Display/Show Column Headings In ListBox Or ComboBox

Jun 13, 2008

Im trying to add coloumn heads to my listbox but its just not working
i was using rowsource to use the first row of the sheet as the headings however this just set the values in the listbox to the rowsource. Here is my code

If Area = "" Then
Dim c As Range
Zip = "*" + Zip + "*"
For Each c In Range([e2], [e65000].End(xlUp))
If UCase(c) Like UCase(Zip) Then
With Me.ListBox1
.AddItem c
.List(.ListCount - 1, 0) = c.Offset(0, -4).Value
.List(.ListCount - 1, 1) = c.Offset(0, -3).Value
.List(.ListCount - 1, 2) = c.Offset(0, -2).Value.....................

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Put The Column Headings In Listbox Exactly As It Is In The Sheet?

Nov 10, 2013

I want to put in the column headings "listbox" exactly as it is in the sheet, but non-contiguous columns

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Show/Display Selections In MultiSelect ListBox Control

Sep 26, 2006

Ive made a worksheet with a userform and ListBox. The listbox is filled with names. If you click on the last button a msgbox with your selected names is displayed. If you select the button without a selection from the listbox a message pop ups to warn that no selection is made. If you select any name afterwards and click on the button the message still pops up unless you select the first entry from the list ("natalie") then the code is right executed. I'm struggeling with the code for several days. I wonder if by any change somebody wants to correct the code. (I've uploaded my sheet)

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Multicolum Listbox - Column 3 Changes Depending On ComboBox?

Aug 19, 2012

I have a multicolumn (3 columns) listbox that is filled from a sheet (ProductList). Col1=product code (column A); Col2=description (column B); Col3=prices (columnC). I fill it when the form loads like this:

Dim rng As Range
With Worksheets("ProductList")
Set rng = .Range(.Range("A2"), _


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ListBox Don't Want To Show Some Column

Apr 7, 2014

i have a listbox1 with range A61:AG500

33 column

i don't want to show some column in listbox1 e.g F, G, J, K O, W, X .......

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More Than 11 Digits Don't Display In Listbox Column

Jul 30, 2013

i have 2 coulmns in a listbox. The columns cant display more than 11 digits. So basically it would look like this 1.23456789E+12. I even tried playing with the Columnwidth but that didnt work.

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Getting Column Information To Show In ListBox

May 12, 2009

I am having trouble getting my search information to show under the column headings in the listbox. My search reference is column E and I want to show the information for column F, I and A of the same row as the search match. Here is my code and a copy of the file I am using.

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Multi Column Listbox Change Based On Selection From Combobox

Mar 20, 2012

I have attached my Excel File with the userform I am trying to do. What I am trying to do is change the table in the listbox based on the selection of the combobox and then my selection in the listbox will pass the selected values to Range A1:C1.

Excel 1.xls

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Multi Column Listbox :: To Display A Number

Mar 5, 2007

I have a form with a list box on it, I want the listbox to display a number (1 through 20), the agents name, and a count of how many observations they have had. Unfortunately I have been unable to find an example of how to add multiple columns to a list box. I found the usual listbox1.list(x,x)= "whatever" type stuff but that doesn't seem to work right.

how to populate multiple columns including the headers, or point me to a site that explains it or has code examples?

Here is the data I want to put in the multicolumn listbox (the number and the agent name are from a worksheet, the deskside is a calculation sumproduct based on the 3 sheets that make up the quarter....

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Pick Combobox Column To Display (ID Vs Name) Via VBA

Jul 2, 2013

I have some vba code that opens up notepad and populates it with data from Access 2010. Everything works great including the notepad function, the database, and how the data is stored and displayed in the table/form.

The problem: I want to display the service name not the ID in notepad

I passed the field that I want to include in notepad as a string. However, it returns the ID and not the name of the person.

I don't want to change anything in the form or field property because it works perfect as is.

Is there a way to pick which column to display in the Email by vba code?

Column 0 = the ID and Column 1 = the name

^^That doesn't work for me

Here's my code (it works)

Private Sub cmdNoteAccept_Click()
Dim strCode As String

strCode = strCode & Me.Servicer & ": "
strCode = strCode & Format(Me.DateCreated, "MM/DD/YYYY")

strCode = strCode & "Insert message here"

Shell "Notepad.exe", vbNormalFocus
SendKeys strCode, True
End Sub

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Display Items From 1 Column On Sheet In 2 Columns In Listbox?

Jul 27, 2014

Can you display items from 1 column on a worksheet in 2 columns on a Listbox?

This is to avoid having a Listbox that is too long for the form, (I know I can use a scrollbar and I am but I would still like it shorter if possible).

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Populate The Headings Of A Listbox Via Code

Oct 13, 2009

Is possible to populate the headings of a listbox via code

I have a list box with three columns and need the headings to be

"Number" "Rider" and "Bike"

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Show The Headings Of The Four Highest Marks In Each Row

Nov 7, 2009

I have tried to construct a formula for columns M N O and P to extract the names of the four best marks for each student. I have used the 'Large' formula but it does work when there are equal marks in the list.

Has anyone used a formula to order the first four highest marks and show the headings?

Here is a sample of the Spreadsheet I am using.
(Using Excel 2003)

Column headings are:
(ignore the commas - they are just spacers for the data when posting)


Foot, Athl, Base, R.Cl., Rug, Crick, Tram, Bad, TT, Gym, Golf,,,,, 1st,,,2nd,,,3rd,,,4th

,20,,,,,25,,,,21,,,,,19,,,,22,,,,,20,,,,,24 ,,,25,,,,21,,,24,,,,19,,,,,, Athl Bad Tram Gym

,25,,,,,21,,,,19,,,,,22,,,,20,,,,,24,,,,,25,,,,21,,,,24,,,19,,,,25,,,,,, Foot Tram Golf Crick

,20,,,,,26,,,,25,,,,,21,,,,19,,,,,22,,,,,20,,,,24,,,,25,,,21,,,,24,,,,,, Athl Base TT Bad

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Find Most Recent Date In Column Headings In A Range - Insert New Column And Heading

Apr 4, 2014

I have a 2 groups of column headings with a different month and year in each heading so

1st Group of columns range
Columns AJ through AX
Column Heading example "Expense Ratio February 2013......next Column over is "Expense Ratio March 2013"

2nd Group of columns range AY though CE
Column Heading example "Capital Balance February 2013......next Column over is "Capital Balance March 2013"

Each new month I need to add a new Expense Ratio column after the most recent expense ratio Column. (i.e. Find "Expense Ratio March 2013" and I need to add a column after that with heading "Expense Ratio April 2013"

Same thing for Capital Balance - add a new Capital Balance column after the most recent Capital Balance Column. (i.e. Find "Capital Balance March 2013" and I need to add a column after that for "Expense Ratio April 2013"

Because the ranges keep changing month over month, how do i do this.

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Difference Between Combobox And Listbox

Apr 6, 2007

I must be overlooking something. Apparently, there is some difference between comboboxes and listboxes that I was not aware of. When I use the following code to populate a listbox, it works perfect:

Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()
Dim GrowerData() As String
Dim GrowerRange As Range

SheetTwoLastRow = Worksheets(2).Range("A2").End(xlDown).Offset(1, 0).Row

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Add ComboBox And TextBox To ListBox On UserForm

Jul 23, 2013

I'm attempting to add the values for a combobox and (2) text boxes to a list box on a form. The list has 3 columns. When I run code to add to the list box the values are added on separate rows instead of the same row. See code below and attached screen shot.

Private Sub cmdAddToList_Click()
Dim i As Integer
Dim iRow As Integer
If Me.cboParts.ListIndex = -1 Then Exit Sub
For i = 0 To Me.lstParts.ListCount - 1

[Code] ....


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Filter A Listbox From The Selection In A Combobox

Dec 9, 2009

Is there a way to filter a listbox from the selection in a combobox?

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Populate Listbox By Two Combobox Selection?

Nov 22, 2013

How do we populate a List Box based on two Combo Box Selection on a userform?

Sheet2 has 5 Columns of datas all the way down...
Combobox1 is the Column A
Combobox2 is the Column B

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Populate Listbox Using Criteria From Combobox?

Jul 5, 2014

I want to create a userform that selects a Staff members name from a combo box, once selected the listbox would then display what time off that person has taken - ultimately I would then like to be able to select a date taken and either edit or delete it from the sheet that holds the information.

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Use Combobox Text To Filter A Listbox

Sep 18, 2006

I'm trying to use 2 combobox's to filter a listbox with 7 columns. I need to match the 1st 3 chars. and the last 2 chars of the 1st column field to filter the list that displays in a listbox on a form. Is there an easy way to do this? I tried working with the autofilter, but couldn't get rid of the dropdown selection arrows.

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Combobox Selection To Populate Listbox

Jan 25, 2007

I have created a userform to keep track of "Customer Call Cycle".
This is what I have:

1) I have 3 Sales Reps with 50 Customers each.
2) Each customer has multiple contact persons

I have a userform with 2 combo boxex, 1 list box, 1 textbox and 2 buttons.

I want to be able to select Sales Rep from the 1st combobox which will automatically populate the second combobox with customer names related to that sales rep.

and when I select a customer name from 2nd combobox, I want all the contact persons in the database that are related to that customer name to populate in the listbox.

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Cannot See Row & Column Headings

Nov 23, 2006

I have a workbook. Numbers On The Left And Letters At The Top of all sheets cannot be seen. How can I make them visible?

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Populate Listbox Based On Combobox Selection?

Jun 26, 2014

My table contains 26 columns, I have Column E header as 'Assignee' and Column J for 'Date_Closed'.

I have a form containing a combobox and a listbox. The combobox is populated with 10 Assignee Names.

I want the listbox to be populated with all rows containing the selected Name ONLY if Date_Closed column (J) is blank/null.ie.date not filled yet.

For example, if i select "Ann", the listbox will show all rows in the table that have Assignee Ann for and closed date is still blank.

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Filter Listbox With Combobox And Search Button

Aug 4, 2014

Attached small application. Open the application and click on the LISTBOX button. Code for the Filter by Item button or the Filter by Representative button. I would like to select an item from either of those dropdowns in the search box, click on the relevant button and the list box will populate to show the results.

For example, if I were to select Chocolate Bars from the dropdown and click filter by item, I want to see only the three lines [i.e. line 2, 6 and 7] present in the listbox, and I want to be able to doubleclick on any of those lines to go to the record if I wish.

Similarly, if I select Robert from the other dropdown and click Filter by Representative, I want to see the relevant three lines [i.e. 4, 5 and 8] relating to Robert, present in the listbox, where I can again double click to go to the record [i.e. the data entry userform related to particular record selected.

I have attached a file : Form.xlsm‎

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Combobox Multiple Selection Or Listbox Dropdown?

Oct 25, 2010

I have a userform where I want the user to be able to select multiple options, but am having a bit of a problem finding the best way to do this. If I use a combobox, I don't appear to be able to allow multiple selections, but if I use a listbox I don't appear to be able to implement a dropdown facility. I would prefer to have a single line sized box on my form, but doing this with a listbox would probably be confusing for the user as it is not very easy to see what has been selected.

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Add Combobox Or Listbox For Assigning Criteria Code?

Mar 22, 2014

If Sheets ("Sheet1").Cells (i ,"D").Value="January" Then ...this is my code line.I would like to replace my criteria"January" with a listbox or combobox with months names so that my out put results vary according to my list selection from the combobox., so that I need not to change or edit my criteria value every time according to my requirement.Is it possible in vba?

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Fill Listbox Or Combobox On User Form `

Jul 4, 2007

I have been able to create a userform that allows users to fill out a form without the need to navigate throught the excel spreadsheet form that has been created. to further refine this I am trying to use either a list box or Combobox to display specific items for certain cells, ie Travel Method (Air / Rail / Other), or Department (Projects / Finance / Engineering / Admin etc). I can create these in a spreadsheet without to much problem, but sofar have been unable to get them to work in the user form.

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Populate Listbox Based On Combobox Selection

Jan 25, 2008

My table contains 6 columns, one of which is 'season'.

I have a form containing a combobox and a listbox. The combobox has 4 options (spring summer autumn and winter). I want the listbox to be populated with all rows containing the selected season. For example, if i select "spring", the listbox will show all rows in the table that have spring in the season column.

I realise this is a very remedial question but i am very new to VBA and programming in general!

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Sort ListBox Or Combobox List Items

May 9, 2008

The code for sorting a multi-column listbox in Retain Selection After Sorting ListBox was really good, and I've used it a lot in an application I'm building.

What I'm hoping to do is reload a listbox in such a way that the items appear in the same order they were previously in. I'll describe two scenarios:
1. User edits a record
- user sorts listbox
- user selects a record
- user edits record
- listbox reloads, unsorted

2. User adds a record
- user sorts a listbox and sees a record is missing
- user adds the missing record
- listbox reloads, unsorted

ideally the last step for each would be "listbox reloads, sorted" and the user would go on down the list. the tricky part i think is when rows are deleted or added.

i'm starting on a solution, but if there's some existing code that will do this i'd appreciate if someone could point me to it (because, for example, the listbox sorting code i referred to above anticipated things i did not).

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Dynamic Range In UserForm Listbox/ComboBox

May 21, 2008

How can I fill a UserForm ComboBox or ListBox with cells from a dynamic changing range?

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