Economic Statistics Forecast

Mar 3, 2007

I try to predict some macro economic statistics but any attempt till now didn't make sense. the attached file. Note: when i used the FORECAST function the predicted values showed an unlogical drop while there seems to be a positive trend.

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Convert 52 Week Rolling Forecast To Monthly Forecast

Apr 4, 2014

I have a 52 week rolling forecast that I would like to have displayed in each calendar month that it corresponds to. I have come up with a solution where it does lump the data together into months but it is not a smooth lumping of the weeks as some weeks cross over from one month to the next. Is there a way to lump each week into its respective month. My current solution places in some months 4 weeks worth of data and in other months 5 weeks worth of data. Attached is the spreadsheet that I am using. The tab "Weekly Sales" is the 52 week data which has specified the exact dates on the calendar that that week represents. The "Monthly Sales" tab has the 12 week data which has specified the exact dates on the calendar that that month represents. I've tried SUMPRODUCT but that is giving me 4 weeks in some months and 5 weeks in others.

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Organizing Statistics (manipulate Team Statistics)

Mar 30, 2009

I want to manipulate team statistics and having a bit of trouble trying to figure out how to do it. I am relatively new to excel and am using Excel 2007.

I have attached the excel file for your reference (the same file).

What I need to do is first find out the team number using the table on first sheet named "Teams". User will enter team name on call B4 of sheet "Team entry" then in cell C4 there should be a formula to find the team number (is beside name on sheet "Teams) and displays it (on C4). Then on cell D4 of the same sheet "Team entry" there should be a formula that displays cell A1 (shows a statistic for that team) of the team sheet. Each team has its own stat sheet named by its team number (easier for me to keep track). So basically D4 should show cell A1 of the sheet that shows stats of the team entered. In addition cell E4 of "Team entry" should display stat2 (of the sheet "stat2")for the team entered.

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Lotto Statistics

Aug 23, 2007

Been searching the archives but not finding my answers. I downloaded historical lottery numbers and want to run statistics on them- just no clue where to start. I guess the 1st and most important thing is to figure out which #s have come up most often out of all of them. I assume it's some sort of COUNT or LOOKUP code- but not sure. I have the #s arranged in a sheet like so ...

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Descriptive Statistics

Jun 27, 2008

want to make a macro to do a 'descriptive statistics data analysis' of column b and put the results in m1 to n18.

basically doing this but in a macro.
add in= tools /data analysis/ descriptive stats

I have recorded it doing this, but it for some reason can't do what it wrote.

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Mar 9, 2009

On Sheet1 I have 2 cells one has the date 1-mar-09 and the other has 7-mar-09. I need to find this range on Sheet2 which has all the dates for the year in ColumnA and then total the amounts found in Sheet2!ColumnB for the specified date range. Is this possible without VB?

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Forecast The Value

Mar 19, 2009

I'm trying to forecast values for B48:B56. Charted the data and a polynomial 6th order fits best. Known values in B2:B47.

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Pull Some Statistics From A Workbook

Jan 27, 2009

I'm trying to pull some statistics from a workbook I've been sent and am having some trouble working out how to achieve this.

I have a small interface that allows the user to choose a possible answer (drop-down menu) from a questionnaire (Yes, No, Maybe)(cell: C6). On the interface the user also picks the question they wish to see the stats for (cell: C5)

The data I have been sent has been set up with the questions along in row A, and the answers below in each column (the answers run across row A from column G - AH).

So, what I'm basically after is a formula that first looks up the question specified in C5 (I've used HLOOKUP to pull some other data), and then counts how many times the Yes, No or Maybe answers appears in the column where the question data is held.

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Statistics Of Random Numbers

Dec 3, 2009

I have two rows in a sheet with random numbers (1 till 90).

Those numbers in those two rows I change them every 5 minutes with new one still from 1 to 90
I need a "way", in one side of my sheet (lets say in column B) to count how many times a number was repeated after finish my work (example after 2 hour's)

Is that possible with excel 2007?

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Statistics: How To Recode Data

Oct 9, 2002

I have been looking everywhere for this. In SPSS, it is very easy to recode data, but how do you do this in Excel? For example, researchers often "reverse" their questions on surveys with Likert scales to eliminate respondent errors. In those questions, you want 1=5, 2=4, 3=3, 4=2, 5=1. Is there a plug-in or some other formula that is out there?

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Table Of Contents With Statistics

May 16, 2008

I have a table of contents page. The TOC is updated each time some one opens the sheet (this is a must have based on the requirements). I'm trying to include some statistics next to each item in the TOC. These statistics are on each worksheet and just need to be copied to the TOC.
Now my problem.

The worksheets are NOT keep in alphabetical order, so After the TOC is created a sort is done to put the TOC links in alphabetical order. After the order is set, I need a formula that will read the worksheet name from a cell on the TOC (which is really a hyper link to a worksheet).

I have this already:
ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = "=Address!R[-2]C[-2]"

If "=Address!" (Where address is the name of one of the sheets) could be replaced with a cell reference that (I think) would do the trick.

My TOC is a MACRO not a cell formula so if this can not be done with a cell formula but can be done through VBA that would be fine.

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Bowling Statistics Formula

Jul 6, 2008

I have running total of bowling scores current & going back from when I first started.

What I’m trying to archive is a formula that will count the most recent 96 scores and still allow me to add new scores each week in keeping the current running total of 96 games.

The statistics are listed from A4:C215 that may have 1 or 2 scores not listed. (missed games)

Each week new statistics will be added in cell A4:C4 anywhere’s of 1-3 games.

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Soccer Statistics Spreadsheet

Sep 11, 2008

Back to test you with a few problems as I work through a project I'm carrying out, based on past results data of the English Premier League.

I have some of the solutions/formulas I require already, but there are still some gaps to be filled in!


the spreadsheet is set out as follows:

Key Columns / Sub-Title (Remarks)

B Date (the date a match was played - the s.sheet is sorted by this column, A>Z)
C Home Team
D Away Team
E Home team goals scored
F Away team goals scored
I-M Indicates via U or O whether the match contained under or over 0.5,1.5,2.5,3.5,4.5 goals
N Points obtained for Home team (i.e. 3 for a win, 1 for a draw, and 0 for a loss)
O Points obtained for Away team (i.e. 3 for a win, 1 for a draw, and 0 for a loss)

There are 381 rows in total for each worksheet (season) - 1 for the titles, and 2-381 for each match played in the season...................

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Statistics From Golf Scores

Mar 14, 2008

I am creating a workbook to manage golfer scores, teams, winnings, handicap, ect. I am having trouble with the statistics sheet. I Need A Sub To:

1. Column "B" , take the average of the lowest 5 numbers in columns "AB" though "AU"

2. Column "C" , take the average of the lowest 10 numbers in columns "G" through "Z" divided by 0.96

3. Column "D" , take the average of the lowest 10 numbers in columns "AW" through "BP"

this needs to happen for each row where there is a name. (names added daily)

I have included a similar sheet as the one i am working with along with some command buttons typically not included. Should show some of the problems I am having.

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Statistics By Date Range

Apr 1, 2008

I need to record on Sheet 2 how many times enteries in Coloum B on Sheet 1 appear per date range.

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Summary Of Horse Racing Statistics

May 6, 2009

i need to do the following on the attached spreadsheet using a macro: SHEET 1. This is an example of the original data i will be working with i need

1) You will notice that the Min and Max columns are not all together, i need these to all be together. I then only want the Race course, race time, date and type, Min, Max and ratings.

2) I then want the following formula added to Column F, Max minus Min. In column G i would like the following formula Rating minus Min. And finally in Column H Rating minus Max.

3) I would the like to Highlight in Yellow the horse with the highest possible number. I want this done for each column (F,G,H) in each race i would like all Horses that dont have a yellow cell in any of the Columns (F,G,H) to be deleted, leaving me with just the highlighted horses. An example of the required final result is contained in Sheet 2 of the attached spreadsheet.

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Football Statistics From 2 Data Columns

Oct 6, 2006

I have a simple spreadsheet recording games played on my football table.

Each match is the first to 10 goals. So each result is a simple: ...

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Getting Summary Statistics From Data Arrays

Jun 1, 2007

I have formed data arrays in VBA after running a time series simulation model. The array is m simulations x n periods. Small example: ...

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Lookup Future Forecast?

May 16, 2014

I have a list of african countries and their C02 emissions from 1990 to 2010. The question I'm asked is, who will be the top 5 emitters in the year 2020 given the current trends. I have done a lookup command and compiled a list of the top 5 emitters. My concern is though i do not know how to get the 2020 forecast of the top 5 emitters rather than the current datas.

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Forecast Linear Trend Between Min & Max

Jan 4, 2007

I am using the Forecast formula to give me a value from a Linear trend. However I need to limit the resulting value that is displayed within a min and max value. Background: This is to allow me to calculate the amount of bonus someone will earn depending on the Percentages of their target they achieve. The min bonus is 25% when 80% of target is achieved and max bonus is 100% when 125% or greater of target is achieved.
So the Forecast formular works great using the existing values, but i need help limiting the results to between 25% and 100%. I was trying to use a sumif formula to copy the resulting cell but only if the value fell between the 25 and 100%. I've attached the spreadsheet as I think it will highlight what i'm trying to do better than I can explain it.

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Calculate Exponential Forecast

Jun 18, 2008

I have inherited a series of data relating to a change in a specification over a period of time and a number of cycles.

See attached.

There is already a chart which shows the data and has an exponential line.

I want to find the value of Cycles where the Average Flash exponential from the chart line is 0.131.

FYI this is to plot deterioration in a piece of tooling, 0.131 being the accepted warning level. If you feel there is a better statistical model to use for that application then I'm all ears!

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Represent Number Of Days Into A Scale For Statistics

Sep 30, 2008

I have a scenario where by Column A is date incident opened and Colum B is date incident closed.

And Column C shows the days between them. I got this and its fine. However, how do i
make a table or in any how define it as if the number is 1 - 3 days then it should be A

1-3 days = A
4-6 days = B
7-8 days = C
9 days onwards = D

This is because i need to make a chart and graph of the turn around time and the best is to define into a character alphabet so the chart will show the statistics of how many A, B, C and D But how do i do that.

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Forecast Calculation - Once Month Has Passed

Jan 31, 2014

I would like to know a way to sum the future months dollars only once the month has passed to consider that amount only in my forecast. For eg. If I have a Vendor A contract from Jan - April for $1000/per month in total for $4000. My Forecast should only be Feb-April = $3000. So my total column should only display $3000. Once Feb has passed , the forecast should only be March-April i.e $2000. How to get rolling month sum of forecast once month has passed.

Attached is a sample spreadsheet with different vendors.

Rolling sum after month has passed.xlsx‎

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How To Capture A Set Of Forecast Dates In A Spreadsheet

Jul 23, 2013

I'm trying to capture a set of forecast dates in a spreadsheet. We have column 1 = forecast date, column 2 = actual date.

I also have at the top of the sheet (which I will hide when I get the forumula to work), today's date, today's date less 13 days and today's date - 27 days.

In column 3, I want a traffic light system whereby if the date in column 2 is equal to or less than (before) each of the 3 hidden dates it the cell colour will turn green, amber then red..

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Product Forecast - Optimizing Dataset

Aug 9, 2013

I've attached a file that is the result of a product forecast.

What I'd like to do is minutely adjust the data in B4:K12 so that the totals shown in blue colour on Row 15 and Column O are respected.


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Weather Forecast Spreadsheet Userform

Jun 25, 2014

I have added a user form to this spreadsheet to make it a little more user friendly to edit/add/delete some information. Now the API used only needs longitude/latitude (lat/lon) to be input by the user. In this case it would be good that for each lat/lon to have a custom name added by the user.

How to link the userform, that's already made, to the information in the spreadsheet?

I was thinking it would be convenient to have the "Site Name" added to a column in the sheet named "Site List" and then have the "Fore Cast Data" pull the names from there.

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Days On Hand Against Forecast Table

Jul 12, 2012

I am having trouble finding the days on hand for each SKU. I am trying to get a formula to look at how many days will the total SKU Qty cover in the Forecast_qty. I used a vlookup to make sure the sku = sku but i cant get the days on hand number.



[Code] ............

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Creating Monthly Forecast Over 9 Months

Jan 11, 2013

I'm trying to create a monthly forecast over 9 months. I know the planned cost for month 1 and month 9 but need to figure out how to spread the remaining amount over months 2-8 using a downward slope.

Here's the problem:I have 9 months to spend $28M. I know in month 1 I plan to spend $6M and month 9 $3M. That leaves $19 for months 2-8. I need to figure out what the burn rate would be in months 2-8 ramping down from $6M to $3M and not exceeding the available amount (19M)

Is there a way to caluclate this in Excel?

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Different Results When Using Forecast And Trend Function

Aug 29, 2013

I am forecasting some numbers and I wanted to see which function would be best suited for my task. I used the TREND function and then the FORECAST, I was expecting the same results but appeared to have slight differences.

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How To Forecast Project Completion Date

Sep 28, 2008

I have project start date in cell C2((MMDDYYYY format).In cell D2 I have put the total days needed to complete the project.In cell E2:E6 I have got the scheduled Holidays.

I need to calculate the project completion date in F2.We work from Monday to Saturday,Sunday being off day.

The detail is as follows:-

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