Dial Phone Number
Jul 20, 2007
I'd like to dial phone numbers directly from a specific column on a worksheet just by doubleclicking on them.
I found this code which I am trying to adapt to my use.
The hardware part is setup already (modem, phone line, etc.)
Private Sub Dial(Number)
Dim DialString As String
Dim FromModem As String
Dim dummy As Integer
' AT is the Hayes compatible ATTENTION command and is required to send commands to the modem.
' DT means "Dial Tone." The Dial command uses touch tones, as opposed to pulse (DP = Dial Pulse).
' Numbers is the phone number being dialed.
' A semicolon tells the modem to return to command mode after dialing (important).
' A carriage return, vbCr, is required when sending commands to the modem.
DialString = "ATDT" + Number + ";" + vbCr
I am getting an error message when I doubleclick that says :Runtime Error 424 , Object
Required and then I'm taken to the code line that is in Bold Yellow. Dealing with Comm
Ports is too much for me. I only know that my modem is in Com Port 4. If I'm told what to
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Nov 14, 2012
I'm looking to see is if there is a way to modify this code to format a phone number as (999) 999-9999. Right now it formats phone numbers as 999-999-9999.
Sub FormatPhoneNumber()
'Purpose: Formats a telephone number as 999-999-9999.
'In cases where more than one phone number is enter in
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Dec 11, 2007
I often have lists of badly formated phone numbers. I have created a number of macros that are quite good, but there is room for improvement.
Step 1:
Delete non numeric characters. This is a weak point - at the moment it is not working well (it removes characters from the entire sheet, rather than selected cells)
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Jun 22, 2006
I have a cell that NEEDS to be of the following format:
#### ######
I have set this up under formatting, custom... and when I type a number like this ...
01304999999 I get the result 01304 999999 PERFECT!
Unfortunately if I type this....
01304 999 999 I get this result 01304 999 999 which ain't good as it mucks up my Macro, whih incidentally is this...
appWD.ActiveDocument.Bookmarks("PMTelephone").Range = Format(strPMTelephone, "0#### ######")
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Jul 13, 2007
I am building a contact database in excel. I am using a userform to search, by autofilter, through several thousand contacts by any one of 7 criteria(account name, postal code,, account number, etc.). The only criteria that I cannot get to work is the phone number.
The numbers are entered in a ten digit string and the cells are formatted as phone numbers. i.e: 8005551212 = (800) 555-1212. When I run the search by the 10 digit number, the autofilter hides all results.
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Jul 7, 2009
I have a list of telephone numbers... in every format you can imagine
(123) 456 - 7892
is there any way to extract JUST the numbers...
so the format all phone numbers would take would be:
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Jun 22, 2014
I have an old customer list maintained by my company's previous owner in excel format that mostly stored numbers ###-#### format, but also some in ###-###-#### format.
My new list has always been maintained with numbers in (###) ###-#### format.
I have merged these two lists in a new excel file have begun the tedious process of cleaning up duplicates and bad data.
I have used conditional formatting to highlight duplicate numbers in the appropriate columns (L, M, N, O) in this case. However, it does't find matches in the other formats or perhaps the number with the old area code. I know the area code change could lead to false positives, but they should be minimal as this is a small business with mostly local customers. So what I'd like to find out is a formula for conditional formatting that will compare the last 8 characters in each cell (###-####) so as to eliminate issues of missing or different area codes. I would like it to check all of the columns for duplicate numbers not just within each column or within each row individually.
Also separate but related if possible to highlight a different color any cells with data not in any of these formats or if not in (###) ###-#### format if it's too much for all the formats.
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Feb 25, 2009
I need to reformat phone numbers in Excel, and I am having trouble doing so. I do not have VBA experience, but I am somewhat familiar with functions in Excel. I need to go from 555-555-5555 to (555) 555-5555
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Mar 3, 2009
I am looking for a custom number format for phone numbers that will allow extensions to be typed in. I am trued using the standard phone format [
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Jul 30, 2009
I have a list that i copies from the web which was pasted in this format in 1 cell
(214) 880-4000lee_ainslie@maverickcap.com
i wanted to seperate the email into its own cell, how can i write a macro that will take anything from the right of the last number and move it into its own cell?
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Mar 18, 2013
I have the following text, in which I need separated into three columns.
Column A) Company Name
Column B) Address
Column C) Phone Number
I was thinking perhaps I could replace "-------" to just one "-" and use that delimiter to separate the phone number.
Then Use *** Company Name Here *** --> *Number Variable* and filter the rest..
But I don't see it being able to work.Here is the text I'm looking to format (Mind you there is about 8,000 Records.
And, it's all formatted like below. (Company Name, phone number being on different lines and phone number being separated by dash's
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Feb 20, 2007
I have our company telephone accounts and im trying to highlight any numbers that are not on our approved dialling list. What I would like to happen (ideally) would be for a formula to look at the cell next to it and compare it with the approved numbers list, if it doesn’t appear on the list then it would do something to let me know, like put a big red X in the cell (if it could make me a cup of Tea instead that would be better).
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Apr 30, 2013
Is there a way to extract a phone number out of a string of text. The phone number will always be expressed the same way (eight digits seperated by a space half way through) - 9999 9999. But the text before and after the number is random. Is there a macro to do this on a large scale? The method needs to be applied to hundreds of these strings, each on a new line.
An example of the string of text with the phone number underlined:
Alesdro 0 63PnantCey4281 5919 Aledio daSisaon' Brglry
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Apr 25, 2007
I have a very long list of international phone numbers in a .csv format that I need to put a zero in front of each one. We are doing an international autodialer campaign for an upcoming event and need the zeros at the beginning to pay for the call. How do you get around Excel not allowing a zero at the front of a number and the .csv format not allowing you to save certain formats? I've been searching the archived posts for a hour now and can't find anything on this!
Here is an example
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May 28, 2014
We have a spreadsheet of our customer's info, to send to our collection agency; when we export it puts parenthesis around the area code and adds a hyphen in the number.
Also it puts commas in the figures. And I need the slashes gone from the date - is there a simple way to do this?
I tried formatting but it doesn't take out the () or ,
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Jan 13, 2014
I am trying to format a cell (in Excel 2010) as a phone number. The problemis that the data comes over from our download as text. Is there an easier way then using the 'SUBSTITUTE' function to change format to a true phone number (so that we can mail merge into WORD)? Since it is extracted out as a text, using the 'phone number' format (under special) will not work. Using the 'SUBSTITUTE' formula to remove the parenthesis', the dash and the space work but is cumbersome.
Below is an example of the text format that is being extracted: (706) 378-7585
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Feb 18, 2014
I have a series of dependent drop lists and a cell which asks for a phone number. I would like if the selection in the previous cell is North America, the format of (111) 111-1111 is chosen. if the user enters the improper format I would like them to be prompt with an error "Improper Format - <Proper Format>", clear contents, and re-select the cell otherwise if valid select the next cell. It would need to strip out the leading 1 incase an international code is entered and also special characters such as "(",")","-","+","_" as well as spaces.
The next problem is that it would have to change format to if another selection is chosen. The other two selections are Australia and Europe. Europe is more difficult of a format as the area codes vary in length. I will be dealing predominantly with Sweden whose area codes even vary. For Australia I would like it to be in the format 011 61 1 1111 1111 where 011 61 will be added even if the user does not enter it (or if not possible prompt with proper format).
The cell asking which continent is G35 and options are "","Australia", "Europe", "North America"
The cell asking for a phone number is K47
The next cell on valid response is G50
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Aug 27, 2012
I have phone number in phone format which looks like this: (123) 456-7890 which needs to be converted to: 1234567890.
I tried but unable to do so.
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Jan 11, 2014
I have a 2010 version of MS Excel. I have roughly 10000 cells that I need to separate into two columns from one cell.
Here is an example of one cell "John Smith 888-8888".
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Mar 23, 2007
I have this data in cells A1-A7 (each line in the example below is a cell with the cells name to the left of the: and the value to the right of the
The colors are simply to show the matching data----there are no colors in the excel sheet
A1:Nordica Valley
A2:8888 bla oook nikk Rd $15,950,000
A3:Sumik/Arnov 120.443.8976/555.443.8976
A4:5+3. 13+ acre horse ranch in
A5:private canyon. Pool, barn/ more.
A6:Robinson 999.443.8976
A7:Cell7 is blank
A8:Jit/Song 587.678.6788
I wish to extract the Phone#'s and Names to columns B&C.
The data for this example would be broken down as follows:
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Oct 15, 2013
I work for a charity and we have a new call list, about 1.2 million phone numbers. We have a list of about 1,000 numbers that we are not supposed to call again. How can I scrub the do not call numbers against the master list to remove both numbers? The master list has names in a column, city in another column, numbers in a column and city in a column. The do not call numbers I have are just listed in 1 column.
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Jan 17, 2008
PHONE formatting. Is there a way to create a macro to format the VALUE of the phone to be either (XXX) XXX-XXX or XXX-XXX-XXXX ? I obviously can get it to look like this, but the value is just XXXXXXXXXX.
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Jan 12, 2009
I have been able to successfully code a new email message one little thing I can't figure out is adding 77 plus their extension txtphone.
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Mar 27, 2009
I'm needing a macro that will convert a column of 10 digit phone numbers and break them out or convert them from a XXXXXXXXXX format to a XXX XXX XXXX format.
I want to be able to copy and paste a long column of 10 digit numbers then have the macro run down the column and cut or copy the area code (first 3 digits of the 10 digit string) - move it two columns to the left - paste it into that cell - return then cut the next 3 digits - move it one column to the left, and paste it.
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Dec 8, 2009
I would like excel to send an SMS text message (via Skype maybe?)when a particular set of conditions arise in a spreadsheet. I am not sure if this would be best carried out with spreadsheet functions or vba, or if it is possible at all.
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Mar 13, 2008
I had two formulas for working with phone tolls. I moved offices a while back and can not find the disk I burned them to, and I cant remember them.
One of the formulas was like this: If the cell contains and or equals target number than put “incoming” (and/or if not than “outgoing”) in this (a different) cell.
I also had a formula that if the phone numbers came in 3 columns i.e. area code in one column, prefix in a second column and the last four digits in a third column, would combine all the numbers in one cell.
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Apr 9, 2009
I read the thread below on how to utilize the Subsitute function to remove periods and thought about being able to use it for this. However, I have some phone #'s in my list that contain multiple 1- scenarios in them because the area code or 3-digit prefix sometimes include a 1- also. How do I make the formula only look at the 1- for long distance and not any other 1- found in the phone #? I want to remove all of the 1- for long distance because we are trying to use a new autodialer that is pre-programmed with the 1-.
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Aug 31, 2007
I am using VBA to enter customer information into a Microsoft SQL database. I have an excel sheet with thousands of customers listed. I will be using a While loop to process each line of the sheet. Part of the While loop needs to make any format changes necessary before the data moves over to the DB. So here is the issue:
How do I turn the following phone numbers:
(410) 273-9200
276 623 4254
410 612 1100 Rob
(413) 786-1636 Cindy
304) 842-5491 Sherry
Into a uniform layout? I would prefer ###-###-####
Each of the numbers above is an example from the list I have. There may be more variations (I have over 20 seperate lists to process, with over 10000 customers per list)
I imagine I need some process that will remove all character except numbers and then break the numbers up to add the hyphens back in at the appropriate places.
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Aug 4, 2008
I have just created a phone list of about 70 lines on a single A4 sheet
Name No Name No
One of the PA's now wants to know if she deletes a Name and No from say column A & B
can I make it all reconfigure to eliminate the blank spce.
So basically names fill column A & B first then overflow onto Columns C & D.
I think a macro is the only way to go here but the PA isn't keen.
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Oct 20, 2009
How can I send a SMS message to my cell phone if certain ocurrence happens in a cell. For example, if cell A1 = 1, then send a message to my cell phone.
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