Enabling Manual Calculation On One Specific Workbook But All Other Open Workbooks Remain On

Mar 24, 2014

I want a specific workbook to be always on manual but when I open other workbooks I want them to remain on automatic even though the first workbook is set on manual through vba code. Is that possible to be done?

This is the code I run:

Private Sub Workbook_Activate()
With Application
.Calculation = xlManual
.MaxChange = 0.001
.CalculateBeforeSave = False

[Code] .....

I know that Application. Calculation refers to all open workbooks but I don't know the code to specify the manual calculation to this workbook only while others are open.

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Open In Calculation Manual

Nov 27, 2008

how does excel determine if it opens a file in manual or automatic?
how can i choose that excel opens every file in calculation manual?

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Open Workbook With Calc As Manual

Nov 17, 2008

Is there any way of opening a workbook via VBA that will set the calculation to xlCalculationManual BEFORE the workbook calculates anything on opening.

The purpose: I'm opening the workbook remotely from an Access document and there are quite a few formulas in the workbook that take a few seconds to calculate. I have a modeless UserForm that displays from the Workbook_Open event which I want to get displayed before all the calculations take place so the user has something pretty to look at while he/she is waiting. But it seems that the workbook performs a calculation before running the Open event code.

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Turn Calculation To Manual

Aug 13, 2009

I'm trying to turn calculation to manual, but there does not seem to be an Options button under tools on the mac I'm using. I've checked another mac and it is also missing. I'll probably end up using a pc for the calculations anyway, but I was wondering if anyone knew what was up?

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Manual Calculation Warning?

Sep 14, 2009

Is there a way to make excel 2007 pop up a warning whenever calculation is set to manual by a macro or any other means? I have on several occasions noticed formulas not working, only to discover that calculation was set to manual without me noticing. And then I don't know how much of my work may have been afffected. This seems like a pretty vital piece of information, and I am surprised that it's not made more obvious.

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PV Formula Different Than Manual Calculation?

Jun 26, 2013

I am trying to calculate the present value of a terminal period in Excel. The manual calculation and excel PV function are off by about $98,000. Both calculations are using the same capitalization rate and terminal life. My PV Excel formula is as follows: =PV(discount rate-growth rate,remaining term (years),-terminal cash flow,,0)*present value factor in last year of cash flow) What is causing the difference in values? Is there something in the Excel formula that is causing the difference?

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Macro To Open Workbooks Of Multiple Specific Names?

May 2, 2014

I currently have a piece of code that opens all of the files in a folder that are called "*agent*", opens them and copies information. Now, these files come with numbers at the beginning which, are always the same. I only want to open certain files that begin with, for example, 801, 802, 803, 804, 805 and 806. How would I write this into my code? As you can see from the below code, it now looks for the files that all have "agent" in the name, but this is opening files that have that name but are not the right ones. Here is my current macro...

[Code] ....

I hope this isnt as simple as putting "MyFile = Dir(MyFolder & "*801*", "*802*")" etc.

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Why Enabling Macros When I Open Some Of My Files

Apr 21, 2009

i am trying to work out why i always have to enable macro's when i open some of my files that i have macros in, as i save them as enable macro file. I run excel 2007
as there are files i want to open without clicking on the enable button.

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Preferences Keep Defaulting To Manual Calculation

Dec 22, 2009

I am on a Mac running OS 10.4.11. Whenever I launch Excel 2008, I have to go to Preferences and set Calculation to automatic.

Then Excel calculates automatically until the next time I launch the program. Then I find it has defaulted back to manual.

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Manual Or Automatic Calculation Option Using VBA

May 26, 2006

Is there a way of using VBA to check which calculation option is on - "automatic" or "manual" ?

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Temporarily Change Calculation To Manual

Jan 11, 2007

I have a set of procedures that require auto recalc to be on to work correctly. I've tried application.volatile and Application.CalculateFull with no luck. I'm trying to put together code that makes sure recalc is on, but that first determines the current recalc status and then changes it back to Manual when necessary. I don't know how to determine the current status. The following code should work if the red sections are fixed.

Sub TempAuto()
Dim CurrentState As unknown
CurrentState = Application.Calculation status
Application.Calculation = xlAutomatic
If CurrentState = Manual Then
Application.Calculation = xlManual
End If
End Sub

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Setting A Single Worksheet To Manual Calculation

Apr 21, 2009

Is there a way that I can set a single worksheet in a workbook to always be on manual calculation, but keep all other sheet in the workbook set to automatic?

I want to be able to open the workbook, any calculations to perform automatically and then i will select the 'manual' sheet and perform these calculations manually. I also need to these settings to always apply each time i open the workbook.

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Visual Display When Manual Calculation Required

Jun 30, 2009

In as much as I would like to heed the advice of this site to avoid setting excel calculation to MANUAL, I think I have no choice this time. I have a file that uses a lot of SUMPRODUCT(--) and array formulas. DSUM would have been faster but this file I am working on will be sent to users who barely knows excel. When they need to insert rows, the DSUM criteria will have to be reestablished and I do not think they are capable of that. Anyway...when calculcation is set to manual, all excel does to warn users is the little test "Calculate" in the status bar. What I would have liked is that a red button with text "CLICK TO REFRESH" to appear when calculcation is needed i.e. status bars is showing "Calculate".

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Workbooks.Open Does Not Activate The Workbook

Nov 5, 2008

I have a workbook containing macros that opens a second one (no macros) and does some 'data mining'.

The following VBA is used for that (I use this code on dozen of files and it has always worked, except here):

Set WshShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
ChDir (WshShell.SpecialFolders("MyDocuments"))
BladNaam = Application.GetOpenFilename("Excel File, *.xls", , "Excel")
Workbooks.Open FileName:=BladNaam
TabNaam = ActiveSheet.Name

The problem is that most of the time the newly opened workbook is NOT activated (i.e put on top) and thus the rest of the code is executed on the wrong workbook...

If I put in a Msgbox(ActiveWorkbook.Name) 9 out of 10 times the active workbook is the initial one and not the one that was opened by the code.

tried replacing Active.Workbook with wb (dim wb as workbook).
tried to wait-a-few-seconds in between code
tried renaming

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Turn Off Automatic And Manual Calculation Modes Manually?

Dec 12, 2011

I know how to turn off automatic and manual calculation modes manually in excel or through VB. But is there a way to make the automatic calculation mode ignore changes in certian cells? It would be good if you could right click on a cell and turn this on/off as an option. I assume I will have to code this in vb somehow, but I am a novice. Something like:

Sub test123()
For Cells = Value.Range("I7:R22")
Application.Calculation = xlCalculationManual

Like I basically want part of my sheet to be set to manual calculation mode, and partially to automatic...

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Open 2 Workbooks Then Copy A Sheet From 1 Workbook To Another?

May 11, 2012

I'm trying to do something which I believe is simple but my lack of VBA knowledge is getting in the way. How do I open 2 workbooks then copy a sheet from 1 workbook to another?

I can get the workbooks open just can't copy the sheet across? I get a run time error 9, subscript out of range message on copy sheets code


Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
'locate file via range and open the document'


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Workbooks.Open Not Opening File Or Workbook

Oct 27, 2006

I was wondering if anybody could catch an error in the following code. I have a file, let's call it a "Guide" which is opened by user and at this time this file has only one purpose - to help user choose the program. After clicking on the "Choose Program" command button, an Inputbox appears where the user types in a program. Then the code should open the file with this program and this is pretty much it. But something is not working with the code below, and I do not see anything wrong with it after looking at it for so long. It just does not do antthing. how to handle the "Choosing" option

Private Sub CmdBttn_ChooseProgram_Click()
Dim sFilename As String
On Error Goto ErrorHandler
sFilename = "Approval_" & Application.InputBox("Input Program")
Workbooks.Open Filename:="C:Documents and SettingsjsmithDesktop" & sFilename & ".xls"
'if file name does not exist error message should display. Not defined yet
End Sub

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Macro To Copy Data From Two Workbook To Another Where All Workbooks Are Open

Jun 7, 2014

I have 3 workbooks open. 1 is my working file and I name it as "Final[date].xlsm". The other 2 files are my source files which are also open are named as source1.xlsx and source2.xlsx. Both the source files has only one tab/sheet as "Sheet1". My objective is to bring the contents of the source file to my working file in 2 different sheets. all the contents in Sheet1 of "Source1.xlsx" should be paste.values only to the "Final[date].xlsm" with a sheet name "BankDetails". This will enable the user also to replace the old data in "BankDetails" tab. The "source2.xlsx" sheet1 has a different situation. I need to copy only the cells with values, not the entire cells, because it has to be pasted (values only) to range C2:L. I have formulas in the other columns before C and after L.

Take note that my working file name is changing every based on the date while my source file has always same file name.

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Import Data From Several Closed Workbooks To A Single Sheet In An Open Workbook

Aug 3, 2009

I need to import the data from a specific sheet (same named sheet on all closed workbooks) to a sheet in an open workbook. All the columns are identical in every workbook but the number of rows is variable, so the data from each subsequent workbook must be appended to the end of the current data.

Whenever a button is pressed, this macro will clear the sheet, then import the data starting in A3. The workbooks are in different folders but they all have the same name, so some sort of explorer window will probably be needed to actually select each file.

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Excel 2007 :: VBA To Save And Close All Open Workbooks Except Macro Workbook?

Mar 8, 2013

I have a macro that opens all workbooks from one directory and runs a macro for each workbook to clean up the data. I cannot figure out how to take all those open workbooks and save them to another directory and close the workbook. Also, I do not want the macro workbook (xlsm) to save. I only want it to close. I am working in 2007 Excel.

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Open Specific Sheets In A Workbook?

Aug 30, 2013

I have a work book with many sheets and staff continue to mess this up so I would like to know how I can have a specific sheet called Instructions open when this workbook is opened preferably no macro's is this possible

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VBA Open Workbook On Specific Date?

Dec 28, 2011

This is a shot in the dark. I have a workbook with 12 sheets, one for each month of the year. Each month is divided into the different weeks of the month. For example sheet January is divided into:

Week 1: 1/1/12 through 1/7/12
Week 2: 1/8/12 through 1/14/12

and so on:

I would like my workbook to open on the cell containing the date range for that particular date.

For example, if I open the workbook on 1/10/12 I need the workbook to open on the cell range that contains Week 2: 1/8/12 through 1/14/12.

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Open Workbook At Specific Time

Jun 18, 2008

Need to have a particular workbook open at a specific time...

I wrote this and placed it in a Personal.xls module, did not run automatically. I then placed the 2nd SUB() in the "This Workbook" and nothing. Where or how is the proper way to run this...

Sub Open_IndexAnalysis()

Workbooks.Open Filename:="e:Index Analysis.xls"

End Sub
Sub Run_OpenIndexAnalysis()

Application.OnTime TimeValue("09:40:00"), "Open_IndexAnalysis"

End Sub

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Detect If Specific Workbook Open

Aug 17, 2008

Problem: I want a macro to detect if a workbook is open so I can skip the workbook and move onto the next item. I do not want the user to be prompted in any way. I do not want the workbook to be shared. I simply want to pass over the workbook (but be aware I have passed it over).

--Long Version--
About forty team members have their own workbooks and at day’s end the team leader uses a macro to poll each team member’s workbook in turn to gather work results. When gathering these results the macro also needs to write some admin data to each workbook.

I am aware of the workbook sharing option in Excel, but I am wary of using it. It is not a show stopper if a team member’s workbook is already open and work is not gathered on a particular day – we’ll get it the next day. I just need to be able to trap the event and manage it. The central command I use to access a team member’s workbook is :

Workbooks.Open FileName:=WorkBookName................

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Copy Specific Cells From Workbooks And Paste Onto Main Workbook

May 25, 2014

I have around 200 excel spreadsheets/workbooks with identical ranges but each with different data. There is a total of 5 columns and 225 rows in each spreadsheet/workbook. Looks something like this:

Workbook 1:

Title 1
Title 2
Title 3
Title 4
Title 5


[Code] ....

The Cells I need to copy are in BOLD. I am trying to paste them onto another workbook as follows

Main Workbook:

Workbook #
File 2
File 3
File 4
Title 5
Title 5

[Code] ....

As you can see, each workbook has identical A2 and Title 5 columns, so they only need to be copied once onto the Main workbook where data from the B and E columns are different for each Workbook. So not only I need to copy and paste from a Workbook onto the Main Workbook, but the code has be able to paste it onto a new row in the Main Workbook (where each row in the Main Workbook will correspond to the data copied from Workbooks 1-200.

I am new to VBA but I tried a code where I would copy and paste one cell at a time onto the same workbook and not onto the Main Workbook, and then how to copy and paste from one workbook to another, but as you can imagine that would take a long time:


Sub dAmacro()
Range("G1") = "Workbook #"
Range("H1") = "File 2"
Range("I1") = "File 3"

[Code] .....

It seems like I need some kind of loop, where it would copy and paste a set of cells and repeat the entire process until it reaches the end of the Workbook 1 while making sure when doing same thing for workbook 2, that the data pastes onto a new row onto the Main Workbook. I feel I have the logic down, but its in the syntax where I am failing.

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VBA Code To Select Specific Sheet Upon Open Of Workbook?

Jan 11, 2013

I am looking for the code that I would use so that when the workbook is opened it would always open with "Main" sheet.

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Excel 2007 :: Macro To Open A Folder Then Prompt To Allow Manual Selection Of File?

Sep 9, 2013

Its been a while since I did this on 2003 and needing a pointer on 2007.

Just needing a simple macro that opens the relevant folder from a hardcoded path to allow the user to manually select the file to be used.

This file will then be used to copy from and paste to another file.

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Prompt Open Closed Workbook Then Copy Range And Paste Special Into Open Workbook

Apr 6, 2013

I have created a spreadsheet some time ago and have been asked to improve on it but I'm rusty with VBA.

I have an automated ordering system that saves each sent order as the date e.g "05-04-2013.xls" but the management team want a graph with the data for the last 4 weeks compared. I have created a seperate workbook called "consumables report.xls" which has a column with the products listed followed by columns "Quantity" and "cost" which is repeated for the 4 weeks of the month.

I want to add a button to prompt the user to choose the saved order e.g "05-04-2013.xls" (all orders saved in same directory) to copy and paste the quantity and cost columns (c8,D69) into "consumables report.xls". I got this to work earlier but it would only paste the formulas and not the values. So I need

A prompt to open workbook
Copy range (c8,d69)
Close work sheet
Paste special .value (c8,D69)

I dont care if it has to open the workbook to copy the data as this will only be used once a month so it dosnt matter how slow the code is.

week 1 week 2 week 3 week 4


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Suppress Open Events When Using Workbooks.Open

Dec 3, 2008

I have built a sub that prompts the user for a folder then opens every workbook in the folder 1 at a time to get stats on the contents of each workbook. Worked like a dam until I ran into an unexpected bug. Some of the users built on open events in their workbooks. ...

Right now my routine inventories workbooks to get formula counts, cell counts, most complex formula, highest value... it does this by looping throught the sheets and the cells. If there is a way of obtaining those stats without opening the workbook I may need to rethink a lot of my work.

way to suppress the code in the target workbook I open through workbooks.open

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Make Workbook Open- Open Correct Month Workbook

Jul 8, 2006

I have Monthly sales sheets that import my cash register data into them. I wanted to set them up to do everything without being there. So I have my task manager open excel at 9:30pm everyday and it runs the macro to import the data into the correct day of the month. Here is the workbook

open macro-

Private Sub Workbook_Open()
Dim dTime As Date
dTime = Time
If dTime >= TimeValue("9:30 PM") And _
dTime < TimeValue("9:40 PM") Then
End If
End Sub

This is in my July spreadsheet only. So is there a way to make it know which month spreadsheet to open on the 1st of the month? So come August 1st it will automatically open the August workbook and input the data for the first day? By using the date?

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