Determine If Entire Column Is Selected

Oct 7, 2006

I have the following code which will determine if a user has selected a entire column.

If Selection.Rows.Count = 65536 Then
MsgBox "User has selected an entire column."
End If

Although it worked, but is there a better way to do it? I was thinking if future version of Excel goes beyond 65536 rows, then this code is definitely unusable!!

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Find Total Hours By Searching Entire Rows Below Selected Cell Versus Cells In A Column

May 19, 2014

I'm using the following code to delete select rows one at a time. I need the last row in the range to remain therefore I prevented the user from deleting the row one up from the row that contains "Total Hours" (which is always in Column B). The code works great as long at the user clicks into a cell in column B. If the user clicks into a cell in column A, C, D, E, F, G, H, or I then the code allows the user to delete the last row.

I believe I need to search entire rows to determine if the row contains "Total Hours" .

[Code] .......

Attached File : Staffing Report 1.44.xlsm‎

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How To Determine What Cell Was Selected

Nov 2, 2009

Can anyone help me in finding how to write the command in VBA to determine what Cell was selected in a worksheet? The objective is to know what Cell has been selected by double click event to pop up a userform with a calendar from which the user can select the date. I am looking at making it dynamic so I do not select a particular range.

Can this be achieved? I guess yes, but how?

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VBA Determine Which Charts Are Selected

Dec 17, 2011

I have a macro which formats charts. It takes a user selected chart and formats it.

I would like to allow the user to select many charts and process them all at once (instead of just one at a time).

The problem is that when I have X charts selected in Excel, the Selection object assumes the "ChartObjects" type which includes all charts in the worksheet and not only those which are selected!

If I do "Selection.Count" it will count all charts (selected or not) and if I do "Selection.Item(x).Name" I can access any chart on the worksheet and not only those which are selected.


1. Is there anyway to determine which charts are selected by the user? Either using the selection object or any other method?

2. When I select multiple objects (chart and non-charts), the selection object assumes the "DrawingObjects" type, which when counted returns the correct number of selected objects. However when I try to access them via "Selection.Item(x)" I again can access all DrawingObjects in the worksheet. Is there anyway to determine which drawing objects are selected? And access them (so I can determine whether they are charts)?

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Determine Selected Series On Chart?

Mar 26, 2014

Is there a way of determining the series that has been selected on a chart?

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Get/Determine Selected Item In ComboBox

Oct 19, 2006

is there any way to get the value for the selected item from the combo box in vba code?

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Determine Comboboxes Inside Currently Selected Range

Jun 3, 2007

I have a column with comboboxes in each cell, each with LinkedCell set to the cell the combobox sits inside. Once the selection is made, I hide the combobox with .Visible="False". I want to be able to unhide hidden comboboxes by selecting a range of cells in the column, and then finding the corresponding comboboxes within each cell in this range, and unhide them.

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IF (entire Row Selected) ???

Oct 16, 2008

How do ask if a entire row has been selected in vba, e.g. from column 'a' to 'iv' with no specific row number.

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Determine Minimum Indent Level Of Selected Cells

Dec 28, 2009

I need to determine if any of the cells selected by the user have an indent level equal to 1 and if so then have them confirm the action. the below works well if the user only selects one cell but if the select 2 or more and any of the selected cells has an indent level greater than 1 it doesn't show the confirmation.

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Check Whether Entire Row Has Been Selected

Nov 14, 2008

I have a button on an excel sheet call 'Delete Row' where I want to put code underneath so that a user can delete an enirerow.

I have the
Selection.EntireRow.Delete Shift:=xlUp

at the moment but I want to check that the user has selected the entirerow before I delete it.

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Enable Button If Entire Row Selected

Nov 30, 2006

how to enable a button only when a full row has been selected

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Macro To Copy Entire Row From A Selected Cell

Nov 10, 2008

I have a macro that will go through a set of numbers and check them against a condition. if the cell complies with the condition i want to copy the entire row to a new sheet. sofar I have tried the following to select the current row but to no avail.

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VBA Macro - Copying Entire Row From Selected Cell (within Pre-defined Range)

Jun 21, 2014

I am looking to run two separate macros. I have a project plan and I am looking to be able to select a button whereby on-click, a new row is created within a selected cell. However if the cell clicked is outside of a pre-determined range, then the task is automatically entered at the bottom of the plan. I would like for the copied row to go ABOVE the selected cell and have all of the same formatting as the row below (not the top - as is default in Excel).

The second is going to be very similar but will copy a task category (like a header item) and the first task (row) found below. It will also be copied from below and be inserted above the selected cell.Both macros will clear certain cells, whilst maintaining the contents of others, with formula contained. I.E. Columns C,D,E,H,I,J will be cleared.

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Highlight Entire Row When Cell Selected Without Losing Original Formats And Color Of Original Row

Sep 5, 2012

The problem is when I highlight a row with some color the original color of the row is gone, so I tried this code, and again, it's removing the original format and color for the row This is the code from McGimpsey & Associates : Excel : Highlight row with background colors

PrivateSub Worksheet_SelectionChange(ByVal Target As Excel.Range)
Const cnNUMCOLS AsLong=256
Const cnHIGHLIGHTCOLOR AsLong=36'default lt. yellow
Static rOld As Range
Static nColorIndices(1To cnNUMCOLS)AsLong
Dim i AsLong
IfNot rOld IsNothingThen'Restore color indices


How can I retain the range's historical color so that when I deselect the row it reverts properly?

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Determine Used Column And End Of Row

Sep 14, 2012

Right now in my code I'm using the below section to determine the column in which to search for dupes, and the last column of data for that range. However, I make the user select only part or one column through IF statements above, so there's no need for the user to input this information. I'd like to replace the choice part with and automated routine that determines the DupeCol from the column section selected, and determines the rowend from the last used cell to the right in the rows in that column selection. But I don't know how to do that and keep the values as strings.

Dim RowEnd As String, DupeCol As String
Dim LastRow As Long
DupeCol = InputBox("Type in the letter of the column you want to look for duplicates in.", "Fill in the Info")
RowEnd = InputBox("Type in the letter of the last column you want colored.", "Fill in the Info")

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Determine Row Number Of Last Value In Column

May 15, 2009

Trying to do a simple workbook here, with hopefully no macros/VB script.

Essentially, I want a cell to display the row number (-1 to take into account the heading) which has the last value contained in it.

The workbook is a list of users that have signed up in 1 month, and is distributed to staff for a particular reason.

The cell I'm trying to create is part of a 'stats' section.

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Determine Which Column Has A Filter?

Jan 30, 2014

I would like to determine using VBA which Column or Range-of-Columns have a filter applied.

I need to change filters, depending what part of the sheet the user is looking at.

Not sue why, but in my IE browser, I cannot Paste code anymore .


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Determine Whether A Column Is Sorted

Apr 21, 2009

Is there any way to determine whether a column is sorted? Like a property of a column like ".ascending" true or false?

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Delete Entire Row If Column A Matches Column D

Aug 18, 2009

Does anyone have a macro that will delete entire row if column a matches column d

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Determine Column Value Based On Another Being Yes And With Matches?

Jul 3, 2014

I have a table with this sample data:

A Report Number
B Funding Code
C Approver Code


For cells with column F="NEXT" and matching values in column A (i.e. Rows A2-A5 all match) and "Yes" in any of those same rows (i.e. E2-E5) for column E, column G should read "No". If no "YES"s are in those rows (i.e. E2-E5) then column G should read "Yes".

I can't figure out using VLOOKUP or INDEX and MATCH how to make this work. Would I need to get into VB to do this?

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Determine Using Vba If Any Data Is Present In The Column

Dec 28, 2008

I have a situation where i have headers in a file but just because there is a header does not mean there is any corresponding data in that col.

I was keying off if just the header was present then i need to do "something" but now i need to key off two things:

1) Header present
2) If there is anydata in the col when a header is present.

Question: How to use vba to determine (quickly) if there is any data in a given column.

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How To Determine If Column Has Dropdown List

Aug 29, 2012

I am looping through columns in a sheet. When I reach a column is there any way of determining if the column has dropdown list of values? I was expecting something like "HasDropDown" property somewhere, but it does not appear so. Some of my columns have dropdown values others don't and I need to determine which ones have.

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Determine Last Row Of Data Delete All Rows Unless Value Between 1 And 12 In Column J

Nov 12, 2013

I have a spreadhseet that has rows with headers, blanks & total lines throughout that need to be deleted. There are also about 48 rows of data at the bottom that are not needed.

The row numbers will be variable each time the report is run. I need the macro to find the last row of data in column A, use this as the last row in the range and delete all rows above this unless there is numbers 1 to 12 in column J.

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How To Determine Highest Value Based On Another Column Criteria

Jun 14, 2013

I am trying to determine for each account number in column A, the most popular method for accessing our services based on visits in column B. And then having those numbers summarized as a total for each method.

See below for an example. As you can see Mobile was the most popular for 2 clients Java was for 1 and Desktop was not for anyone. Not all accounts will use all methods.



[Code] .......

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Determine If Cell Value Exists In Column Of Table

Feb 18, 2008

Im trying to write a formula that will check if a name that I have in column A also appears in column B and if it does I want it to return a value for example TRUE in column C.

I'm currently doing a survey and I have all employees in column A (600persons) and then column B I enter thos that have taken the survey. So If an employees name exist in column B he/she has done the survey and then they I get the value "TRUE" or "1" or something else. So in this way I can easily see who has and who hasn't done the survey. I've been trying with VLOOK and so on but I can not get it right? Maybe I need VBA?

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Determine Column Width Pixels / Characters

Feb 22, 2008

I looked at a couple pages of Ozgrid solutions for people that were having word wrap issues and decided my issue wasnt related to any of them - my cells are not merged and they are not exceeding 1024 characters. I have a sales sheet with column headings as the name of the product, many of which have long names (but all less than 100 characters). For example, one cell value is "Flow Meters And Regulators 2007" and another is "Sphygmomanometers 2007".

My column width pre-format is 8.43 and after format is 7.86

The only code I use to adjust the row and column size is

With Rows("1:2")
.WrapText = True
End With

As you can imagine "Sphygmomanometers" breaks into two lines in the short confines of 7.86 width. How can i get the column autofit to adjust to the full word?

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Determine If Value Exists In Column & Copy Range If It Does

Mar 29, 2008

I require a row of details to be copied to another worksheet by typing in a unique ID using a macro so Sheet 1 is a data base of items (every item have a unique code like 1001, 1002 etc) and sheet 2 has a table, and next to the table is a cell, which i need to work like a search engine.

i need to be able to type the unique id in a cell, in sheet 2, then click an Add command Button. This button then finds the unique id in sheet 1, and copies all the items details in the same row, into sheet 2 in the table, then i require the search engine to be cleared for the next item to be added. (Assumed Experience:Below Average, I know few formulas and know very basic macros)

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Sumproduct: Determine The Number Of Unique Names In Column

Jan 22, 2010

I have 1500+customer names in column C7 of table. I'm looking for a SUMPRODUCT formula that achieves the following 2 logical goals. First, it needs to determine the number of unique names in column C7. It can't just count the rows because many customers appear multiple times in the range. So, I have been using the following formula and it works great:

Second, I'd like the formula to tell me how many of the unique names in C7 correspond to public companies. Column C8 of my table indicates whether or not a company is public ("Yes") or private ("No"). So, I've been using the following formula and it seems to deliver the right result:


But the added COUNTIFS statement seems very unwieldy and indirect to me. Why do I have to examine every instance of a particular company's name when the answer could be determined by looking at any instance of the name -- after all, each company in C7 is either public or private, and has the same corresponding value in C8 (whether "Yes" or "No") everywhere that its name appears in C7!

So that's my first question: is there a clearer, more efficient way to achieve the same result? My second question has to do with toggling the public company test.
What if I create a special cell, say A1, that will always contain either the word "On" or "Off"........

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Determine Total Column Width Of Visible Cells

Dec 23, 2008

I am trying to resize a picture on a worksheet to fit a dynamic measurement(the size of the page is different depending on the contents in cells).

I am doing this all in VBA.

so what I have come up with is that I need to

1) determine the total column width of only the non-hidden(visible) cells.
2) resize my picture to those measurements, so I can get an exact fit, and it doesn't create a new page break, by going over.

I have found some code on forums, and am thinking of something like this as a solution(although I don't know how to complete it):

For summing column widths:

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Determine Last Row And Column With Data In Sheets With Merged Cells

Jan 28, 2009

I am using the following functions to determine the highest row and column that contain data:

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