tbxMobile, "000 000 0000")
tbxHomeTel.Text = Format(tbxHomeTel, "000 000 0000")
If Not WorksheetFunction.CountIf(Sheet1.Columns(1), tbxCompany) > 0 Or _
Not WorksheetFunction.CountIf(Sheet1.Columns(2), tbxContact) > 0 Then 'To avoid duplicate data
If tbxCompany = "" Then tbxCompany = "-".........................
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Jun 3, 2008
Is it possible to autonumber records created with data entered with a user form?
If it is possible - I would also like to know how I could display the current record number on the data entry form....
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May 16, 2010
I'm looking for an UDF Indent Function. There is one in the link below, but this is not true Indent. It is spaces before the text.
[URL] ......
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Sep 22, 2009
I was wondering if it was possible to do a SUMIF function depending on the indent level, e.g. sum all of the values which have an indent of 2 in the row headings.
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Oct 9, 2007
I am trying to do some automatic formatting of a list of data to create an indented BOM structure in a similar way to DDiddy's post "Indent Data Based On Adjacent Symbol" (Indent Data Based On Adjacent Symbol.)
But want to set the IndentLevel for Column B by values in Column A. I.e. a value of 1 in Cell A1 indents Cell B1 by 1.
Username shg posted some code that he suggests should do this, but I failed to get it to work. Can anyone explain shg's code or suggest an alternative that would work, preferably automatically upon entering a value in Column A?
I'm only just starting to learn Excel macro's, so please forgive me if this post is in any way unclear.
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Sep 21, 2007
I am trying to do some automatic formating of a list of data. I can accomplish 90% of what I would like to do via a simple keystroke record macro. What I cannot do is shift the contents of Column B based on the contents of Column A. Column B will have to be shifted to the right 1, 2, 3 . . . cells. Below is an example. Column A symbols as it relates to number of cells to shift Column B
Symbol......Amount of shift
--( ).........1
---( )........2
----( ).......3
I have included a sample .xls showing the Original Data and the Desired Output
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Dec 28, 2009
I need to determine if any of the cells selected by the user have an indent level equal to 1 and if so then have them confirm the action. the below works well if the user only selects one cell but if the select 2 or more and any of the selected cells has an indent level greater than 1 it doesn't show the confirmation.
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Jun 25, 2008
I need advice regarding the best way to subtotal data that has been exported from SQL Reporting Services to Excel. Formulas are not exported with the worksheet and need to be re-entered. The data is contained in three levels, but second level is not always present (see attached). The Level 1 data has a "pale blue" background and desciptions start in column A. Level 2 data has a "Gray-25%" background and starts in Column B. Detail level data has no fill color and descriptions for it start in Column C. The detailed data should be subtotaled in the Level 2 line directly above it (if available). The Level 2 data should be subtotaled in the Level 1 row directly above it. If no Level 2 row exists beneath a Level 1 row then all of the detail rows below should be subtotaled in the Level 1 row.
I have looked at options for keying on the color or the column contents for triggering when to calculate the subtotals, but nothing that I have tried works. The attached sample file illustrates how the data looks after being exported from Excel. The number of detail rows may change at any time as new projects are added.
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Aug 10, 2014
I have a range of columns i.e. 23 columns (i.e. B through X). Someone can write records in these columns (starting from B21).
Duplicates are considered the rows with similar data in columns 3 and 11. I know about the removeduplicate method and works really well but i want the duplicates not to be removed. Instead another column shall be checked for date of entry (user will entry date in format dd/mm/yyyy). The newest entry will change the value of the cell in column 4 (islatest column)to TRUE while all other records will be FALSE. This will work with the filtering of data on a pivot table on another worksheet.
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Apr 25, 2014
Book1 and Book2 are workbooks that I have modified in order to protect private information.
Book1 will have 11,000 records (my example Book1 has only 100). I need to rearrange Book1 such that it looks like Book2. Book2 has 20 complete records from Book1 combined into one single row, and my example Book2 has populated 3 rows only (3 rows x 20 records, making 60 records now appear on 3 rows only).
Macro for getting Book1 to Book2? 11,000 records in Book1 will take a lot of hours to transform into Book2 unless a macro can do the job for me.
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Nov 18, 2009
I am trying to get a formula for material quantities
What I want to do is
If length is less than 3mts I require 2
If length is more than 3 meters than I require 3 and 1 more for every 3mts after that
2mts = 2
3mts = 2
4mts = 3
6mts = 3
7mts = 4
9.1mts = 5 and so on
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Jun 9, 2009
I'm working with text cells I get this tiny indent on the left hand side of a cell about the size of one hit of the spacebar button.
Excel doesn't recognise this as an indent and I can't get rid of it. It's, pardon my french
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Sep 19, 2008
I had an idea that I could use the level of indent in the first column to provide the name for the range. The easiest way to explain is with the example spreadsheet I have attached
Cells C5:C10 show how the naming convention should look like, basically Indent Level 0 returns a prefix (Sheet_Name_Prefix) and its corresponding row entry in Column A. Level 1 should return the last Level 0 name and its corresponding row entry in Column A.
I had a go at the code and it works for Level 0 but I can't get it to put to Level 1.
Sub Test()
'Dimension Variables
Dim RowTitleEntries As Integer
Dim NameLoop As Integer
Dim IndentLevel As Integer
'Set the value of RowTitleEntries
RowTitleEntries = 6
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Feb 9, 2010
create a multi level BOM in excel:
i have a formula
if i select A, i need excel to give 2a+b+c+d+e (and that should be in another sheet.
also i may take 50% of A +50% of B the resulting formula must appear.
i attached an exemple file.
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Feb 9, 2010
I have made an Excel illustration to explain what I would like to embark on.
I am not sure of the code, but if there is not an idea, I may see if I can find some idea of the code.
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Dec 14, 2013
basically I want to be able to keep track of how much vinyl material I have left after each order.
The process would be - When I order a roll of vinyl material I would input the colour ordered and cm ordered by selecting from drop down lists in the 'Vinyl Tracker' sheet. When a customer makes an order, I would select an item, size and colour from drop down lists in the 'Orders' sheet. Depending on what size is selected in the 'Orders' sheet, I would then like Excel to automatically update column 'Cm Remaining' in the 'Vinyl Tracker' sheet, however using the smaller number in the relative size column from 'Item Sizes' sheet.
E.g. If we take the first order:
World Map
Black - (M)
This would then refer to cell M5 in the 'Item Sizes' sheet (as 43.35 is less than 90).
I would then like the number which is retrieved to be taken away from the relevant cell in the 'Cm Ordered' column, depending on what colour was chosen in the 'Orders' sheet.
To make matters a bit more complex, obviously when any of the numbers in the 'Cm Ordered' column in sheet 'Vinyl Tracker' is 0, I will re-order the same vinyl roll and insert it into the sheet as per usual. How can I make it so that any new orders will take away from the latest instance of the same coloured vinyl?
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Dec 5, 2009
I use CAD software that generates Bills Of Material. I cut & paste these to an Excel template that has column headers in row 3, for example:
U3 = Item name
V3 = Manufacturer
W3 = Reference_item_name
X3 = Reference_item_ID
Starting from row 4, I would like to add the content of columns V, W and X to column U, separated by comma's. No superfluous comma's should be added when columns are empty. It would be nice to have a macro that uses the row 3 column names, so it still works if someone changes the column order.
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Oct 29, 2009
I need to sort the material data based on the material rank but i can't use the 'sort/filter' function. Therefore, I used the VLOOPUP function. For some reason the vlookup formula is not working could you let me know what is the problem? see attchment.
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Mar 29, 2006
What i am trying to do is to to determine the common material that is
used among different model do product in a product family. I have the
column C the various part number for the product family. Each product
model is made up of different combination of the parts.
In I3:U3 i have the model number for each product. Under each are the
combination of various part that make up each model. What i need to do
is in column G conditional formatiing that if all the different model
use a particular part (part number). The respective cell in column in
the row will be color. This will help me to determine what are the
parts that are common to all the product.
Column C Column G Column I .........................Column U
Part no Common Product 1 Product 2 Product 3 Product 4
12-1234-56 no color 1 4 0 6
13-2345-45 color 2 3 2 2
14-1234-56 no color 0 2 4 2
14-1234-56 no color 0 2 2 2
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Nov 21, 2013
I have a material spreadsheet list that contains multiple entries of the same parts throughtout the sheet. How can i get it to total quanities needed by part numbers and consolidate it to one row instead of multiple rows. quantities are in column c and part numbers are in column d and descriptions in column e.
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