I'm creating a spreadsheet to generate a standardized form that I use as a paralegal.
I have 2 things that I don't know how to create....
1 - I want to have y/n questions on the data entry tab. When boxes are clicked Y, it adds a row and language to the form which exists on another tab. I know how to do links and to do if then statements, but I don't know how to make it not take up space when the answer is n. Some of these clauses are pretty long so I don't want to have big blank spaces when the answer is no.
2 - I have certain sections where I need to control the number of rows. I want to have a cell on the data entry tab where I put in the number of rows that I want. The spread sheet would create those rows and I would then enter the data on the data entry tab. On the form tab, the spreadsheet would refer to the cell telling it the number of rows, add those rows, and link them to the data that I entered on the data entry tab.
I am having trouble making any formula references between 2 different workbooks.
For example, I being typing out my VLOOKUP function on 1 sheet, as soon as I get the table argument, I switch over to the other workbook in which the table is, and I no longer have the VLOOPKUP function active.
I am having this problem for any formula in which I am trying to reference this workbook.
I have ensured they are both saved as Excel workbook documents. I am using Excel 2007
I am trying to create a macro which gives me an input box. I need to enter 2 numbers into the input box. It would be as follows:
Input Box Msg 1 - "What is your labor cost?" (NUM1) Input Box Msg 2 - "What is your productivity rate?" (NUM2)
Then I need the macro to take this info and enter it into a formula which changes according to the row which you are on. (I need the macro to work based on which ever cell I currently have selected). The formula would be this if I currently had a cell on row 10 selected:
So, if I currently had cell L10 selected, and I ran the macro and put 100 in for "NUM1" and 10 for "NUM2" and my sheet had 20 in cell H10, then the macro would enter the number 1,000 into cell L10. If I had L500 selected, then the macro would enter the final number into cell L500 based on what value H500 contained.
I'm having some trouble trying to get excel to input a formula into a cell. I'm still a novice at VBA right now, so I don't think my problem will be too much of a brain buster.
I want a formula in Cell A6 (and I already know it correctly works) in this format: =E6&VLOOKUP(I6,'FA-Fund Data'!B$1:C$2000,2,FALSE)&J6
i'm having trouble formating a cell to accept either user input or a equation i've made. i would like it to accept the user input and when there is no input to use the equation i have.
I have a form that I want to input or embed into excel. Im trying to make a training aid and I m stuck on trying to input the form in Excel/ I have seen different forms in excel.
I am trying to auto fill one cell with one of several names using different values from another cell. Ex: when one of six numbers (100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105) in input in A2, I want B2 to display a name (Joe, Tom, Steve, Fred, Tyler, Todd) that corresponds to that number. Cells in columns A and B will be formatted as text. Using Excel 2007.
I need to display two separate values from a given input, but not exceed a specified number for that cell. I have this so far except for the maximum number that can be displayed; Example for what I want below ....
I was wondering how you can protect a formula but still allow editing in the cell. Right now I have certain columns locked while allowing others to be edited. I have a formula in one column that needs to be edited if need be but if they make a mistake and hit delete then my formula disappears and it throws the whole sheet off. Is there a way to protect your formula maybe by putting it in a different cell that can be locked and referencing the cell where they can input?
I'm using Excel 2007 and the sheet has 238536 rows containing 26412 ranges. The first 5 rows in each range contains data. I wish to input into the sixth cell of every range a formula. Not essential but I'd prefer it to be formatted blue. I attach short s/s to illustrate my need.
i need a macro to insert the formula i have in Column M row 3, and insert it all the way down to the last letter that is contained in column k. So in this example The Last Letter in Column K is AQ, ( i dont physically mean last i mean last in alphabetical order in excel , such as ( W X Y Z, AB, AC , AD ) AD would be last.
So since AQ is last it would insert the formula 43 times, which is AQ. THe AFter tab should clear any confusion up because this is how it looks finished. I use various sheets like this so the last letter changes, so having this macro be dynamic and not attached to a sheet name would be ideal.
I was wanting to make either 3 input boxes or 1 if thats possible that basically you click and it captures the column you want the answer in, and then the two columns the data is in. It then places the formula down in that column with the answers based on what your input was.
I would want the range to be atleast 1 to 6000 rows (just in case)
I need to count how many times an input in given on a same cell, and doing so on the hole column. Like when I enter "x" on cell A1 and it adds 1 on B1. If the input on A1 changes then comes back to "x" it adds once again 1 to B1.
For one Row I'm using this code but I really can't reproduce it on the others.
The macro is: collecting data from another opened workbook,processing the data,saving the processed data in yet another workbook.
The workbooks' names it is operating on are hardcoded in the macro. I'm trying to make it more flexible, that is to allow user to specify both source and target workbooks along with the data columns.
The workflow follows:
User opens both source and target workbooks,User opens the workbook with the macro,User runs the macro (with a button for example),Macro prompts the user to select range in the source workbook,Macro "memorizes" the range and the source workbook's name from user's selection,Macro prompts the user to select range in the target workbook,Macro "memorizes" the range and the target workbook's name from user's selection,Macro processes the data.
I found out that this can be achieved with Application.InputBox("Select cell(s)", Type:=8) method. However there are some issues that I was not able to solve playing with the returned value's methods:
The .InputBox defaults to active workbook. I was able to select another opened workbook only with Ctrl+Tab combination, but it will not work with the end users - they are too poor with these tricks. Is there a better, more intuitive way to allow user selecting a workbook?I was not able to get the workbook's name from the .InputBox returned value property. I was trying with .application.caption and .application.activeworkbook.name - none of these worked. They returned name of the workbook with macro, not the one with selected range. How to get the workbook's name from given cells range?
Here is an example of what I am trying to do in E2013.
The orange Bin is my input. It want that to return the column associated with the # as show in orange output column. I think this is an index command? I cannot seem to make it work.
Also - is there an easier way to insert sheets other than a screen grab and photos?
I am an excel user and know only some basic functions of excel. My query is how do i save data inputted in an excel sheet to another sheet in database form (tabulated). I will try to explain what my present input and outputs are and what I would like to achieve. I think this would make my requirement more understandable.
Present Input: My Excel Sheet (has only one record per sheet). This after being filled up, is printed. This sheet gets overwritten when a new record is filled in as it replaces the previous data.
Present Output: Hard Copy of the form, which is printed.
Required Input: Excel Sheet (has only one record per sheet). This after being filled up, is printed. This sheet gets overwritten when a new record is filled in as it replaces the previous data.
Required Processing: As the sheet is printed, it should save the data in tabulated form in the same file on a different sheet.
Required Output: 1. Hard copy of the form, which is printed. 2. Saving the data to another sheet in database format i.e. in tabulated form so that analysis or comparisons may be done.
I would like a cell to have user input. If there is no input then the cell should reference a value in another cell. My strategy was to use a formula in another cell to check to see if the user input cell was empty. If it was empty then the formula propagated the cell. If it had user inputted data then it stayed like it was.
Here is an example: Begin Invent 1000 Gallons
End Invent User input or formula here Gallons
I want the user to be able to input a value for the End Invent cell right below 1000. If there is no value I want that same cell to mirror the cell above it with the 1000 in it.
I am currently building a template for a project that will allow users to upload raw data which is then converted into a report. Part of this report is a cover page that has a graphic or picture on the front. My question to everyone is this...
Is there a way to put a formula either embeded into the picture, or above the picture, or putting the picture in the background so that the formula can do its beautiful magic and collect the information it needs for the cover?
My goal is for this picture to have the data on top of it without a border so the picture is the background image basically.
In column H: =IF(ISERROR(L4-J4-K4),"",IF(OR(K4="0", K4=""), L4-J4, L4-J4-K4)) So, if formula is going to come up with an error, I don't need to know. If it's not an error: L - J - K. Except that sometimes there isn't information in J or K, and the formula won't calcluate L - 0 - 0, unless I physically enter in zeros.
=IF(ISERROR(L4-J4-K4),"",IF(K4=""), L4-J4, L4-J4-K4)) and =IF(ISERROR(L4-J4-K4),"", L4-J4-K4))
I don't want the people using this to have to enter in a plethora of zeros in order to force the calculation. What am I doing wrong? I've attached workbook with the relevant information in it. You can see in the middle that if there is nothing entered, it won't work right.
I have a table with 4 radio buttons that assume certain data in three cells when they are selected. I have used the IF command to getthe information to appear in these boxes when the cooresponding radio button is selected.
I want the user to be able to either leave the selection as it is presented to them, have the option to change the data if it doesn't fit their scenerio.
Example: button 1 "Electric" makes the data "$0.12", "$per kWh", & "100%" appear in the three cells. Each button produces different data in these boxes, however if when button 1 is selected, the user's electric cost per kWh is $0.10, I want them to be able to type that in without changing my preset default.
I have a cell (C16) that has a date format (such as 08/28/2014). I want the value of this cell to be "N/A" when cell C7 is "No". When C7 is "Yes", I want Excel to prompt the user to enter a date for C16 when they click on C16. The formula for cell C7 is =IF(C3="No","No","Yes"). That's where the value of C7="No" comes from. If I didn't need a date for the value of C16, the formula would be something like =IF(C7="No","N/A","______"). I have just recently started trying Excel macros due to a tool
Is it possible to protect an inserted text box from being moved, stretched, etc. while allowing data input into the cell/s? I'm using a 2003 version of excel.
I've attached the sheet in question. The yellow text boxes are what I want to lock, yet still allow data input.
I have a macro that will email a link of the worksheet.
the problem is I may have different email addresses to send it to. I want to be able to have an input box come up, and the person to enter in an email address, click ok and have the macro continue to email.
Sub Make_Outlook_Mail_With_File_Link() 'Working in Office 2000-2010 Dim OutApp As Object Dim OutMail As Object Dim StrBody As String If ActiveWorkbook.Path "" Then Set OutApp = CreateObject("Outlook.Application") Set OutMail = OutApp.CreateItem(0)
I wish to use a formula to grab data out of cells A1 & B1 and use that data to complete a hyperlink URL in cell A3. The base URL never changes but the last two variables do. For instance: