Embedding "Find" Replace Function In Worksheet

May 28, 2009

I'm trying to put the "Find" Function inside my worksheet to make it easier for the end user. How would I do this? See worksheet for example.

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Catching Errors When Using The Find / Replace Function / Replace All

Apr 20, 2006

Need assistance with the code for catching errors when using the find / replace function in excel? In particular, I am trying to write code to break to an error message when the value or string searched for isn't found in the find / replace. At the minute I have just copied the standard code using a macro and all this does is return a message box saying X entries replaced.

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Linking / Embedding Worksheet To Another Workbook

Aug 14, 2013

I'm looking to link/embed a summary sheet from one work book to be displayed in another. When i update this summary sheet i wish for it to update the linked work book.

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Replace The Offset With Find Function?

Nov 25, 2012

I just want to replace the offset with find function. I have attached the sample file with the code. Just need a little change.

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Find And Replace Function - Change Text To Pop Out?

Sep 9, 2013

Here is the situation:
- Large block of text in one cell (1000+ words).
- I use the Find & Replace function (from the top menu) to find a specific word that may appear several times within the cell.
- Excel "highlights" the cell... but not the word specifically so I have to read all the text to find that word throughout the cell.

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Find, Replace Function: Formula Is Too Long

Oct 8, 2007

I'm receiving this message when I attempt to use the Find, Replace function. Formula is too long". I have a column of cells containing text only. ( about 2-3 paragraphs worth) I'm trying to replace a name with another name, which works fine where the cell contains a single or few sentences, but fails to replace when the cell contains too much information.

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Find And Replace On Every Worksheet

Nov 19, 2008

I need to do a find and replace on cell E13 on every worksheet in the workbook - a several hundred pages. The sheets are individually named not Sheet1, Sheet2......

First of all I need to find say "oldchippy" (without quotes) in cell E13 and if its there replace it with "oldchippy2", if its not there leave the contents as it is.

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Find And Replace Function Using Cell References And Wildcards

Mar 29, 2012

Any way to use a find and replace function involving a cell reference. I have a spreadsheet with ton of junky text burying information that I want. Here is a simplified example

Book 345353hg dgdgsdgfd fff Book belongs to Jim
Sneaker fdg4 Sneaker is worn by Jan
Gum dfg s d e te4345Gum tastes great
Cake jklsjflsjfjikCake smells delicious

The pattern is that the A1 text appears in the B2 text. What I want is

Find *A1
Replace with blank
Find *A2
Replace with blank
and etc.

So that in the end, I get this:

belongs to Jim
is worn by Jan
tastes great
smells delicious

I've looked at the functions of find, replace, substitute, left, and right and I can't seem to find the right one to do what I need.

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Using FIND Function In Macro To Replace Value In Adjacent Cell?

Aug 10, 2012

I am using a macro to find a value in a cell and if found, replace the value in the cell to the left. Thr macro works fine - unless the value I am searching for does not exist. The answer is ( Ithink) an IF statement, but I am having problems with the errors, when I try the IF.

The macro below blows up at the ActiveCell.Offset(0, -1) = "109073X line with an error "Run-time error "1004" - Application-defines or object-defined error.

I've tried a number of things I've seen from this board but have not found a way past the error.

If the value is found, the macro moves to the else statment and stops at the ActiveCell statement with the above error. If the value is not found, then the macro goto NotFound.

Sub Macro2()
'Range("A1").Select 'Start from the home cell
Dim ValueFound As Object
Set ValueFound = Cells.Find(What:="Cirrus Reversals/CREDITS")
If ValueFound Is Nothing ThenGoTo NotFoundElseActiveCell.Offset(0, -1) = "109073X"'ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = "109073X"End If
End Sub

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Find And Replace Text On Worksheet

Nov 11, 2011

I need some vba coding which will find and replace text on a worksheet. This would normally be straight-forward, however some text needs to be replaced by text which already occurs in the worksheet, and without it changing as well (if Find/Replace can perform two Find/Replaces at the same time???).

Here is the detail and what I am trying to accomplish: I have two worksheets each with a table of data.Worksheet 1 has a lookup table with three columns of data (column a and b are lists, with c being a formulated column which is dependent on the user selecting either column a name or column b name). I have done this easily enough using data validation on cell $C$1.Worksheet 2 has a user input table which column 3 is a dropdown validation using the named range "UsedName" from Worksheet 1.

I want the selected dropdown names to automatically change when the user changes Old Name to New Name (and vis-versa) on Worksheet 1.The list of values in the data validation dropdown list change well enough, but not any of the existing returned values. When I tried to use vba coding to Find & Replace, I run into issues because (Substanital and Important) are used in both instances, but at different levels with different matched names Important/Relevant.

Worksheet 1
1 Cell with dropdown list New Names
2 (Old Names, New Names)
4 Old Names New Names Names Level
5 Equal Equivalent Equivalent 1
6 Dominant Critical Critical 2
7 Important Substantial Substantial 3
8 Substantial Major Major 4
9 Relevant Important Important 5
10 Minor Irrelevant Irrelevant 6
formula for column C =IF($C$1="Used Names", A5, B5)
column C is name ranged "Names

Worksheet 2
(Worksheet 2 has another table which has various data. One column which is a drop down list being pulled from Worksheet 1)

1 Bob 25% Critical 19
2 Frank 60% Important 33
3 Ellen 40% Substantial 5
4 Ellen G 20% Substantial 12
5 Gary 55% Equivalent 100
6 Jo 50% Major 8
7 Peter 40% Important 22
8 Kim 12% Equivalent 30
9 Shelley 75% Substantial 15
10 John 75% Critical 90

so I want column C to automatically change from these New Names to the corresponding Old Name of the same level. So Critical would become Dominant, Important would become Relevant and Substantial would become Important.

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Excel 2010 :: Macro To Perform Find And Replace Function

Apr 8, 2014

I have two sheets. One is named sheet1 where all my data is and sheet2 where all my values are. I want to do a find a replace on column N (sheet1) using the data in sheet2. Column A on Sheet2 has all the values that are found in column N and column B on Sheet2 has what the data should change to.

So for example:

Sheet1 says the following on column N:

Sheet2 says:
Column A
A1: Cat
A2: Dog
A3: Bear

Column B
B1: 2
B2: 8

I want the values on column N to be replaced with 2, 8, 15 and so forth. I use excel 2010.

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How To Do Multiple Find And Replace Within Same Worksheet / Workbook

Oct 17, 2013

I looked everywhere but did not find any tools to complete the task I want, "convert" FW ruleset that look likes:

access-list outside_access_in extended permit tcp host eq 3978
access-list outside_access_in extended permit tcp host eq https
access-list outside_access_in extended permit tcp host eq 3978
I do want to replace all the IPs with a new values like:Original

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Excel 2003 :: Find And Replace Missing The Ability To Replace Values?

Feb 5, 2009

This problem has come up fairly frequently lately, and I'm not sure how to fix it, or if this is by design...but in Excel 2003 I can't seem to do a "Find and Replace" based on the value of a cell. I can do a find, based on cell value, but the moment I change to the replace tab, the "values" and "comments" are missing from the "look in" dropdown.

I've only noticed this when I'm trying to replace on a filtered list, so I'm not sure if that is part of the issue.

Perhaps an alternative way of arriving at the same goal. Basically I have a worksheet with a number of filtered columns. They are filtered just right, using custom filtering, and so I do not want to undo the filters. In some columns I have formulas that are returning #VALUE! errors. I'd like to replace all of these cells with NA.

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Excel 2007 :: Find Text And Replace It With Same Text Only In Italics In Worksheet?

Aug 18, 2013

I am trying to find specific text throughout an excel document (2007) and replace it with the same text but in italics. I tried using the options/format function and selecting italics for the "replace" text but it replaces the entire cell text in italics instead.

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Find And Replace To Not Replace Characters Found As Wildcards?

Jul 2, 2013

I recently became owner of a spreadsheet with some issues, and I am trying to make it useful. Each row has a URL of a blog post, and I want to extract the date from it (which is present in each URL) while getting rid of the rest of the URL. I was able to get rid of everything up to the year (which comes first), but then the URL continues, for example, 2013/05/16/the-rest-of-the-url/ and I would like to just have 2013/05/16 remain.

I am trying to use find and replace with the find box reading 2013/??/??/*/ and replacing it with 2013/??/?? which effectively erases everything else in the url, but leaves ?? instead of the numbers. Is there any way to have it so that it keeps whatever was in the original box?

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Doing Find / Replace Not Working If Replace Text Is Too Large

Feb 5, 2014

[Code] .....

Trying to repeat a 550 or so character statement with a find/replace however I am getting type mismatch errors. When I use a smaller message in the "replace" it works.

I need it to post a message exactly as long as what I have in there. How do I get it to work?

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Find And Replace Every "YES" In The Worksheet With The Letter Y

Sep 10, 2009

For example this function is as follows: =IF(OR(AND(X1=4674,Q1="YES"),AND(X1=5400,Q2="YES". I wanna replace every "YES" in the worksheet with the letter Y for example.

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How To Use Find Function In Order To Search Through A Protected Worksheet

Aug 9, 2013

I'm looking to use the Find function in order to search through a protected worksheet. Currently I can use it to search, however, I am unable to click on the results to bring me to each instant.

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Unable To Get The Find Property Of The Worksheet Function Class

Feb 16, 2009

I am using the "Find" in VBA and wanted to test if the value searched for could not be found.

So I get the
error = "Unable to get the find property of the worksheet function class"
When the text cannot be found.

Dim zz As Variant
zz = Application.WorksheetFunction.Find("xx", "Hello", 1)

I also tried
Dim xx as boolean
xx = Application.WorksheetFunction.IsError(Application.WorksheetFunction.Find("xx", "Hello", 10))

But this produced the same error.

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Find, Replace With And Then Replace Adjacent Cell

Mar 18, 2009

I am trying to create a macro where it finds a a certain word in a column for example C. What i want it to do is find anything that says FWD_EUR and then replace that cell (e.g C2) with CASH_EUR_FWD and after it has done that it replaces the adjacent cell (e.g. D2) with EUR_FWD. I then want this to do the same with FWD_USD to CASH_USD_FWD and adjacent cell to USD_FWD.

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Using Replace Function To Replace ANY Date

May 22, 2013

I'm wanting to use Excel's built in replace function to replace ANY date with "Call:"

I'm not going to go into details about why, but I cannot use a code, as I only want to change them at specific times.

The dates are currently formatted as 12/09/2009. So I need to change the 12/09/2009 and any other date there may be to "call:" without having to go through every possible date.

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Find Replace :: Find All Occurences Of And Or AND And Replace With And

Oct 26, 2009

Range B3:B1000 is text strings. Column C2:C50 is a list of words that I would like to "Find" in Column B and replace with it's lowercase values unless they start off the string.


Find all occurences of And or AND and replace with and
Find all occurences of With or WITH and replace with with.
Find all occurences of Or or OR and replace with or

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Embedding JPEG Into Cell

Apr 4, 2014

I have attached an example of what I am trying to achieve. I am looking to have a photo [jpeg] embedded into a cell so that when I call the cell up in a match formula it will call up the photo. I tried a couple of VB codes I found on the web but cannot get this to work.

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Excel To PowerPoint Without Embedding?

Sep 28, 2012

I have a monthly task where I collect raw data, and make up various charts in PowerPoint.

I have been making the charts in PowerPoint as previously, the file size of the .ppt was too large as it was embedding the Excel sheets into the PowerPoint. Is there any way I can set up sheets in Excel so that I can update them every month and then run a macro so that it updates the graphs automatically (without the embedding)?

I think copying them over as a JPG might work but is there any other way? I have no idea about the code needed, and I'm using Office 2003.

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Macro For Embedding Images Versus Inserting

Apr 7, 2014

I am trying to make a macro that will embed images into a worksheet for my company. I researched online and put one together from stuff I've seen posted but when I email the file, the receiver can not see the image. I believe it is because "inserting" a picture only inserts a link to the picture but not the actual picture. Is there a way to embed the picture using the same macro without the sender having to send the picture and the worksheet?

Sub photo1()
' photo1 Macro
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
'varible Picture1 is inserted down below - ***change both***
Picture1 = Application.GetOpenFilename("Picture,*.JPG,Picture,*.JPEG,Picture,*.GIF,Picture,*.BMP")
'edit "("Picture,*.*")" section to add or chanve visible file types

[Code] .........

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Embedding Date Format In Text String

Jun 6, 2006

I want to format my spreadsheet title so it reads number of reports for june 2006

="number of reports for MM YYYY"

So far all i get is -

="number of reports for 6 2006"

using my code which is

="number of reports for "&$BD$2&" 2006"

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Embedding Script That Will Automatically Invoke Putty Program And SSH To Network Devices

Oct 4, 2013

I have a spreadsheet of device names and IP addresses. I want to be able to click on an IP address and have it automatically invoke A SSH program ( putty.exe ) to automatically login to the device.

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Replace Function In VBA

Apr 5, 2009

I'm working with a word table pasted into excel. The dashes in the word table paste into Excel (2003) as small boxes. I can use the find and replace function in Excel and in the Excel environment the replace function works. I recorded the replace function so I could develop the action in VBA. The recoded action does not work. The data I've pasted in below looks fine, however when pasted into Excel all of the "-" paste in as small boxes. When I used the chr function the chr code equals 63 which is "?". I used chr(63) in the replace function. This causes the VBA replace function to replace all characters in the file with dashes. I've tried several other codes (127,129,141,143,144,157) (none worked) based on the following website:


Cells.Replace What:=Chr(63), Replacement:="-" 'finds and replaces the - that converted to boxes

I can paste in the data using paste special "unicode text" but I loose the strike through formating which I need to identify obsolete data.

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Replace With The Right Function

May 1, 2007

I was trying to help another user and came across this problem.

In cell A1 I have "abcd"
In cell A2 I have =REPLACE(A1,4,1,"e") resulting in "abce"
I tried to use = REPLACE(A1,RIGHT(A1,1),1,"e") but get #VALUE!
I am wanting to use RIGHT because the number of characters is unknown.

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Replace #N/A In Match Function

Aug 1, 2007

=IF(ISNA(INDEX($D$3:$D$100,MATCH(G19,IF($C$3:$C$100="DF",$A$3:$A$100),0)),"",(INDEX($D$3:$D$100,MATC H(G19,IF($C$3:$C$100="DF",$A$3:$A$100),0)))

what i'm trying to do is to replace #N/A with blank. Taken the above from vlookup examples but does not seems to work.

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