Display Different Message Box Based On Cell Value?
Jun 24, 2014
I have a workbook that can open a URL into IE when a project number is entered in an input box.
What I would like to happen is that if the project number entered does not have a URL against it and the value is #N/A, then the message box will display "Project does not exist". However if the number does exist, I want a different message box to be displayed which is a yes/no box.
The code below is what I have tried which works fine if the cell value is #N/A but when it is not it throws an Run-Time error 13: Type mismatch
Sub SearchPidsMessageBox()
Dim Answer As String
Dim MyNote As String
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Apr 8, 2008
I wonder if the following is possible in the worksheet_open event. I want to be able to open my worksheet and see via a message box all the important features I need to look at.
Using column AG,
Take the cells that are conditionally formatted to red, take the corresponding cells in column A & B and output this
information in a message box.
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Feb 10, 2014
I have created a sheet that calculates a score. Based on that score a determination is made to do one of three things - Nothing, Peer/Manager Review, Review Required.
In addition it was requested now that I make an overall decision for "Review Required" based on multiple triggers. My thought was to create a table from outputs of each element on another sheet, and then trigger off the table. What I am stuck on is using the multiple choices to trigger the message - Below are the choices of which each or a combination of each should trigger "Review Required"
Calculate Review Required
Total Score 'Review Required
Element 1 "
Element 2 "
Element 3"
Element 4"
Element 5"
Element 6"
Element 7"
Element 8"
Element 9"
Element 10"
Element 11"
Element 12"
Element 13 "
Element 14 '20 or more = reveiw
Element 15 '20 or more = reveiw
Element 16 '20 or more =review
Element 17 'Sum 20 Total of above if less than 20 in each
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Dec 29, 2009
When the whole row in excelsheet is full for particular date that means all the values of columns (Legal Charge,GA and DNM) have been entered for particular date then display an error message if the another user tries to enter the values for the same date .
It means the user can enter the values for same date only if values of Legal Charge,GA and DNM are empty,otherwise an error message should pop up.
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Nov 9, 2006
i have a routine which loops through a range looking for past dates and when it finds one display the result in a message box in my testbook i only use 25 rows but it gets annoying having to click ok for every find....is it possible to collect all results and display them in the message box at one time?
Private Sub Workbook_Open()
Dim Mycell
Dim Rng
Set Rng = Sheets("Sheet1").Range("B1:B25")
For Each Mycell In Rng
If Mycell.Value < Date Then
MsgBox Mycell.Offset(0, -1).Value & " Is Overdue By " & Date - Mycell.Value & " Days, Take Action Now!", vbOKOnly, "Tasks Overdue"
End If
Next Mycell
End Sub
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Dec 12, 2007
I want to display a comment/note that is always visible however:
*The text in the comment should change "only when" the user of my worksheet "clicks" on a specific cell in the worksheet;
*I do not want that a comment appears/disappears/ changes when the mouse moves over any of the cells
*I do want that the same comment/note is used to display different text when the user clicks on another cell in the worksheet
*I do want that the user can position this comment on his screen where he wants it to be.
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Nov 4, 2012
I am using this code to display a message when a range is empty on workbook save. Case "A" gives an error when referring to a range, the second case works fine. How can I change it?
Private Sub Workbook_BeforeSave(ByVal SaveAsUI As Boolean, Cancel As Boolean)Select Case Worksheets("Sheet1").Range("B6").ValueCase "A" If Worksheets("Sheet2").Range("D104:D109").Value = "" Then MsgBox "Cells cannot be empty!" Exit SubCase "B", "D", "F" If Worksheets("Sheet2").Range("D112").Value = "" Then MsgBox "Cells cannot be empty!"Case ""End SelectEnd Sub
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Feb 21, 2007
Im currently studying for an ICT A level and im in my first year doing AS. Im working the AQA board and i have a project that i have a target for an A! I need to create a system for a business and write a report on everything i did...wont go into detail. Anyway. i am having trouble with an IF FUNCTION!!! I have a cell (E35) that contains a percentage.
I want the IF function to display a message depending on what the percentage in cell E35 shows;
IF, 0>> Display "Bad"
40>> Display "OK"
70>> "Good"
90>> Display "Very Good"
E35>=100 >>>> Display "Excellent"
I have tried so many things and I was so sure i entered it correctly, but it keeps coming up with an error.
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Dec 17, 2012
I have a spreadsheet and in column D, I have look up formula which looks up value from another tab. What I want to do is if the look up finds #N/A or blank cell. There should be a message box appear warning that all the cells in column D might not be updated properly.
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Mar 31, 2009
What I want to do is very similar to a Data Validation message, where a message pops up when you select a the cell. I want that message to be the value of another cell in the same worksheet.
I would also be open to a solution where you simply mouse over a cell to see a comment/message.
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Jul 10, 2006
My Cell C3 is a numeric value..I have set conditional formatting to make the text red and bold when the number is equal or less than 10,000 is there a way I can make cell E3 display a message when the C3 condition is true?? or if not a message is there a way to make a message box pop up when my C3 condition of less then or equal to 10,000 is true?
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Aug 23, 2013
I want a message box to pop up when a "certain" value(example "guest") is enter in a range(ex- a1:a20).
How can i accomplish this with a vba code?
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Mar 18, 2012
I am working on a spread sheet for work were we have to test certain items on certain days, e.g. one item needs to be tested every Tuesday & Thursday, when the test is completed you click on a drop down box and click on completed or in progress.
What I would like are a couple of things to happen as follows:
A message box would pop up when you open the file to inform the employee that the test is due today only on Tuesday & Thursday if not completed or in progress from the drop down box. Once you select completed or in progress from the drop down box the message box no longer appears. Every Tuesday & Thursday when it's first open it deletes the cell content, thus triggering the message box test is due today, and once completed or in progress it no longer appears until next Tuesday or Thursday.
The spread sheet is on shared drive and used by several users, let's just say cell A1 is the cell I have the drop down box
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Feb 22, 2009
I have been reading the different post here on the forum.
I have found a snippet of code that will open a pop-up message from a value of a cell. I would llike to do this on one of my reports. Here is the scenario.
Range (R5:S5) 0.15 them MsgBox "Note Must Be Entered For +/- 15% change"
But There are 14 different cells that I want this to work for. The value differs from day to day, and this should pop-up happen without a user having any actions other then the calculated value. But ones the note is entered in the "Notes: cell the message will not return.
Hope I explained it correctly.
The value of the cells in question are calculated in each cell with a formula example "=IF(ISERROR(Z20/H5),0,IF(ISERROR(Z20/H23),0,(Z20/H23)))"
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Jan 24, 2009
in column A of a spreadsheet a date needs to be entered manually, however i cannot have it so it can be backdated or a weekend. I have seen a message box pop up if you try and enter a date prior to today saying , Please enter todays date , then gives you an option Retry Or Cancel. But im not familiar with this function.
Is it possible to have this if a date is enter and is either a weekend or a date less than today ?
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Dec 22, 2009
I would like to have Excel automatically send a Console Message whenever a user enters a value greater than zero into a column. In the example attached, I would have received a message on 12/03/2009 and 12/07/2009 because the user entered a positive value into the "Fail" column. I know macros can be written to send E-Mail messages, but I do not want the user to have access to E-Mail or the Internet. Ideally, the message would be sent instantly, at the worst, the next time the user saves the file. *Edit-I really do not care what notification I get. It can be a message, an image on my screen, whatever just as long as I get notification that the user has entered a positive value into the "Fail" column.-End Edit*
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May 28, 2014
Is it possible to format the message box display? I need to display currency format, how can this be done?
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Feb 17, 2008
I want to sort the information that will be displayed in a message box just before it's displayed, is this possible. I can't do this in the worksheet because it would conflict with how I have the worksheet sorted already. Here's the last portion of the code that will display what I want in the message box. I want to sort by the... Requested on: " & mpNames.Cells(i, 2).Text & " this column has a date and time in it and I want the sort to use this information to sort the message box.
If .Cells(i, "A").Value = mpTestName Then
mpMessage = mpMessage & mpNames.Cells(i, 1).Value & _
" (Requested on: " & mpNames.Cells(i, 2).Text & ", Leave type: " & mpNames.Cells(i, 3).Value & _
", Start Date on: " & mpNames.Cells(i, 4).Text & ", End Date on: " & mpNames.Cells(i, 5).Text & ")" & vbNewLine & vbNewLine
End If
Next i
If mpMessage "" Then
MsgBox mpMessage, vbOKOnly + vbInformation
MsgBox "Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah", vbOKOnly + vbInformation
End If
End With
End Sub
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Dec 18, 2008
When the user enters a date (A1), that date is cross-referenced with a database to determine 1 of 3 results, in which the results are displayed in A3 as follows - Date out of range. (value="DOR"), No records exist. (Value="NRE"), Records exist. (Value="RE").
Once the date is entered and the corresponding value determined, I would like to have a ppo-up message appear with options:
Date out of Range.
Message: "Date falls out of range of operating season. Please re-enter." ** I think I can use validation to take care of this. **
Message "Would you like to import data?"
Yes - open external application
No - default A1 to current date and await user input
Records Exist.
Message " x Diamond Records; y Field Records; z Court Records " where x y z are numeric values based on lookup from the referenced database
Message "Proceed to data"
Yes - takes used to next new worksheep
No - default A1 to current date and await user input
How / where do I code this to activate after the user enters a valid date?
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Mar 30, 2009
I am looking for is VB code to firstly have a message box with an input box on (that bit i can do). The text and number put into the message box is then used to search the table for the information that relates to it.
The ideal would be for the code to find the data and then copy it either to the clipboard or to a section of the workbook.
The tables I am searching can be put into which ever format is easiest. Below is an example table;
1 A.1 Side Road Correctly Left
2 A.2 Hit in Rear Left
3 A.3 No known Police ref
4 A.4 Vandalism
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Aug 11, 2009
code that would generate the 'Not Found' message
I have a date in HC4, which appears in column 112, so cannot understand why it finds nothing ?
Sub Macro6()
Dim C1 As Range
Application.Goto Reference:="CURRENT"
Set C1 = Range(Cells(4, 8), Cells(4, 200)).Find(Range("HC4").Value)
If Not C1 Is Nothing Then
C1.Offset(1, 0).PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteValues
MsgBox "Not found"
End If
End Sub
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Jan 12, 2010
I have been using the GetOpenFileName method and a message box to return the filepath of a file and saving the filepath in a variable called Filepath. This worked just fine.
What I want to be able to do is display the the file path at any time in a message box, but not sure how to do this. I tried displaying the message box in a form and was going to look for some way to call the form, but the form does not return the message.
My code for this is as follows:
Module 1
Sub getfilepath()
Dim filepath As String
filepath = Application.GetOpenFilename(FileFilter:="All Files (*.*), *.*", Title:="Select a file")
End Sub
Userform 1
Private Sub OkButton_Click()
Unload UserForm1
End Sub...........
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Mar 2, 2007
I am just having a problem where at the end of my macro, the macro is looking for a value in a cell and there is no value at the end of the game for it to paste so I get an error. Instead of getting an error, I would like the macro to display, "You win!", if cell e1 is =1, "You lose!", if cell e1 is =2, and "tie game", if cell e1 is =0.
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Mar 6, 2008
I'm a novice at VBA and I want a dialog box to display a welcome message once the user opens the excel file (worksheet). I can write the code to display a MsgBox but I can't make it to display the MsgBox once the file is open. I'm learning VBA by trial and error.
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Dec 6, 2012
I have 4 columns in a worksheet.
number type date name
I am using an input box to enter the value of column D. After the value of column D is entered, I want a message box that displays the corresponding data in column A and B. with the vba coding?
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Sep 13, 2013
creating a .Find code to search a range on a sheet and then display each result seperately in a msgbox. An inputbox will be the value .find searches the range for.
the msgbox needs to be a vbyesno
Dim myItem As String, myRNG As Range, NewLoc As String
Dim Found As Range [code].....
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Mar 4, 2009
I need it to display the message if findstring has been found more than once (i.e Twice)
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Apr 22, 2009
I need a program for my user form such that it displays an error message.
I have created an user form with employee name ,task and remarks.
I need a program in such a way if an user clicks the "submit" button without entering all the fields in the user form, an "error message" should be displayed.
The submit button has to work only if all the fields are filled by the user.
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Jun 11, 2009
I have a spreadsheet and a macro that creates a new sheet and enters some data into the sheet. The user gets to make some changes to the created sheet and then prints it out. I was wandering if there was any way to have a message coming up every 10 minutes remindnig the user about the new sheet untill it was printed out and then the warnings would stop. Could anyone sugest a good way to do that?
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Jul 8, 2009
I want to display a message box to user upon opening a file. When the message box is displayed I want to display two buttons.
Button 1 = “Continue”
Button 2 = “Cancel”
If the user selects button 1 (“Continue”), I want the file to remain open and the message box will close.
If the user selects button 2 (“Cancel”), I want the file to close.
There is one condition that must be met for the “Continue” button. The message contains some disclaimer information. When the message box first appears on the screen, the “Continue” button is disabled. To make the “Continue” button active, I want to add a Check Box to the Message Box with a caption that reads “I agree to the Terms and Conditions”. Once the user places a checkmark in the Check Box, the “Continue” button will become active.
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