I'm trying to use 2 combobox's to filter a listbox with 7 columns. I need to match the 1st 3 chars. and the last 2 chars of the 1st column field to filter the list that displays in a listbox on a form. Is there an easy way to do this? I tried working with the autofilter, but couldn't get rid of the dropdown selection arrows.
Attached small application. Open the application and click on the LISTBOX button. Code for the Filter by Item button or the Filter by Representative button. I would like to select an item from either of those dropdowns in the search box, click on the relevant button and the list box will populate to show the results.
For example, if I were to select Chocolate Bars from the dropdown and click filter by item, I want to see only the three lines [i.e. line 2, 6 and 7] present in the listbox, and I want to be able to doubleclick on any of those lines to go to the record if I wish.
Similarly, if I select Robert from the other dropdown and click Filter by Representative, I want to see the relevant three lines [i.e. 4, 5 and 8] relating to Robert, present in the listbox, where I can again double click to go to the record [i.e. the data entry userform related to particular record selected.
I must be overlooking something. Apparently, there is some difference between comboboxes and listboxes that I was not aware of. When I use the following code to populate a listbox, it works perfect:
Private Sub UserForm_Initialize() Dim GrowerData() As String Dim GrowerRange As Range
I'm attempting to add the values for a combobox and (2) text boxes to a list box on a form. The list has 3 columns. When I run code to add to the list box the values are added on separate rows instead of the same row. See code below and attached screen shot.
VB: Private Sub cmdAddToList_Click() Dim i As Integer Dim iRow As Integer If Me.cboParts.ListIndex = -1 Then Exit Sub For i = 0 To Me.lstParts.ListCount - 1
I want to create a userform that selects a Staff members name from a combo box, once selected the listbox would then display what time off that person has taken - ultimately I would then like to be able to select a date taken and either edit or delete it from the sheet that holds the information.
I have created a userform to keep track of "Customer Call Cycle". This is what I have:
1) I have 3 Sales Reps with 50 Customers each. 2) Each customer has multiple contact persons
I have a userform with 2 combo boxex, 1 list box, 1 textbox and 2 buttons.
I want to be able to select Sales Rep from the 1st combobox which will automatically populate the second combobox with customer names related to that sales rep.
and when I select a customer name from 2nd combobox, I want all the contact persons in the database that are related to that customer name to populate in the listbox.
I've created a sheet and associated VBA codes and userforms for call logging in my department at work, which works beautifully at the moment, but I could do with some help with the next step.
I've a listbox at the bottom of the main userform which lists all calls received by my department, but I'd like to be able to filter this for either open, held or closed calls but can't seem to get this to go.
I was hoping that I could simply filter the worksheet it came from and it would affect the listbox, but this doesn't seem to work. The only examples I've managed to find of anything similar are a little too complex for me to work out what does each bit.
I have a multicolumn (3 columns) listbox that is filled from a sheet (ProductList). Col1=product code (column A); Col2=description (column B); Col3=prices (columnC). I fill it when the form loads like this:
VB: Dim rng As Range With Worksheets("ProductList") Set rng = .Range(.Range("A2"), _
I have a userform where I want the user to be able to select multiple options, but am having a bit of a problem finding the best way to do this. If I use a combobox, I don't appear to be able to allow multiple selections, but if I use a listbox I don't appear to be able to implement a dropdown facility. I would prefer to have a single line sized box on my form, but doing this with a listbox would probably be confusing for the user as it is not very easy to see what has been selected.
If Sheets ("Sheet1").Cells (i ,"D").Value="January" Then ...this is my code line.I would like to replace my criteria"January" with a listbox or combobox with months names so that my out put results vary according to my list selection from the combobox., so that I need not to change or edit my criteria value every time according to my requirement.Is it possible in vba?
I have been able to create a userform that allows users to fill out a form without the need to navigate throught the excel spreadsheet form that has been created. to further refine this I am trying to use either a list box or Combobox to display specific items for certain cells, ie Travel Method (Air / Rail / Other), or Department (Projects / Finance / Engineering / Admin etc). I can create these in a spreadsheet without to much problem, but sofar have been unable to get them to work in the user form.
My table contains 6 columns, one of which is 'season'.
I have a form containing a combobox and a listbox. The combobox has 4 options (spring summer autumn and winter). I want the listbox to be populated with all rows containing the selected season. For example, if i select "spring", the listbox will show all rows in the table that have spring in the season column.
I realise this is a very remedial question but i am very new to VBA and programming in general!
The code for sorting a multi-column listbox in Retain Selection After Sorting ListBox was really good, and I've used it a lot in an application I'm building.
What I'm hoping to do is reload a listbox in such a way that the items appear in the same order they were previously in. I'll describe two scenarios: 1. User edits a record - user sorts listbox - user selects a record - user edits record - listbox reloads, unsorted
2. User adds a record - user sorts a listbox and sees a record is missing - user adds the missing record - listbox reloads, unsorted
ideally the last step for each would be "listbox reloads, sorted" and the user would go on down the list. the tricky part i think is when rows are deleted or added.
i'm starting on a solution, but if there's some existing code that will do this i'd appreciate if someone could point me to it (because, for example, the listbox sorting code i referred to above anticipated things i did not).
I have a listbox that is populated via a macro. I can not use ColumnHeads so I populate line 1 in listbox as a header. The user can click on any line to open another box with more in depth data, I want to restrict the user from clicking on line 1, the header.
I have tried using listbox.listindex=1 whenever listbox.listindex=0 in mousedown and keydown but it fails to work although placing listbox.listindex=1 in the form initialisation sets line 2 as default when it opens.
I have 2 comboboxes on a userform. In combobox1 I have a list of years which is pre-populated. In combobox2 i have some data. What i'd like to do is to sort combobox2 using the year selected from combobox1.
I have tried this slightly modified code from a different project, but cant get it to work correctly. The code below autofilters, and selects the correct range, but will not populate the userform combobox... the highlighted row seems to be the problem:
Dim rngToCopy As Range With Sheets("Project") .AutoFilterMode = False .Range("B:B").AutoFilter field:=1, Criteria1:=ComboBox6.Value With .AutoFilter.Range On Error Resume Next Set rngToCopy = .Offset(1, -1).Resize(.Rows.Count - 1).Resize(, 3) On Error GoTo 0 If rngToCopy Is Nothing Then MsgBox "No projects currently set up for the selected season!...": Exit Sub End With rngToCopy.Copy Destination:=UserForm5.ComboBox2.List .AutoFilterMode = False End With
In my data, i'd like to return columns A, B and C.
I have a list details in ranges "CV:DC" column CV has date entries so with the code given above i just select the date from combo box and check the details by pressing command button..Actually this code is doesn't work with combo box but it works with textbox except date data entries in this mode. So how can i improve this option if im going to use it in combo box.
Private Sub CommandButton26_Click() Dim a, i As Long, ii As Long, b(), n As Long ListBox4.Clear With ComboBox6 If .Text = "" Then Exit Sub If WorksheetFunction.CountIf(Range("cv:cv"), .Text) = 0 Then MsgBox "Bad Data" Exit Sub End If a = Range("cv1", Range("c" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp)).Resize(, 8).Value For i = 1 To UBound(a, 1)........................
I have a list box in the userform. I would like to add items into ListBox which correspondent with 4 combo box values. If all combo boxes is selected, that would be easy task. However, user might not need to select all combo boxes. If any of the combo boxes empty, my code fails that end up listbox is empty. I could write the code with all of the combinations, but that will be my last choice if there is nothing easier than that. Can I adjust the code such as if the combo box="" then skip then look at the other combo box if that is "" than skip again. If all combos are "" add all the items from the source.
My code is below:
AllStaffLB is listbox StaffSrchCB is combo box StaffSrchCB2 is combo box
I have a form that an administrator will open to search for items needing approved (ie. status is "Submitted" and they'll be going in to confirmit). The datasource is a table. For these purposes I'll arbitrarily call it Table1 for ease. There are multiple columns in the table, and I'll set the column width to "0" for those I don't want displayed, so we'll call the columns to be displayed Col2, Col3, and Col22. There are two dependents, because Col2 is the Division, of which there are 3 (Central, East, and West). The administator will select their Division and the associated ListBox will display results for all locations having a item status of "Submitted". Col3 will be the branch name, and Col25 with be a total $ amount of the order. Cbo1 (ComboBox1) will house the Private Sub Change() for the macro after a division has been selected.
Thus far I have thought of using a loop such as:
Code: Private Sub ComboBox1_Change() For n = 1 to ws.ListObjects(1).DataBodyRange.Rows.CountIf ws.ListObjects(1).DataBodyRange.Cells(n,2) = Me.ComboBox1.Value and ws.ListObjects(1).DataBodyRange.Cells(n,25) Like "*Submitted*" ThenMe.ListBox1.AddItem = If ws.ListObjects(1).DataBodyRange.Rows(n).Value2End IfNext n End Sub
I've got a mismatch in the the Value2 type for the .AddItem. Not sure how else to approach though.
I have searched the forum but can't find an answer to my problem. I have a list of about 3000 streets, a sample of which follows:
I know how to populate a List Box, but rather than having to scroll through the entire lot I would like to just have to type in a few letters and the output only display streets that start with only those letters. For example, if I type in AS only the following appear in the listbox.
I need to populate a worksheet's rows with values from 2 comboboxes and a listbox which can have multiply selected items. After finding the row's last free cell, I have the listbox values properly populating correct column. However, I not sure how to get the corresponding combobox values assigned to the appropriate columns.
i want to use a listbox or combobox on a userform with the values coming from column A in the MAIN sheet. what i need is if the colour i want is not there i type the new colour in it then adds the value to the end of values in coloumn A and too the list for the next time i use the userform. is it possible to do this and how?
Im trying to add coloumn heads to my listbox but its just not working i was using rowsource to use the first row of the sheet as the headings however this just set the values in the listbox to the rowsource. Here is my code
If Area = "" Then Dim c As Range Zip = "*" + Zip + "*" Me.ListBox1.Clear For Each c In Range([e2], [e65000].End(xlUp)) If UCase(c) Like UCase(Zip) Then With Me.ListBox1 .AddItem c .List(.ListCount - 1, 0) = c.Offset(0, -4).Value .List(.ListCount - 1, 1) = c.Offset(0, -3).Value .List(.ListCount - 1, 2) = c.Offset(0, -2).Value.....................
aboute searching big database (10000 rows) with names of streets for one town. Each day I get list with 50 address and I need to look in database to see details aboute street in wich is address. I was thinking of user form with listbox for list of 50 addresses and then use first four letters of that address for advanced filter. I'm stuck with code for that four letter thing. When I see the desired information I need to insert it to 50 address table.
I'm running reports in one workbook on different types of spend for 12 business units using 1 worksheet containing the raw data, and 6 other sheets with pivot tables showing different levels of detail.
I've used simple VBA to prepare to standardise the raw data and refresh all the pivot tables with no problem
I need to filter the data to show spend for specific business units. I'd like to do this using a listbox showing the units where I can select the unit(s) to report on, which in turn will only make the units selected visible on each table in the workbookwith no other intervention.
There is another thread on here (showthread.php?t=55041) that shows how to use the list box to control 1 pivot table on one sheet but I can't find anything which shows me how extend this to cover multiple tables over multiple sheets.