Days On Hand Against Forecast Table
Jul 12, 2012
I am having trouble finding the days on hand for each SKU. I am trying to get a formula to look at how many days will the total SKU Qty cover in the Forecast_qty. I used a vlookup to make sure the sku = sku but i cant get the days on hand number.
[Code] ............
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Jan 29, 2009
I'm looking to create an inventory days on hand calculation (DOH), but I'm not quite
sure what formula will do the trick. Here is an example:
DOH......FG Inv......1/29/2009......1/30/2009......2/2/2009......2/3/2009......2/4/2009
I'm trying to solve for 'X'. My finished good inventory (FG Inv) is 80pcs.
That will cover customer demand out to 2/3/2009. Therefore, I have 4 DOH
of inventory.
I'm looking for a formula to determine the 'DOH'.
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Apr 4, 2014
I have a 52 week rolling forecast that I would like to have displayed in each calendar month that it corresponds to. I have come up with a solution where it does lump the data together into months but it is not a smooth lumping of the weeks as some weeks cross over from one month to the next. Is there a way to lump each week into its respective month. My current solution places in some months 4 weeks worth of data and in other months 5 weeks worth of data. Attached is the spreadsheet that I am using. The tab "Weekly Sales" is the 52 week data which has specified the exact dates on the calendar that that week represents. The "Monthly Sales" tab has the 12 week data which has specified the exact dates on the calendar that that month represents. I've tried SUMPRODUCT but that is giving me 4 weeks in some months and 5 weeks in others.
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Feb 8, 2008
Need a way to switch the default positioning of pivot table row totals? I would like to left justify them insead of always having the totals on the far right side where they are often out of view to the user without scrolling. I end up having to place 2 pivot tables side by side so that I can make the totals appear first.
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Dec 19, 2008
I have a series of data that acts upon a traffic light system, i.e. Green, Amber and Red. These variables are posted along row 1 for example and there are 10 columns. Per column I have a tick and cross to answer a question. How can I find out how many ticks were on green days, amber days and red days? I have attached an example.
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Nov 27, 2012
In the attached file I have two tables Table A illustrates the dates with start, end and code, Table B where I want the formulas that they would find how many days a code is in the month.
From F4:I37 I manually entered the day, I would calculate automatically.
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Sep 22, 2009
I have a simple inventory spreadsheet that is doing everything I need minus one function. I have not been able to figure out how to make this work yet, maybe I can get some help. We remodel apartment complexes. I purchase material and hand it out to the contractors. I am using one page to track all movement of the items, but I have another page that I want to do that math and tell me what I should have on hand. Example: (On sheet1 "movement") I hand out 20 outlets. On my inventory on hand sheet I have a line that says "Outlet", the current quantity is 40. I have a drop down list so that on the Movement page I select "Outlet" in column A and in Column B I put in the quantity. I want to keep a running total on my IOHand page of everything, so that it would automatically subtract the 20 I just handed out and leave my IOH as 20. I have about 100 items on my IOH page. I assume I need a formula in the quantity cell of my IOH page that will search the Movement page and look for a match to what is in column A and Sum all of my "outlets" or "sinks" into the right cell.
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Nov 22, 2009
I have to enter a 2D array by hand into code because I am doing it in PowerPoint VBA, but I can't find out how to enter a giant array manually.
I know I could do it like this:
MyArray(0,0) = 1
MyArray(1,0) = 2
MyArray(2,0) = 3
MyArray(99,99) = 10000
But obviously that would be a giant mess.
Couldn't I just define it like:
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Feb 3, 2014
I have been using Excel to display, sort and present data in a professional way. I have created a pivot table with two columns below. Column C indicates the start date. Column D indicates the completion date. Blank cells show live data. I need to determine the number of days. 1) That have been - completed - a) That were < 2 Days, b) >2 but less than a week, c) > than a week (all). I have used the following formulas. a) countif(D4:D61, "<3"), b) countifs(D4:D61, ">2", D4:D61, "<=8"). Easy for completed data. My problem is, how do I determine the number of days, live data that following the same queries as above. I have figured out I can use countif to count the number of blanks by - countif(D4:D61, "(blank)") but how to put it all together and what formula should I use. I am trying to use countifs or if statements but am totally lost.
Column C Column D
---------- ----------
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Nov 18, 2009
I have 2 production unit : A; B
They make payments to suppliers on certain periods : p1, p2..
The payments are on variable and different currencies : EUR, SEK, USD, CHF,AUD..
I explained the sample case table in attached excel sheet. My question is "how can i create the summary table easily and quickly by excel?"
currently I am calculating it by a simple excel formula (vlookup) that I need to change the range for each time. It s very time consuming and easy to make mistakes..
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May 5, 2014
I have created "front page" which allow user to enter their enquiry.
The formula will be as per below.
World Bank -->if amount less then 500,000 = amount x 0.03125%; if amount from 500,000 - 2.5mil = amount x 0.015625%
Royal Bank -->amount x 0.0625% x no. of month (min charges 100)
Deutsche Bank -->0.025% per 3 months (min. S$50)
Stand By LC
World Bank -->0.02% per quarterly (3mths) - Amount X Rate X 1 (1 to 3mths) or X 2(4 to 6 mths) or X3 (7 to 9 mths) or X4 (10-12 mths)
Royal Bank -->0.25%p.a by day (Principal x Rate x Day divide by 360 day x 100)
Am I able to set a formula for example:-
1. When I click on Mode of payment - Issuing
2. On my right hand side under column "Bank Name" will list down all bank available
3. On my right hand side under column "Estimate cost" will auto calc the cost base on the bank's formula.
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Jan 7, 2010
Does anyone now if it's possible to freeze left and right hand columns simultaneously eg. cell C3 above and left AND cell DB3 above and right?
The columns on between would then scroll left or right, until the static column was reached?
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Jan 22, 2008
I'm using commandbutton in a worksheet, and would like it to have the same cursor displayed as the 'forms' control.... for some reason, it remains an 'arrow' when the forms becomes a hand. I've identified the 'mousepointer' property, as well as the 'mouseicon' properties; however, it appears that for some reason, I don't have the hand-cursor icon on my system. (i've searched the hard disk, and apparently this is not entirely uncommon according to some posts I've found around the internet).
So my question/favor to ask is:
1) where can i find the standard windows xp system scheme "link select" hand-cursor
(control panel->mouse->mouse pointers... last one)
2) I believe its filename is "hand-l.cur"..... if anyone reading this post can quickly check their windowscursors directory for this file, and reply/ upload it
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Mar 3, 2008
I'm trying to get the cursor to turn to the hand (with the index finger pointing) when the user rolls over a label.
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Feb 23, 2008
Last week I posted a question related to formatting a cell to return a Day of the Week versus a numerical representation IE "Wed" instead of 02/20/2008 12:00AM. The solution provided worked for me:
1) Format cell to DDD MM/DD/YYYY HR:MN. Cell range (A1:A500)
2) Format destination cell with DDD. Cell range (B1:B500)
3) Destination cell (B1) = to original cell A1
4) B1 displayed data as "Wed"
However, the issue I still have is; I wanted to create a pivot table summarizing a year activity by Day of Week (in other words 7 entries for the year) and the pivot table still recognized all the MM/DD/YYYY. I ended up with a table displaying every day of the year instead of a yearly summary by Day of Week. Is there some way to strip out all the other numerical data from the new column I created to run a pivot table by Day of the Week for a whole years activity?
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Mar 19, 2009
I'm trying to forecast values for B48:B56. Charted the data and a polynomial 6th order fits best. Known values in B2:B47.
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Dec 14, 2008
The questions are shown on the attached spreadsheet. There are 2 questions one on each sheet. On the spreadsheet the yellow cells indicate data that I'd import ( on the left) and input by hand to get the process going. The green cells have the correct numbers in them but I've had to manipulate them by hand.
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Apr 28, 2014
Cells in row C have numbers (number of days between date a and date b)
I want to group the days so I can run a usable pivot table as follows:
Up to 7 days between update date and today (ie 1 week) 8-14 days between update date and today (ie 2 weeks) 15-21 days (ie 3 weeks) 4 weeks +
My attempt is as follows but only give two results and not 4?
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Jun 19, 2013
I have data sheet that has a field minutes. I a pivot table I have the Average Minutes per category. How it the pivot table can I show the Average minutes as Days, Hrs, Minutes? I am working in Excel 2007.
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Mar 10, 2014
I have csv file with tab delimited fields (see attached blacklist.csv). 3rd and 4th fields are in format dd/mm/yyyy hh24:mi:ss, some fields can be zero. I need to split data to columns and display datetime fields in format hh:mm:ss.
OK... open csv in Excel, select column A, press button "Split in columns", select tab as delimiter, choose date format (DMY) for 3rd and 4th field and press OK. Test is splitted into columns, now select columns C and D and select desired format " hh:mm:ss". Then I select columns A:E and set column widths to fit data in columns. This all is OK and without problems (see attached file Handmade.xlsx).
But now... Now I record all previous step into macro. There is macro text: [Code] ....
Now I copy macro text into clipboard and open blacklist.csv again. Insert button to list and bind it to new macro. Paste text of macro from clipboard. (See attached file blacklist_beforeClick.xlsm). Now click button Btn and voila... some dates remain in previous format, some dates seems to be in desired format, but day and month are swapped. Why are there differences when comparing data made by hand and data made by macro??? compare.jpg This is the same behavior in more computers, some use Czech version of Excel 2010, some use English version.
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Mar 19, 2008
I have a form where I want to change the color box on the left hand side see attached image. Now it is a static and I want it dynamic where the user chooses the color. Now it is constant using an image with the color green, red, blue, etc... I want a color picker so user can pick their own colors and when the color is picked the code will pick the color number.
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Jun 9, 2009
I'm working with text cells I get this tiny indent on the left hand side of a cell about the size of one hit of the spacebar button.
Excel doesn't recognise this as an indent and I can't get rid of it. It's, pardon my french
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Jul 31, 2006
Is there a way (in VBA) to position a specific cell of a worksheet in the upper left-hand corner (i.e. cell H40)?? I have some code that I'd like to have do this.
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May 16, 2014
I have a list of african countries and their C02 emissions from 1990 to 2010. The question I'm asked is, who will be the top 5 emitters in the year 2020 given the current trends. I have done a lookup command and compiled a list of the top 5 emitters. My concern is though i do not know how to get the 2020 forecast of the top 5 emitters rather than the current datas.
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Jan 4, 2007
I am using the Forecast formula to give me a value from a Linear trend. However I need to limit the resulting value that is displayed within a min and max value. Background: This is to allow me to calculate the amount of bonus someone will earn depending on the Percentages of their target they achieve. The min bonus is 25% when 80% of target is achieved and max bonus is 100% when 125% or greater of target is achieved.
So the Forecast formular works great using the existing values, but i need help limiting the results to between 25% and 100%. I was trying to use a sumif formula to copy the resulting cell but only if the value fell between the 25 and 100%. I've attached the spreadsheet as I think it will highlight what i'm trying to do better than I can explain it.
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Mar 3, 2007
I try to predict some macro economic statistics but any attempt till now didn't make sense. the attached file. Note: when i used the FORECAST function the predicted values showed an unlogical drop while there seems to be a positive trend.
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Jun 18, 2008
I have inherited a series of data relating to a change in a specification over a period of time and a number of cycles.
See attached.
There is already a chart which shows the data and has an exponential line.
I want to find the value of Cycles where the Average Flash exponential from the chart line is 0.131.
FYI this is to plot deterioration in a piece of tooling, 0.131 being the accepted warning level. If you feel there is a better statistical model to use for that application then I'm all ears!
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Jul 7, 2009
Attached is a copy of my data and i want to find the mode of each months data without typing it out into long hand form, eg. 111122222333344444 etc. so i believe the answer will be some where around 5 for most of them, but i just don't know a formular to show it automatically on the spread sheet.
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Jan 31, 2014
I would like to know a way to sum the future months dollars only once the month has passed to consider that amount only in my forecast. For eg. If I have a Vendor A contract from Jan - April for $1000/per month in total for $4000. My Forecast should only be Feb-April = $3000. So my total column should only display $3000. Once Feb has passed , the forecast should only be March-April i.e $2000. How to get rolling month sum of forecast once month has passed.
Attached is a sample spreadsheet with different vendors.
Rolling sum after month has passed.xlsx
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Jul 23, 2013
I'm trying to capture a set of forecast dates in a spreadsheet. We have column 1 = forecast date, column 2 = actual date.
I also have at the top of the sheet (which I will hide when I get the forumula to work), today's date, today's date less 13 days and today's date - 27 days.
In column 3, I want a traffic light system whereby if the date in column 2 is equal to or less than (before) each of the 3 hidden dates it the cell colour will turn green, amber then red..
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