Hi, I'm sure this will be an easy one for most of you. I need to extract data from an array for each time I have recorded a specific vehicle registration. I have used VLOOKUP but this only gives me one result. I need excel to display every enrty for the registration I am looking for. I have attached a sample file which should make more sence.
i put in a vlookup formula and it doesn't display any results, it just diplays the formula with the = sign in the cell. it does that with any formula i enter. i tried hitting it and everything.
I have two worksheets in worksheet 1 I have a bunch of data and I want to be able to filter out to only include relevant results.
Eg. If I search for 'Dog' I want search column A in another sheet and find all full and partial matches then display the entire row of each of these matches.
For a soccer league table I'm building, I'm trying to add a few columns that display each team's form in the last few matches. So, it will state 'W', 'D' or 'L' for a certain number of recent matches. Like this for each team in the league table: WWDLW.
In the attachment example, I've pretty much got the concept working, having used the invaluable INDEX/MATCH/LARGE functions and a serial date column. The problem is, at the moment the DDW you see at the bottom is taking the whole table into consideration. I'm trying to get it so only Arsenal's recent results are taken into account. I feel like this shouldn't be too difficult, but after numerous attempts of using different functions I cannot get it to work.
I have two groups of lottery results. The first group has the last year results of 200 rows, and the second group displays this year results of 100 rows. I want to start comparing the first row of the second group (green group) with all the rows of the first group( blue group)
I am trying to create a search where the user types into the text box 'ItemDescription' then hits the 'ItemDescSearch' button (see below code) to pollute the list box 'lbSamDesc' with any partial matches from the specified range. Currently when I click on the button it takes about 8 seconds then no results are displayed in the List Box.
I created a user form that provides a menu that allows users to perform advanced filtering. They can also scroll through the results freely. A problem is that a subsequent advanced filter selection does not always display the top row of filtered records, depending upon what the user has chosen to display prior to selecting the next set of filtered records.
How can I make the top row of filtered records always be displayed so that users will not overlook results of advanced filter operations?
using a command button to input data back into the spreadsheet at a specific location.
Background: I am building a time clock spreadsheet, of sorts. I have a user form that provides a list of volunteer names in a combobox and then a list of activities they can perform in another combobox. Some activities have Details. (So, VolunteerName Todd can choose Activity Maintenance, which has no details; Volunteer Joe can choose Activity Teaching and then can select Details Intermediate 2.) The volunteer then clicks a SignInCommandButton.
The SignInCommendButton populates a worksheet (VolunteerLog) with the following information:
Column A: Volunteer Name Column B: Today's Date Column H: Exact Time In Column E: Activity Column F: Details, if populated
The SignInCommandButton also copies a formula from cell L2 into the appropriate row of column C (Time In) that rounds the Exact Time In to the nearest 15 minutes. The SignInCommandButton then does a Copy/Paste Special Values to remove the formula from column C and then resets the Userform.
What I need to do:
1) When the person first selects their name from VolunteerNameComboBox, I want to check 3 things:
a) whether the person's name exists in Column A of the VolunteerLog worksheet;
b) if it does, if the Date associated with that entry = Today; and
c) if it does, if the Time Out column is Blank.
If all three conditions are met, I want the ActivityComboBox to populate with the values in Column E and F, if necessary. The user will then click the SignOutCommandButton. (details in a moment)
I already have the code for if the conditions aren't met (Activity box populates and, depending on the selection in the Activity box, the Details box may appear for a selection to be made, or may remain hidden.)
2) The SignOut Button needs to enter the Time into Column I of the appropriate row found in (1) above. It will also need to copy the rounding formula I mentioned earlier, and do the Paste Special, but I have that already.
For (1), I think I have a start. My thinking is to first check if the Name selected in VolunteerNameComboBox is in the VolunteerLog. Each time it shows up, I'd like to add it to a list (range?) called rngSignedInDate. Then I'd loop through all the entries in that range checking if the Date = Today. If it does, then I'd add it to a list called rngSignedOut and loop through those results to see if Column C (Time Out) is blank.
I think I have the first loop, but am stuck on how to populate the results into rngSignedInDate. Here is the code:
Code: Private Sub VolunteerNameComboBox_Change() 'Check if the Volunteer has signed in already Dim strVol As String Dim rngSignedInVol As Range Dim rngSignedInDate As Range Dim rngSignedOut As Range Dim rngSignedInActivity As Range Dim rngSignedInMatch As Range
(2) I haven't started working on the SignOutCommandButton. The challenge for me with that is directly tied to the challenge in (1). If someone does pass all 3 tests, I need to have that specific instance defined in a way that I can have the SignOutCommandButton put the time in the appropriate row.
I have a Template which is used to import log data, calculate and displaying the results in several charts. Then all sheets are copied to a new workbook, a Save As dialog apears for the new workbook and the template will close. This is all done with VBA and it works fine.
Problem: The Worksheets with the Charts on it refer to the data-source at the template file. Strange because the copied worksheets have the same names as the originals.
(when Opens: This Workbook contains Links to other Workbooks...)
Question: How can I establish that the Charts will point to their own data sources in the same Workbook rather then linking to the Template file on a Server.
I wanted to create a multiple drop down lists (using data validation) in column B (50 in all, every 3rd line) whereby, multiple, comma deliminated, results would display in each of the cells - for use elsewhere in the spreadsheet.
I found some code (as follows) which worked perfectly for me
VB: Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range) Dim rngDV As Range Dim oldVal As String
As I mentioned above, I don't really understand the code and all I know is that the line about halfway down "If Target.Column = 2 Then" is defining which column (B) this will work in.
The problem I am having is that I need to protect the worksheet and the moment I "protect" the worksheet, the functionality of displaying multiple values goes away and the drop-down list reverts to only displaying one of the available values.
Column A & B has a list of Supplier Part numbers and Buyer Part numbers as below.
Supplier P/N Buyer P/N
HGFYE/12 111111
HYEYDH/14 222222
[Code] ..........
Cell D2 is an open cell that any data can be entered into as a search term. What I am trying to do is search for a Supplier P/N that have the characters "H", "G" or "E" in it, so entering "HGE" into cell D2 would display the results into columns F & G as below.
Supplier P/N Buyer P/N
HGFYE/12 111111
HDGTEY/56 333333
I can easily do a formula for 1 character or a string of characters.
To complicate it further, if the search term has in this example has "YFF", I would like the same formula/code to workout that the result in F & G should show this time
I have been trying to get this formula to work, and it appears it only works when it wants to and I cannot figure out why. What I'm trying to do: I have a spreadsheet with several columns of data, but I want the formula to read only two entire columns for a specific criteria for each column, then display the most recent date based off the criteria. I do not need to total up the criteria, just display the last date. This is what I have so far: =IF((AND(Sheet2!A:A=B2,Sheet2!B:B="Game: Counter Strike - Source")),MAX(Sheet2!C:C)).
I have this in a table, header as "last date" which is (C2), the B2 in my table would be where criteria would be typed in. So basically, my table should pull the last date from based off the criteria from raw data in sheet2, that is entered in to B2 on sheet1 and is "Game: Counter Strike - Source".
I have some code which i would like to search a range of cells to see if a value is already used in this range. if it finds the value it will return a message box saying 'value found' and exit the sub, but when it doesn't find the value it will run extra code using "else" function. The code does what i want it to do, but it still returns the msgbox even if the the code in the "else" section runs.
I would like to look at an array and find the largest number. Once that is found, return the text value that is in column B from that row. For example:
In this example, I would be looking at the array C1:D3. Because the highest value is 7, I want the text "Orange" to be displayed in a new cell such as A5.
To find the largest number, I am using =Large(C1:D3,1). How do I display its' corresponding text value from column B in a new cell?
is to display a set of data based on filtered information.
My Data base: Company Department Name A X John A Y Joe A X Jane B Y Bob C Z Kate A X Kerri
Based on user selection of Company and Department, I want to be able to display the relavent names.
If user chose Company A, and Department X, I want to be able to display John Jane Kerri
I've used the ROWS, Index, Small combination that works perfectly (Please see sample below). However, since the this software doesn't support the ROWS function, and doesn't support Macros.
I am using the extract words function outline here [url]
I copied and pasted the function into a new sub and deleted the sub module1 and the end sub to make sure it is it own function I can call. I have called it in another macro I wrote and when I run the macro it bugs out at the first if statement. The code it has a problem with the Get_Word code below. It throws a "Run-time error: '1004': unable to get the Find property of the WorksheetFunction class."...
I have an issue with VLOOKUP. By runnig VLOOup we can get the data that there is present in a specified range. But how about to get the data DISPLAYED which is not there in the specified range. I tried combining IF and VLOOKUP functions. I am on a simple project now and I would be happy if I could get the answer immeidately
I've been working on a method to search a single column of 1000+ cells containing a paragraph with a 250+ word keyword list (also in a single column). I'm needing only complete words to be searched/ displayed regardless of spacing & punctuation. I've tried multiple methods the past few days and the one that worked (Macro with 4 complex formulas) was unusable when scaled out to all 1,000 rows due to the extremely long calculating time. I don't know VBA yet but was able to modify and create a user defined function that does everything I need except it displays string results that are not whole words (Ex. search for air, word in cell is fair, displays a result for air).
PHP Code:Â
Function RangeSearch2(text As String, wordlist As Range, seperator As String, Optional caseSensitive As Boolean = False)    Dim strMatches As String    Dim res As Variant    Dim arrWords() As String    Dim skip As Boolean    skip = False    On Error Resume Next    Err.Clear    For Each word In wordlist            If caseSensitive = False Then     Â
I'm trying to write UDF which getting RegEx pattern and a certain cell as arguments and returns only matching string. For examples for string "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog", and RegEx pattern "w{4}" the function will return two words "OVER" and "LAZY". What should I change in my code?
Function GetPattern(myPattern As String, myString As String) Dim regEx As RegExp Dim Matches As Object Set regEx = CreateObject("VBScript.RegExp")
With regEx .Pattern = myPattern .IgnoreCase = True End With GetPattern = regEx.Replace(myString, "$1") End Function
Before I got this Function from your Form to convert digit to words.
Function is as following..right now i m getting as following:-
If i type 123..i m getting one Hundred twenty Three with this script as below.
But i want US Dollar one Hundred Twenty Three..
Can any one add the word "US Dollar" in this script.
Function English(ByVal N As Currency) As String Const Thousand = 1000@ Const Million = Thousand * Thousand Const Billion = Thousand * Million Const Trillion = Thousand * Billion
I want to have a few words shown based on figures in specific cells. I not quite sure how to explain, but i will try my best:
A1 = 5 A2 = 0 A3 = 7
The function i am using looks something like this:-
=IF(A1<6,"Do I Have Sickness Self Cert?","Do I Have Doctor's Paper?")
However, by using this function, if the cell is empty it still shows the first wording when i need it to show lets say between 1 & 6 shows the first wording and more than 6 shows the second wording! If you know what i mean... I know what i want to do but cant really explain it very well.
Maybe it should look something like this but it does not work the way i am doing it.
=IF(E156>1<6,"Do I Have Sickness Self Cert?","Do I Have Doctor's Paper?")
I'm using the following phrase out of a much longer expression to demonstrate that the return value of the MID function seems to be nothing I can understand.
This expression:
returns 6/10 as text which makes sense. However I was under the impression that when text in Excel contains numeric characters, it can be interpreted as a number. So then how does the following expression,
return the result 38878? Does it still think it's text?
I am looking for a formula that will yield the following: IFAH9>AI9 return the word Green, IFAH9=AI9 return the word Blue, IFAH9<AI9 return the word Yellow. If AI9 is blank stay blank.
I am trying to sum the details from sheet2 in sheet3. I am currently using a plain formula to sum-up the values. However, create a indirect and vlookup function to sum the values.
In sheet3, I have to sum the values from sheet2 based on the contacts. Sheet1, sheet2 and Sheet3 are connected and any update(insert,delete.. etc) will be made in sheet 1 only. Sheet2 automatically updates based on sheet1. Similarly, Sheet3 should also update based on sheet1 and sum the values based on contacts from sheet2.
I have added the formula which I am currently using in the sheet.
I have a macro that loops through a column of cells to retrieve a price that is buried in a string. The cells in this column are formatted one of two ways. Either they are completely empty, or the following pattern of string is entered: "$181.27 ea. for 12 on 5/21/14" (the quotes are not part of the string entered). What I need my macro to do is pull out "$181.27" and then drop the dollar sign and then do some more math before inputting a result in a different cell, but the prices range from less than a dollar to over $100,000 so I need to use split instead of left. Should be simple, yes? Here is what I have:
[Code] ......
But I get an error 9: subscript out of range on the line that calculates PriceSplit whenever it encounters a blank cell.